Denr Dpis User Guide

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Integrated System
– DENR Personnel
System (DPIS)

User Guide
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Getting additional help .................................................................................................................................... 7
ADMINISTRATOR .................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 User........................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.1 View DPIS Users ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.2 Add DPIS Users ................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1.3 Update DPIS Users......................................................................................................................... 10
1.1.4 Reset Password ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.1.5 Deactivate User Account............................................................................................................ 10
1.1.6 Reactivate User Account ............................................................................................................ 10
1.2 User Groups ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 View DPIS User Group .................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.2 Add DPIS User Group ................................................................................................................... 12
1.2.3 Edit DPIS User Group ..................................................................................................................... 13
1.2.4 Clone DPIS User Group ................................................................................................................ 13
1.2.5 Delete DPIS User Group ............................................................................................................... 13
DASHBOARD ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1 Access Dashboard ................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 View Sub-Offices ................................................................................................................................ 13
ANALYTICS ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 View Pie Graph.......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 View Slice Details ............................................................................................................................... 15
PERSONNEL .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Personnel .................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.1 View Personnel ................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Add Personnel (Basic Information) .................................................................................................. 18
4.1.3 Edit Personnel (Basic Information) ................................................................................................... 20
4.1.4 Skills and Hobbies ............................................................................................................................... 20
4.1.5 Family Background ............................................................................................................................ 22
4.1.6 Educational Background .................................................................................................................. 25
4.1.7 Eligibility................................................................................................................................................ 28
4.1.8 Educational Reference ..................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.9 Work Experience ................................................................................................................................ 31
4.1.10 Employment Reference .................................................................................................................. 38
2 | AIS - DPIS
4.1.11 Voluntary Work ................................................................................................................................. 39
4.1.12 Training Program .............................................................................................................................. 41
4.1.13 Distinctions and Recognition .......................................................................................................... 41
4.1.14 Association and Organization ........................................................................................................ 43
4.1.15 Evaluation Questions ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.1.16 Delete Personnel .............................................................................................................................. 45
REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1 Generate Report ....................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.1 ACEC ................................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.2 Inventory of Government Personnel ............................................................................................... 46
5.1.3 Personal Data Sheet (PDS)................................................................................................................ 46
5.1.4 Personnel Data Capsule Sheet (PDCS) ........................................................................................... 47
5.1.5 Service Record ................................................................................................................................... 47
5.1.6 Statistics of Government Personnel (CSC)...................................................................................... 48
5.1.7 Summary of HR Complement .......................................................................................................... 48
5.2 Download Report ...................................................................................................................................... 48
5.3 Print Report ................................................................................................................................................. 48
MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................................... 49
6.1 Academic Honor ................................................................................................................................. 49
6.1.1 View Academic Honor ................................................................................................................ 49
6.1.2 Add Academic Honor ................................................................................................................. 50
6.1.3 Edit Academic Honor .................................................................................................................. 50
6.1.4 Delete Academic Honor ............................................................................................................. 50
6.2 Barangay .............................................................................................................................................. 50
6.2.1 View Barangay ............................................................................................................................. 50
6.2.2 Add Barangay .............................................................................................................................. 51
6.2.3 Edit Barangay ................................................................................................................................ 51
6.2.4 Delete Barangay .......................................................................................................................... 51
6.3 Degree Field of Study .......................................................................................................................... 52
6.3.1 View Degree Field of Study .............................................................................................................. 52
6.3.2 Add Degree Field of Study ............................................................................................................... 53
6.3.3 Edit Degree Field of Study ................................................................................................................. 53
6.3.4 Delete Degree Field of Study ........................................................................................................... 53
6.4 Designation ........................................................................................................................................... 53
6.4.1 View Designation ............................................................................................................................... 53
6.4.2 Add Designation ................................................................................................................................ 54

3 | AIS - DPIS
6.4.3 Edit Designation ................................................................................................................................. 54
6.4.4 Delete Designation ............................................................................................................................ 55
6.5 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................. 55
6.5.1 View Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................... 55
6.5.2 Add Eligibility ....................................................................................................................................... 56
6.5.3 Edit Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................ 56
6.5.4 Delete Eligibility ................................................................................................................................... 56
6.6 Identification Card .................................................................................................................................... 56
6.6.1 View Identification Card ................................................................................................................... 56
6.6.2 Add Identification Card .................................................................................................................... 57
6.6.3 Edit Identification Card ..................................................................................................................... 58
6.6.4 Delete Identification Card ................................................................................................................ 58
6.7 Level of Attainment .................................................................................................................................. 58
6.7.1 View Level of Attainment.................................................................................................................. 58
6.7.2 Add Level of Attainment................................................................................................................... 59
6.7.3 Edit Level of Attainment .................................................................................................................... 59
6.7.4 Delete Level of Attainment .............................................................................................................. 59
6.8 Municipality ................................................................................................................................................ 59
6.8.1 View Municipality ............................................................................................................................... 59
6.8.2 Add Municipality ................................................................................................................................ 60
6.8.3 Edit Municipality ................................................................................................................................. 61
6.8.4 Delete Municipality ............................................................................................................................ 61
6.9 Nature of Work .......................................................................................................................................... 61
6.9.1 View Nature of Work .......................................................................................................................... 61
6.9.2 Add Nature of Work ........................................................................................................................... 62
6.9.3 Edit Nature of Work ............................................................................................................................ 62
6.9.4 Delete Nature of Work....................................................................................................................... 62
6.10 Office ........................................................................................................................................................ 63
6.10.1 View Office ....................................................................................................................................... 63
6.10.2 Add Office ........................................................................................................................................ 64
6.10.3 Edit Office .......................................................................................................................................... 65
6.10.4 Delete Office .................................................................................................................................... 65
6.11 Office Type ............................................................................................................................................... 65
6.11.1 View Office Type .............................................................................................................................. 65
6.11.2 Add Office Type ............................................................................................................................... 66
6.11.3 Edit Office Type ................................................................................................................................ 66

