Question 4 Narrative

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Write a story about a teacher who had to deal with difficult students in his class and how he
managed to solve the problem.

End your story with:”…He smiled proudly looking at his students”

In Kampung Pisang, there was a teacher named Adam. Mr. Adam was teaching at SMK Kg
Pisang. Mr. Adam is the only one teacher who was teaching English subject. En Adam have master in
his education. He was finished in his studies at United Kingdom. In addition, Mr. Adam was a kind
person. He always help his students that have problems in English subject to score this subject. Mr.
Adam always photostate worksheet to give to his students as homework. Unfortunately, he had to
teach the worst class in SMK Kampung Pisang which is 5 Kuning.

The student has to be special, talented, smart but very naughty, They also has to be popular
and hated by everyone with his bad behavier. Does that not sound like a bad student? Well,that
most idea of a bad student before met this boy, Badrol Kavinsky. He was a worst student in the
school like he with bullying attitude was inseparable. Badrul Kavinsky or Bad as foundly call his has
skinny head. His biggest attraction are his big and muscle body. He was a leader of his group and a
leader of his worst class. He always has something funny to say about each teacher who walks into
the class and of course it will send the class into fits of laughter and booing to the teacher.

After school holiday. Mr. Adam went to school to teach his students a new subject. During
the learning session, he saw Badrul poke Aida by throwing a crumple paperd paper to her head. Mr.
Ada told Badrul to cut it off and concentrate to what he teach. Badrul doesn’t care of his teacher
and still disturbing Aida. Aida just trying hard to stay focus and ignore Badrul.

Then Badrul started to talking to his deskmate loudly and eat junkfood. Mr Adam gets angry
and yelled to Badrul because Badrul don’t give attention to him. Then Badrul mocked him and said,
“if you don’t like to teach us, get lost!”

Mr Adam felt give up on his class. After Isyak prayer, Mr Adam Called his mother to share his
problem about his students. Me Adam’s mother heard all her sons’s problem and she understands
Adam’s feeling. Her mother give him some advice and spirit for his student successful. He went to
school with new energy to for teaching his students. Mr Adam teaching his students and always the
held extra class for his student. He teach his student until they become clever. Sometimes he had to
scold his students who not to be focused in his class. He want his students success in SPM
examination. Now the day that his students sit on the SPM examination.

After SPM’s results is out, Mr Adam doesn’t believe that majority his students got straight
A’s their English subject. The most shocked moment that Badrul who is the stubborn student also
got A in English SPM. He smiled proudly looking at his students.

(Firdaus, K.Azmi, A. Frdaus, D. hazim, Asyraf 5 Intan)

2. Write a story about a teacher who had to deal with difficult students in his class and how he
managed to solve the problem.

End your story with:”…He smiled proudly looking at his students”

Mr Luke is my English teacher. He is a very patient teacher. He teached 5 Banana in this year.
5 Banana students are clever but their attitude are not good as well. Reminiscing back on his first
day teaching our class, he was really excited. He wore checkered shirt and a pair of big spectacles.
He has a thin body and he also a tall person. My friends and I were gossiping beside of the window
and my class was so noisy.

“Do you heard that we are going to have a new English teacher?’ My friend, Jane asked.

“Yes, I do and I saw him at the canteen just now. I think he is on his way to attend our class”
I replied.

“Is he young? Is he handsome?” The overreacted emotion shown clearly on Ash’s face. I
shaked my head. I opened my bottle cap and pour into my mouth. Suddenly,….

“Good morning class!”

The water that I drank spilled out around my chin. Everyone stands up and said,
“Good Morning, Mister!”

I wipe my chin with a tissue and I angrily looked at him because he made my school
uniform becomes wet.

“ Yeah, morning. Take a sit”.

“Thank you, Mister”

Everyone take a sit and I was still standing because I have no intense to sit.

“are you okay? He asked.

I kept silent. The class environment was very silent for a few minutes.

“She spilled her water on her school uniform because she was shocked with your good
morning wish” One of my deskmate explained.

“oh really?” Mr Luke come neared me.

“its fine” I said. I take my chair back and sat on my place.

“I am so sorry’ he said.

“it’s fine” I repeated.

