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THE PASCHAL PROCLAMATION Shorter Form of the Paschal Proclamation SS Sa eo Ex-ult, let them ex-ult, the hosts of heav-en, ex-ult, let Angel fon 2908 | ——— 7 minis - ters of God ex-ult, —_ let the trum-pet of sal-va-tion sound Be glad, let earth be glad, as glo-ry floods her, z 7 9 cote e . a-blaze with light from her e-ter-nal King, SS weel «eee oy . let all cor-ners of the earth be glad, _know-ing an end to gloom and Loe dark-ness. Sp oe Re-joice, let Mother Church al-so re-joice, arrayed with 6B SS ot the lightning of his glo-ry, _let this ho-ly build-ing shake with joy, filled with the might-y voic-es of the peo-ples. tat a oo tet © dearest friends, standing in the awe-some glo-ry of this ho-ly light, = oe eee ee ee 7 © invoke withme, I askyou, the mercy of God al-might-y, a —— ——<=— e that he, who has been pleased to number me, though un-wor-thy, SS ee toe eo a-mong the Le-vites, _ may pour into me his light un-shad-owed, ca oe that I may sing this can-dle's per-fect prais-es.) (V. The Lord be with you. —_R. And with your spir-it) V. Lift up your hearts. _R. We lift them up to the Lord. BG i, 9 oe ——— V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. —_R. It is right and just. i a ate © It is truly right and just, with ardent love of mind and heart and iol | ——<—= with devoted service of our voice, to acclaim our God in-vis-i-ble, > GH 6 a aot © theal-might-y Fa-ther, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, his Son, his @uate.[-® © On-ly Be-got-ten. Who for our sake paid Adam's debt to the e- ——— 2 © “ter-nal Fa-ther, and, pouring out his own dear Blood, wiped clean the re-cord of our an-cient sin-ful-ness. These then are the feasts a os * @_# , _« + of Pass-o-ver, in which is slain the Lamb, the one true Lamb, io toot ° a2 @ atte tog whose Blood anoints the door - posts of be-liev-ers. This is the —+ os * se 7 gee t night, when once you led our fore-bears, _ Is-ra-el's chil-dren, tet ——— et si from slaver-y in E-gypt and made them pass dry - shod through ———- ta, ee Tee T the Red Sea. This is thenight _ that witha pillar of fire fet toon —— a banished the dark-ness of sin. This is the night _ that even now, iol ‘ot — throughout the world, sets Christian believers apart from world-ly oo ——— a — vic-es and from the gloom of sin, lead-ing them to grace and cB BNL ca aL cHNL CANS aL aL

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