4 | AIS - DPIS
6.11.4 Delete Office Type ........................................................................................................................... 66
6.12 Personnel Action ..................................................................................................................................... 67
6.12.1 View Personnel Action .................................................................................................................... 67
6.12.2 Add Personnel Action ..................................................................................................................... 68
6.12.3 Edit Personnel Action ....................................................................................................................... 68
6.12.4 Delete Personnel Action ................................................................................................................. 68
6.13 Plantilla ..................................................................................................................................................... 68
6.13.1 View Plantilla ..................................................................................................................................... 68
6.13.2 Add Plantilla ...................................................................................................................................... 69
6.13.3 Edit Plantilla ....................................................................................................................................... 70
6.13.4 Delete Plantilla.................................................................................................................................. 70
6.14 Position ...................................................................................................................................................... 70
6.14.1 View Position ..................................................................................................................................... 70
6.14.2 Add Position ...................................................................................................................................... 71
6.14.3 Edit Position ....................................................................................................................................... 71
6.14.4 Delete Position .................................................................................................................................. 71
6.15 Position Item Number ............................................................................................................................. 72
6.15.1 View Position Item Number ............................................................................................................. 72
6.15.2 Add Position Item Number .............................................................................................................. 73
6.15.3 Edit Position Item Number ............................................................................................................... 73
6.15.4 Delete Position Item Number.......................................................................................................... 73
6.16 Position Rank ............................................................................................................................................ 74
6.16.1 View Position Rank ........................................................................................................................... 74
6.16.2 Add Position Rank ............................................................................................................................ 75
6.16.3 Edit Position Rank ............................................................................................................................. 75
6.16.4 Delete Position Rank ........................................................................................................................ 75
6.17 Province.................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.17.1 View Province ................................................................................................................................... 75
6.17.2 Add Province .................................................................................................................................... 76
6.17.3 Edit Province ..................................................................................................................................... 76
6.17.4 Delete Province ................................................................................................................................ 77
6.18 Region ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.18.1 View Region ...................................................................................................................................... 77
6.18.2 Add Region ....................................................................................................................................... 78
6.18.3 Edit Region ........................................................................................................................................ 78
6.18.4 Delete Region ................................................................................................................................... 78

5 | AIS - DPIS
6.19 Religion ..................................................................................................................................................... 78
6.19.1 View Religion .................................................................................................................................... 78
6.19.2 Add Religion ..................................................................................................................................... 79
6.19.3 Edit Religion ....................................................................................................................................... 79
6.19.4 Delete Religion ................................................................................................................................. 80
6.20 Salary ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
6.20.1 View Salary ........................................................................................................................................ 80
6.20.2 Add Batch Salary ............................................................................................................................. 81
6.20.3 Edit Batch Salary .............................................................................................................................. 81
6.20.4 Delete Batch Salary ......................................................................................................................... 81
6.20.5 Add Salary Grade ............................................................................................................................ 82
6.20.6 Edit Salary Grade ............................................................................................................................. 82
6.20.7 Delete Salary Grade ........................................................................................................................ 82
6.21 Work Experience Remark ....................................................................................................................... 83
6.21.1 View Work Experience Remark ...................................................................................................... 83
6.21.2 Add Work Experience Remark ....................................................................................................... 84
6.21.3 Edit Work Experience Remark ........................................................................................................ 84
6.21.4 Delete Work Experience Remark ................................................................................................... 84

6 | AIS - DPIS

DPIS or DENR Personnel Information System is a web-based application used to create, manage
and maintain details of DENR personnel. The system provides up-to-date statistics by monitoring
positions which can easily be viewed in the Dashboard. It features an Analytics module which provides
a graphical representation of DENR Personnel based on the status of appointment, religion, position
level, status and other key information. For flexibility, the system includes a Management module,
where field values may be added, edited or deleted in case the need arises.

Since the system is a web-application, it is more accessible to the user anytime and anywhere.

Getting additional help

• To receive technical support and software assistance, please contact

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The Administrator provides the management of user and user groups. User (with administrative
permission) can create user groups to set the access permissions and assign users for DPIS.

1.1 User

1.1.1 View DPIS Users

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new user link Click to navigate to Add User form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update DPIS User Group form

Click to reset the password

Click to deactivate the account

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1.1.2 Add DPIS Users
The list contains employees that has not been invited or has been invited but not yet
confirmed the invite through their email.

Item Description Action

1 Assign User Group Click and select the Assign User Group
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless
of character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 From the list of personnel, select the user by ticking the checkbox. User can
select all personnel by checking the box beside the column Name.
4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Send Invite Click to send an email invitation on the selected user(s).

7 Cancel Click to cancel the user setup

9 | AIS - DPIS
1.1.3 Update DPIS Users
From Actions, click Update User Group. Only Assign User group field can be updated. Click

to save the changes.

1.1.4 Reset Password

From Actions, click Reset Password. Confirm resetting of password by clicking . It will
send a change password link via email.

1.1.5 Deactivate User Account

From Actions, click Deactivate. Confirm deactivation by clicking . Account will be

1.1.6 Reactivate User Account

From Actions, click Reactivate. Confirm reactivation by clicking . Account will be

1.2 User Groups

1.2.1 View DPIS User Group

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Click to expand to view details of user group

Click to close the details of user group

10 | AIS - DPIS
4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Add new user group link Click to navigate to New User Group form
7 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update User Group form

Click to copy selected user group permissions and will navigate

user to New User Group form

Click to process Delete User Group

11 | AIS - DPIS
1.2.2 Add DPIS User Group

Item Description Action

1 User Group Name Specifies the user group name of the user group
2 Permissions Select permissions by checking the boxes under View and Manage.
Checking All means all permissions can be accessed.
3 Office Access Select the office(s) you are allowed to have access to

12 | AIS - DPIS
4 Is Active Select Is Active, to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the User
Group record as reference.
5 Save Click to save the user group setup
6 Cancel Click to cancel the user group setup

1.2.3 Edit DPIS User Group

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

1.2.4 Clone DPIS User Group

From Actions, click Clone. Enter a User Group Name. Click to save the new user group.

1.2.5 Delete DPIS User Group

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of user group.


The Dashboard menu lets the user view the HR Statistics. It is the summary of the total number of
filled and unfilled DENR Positions (per office) as of the current day. It is categorized by Status of
Appointment and filtered by gender.

2.1 Access Dashboard

User needs to click the Dashboard menu from the left-side of the page to view the HR

2.1.1 View Sub-Offices

To view the sub-offices (if any), click beside the parent office to expand all offices.


Analytics provides a pie graph representation of the DENR Personnel.