“okay then… but still.. I’m so sorry”


He walked to in front of the class and started to introduce himself loudly. I realized that he
has a big speaker voice.

“Hello class, as you guys know, I am your new English teacher. My name is Luke and I am 24
years old. You may call me Mister Luke and guess what? I am not married yet.
I slapped my forehead. He is quite talkative teacher and its make the class quite cheerful. He
made everyone in the class became excited to learn English.

Day by day, I realized that student made Mr Luke as one of their friends because Mr Luke is a
friendly person. They also love to tease and prank Mr Luke with their old jokes or their old pranks.

There was a moment in my mind when the boys made him a few balls of wasabi that looks
exactly like green peas. Without hesitation, Mr Luke ate the wasabi ball. His face suddenly became
red as if he was going to explode with fire. He jumped up and down, fanning with his has while
shouting, “water, water..” he immediately ran out of the class to but some water at the canteen.

At the end, almost every student in 5 Banana achieved A+ for SPM. A few of us were crying a
river because they felt overwhelmes. A feeling of euphoria. Their hardships has paid off. We all
showered Mr Luke with thank you’s again and again. He smiled proudly looking at his students.

(Chua Ke Lie, Husna, Nurin, Laili, Sha and Aleen 5 Intan)

2. Write a story about a teacher who had to deal with difficult students in his class and how he
managed to solve the problem.

End your story with:”…He smiled proudly looking at his students”

Class 5 Euphoria was popular with delinquent students. They always did many troubles in
their school. Even though they are already 17 years old, they are mischievous and most of their
teachers at the school already gave up to teach them because of their bad attitude. One day, when
the students are fighting, suddenly a man appeared in their class and asked them to stop fighting. All
of them went silent and back to their seats. The man introduced himself as En. Fahim who will be
their homeroom teacher and History teacher. He was so skinny, and looks so weak with neat clothes
and glasses. After a short silent, the students laugh at En Fahim. One of the boys stood up and

“Let me tell you first. Even though you are our homeroom, you can’t control us. Most of our
teacher give up after a while, so good luck!” he said.

En Fahim just smiled at him and started their class and ignore the boy.

The next day, when En Fahim entered the class, he was shocked when he saw his table was
full of garbage. He already knew the ones behind it, but he just bear with it and cleaned it up. After
that, he checked his class attendant, he realized that three students were missing. The three
students named Ahmad, Robert and Kevin who were always bring troubles to the school because
their parents hold power to control the school. En. Fahim decided to ignore them and started the
class. When he was teaching, he realized that most of his students did not listen to him and busy
with their own activity. He sighed and continue his lesson.

After school session, En Fahim took out his car key and walked toward his car. His eye
widened when he saw his car was vandalised. The car was written with “we don’t need you!’ words
and garbage was full on his car. Again, he sighed and cleaned it before he went home. A few days
later, when he started his lesson, suddenly the three students came with a lot of bruises on their
faces and their hands were bandaged due to a certain reason.

“ What has happened to you? Where have you been for the past few days?” Why didn’t you
come to school? What with those bruises?” En. Fahim asked.

His emotion was mixed with between worried and angry. He touched their face to check
wether the bruises is bad or not. Suddenly, Ahmad slapped his hand and shouted,

“ This is not yor problem ! Go away! Ww don’t need from you1” Before they left the
classroom to somewhere else. En Fahim just sighed and continued his lesson.

On the way to his home, En Fahim suddenly stop the car when he saw his three students
were fighting with some bad looking mens. He saw that his students were punched by the man and
fell on the floor. Without thinking, En. Fahim rushed to his students.

“Leave them alone” He said.

“And who you are/” the man said and laugh.

“I’m their teacher and it is a must for me to protect them,” he shout and kicked them and
beat them up. The three students who saw it were shocked when when they saw their techer who
were weak could beat a group of men alone.
When he finished, En. Fahim came to his student with his worried face and asked,

“Are you okay?” Suddenly the students cried and apologized to him.

“We are sorry! We really sorry. Forgive us. Thank you for saving us” then they cried again
before En. Fahim sent them to the hospital to treat them. After a week, the three students came and
greeted him.

“We promise that we will be a good students to you and we will come to school everyday,’
they said.

En Fahim were on cloud nine. He smiled proudly at his students.

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