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The modal auxiliaries in English are; can, could, had better, may, might, must, ought (to), shall, should, will, would.
Modal auxiliaries generally express speakers’ attitudes. For example, modals can express that a speaker feels something
is necessary, advisable, permissible, or probable; and, in addition, they can convey the strength of those attitudes.
Each modal has more than one meaning or use.


1. A : Are you going to the post office?

B : Yes
C : Would you mind if I mailed this letter for me?
D : Not at all

A : Are you going to the post office?

B : Yes
C : Would you mind mailing this letter for me?
D : Not at all

Please note on the use of “if I mail” and “mailing”.

‘Would you mind if I’ followed by the simple past means “May I___? Is it alright if I___? Will if cause any discomfort
or any trouble if I close the window?”
‘Would you mind (gerund)’ means “ I don’t want to cause any trouble, but would you please close the window?
Would that cause you any inconvenience?”

2. A : Can you pass the sugar (please)?

B : sure
A : Would you pass the sugar (please)?
B : sure
A : Could you pass the sugar (please)?
B : sure
Please note that both “would” and “could” are equally polite.
Would you = do you want to do this please?
Could you = do you want to do this please, and is it possible for you to do this?

3. please note that expression “must” and “have to” are similar in meaning, but they are different in use. “must” is
often stronger that “have to” “must” indicates urgency or stress importance. “have got to” has the same meaning
with “have to”. They indicate necessity. “have got to” is used in informal spoken English. “have to” can be used on
both formal and informal situation.

In negative form,
Have to turns become don’t have to, have got to turns to do not have to. They mean lack of necessity.
While the negative form of must (must not) means prohibition.

4. should, ought to, and had better have the same meaning: they express advisability.

5. in negative form, should can be 2 kinds of idea;

a. SHOULD HAVE +past participle
b. SHOULD NOT HAVE +past participle
a. I had a test this morning. I didn’t do well on the test because I didn’t study for last night. I should have studied last
night. (the sentence means: studying was a good idea, but I didn’t do it. I made a mistake)
b. my back hurts. I should not have carried that heavy box. (the sentence means: I carried something, but it turns out
to be a bad idea. I made a mistake)

6. “be SUPPOSED TO” ___means expectation

In present form, the expression means expecting something to happen
In the past form, the expression means unfulfilled expectation
a. the game is supposed to begin at 10.00
b. Jack was supposed to call me last night. I wonder why he didn’t

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