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3.1 View Pie Graph

Item Description Action

1 Analytics menu Click to display analytics page
2 Status of Appointment Click and select the Status of Appointment
3 Religion Click and select the Religion
4 Position Level Click and select the position level
5 Civil Status Click and select the Civil Status
6 Age From Specifies the Age From
7 Age To Specifies the Age To
8 Sex Click and select the Sex
9 Eligibility Click and select the Eligibility
10 Year of Service (DENR) Specifies the Year of Service in DENR
11 Year of Service Specifies the Year of Service in Government (Non-DENR)
12 Person with Disability
Specifies if person with disability by ticking the check box .
13 Slice Select the slice to be displayed in pie graph
14 View Click to view the pie graph
15 Reset Click to reset Pie and Slice setup

14 | AIS - DPIS
3.1.1 View Slice Details

Item Description Action

1 Legend Click to view slice details
2 Close Click to close the pie graph
3 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
4 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
5 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

15 | AIS - DPIS
6 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

7 Close Click to close the slice details form


Personnel menu lets the user manage the Personnel Information. Depending on the permission,
user can view, add, edit and delete personnel data.

4.1 Personnel

4.1.1 View Personnel

Displays the list of the Personnel that a user is allowed to view. A user can only view the
personnel which are within his/her Office Access Permission.

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Personnel Name column Click the personnel name to view personnel information.

16 | AIS - DPIS
4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Add new personnel link Click to navigate to New Personnel form

7 Delete Click to process Delete Personnel

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4.1.2 Add Personnel (Basic Information)

18 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Office Select the office of the personnel
2 Last Name Specifies the Last Name of the personnel
3 First Name Specifies the First Name of the personnel
4 Middle Name Specifies the Middle Name of the personnel
5 Extension Name Specifies the Extension Name of the personnel
6 Date of Birth Select the Date of Birth of the personnel
7 Place of Birth Specifies the Place of Birth of the personnel
8 Sex Click and select the sex of the personnel
9 Nickname Specifies the Nickname of the personnel
10 Contact Number Specifies the contact number of the personnel
11 Personal Email Specifies the personal email of the personnel
12 Official Email Specifies the official email of the personnel
13 Agency Employee Number Specifies the agency employee number of the personnel
14 Civil Status Click and select the civil status
15 Religion Select the Religion of the personnel
16 Blood Type Click and select the blood type of the personnel
17 Height Specifies the height of the personnel in meter
• Select to convert into Feet and Inches
18 Weight Specifies the weight of the personnel in kilogram
• Select to convert into pounds (lbs)
19 Citizenship Select citizenship by ticking the checkbox
Select if personnel is dual citizenship

Specifies if personnel is dual citizenship by

birth or by naturalization

Indicate country if holder of dual citizenship

by clicking and selecting the field.

20 Identification Numbers
Click to display the Identification Number setup form,

Item Description Action

1 Id Type Click and select ID Type TIN
2 Id Number Specifies the ID Number of TIN
3 Issued At Specifies the place of issuance
4 Date Issued Click and select date of issuance
5 Use as reference ID in Specifies whether ID will be used as
PDS/PDCS reference in PDS/PDCS
6 Add Click to add the setup in Identification
Number grid
7 Cancel Click to cancel Identification Number
NOTE: Reference ID and TIN ID are required. Make sure to add a reference
ID and TIN ID before saving.
21 Residential Address Select Residential Address by ticking the checkbox to enable the fields.
22 House/Block/Lot No. Specifies the House/Block/Lot No. of the personnel
23 Street Specifies the Street of the personnel
24 Subdivision/Village Specifies the Subdivision/Village of the personnel
25 Province Click and select the Province

19 | AIS - DPIS
26 Municipality/City Click and select the Municipality
27 Barangay Click and select the Barangay
28 Congressional / District Specifies the Congressional / District of the personnel
29 Zip Code Specifies the Zip Code of the personnel
30 Telephone Number Specifies the telephone number
31 Mobile Number Specifies the Mobile Number
32 Permanent Address Select Permanent Address by ticking the checkbox to enable the fields.
33 Copy Residential Address Click to copy residential address value specified in the residential address
34 Remarks Specifies the Remarks
35 Person To Be Notified In Case of Select Person To Be Notified In Case of Emergency by ticking the
Emergency checkbox to enable the fields.
36 Name Specifies the name of the person
37 Relationship Specifies the relationship to the person
38 Address Specifies the Address of the person
39 Telephone Number Specifies the Telephone Number of the person
40 Mobile Number Specifies the Mobile Number of the person
41 Browse Click to display file explorer window then select photo.
Click to remove the photo

Click to change the photo

42 Save Click to save the new personnel basic information setup

43 Cancel Click to cancel the new personnel basic information setup

4.1.3 Edit Personnel (Basic Information)

To update Basic Information, click beside the Basic Information title. All fields are

allowed for update. Click to save the update.

4.1.4 Skills and Hobbies View Skills and Hobbies

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Skills and Hobbies link Click to view Skills and Hobbies information Add Skills and Hobbies

To add Skills and Hobbies, click .

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Item Description Action
1 Click to enable description field

2 Description Specifies the description of the skills and hobbies of personnel

3 Add Click to add the skills and hobbies on the grid
4 Cancel Click to cancel skills and hobbies setup
5 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

6 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

7 Save Click to save the skills and hobbies and will appear in Skills and Hobbies
section on View Personnel Information page.
8 Cancel Click to close the Skills and Hobbies page Edit Skills and Hobbies

To update, click . Select a record to be updated then click Edit

under Actions column. Description field is allowed for update. Click to save changes in

the grid, then click to save update. Delete Skills and Hobbies

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Skills and Hobbies record that you want to

delete. Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the list
of skills and hobbies.

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4.1.5 Family Background View Family Background

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Family Background link Click to view Family Background information Add Family Background

To add Family Background, click .

Item Description Action

1 Relationship Click and select the Relationship (Father or Mother)
2 Deceased Specifies whether the value specified in relationship field is already deceased
by ticking the checkbox
3 Surname Specifies the Surname depending on the value specified in the Relationship
4 First Name Specifies the First Name of the Father
5 Middle Name Specifies the Middle Name of the Father
6 Extension Name Specifies the Extension Name depending on the value specified in the
Relationship field
7 Place of Birth Specifies the Place of Birth
8 Contact Number Specifies the Contact Number

22 | AIS - DPIS
9 Occupation Specifies the Occupation
10 Save Click to save the Family Background setup and appear in Family Background
section on View Personnel Information page.
11 Cancel Click to close the Add Family Background page

Item Description Action

1 Relationship Click and select the Relationship (Spouse)
2 Deceased Specifies whether the value specified in relationship field is already deceased
by ticking the checkbox
3 Primary Spouse Specifies whether spouse is primary by ticking the checkbox
4 DENR Employee Specifies whether spouse is an employee of DENR
5 Surname Specifies the surname of the spouse
6 First Name Specifies the First Name of the spouse
7 Middle Name Specifies the Middle Name of the spouse
8 Extension Name Specifies the Extension Name of the spouse
9 Contact Number Specifies the Contact Number of the spouse
10 Personal Email Specifies the Personal Email of the spouse
11 Official Email Specifies the Official Email of spouse if he/she is an employee of DENR
12 Occupation Specifies the Occupation of the spouse
13 Office Name Specifies the Office Name
14 Office Address Specifies the Office Address
15 Telephone Number Specifies the Telephone Number
16 Save Click to save the Family Background setup and appear in Family Background
section on View Personnel Information page.
17 Cancel Click to close the Add Family Background page

23 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Relationship Click and select the Relationship (Child)
2 Parent Click and select the Parent
3 Gender Specifies whether the gender of the child is Female or Male
4 Surname Specifies the Surname of the child
5 First Name Specifies the First Name of the child
6 Middle Name Specifies the Middle Name of the child
7 Extension Name Specifies the Extension Name depending on the value specified in the
Gender field
8 Date of Birth Specifies the Date of Birth of the child
9 Place of Birth Specifies the Place of Birth of the child
10 Contact Number Specifies the Contact Number
11 Email Specifies the Email
12 Remarks Specifies the Remarks
13 Save Click to save the Family Background setup and appear in Family Background
section on View Personnel Information page.
14 Cancel Click to close the Add Family Background page View Family Background Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Family Background record

you want to view. Click . Edit Family Background

To update, hover your mouse beside the Family Background record you want to edit.

Click . All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

24 | AIS - DPIS Delete Family Background
To delete, hover your mouse beside the Family Background record you want to delete.

Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the list of
Family Background.

4.1.6 Educational Background View Educational Background

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Educational Background Click to view Educational Background information

25 | AIS - DPIS Add Educational Background

To add Educational Background, click .

Item Description Action

1 Level Click and select the Level
2 School Specifies the school
3 Degree/Course Click and select the Degree/Course
4 Highest Grade/Level/Unit Specifies the Highest Grade/Level/Unit
5 Inclusive Year From Select inclusive year from

6 Inclusive Year To Select inclusive year to

7 Year Graduated Select year graduated

26 | AIS - DPIS
8 Academic Honor Received Click and select the academic honor received
9 Scholarship Specifies the scholarship
10 Contact Person Select contact person by ticking the checkbox to enable fields
11 Name Specifies the name of the contact person
12 Position Specifies the position of the contact person
13 Contact Number Specifies the contact number of the contact person
14 Email Specifies the email of the contact person
15 Remarks Specifies the remarks
16 Save Click to save the Educational Background setup and appear in Educational
Background section on View Personnel Information page.
17 Cancel Click to close the Add Educational Background page View Educational Background Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Education

Background record you want to view. Click beside the record. Edit Educational Background Details

To update, hover your mouse beside the Educational Background record you want to

edit. Click . All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update. Delete Educational Background

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Educational Background record you want to

delete. click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the list
of Educational Background.

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4.1.7 Eligibility View Eligibility

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Eligibility link Click to view Eligibility information Add Eligibility

To add Eligibility, click

Item Description Action

1 Type Select the type of the eligibility
2 Title Specifies the title depending on the value specified in the Type field
3 Rating Select rating by ticking the checkbox to enable field
28 | AIS - DPIS
4 Rating Specifies the rating
5 Place of Examination Specifies the place of examination
6 Date of Exam Click and select date of exam
7 Date of Release Click and select date of release
8 Expiration Date Click and select expiration date
9 Resolution No Specifies the Resolution No
10 License No Specifies the license no
11 Remarks Specifies the remarks
12 Save Click to save the Eligibility setup and appear in Eligibility section on View
Personnel Information page.
13 Cancel Click to close the Add Eligibility page View Eligibility Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Eligibility record you want

to view. Click . Edit Eligibility

To update, hover your mouse beside the Eligibility record you want to edit. Click

All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update. Delete Eligibility

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Eligibility record you want to delete. Click
Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the list of Eligibility.

4.1.8 Educational Reference View Educational Reference

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Educational Reference link Click to view Education Reference information Add Education Reference

To add Educational Reference, click

29 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Surname Specifies the surname
2 First Name Specifies the first name
3 Middle Name Specifies the middle name
4 Extension Name Specifies the extension name
5 Contact Number Specifies the contact number of the reference
6 Personal Email Specifies the personal email of the reference
7 Occupation Specifies the occupation of the reference
8 Office Name Specifies the Office Name
9 Office Address Specifies the office address
10 Remarks Specifies the remarks
11 Save Click to save the Educational Reference setup and appear in Educational
Reference section on View Personnel Information page.
12 Cancel Click to close the Add Educational Reference page View Educational Reference Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Educational Reference

record you want to view. Click . Edit Educational Reference

To update, hover your mouse beside the Educational Reference record you want to

edit. Click . All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update. Delete Educational Reference

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Educational Reference record you want to

delete. Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the list
of Educational Reference.

30 | AIS - DPIS
4.1.9 Work Experience View Work Experience

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Work Experience link Click to view Work Experience information Add Work Experience

To add Work Experience, click .

31 | AIS - DPIS
32 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Type Select type of work experience (DENR)
2 Inclusive Date From Click and select inclusive date from
3 Inclusive Date To Click and select inclusive date to
• Check if work experience is up to present date
4 Office Branch / Click and select the Office Branch/Government Sector
Government Sector
5 Status of Appointment Specifies the Status of Appointment
6 Plantilla Office Specifies the Plantilla Office depending on the value specified in Status of
Appointment field
7 Position Title Click and select the Position
8 Item Number Click and select the Item Number depending on the value specified in Status
of Appointment field
9 Designation Click and select the Designation
10 Legal Basis of Designation Specifies the Legal Basis of Designation
11 Place of Assignment Click and select the Place of Assignment
12 Legal Basis of Assignment Specifies the Legal Basis of Assignment depending on the value specified in
Place of Assignment field
13 Concurrent Designation
Click to display concurrent designation setup form

Item Description Action

1 Inclusive Date Click and select Inclusive Date From
2 Inclusive Date to Click and select Inclusive Date to
• Select by ticking the check if
concurrent designation is up to present
3 Designation Click and select the Designation
4 Legal Basis of Specifies the Legal Basis of Designation
5 Place of Click and select the Place of Assignment
6 Add Click to add the concurrent designation setup
7 Cancel Click to cancel the concurrent designation setup
14 Batch Reference Click and select Batch Reference
• If selected Batch Reference is Not Applicable, specify Salary Range,
Salary and Salary Basis

33 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Salary Specifies the salary range
2 Salary Specifies the salary
3 Salary Basis Click and select the salary basis
15 Salary Grade Click and select the salary grade depending on the value specified in Batch
Reference field
16 Step Increment Select the Step Increment depending on the value specified in Salary Grade
17 Salary Specifies the Salary
18 Key Official Select the Key Official by ticking the checkbox to enable Position Rank field
19 Position Rank Click and select the position rank
20 Personnel Action Click and select the personnel action
21 Employee Status Select the status of employee
22 Nature of Work Click and select the Nature of Work
23 Leave/Absence Without
Pay Click to display Leave/Absence Without Pay setup form

Item Description Action

1 Leave / Absence Specifies the Leave / Absence without Pay
without Pay
2 Date From Click and select Date From
3 Date To Click and select Date To
4 Add Click to add Leave / Absence without Pay
5 Cancel Click to cancel Leave / Absence without
Pay setup form
24 Remark Click and select the work experience remarks
25 Service Record Remark Select the Service Record Remark by ticking the checkbox to enable the field
26 Service Record Remark Specifies the service record remarks
27 Save Click to save the work experience setup
28 Cancel Click to cancel the add work experience page

34 | AIS - DPIS
35 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Type Select type of work experience (Government Service NON-DENR)
2 Inclusive Date From Click and select inclusive date from
3 Inclusive Date To Click and select inclusive date to
4 Department / Agency / Specifies the Department / Agency / Office / Company
Office / Company
5 Office Branch / Specifies the Office Branch / Government Sector
Government Sector
6 Plantilla Office Specifies the Plantilla Office
7 Place of Assignment Specifies the Place of Assignment
8 Status of Appointment Specifies the Status of Appointment
9 Position Title Specifies the Position Title
10 Item Number Specifies the Item Number
11 Designation Specifies the Designation
12 Legal Basis of Designation Specifies the Legal Basis of Designation
13 Batch Reference Specifies the Batch Reference
14 Salary Grade Specifies the Salary Grade
15 Salary Specifies the Salary
16 Step Increment Specifies the Step Increment
17 Key Official Select the Key Official by ticking the checkbox to enable Position Rank field
18 Position Rank Specifies the Position Rank
10 Personnel Action Specifies the personnel action
20 Employee Status Specifies the status of employee
21 Category of Service Specifies the Category of Service
22 Level of Position Specifies the Level of Position
23 Nature of Work Specifies the Nature of Work
24 Leave/Absence Without
Pay Click to display Leave/Absence Without Pay setup form

Item Description Action

1 Leave / Absence Specifies the Leave / Absence without Pay
without Pay
2 Date From Click and select Date From
3 Date To Click and select Date To
4 Add Click to add Leave / Absence without Pay
5 Cancel Click to cancel Leave / Absence without
Pay setup form
25 Delete Click to remove the Leave/Absence Without Pay record from the grid
26 Remark Specifies the remarks of the work experience
27 Service Record Remark Select the Service Record Remark by ticking the checkbox to enable the field
28 Service Record Remark Specifies the service record remarks
29 Save Click to save the work experience setup
30 Cancel Click to cancel the work experience setup

36 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Type Select type of work experience (Private)
2 Inclusive Date From Click and select inclusive date from
3 Inclusive Date To Click and select inclusive date to
4 Department / Agency / Specifies the Department / Agency / Office / Company
Office / Company
5 Position Title Specifies the Position Title
6 Status of Appointment Specifies the Status of Appointment
7 Monthly Salary Specifies the Monthly Salary
8 Save Click to save the work experience setup
9 Cancel Click to cancel the work experience setup View Work Experience Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the WE record you want to

view. Click beside the record. Edit Work Experience

To update, hover your mouse beside the WE record you want to edit. Click . All
fields are allowed for update except Department/Agency/Office/Company field in DENR

Work Experience. Click to save the update. Delete Work Experience

To delete, hover your mouse beside the WE record you want to delete. click
beside the Work Experience record. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be
removed from the list of Work Experience.

37 | AIS - DPIS
4.1.10 Employment Reference
To add Employment Reference, click . View Employment Reference

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Employment Reference link Click to view Employment Reference information Add Employment Reference

Item Description Action

1 Surname Specifies the Surname
2 First Name Specifies the First Name of the reference
3 Middle Name Specifies the Middle Name
4 Extension Name Specifies the Extension Name
5 Contact Number Specifies the Contact Number of the reference
38 | AIS - DPIS
6 Personal Email Specifies the Personal Email
7 Occupation Specifies the Occupation
8 Office Name Specifies the Office Name
9 Office Address Specifies the Office Address
10 Remarks Specifies the Remarks
11 Save Click to save the employment reference setup
12 Cancel Click to cancel the new employment reference page
NOTE: User can only add 3 references. View Employment Reference Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Employment Reference

Details record you want to view. Click . Edit Employment Reference Details

To update, hover your mouse beside the Employment Reference Details record you

want to edit. Click . All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update. Delete Employment Reference

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Employment Reference Details record you

want to delete. Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed

from the list of Employment Reference.

4.1.11 Voluntary Work View Voluntary Work

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Voluntary Work link Click to view Voluntary Work information Add Voluntary Work

To add Voluntary Work, click .
39 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Organization Specifies the Organization
2 Address Specifies the Address
3 Date From Click and select date from
4 Date To Click and select date to
5 No of Hours Specifies the No of Hours
6 Position / Nature of Work Specifies Position/Nature of Work
7 Remarks Specifies the Remarks
8 Save Click to save the voluntary work setup
9 Cancel Click to cancel the new voluntary work page View Voluntary Work Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Voluntary Work record

you want to view. Click beside the record. Edit Voluntary Work

To update, hover your mouse beside the Voluntary Work record you want to edit.

Click . All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update Delete Voluntary Work

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Voluntary Work record you want to delete.

Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the list of
Voluntary Work.

40 | AIS - DPIS
4.1.12 Training Program View Training Program

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Training Program link Click to view Training Program information View Training Program Details

To view detailed information, hover your mouse beside the Training Program record

you want to view. Click .

NOTE: User is not allowed to add, edit and delete Training Program record. Only the users with access to the
TDRIS module are allowed to add, edit and delete Training Program records.

4.1.13 Distinctions and Recognition View Distinctions and Recognition

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information

41 | AIS - DPIS
3 Distinctions and Click to view Distinctions and Recognition information
Recognition link Add Distinctions and Recognition

To add Distinctions and Recognition, click .

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description
2 Date Awarded Click and select Date Awarded
3 Award Giving Body Specifies the Award Giving Body
4 Save Click to save the distinctions and recognition setup
5 Cancel Click to close the new distinctions and recognition page Edit Distinctions and Recognition

To update, hover your mouse beside the Distinctions and Recognition record you

want to edit. Click .All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update. Delete Distinctions and Recognition

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Distinctions and Recognition record you

want to delete. Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed

from the list of Distinctions and Recognition.

42 | AIS - DPIS
4.1.14 Association and Organization View Association and Organization

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Association and Click to view Association and Organization information
Organization link Add Association and Organization

To add Association and Organization, click .

Item Description Action

1 Click to enable description field

2 Description Specifies the description of the Association and Organization

3 Add Click to add Association and Organization on the grid
4 Cancel Click to cancel Association and Organization setup

43 | AIS - DPIS
5 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

6 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

7 Save Click to save the Association and Organization and appear in Association
and Organization section on View Personnel Information page.
8 Cancel Click to close the Association and Organization page Edit Association and Organization

To update, click beside Association and Organization title. Select a record to
be updated then click Edit under Actions column. Description field is allowed for update.

Click to save changes in the grid then click to save the update. Delete Association and Organization

To delete, hover your mouse beside the Association and Organization record you

want to delete. Click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed

from the list of Association and Organization.

4.1.15 Evaluation Questions View Evaluation Questions

Item Description Action

1 Personnel Click personnel menu to display list of personnel
2 Personnel Information Click personnel Name link to display personnel information
3 Evaluation Questions link Click to view Answers in Evaluation Questions

44 | AIS - DPIS Answer and Edit Evaluation Questions

To answer and/or edit an answer, click beside the Evaluation Questions

title. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update or answer.

4.1.16 Delete Personnel

Click Delete under the Action column. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be
removed from the list of personnel.


Reports allow the user to generate different types of reports.

5.1 Generate Report

5.1.1 ACEC – Agency Capability Evaluation Card

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (ACEC)
2 Office Click and select the Office
3 Current Agency Status Click and select the Current Agency Status
4 Date of Assessment Select the Date of Assessment
5 CSC Resolution No Specifies the CSC Resolution No
6 Sector Click and select the sector
7 Resolution Date Select the Resolution Date
8 Generate Report Click to generate ACEC report and will be downloaded in excel file

45 | AIS - DPIS
5.1.2 Inventory of Government Personnel

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (Inventory of Government Personnel)
2 Generate Report Click to generate Inventory of Government Personnel report and will be
downloaded in excel file

5.1.3 Personal Data Sheet (PDS)

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (Personal Data Sheet (PDS))
2 Personnel Click and select the Personnel
3 Generate Report Click to generate Personal Data Sheet (PDS) report in PDF file

46 | AIS - DPIS
5.1.4 Personnel Data Capsule Sheet (PDCS)

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (Personnel Data Capsule Sheet (PDCS))
2 Personnel Click and select the Personnel
3 Generate Report Click to generate Personnel Data Capsule Sheet (PDCS) report in PDF file

5.1.5 Service Record

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (Service Record)
2 Personnel Click and select the Personnel
3 Certified By Click and select the Certified By
4 Generate Report Click to generate Service Record report in PDF file

47 | AIS - DPIS
5.1.6 Statistics of Government Personnel (CSC)

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (Statistics of Government Personnel (CSC))
2 Generate Report Click to generate Statistics of Government Personnel (CSC) report in PDF file

5.1.7 Summary of HR Complement

Item Description Action

1 Report Type Click and select the Report Type (Summary of HR Complement)
2 Generate Report Click to generate Summary of HR Complement report in PDF file

5.2 Download Report

After generating the report, user can download the report by clicking button from the
report viewer.

5.3 Print Report

To print report, click button from the report viewer.

48 | AIS - DPIS

Management provides the field value maintenance that will be used as reference for
the Personnel Information data. User can add, edit and delete values under this menu.

6.1 Academic Honor

6.1.1 View Academic Honor

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new academic honor Click to navigate to Add Academic Honor form
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Academic form

Click to process Delete Academic Honor

49 | AIS - DPIS
6.1.2 Add Academic Honor

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the academic honor
2 Code Specifies the code of the academic
3 Is Active Select Is Active, to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Academic Honor record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the academic honor setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the academic honor setup

6.1.3 Edit Academic Honor

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.1.4 Delete Academic Honor

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of academic honor.

6.2 Barangay

6.2.1 View Barangay

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting type
applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field

50 | AIS - DPIS
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in filtering
3 Number of items per Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new barangay link Click to navigate to Add Barangay form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Barangay form

Click to process Delete Barangay

6.2.2 Add Barangay

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the barangay
2 Municipality Click and select the municipality
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Barangay record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the barangay setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the barangay setup

6.2.3 Edit Barangay

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.2.4 Delete Barangay

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of barangays.

51 | AIS - DPIS
6.3 Degree Field of Study

6.3.1 View Degree Field of Study

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting type
applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in filtering
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new degree field of Click to navigate to Add Degree Field of Study form
study link
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Degree Field of Study

Click to process Delete Degree Field of Study

52 | AIS - DPIS
6.3.2 Add Degree Field of Study

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the degree field of study
2 Code Specifies the code of the degree field of study
3 Level of Attainment Click and select the level of attainment, can select one or more.
4 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Degree Field of Study record as reference.
5 Save Click to save the degree field of study setup
6 Cancel Click to cancel the degree field of study setup

6.3.3 Edit Degree Field of Study

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.3.4 Delete Degree Field of Study

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from
the list of degree field of study.

6.4 Designation

6.4.1 View Designation

53 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new designation link Click to navigate to Add Designation form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Designation

Click to process Delete Designation

6.4.2 Add Designation

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the designation
2 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Designation record as reference.
3 Save Click to save the designation setup
4 Cancel Click to cancel the designation setup

6.4.3 Edit Designation

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

54 | AIS - DPIS
6.4.4 Delete Designation
From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from the
list of designation.

6.5 Eligibility

6.5.1 View Eligibility

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new eligibility link Click to navigate to Add Eligibility form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Eligibility

Click to process Delete Eligibility

55 | AIS - DPIS
6.5.2 Add Eligibility

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the designation
2 Type Click and select type
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Eligibility record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the eligibility setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the eligibility setup

6.5.3 Edit Eligibility

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.5.4 Delete Eligibility

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from
the list of eligibility.

6.6 Identification Card

6.6.1 View Identification Card

56 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new identification Click to navigate to Add Identification Card form

card link
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Identification Card

Click to process Delete Identification Card

6.6.2 Add Identification Card

Item Description Action

1 Code Specifies the code of the identification card
2 Description Specifies the description of the identification card
3 Require Date and Place Specifies whether to require the date and place of issuance
4 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Identification Card record as reference.
5 Save Click to save the identification card setup
6 Cancel Click to cancel the identification card setup

57 | AIS - DPIS
6.6.3 Edit Identification Card

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.6.4 Delete Identification Card

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from
the list of identification card.

6.7 Level of Attainment

6.7.1 View Level of Attainment

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new level of Click to navigate to Add Level of Attainment form

attainment link
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Level of Attainment

Click to process Delete Level of Attainment

58 | AIS - DPIS
6.7.2 Add Level of Attainment

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the level of attainment
2 Code Specifies the code of the level of attainment
3 Rank Specifies the rank of the level of attainment
4 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the Level
of Attainment record as reference.
5 Save Click to save the level of attainment setup
6 Cancel Click to cancel the level of attainment setup

6.7.3 Edit Level of Attainment

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.7.4 Delete Level of Attainment

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of level of attainment.

6.8 Municipality

6.8.1 View Municipality

59 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new municipality link Click to navigate to Add Municipality form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Municipality

Click to process Delete Municipality

6.8.2 Add Municipality

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the municipality
2 Province Click and select the province
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Municipality record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the municipality setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the municipality setup

60 | AIS - DPIS
6.8.3 Edit Municipality

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.8.4 Delete Municipality

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of municipalities.

6.9 Nature of Work

6.9.1 View Nature of Work

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new nature of work link Click to navigate to Add Nature of Work form
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Nature of Work

Click to process Delete Nature of Work

61 | AIS - DPIS
6.9.2 Add Nature of Work

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the nature of work
2 Code Specifies the code of the nature of work
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the Nature
of Work record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the nature of work setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the nature of work setup

6.9.3 Edit Nature of Work

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.9.4 Delete Nature of Work

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed from
the list of nature of work.

62 | AIS - DPIS
6.10 Office

6.10.1 View Office

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Office Long Name column

Click the office long name to view complete details of the office.
4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Add new office link Click to navigate to New Office form

7 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.

63 | AIS - DPIS
Click to navigate to Update Office

Click to process Delete Office

6.10.2 Add Office

Item Description Action

1 Office Type Click and select the Office Type
2 Parent Office Click and select the Parent Office
3 Long Name Specifies the long name of the office
4 Short Name Specifies the short name of the office
5 Org Code Specifies the org code depending on the value specified in the Office Type
6 Region Click and select the Region
7 Province Click and select the Province
8 Municipality Click and select the Municipality
9 Address Specifies the address of the office
10 Primary Contact Number Specifies the primary contact number of the office
11 Primary Contact Mobile Specifies the primary contact mobile number of the office
12 Fax Specifies the fax number of the office
13 Secondary Contact Number
Click to add secondary contact number of the office
14 Contact Number Type Click and select the Contact Number Type

64 | AIS - DPIS
15 Number Specifies the number of the office (Secondary Contact Number)
16 Add Click to add secondary contact number in the grid
17 Cancel Click to cancel secondary contact number setup
18 Email Specifies the email of the office
19 Website Specifies the website of the office
20 Remarks Specifies the remarks
21 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the Office
record as reference.
22 Save Click to save the office setup
23 Cancel Click to cancel the office setup

6.10.3 Edit Office

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.10.4 Delete Office

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of office.

6.11 Office Type

6.11.1 View Office Type

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

65 | AIS - DPIS
Click to jump to last page

5 Add new office type link Click to navigate to Add Office Type form
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Office Type

Click to process Delete Office Type

6.11.2 Add Office Type

Item Description Action

1 Office Type Name Specifies the office type name of the office type
2 Top Level Specifies whether the office type is top level
3 Require Org Code Specifies whether the office type will require org code, to enable this field,
de-select top level.
4 Save Click to save the office type setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the office type setup

6.11.3 Edit Office Type

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the update.

6.11.4 Delete Office Type

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of office type.

66 | AIS - DPIS
6.12 Personnel Action

6.12.1 View Personnel Action

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new personnel action Click to navigate to Add Personnel Action form
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Personnel Action

Click to process Delete Personnel Action

67 | AIS - DPIS
6.12.2 Add Personnel Action

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the personnel action
2 Code Specifies the code of the personnel action
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Personnel Action record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the personnel action setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the personnel action setup

6.12.3 Edit Personnel Action

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating. Click to save the

6.12.4 Delete Personnel Action

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of personnel actions.

6.13 Plantilla

6.13.1 View Plantilla

68 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Click to expand to view details of plantilla

4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Add new plantilla link Click to navigate to Add Plantilla form

7 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Plantilla

Click to process Delete Plantilla

6.13.2 Add Plantilla

Item Description Action

1 Office Click and select the Office
2 Position Click and select the Position
3 Item Number Click and select the Item Number to assign
4 Appointment Type Click and select the Appointment Type
5 Add Click to add the plantilla

69 | AIS - DPIS
6 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

7 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Plantilla record as reference.
8 Save Click to save the plantilla setup
9 Cancel Click to cancel the plantilla setup

6.13.3 Edit Plantilla

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are available for updating except Office. Click to
save the update.

6.13.4 Delete Plantilla

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of plantilla.

6.14 Position

6.14.1 View Position

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

70 | AIS - DPIS
4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new position link Click to navigate to Add Position form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Position

Click to process Delete Position

6.14.2 Add Position

Item Description Action

1 Title Specifies the title of the position
2 Code Specifies the code of the position
3 Category of Position Click and select the Category of Position
4 Level of Position Click and select the Level of Position
5 Position Level Type Click and select Position Level Type. Will only enable if value specified in Level
of Position field is Second Level
6 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Position record as reference.
7 Save Click to save the position setup
8 Cancel Click to cancel the position setup

6.14.3 Edit Position

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

6.14.4 Delete Position

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of position.
71 | AIS - DPIS
6.15 Position Item Number

6.15.1 View Position Item Number

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Click to expand to view Item Numbers

4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Add new position item Click to navigate to Add Position Item Number form
number link
7 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Position Item Number

Click to process Delete Position Item Number

72 | AIS - DPIS
6.15.2 Add Position Item Number

Item Description Action

1 Position Click and select the Position
2 Item Number Specifies the Item Number of the position
3 Add Click to add in the Item Number grid
4 Delete Click to remove item number in the grid
5 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

6 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Position Item Number record as reference.
7 Save Click to save the position item number setup
8 Cancel Click to cancel the position item number setup

6.15.3 Edit Position Item Number

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update except Position field. Click to
save the update.

6.15.4 Delete Position Item Number

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of position item number.

73 | AIS - DPIS
6.16 Position Rank

6.16.1 View Position Rank

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new position rank link Click to navigate to Add Position Rank form
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Position Rank

Click to process Delete Position Rank

74 | AIS - DPIS
6.16.2 Add Position Rank

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the position rank
2 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Position Rank record as reference.
3 Save Click to save the position rank setup
4 Cancel Click to cancel the position rank setup

6.16.3 Edit Position Rank

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

6.16.4 Delete Position Rank

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of position rank.

6.17 Province

6.17.1 View Province

Item Description Action

75 | AIS - DPIS
1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new province link Click to navigate to Add Province form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Province

Click to process Delete Province

6.17.2 Add Province

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the province
2 Region Click and select the Region
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Province record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the province setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the province setup

6.17.3 Edit Province

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

76 | AIS - DPIS
6.17.4 Delete Province
From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of provinces.

6.18 Region

6.18.1 View Region

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new region link Click to navigate to Add Region form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Region

Click to process Delete Region

77 | AIS - DPIS
6.18.2 Add Region

Item Description Action

1 Code Specifies the code of the region
2 Description Specifies description of the region
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the Region
record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the region setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the region setup

6.18.3 Edit Region

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

6.18.4 Delete Region

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be
removed from the list of regions.

6.19 Religion

6.19.1 View Religion

78 | AIS - DPIS
Item Description Action
1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new religion link Click to navigate to Add Religion form

6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Religion

Click to process Delete Religion

6.19.2 Add Religion

Item Description Action

1 Name Specifies the name of the religion
2 Allow multiple spouse Specifies whether this religion allow multiple spouse
3 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the
Religion record as reference.
4 Save Click to save the Religion setup
5 Cancel Click to cancel the Religion setup

6.19.3 Edit Religion

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

79 | AIS - DPIS
6.19.4 Delete Religion
From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of religion.

6.20 Salary

6.20.1 View Salary

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
Click to expand to view details of salary grade

Click to collapse details

4 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

5 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

6 Add new batch facility link Click to navigate to Add Batch Salary form
7 Add new salary grade link Click to navigate to Add Salary Grade form
8 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Salary Grade

Click to process Delete Salary Grade

80 | AIS - DPIS
6.20.2 Add Batch Salary

Item Description Action

1 Click to enable Batch Date and NBC No fields

2 Batch Date Click and select date in date picker

3 NBC No Specifies the NBC No
4 Add Click to add in batch salary grid
5 Cancel Click to close Batch Date and NBC No fields
6 Save Click to save the Batch Salary setup
7 Cancel Click to cancel the Batch Salary setup

6.20.3 Edit Batch Salary

From Actions in Batch Salary form, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to
save the update.

6.20.4 Delete Batch Salary

From Actions, click . Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed

from the list of salary.

81 | AIS - DPIS
6.20.5 Add Salary Grade

Item Description Action

1 Salary Grade Specifies the salary grade of the salary
2 Batch Click and select Batch
3 Step 1 Specifies the step 1 of the salary grade
4 Step 2 Specifies the step 2 of the salary grade
5 Step 3 Specifies the step 3 of the salary grade
6 Step 4 Specifies the step 4 of the salary grade
7 Step 5 Specifies the step 5 of the salary grade
8 Step 6 Specifies the step 6 of the salary grade
9 Step 7 Specifies the step 7 of the salary grade
10 Step 8 Specifies the step 8 of the salary grade
11 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the Salary
Grade record as reference.
12 Save Click to save the Salary Grade setup
13 Cancel Click to cancel the Salary Grade setup

6.20.6 Edit Salary Grade

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update.

6.20.7 Delete Salary Grade

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of salary grade.

82 | AIS - DPIS
6.21 Work Experience Remark

6.21.1 View Work Experience Remark

Item Description Action

1 Grid header Click a column header to sort the grid data. Sort icon indicates the sorting
type applied on a column.
2 Data filter To filter records from the grid, follow these steps:
• Select a column to filter
• Input text filter criteria in the Filter Input Field
• Click Enter
The system will filter all records that contains the inputted value regardless of
character casing. It is also allowed to combine multiple column filters in
filtering data.
3 Number of items per page Click to set maximum items per page

4 Grid paging link Click to jump from one page to another

Click to jump to first page

Click to jump to last page

5 Add new work experience Click to navigate to Add Work Experience Remark form
remark link
6 Actions To view what action you can do for each entry, click the Actions link.
Click to navigate to Update Work Experience Remark

Click to process Delete Work Experience Remark

83 | AIS - DPIS
6.21.2 Add Work Experience Remark

Item Description Action

1 Description Specifies the description of the work experience remark
2 Date Click and select the Date
3 Single Use Specifies whether work experience remark can be used once
4 Is Active Specifies whether to activate upon saving. It allows the user to use the Work
Experience Remark record as reference.
5 Save Click to save the Work Experience Remark setup
6 Cancel Click to cancel the Work Experience Remark setup

6.21.3 Edit Work Experience Remark

From Actions, click Edit. All fields are allowed for update. Click to save the update

6.21.4 Delete Work Experience Remark

From Actions, click Delete. Confirm deletion by clicking . Record will be removed
from the list of work experience remark.

84 | AIS - DPIS

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