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One Million


Building Our

a project of the
Latín American Biblical Seminan/
Apartado 901-1000, San José, Costa Rica
Why one million women's
Traditionally, women have not been
taken into account either in theologi-
cal education or in history. The "One
Million Women" Campaign seeks to
recover the historical memory of
What is the campaign? women in a symbolic way, through their ñames, in
order to lay a firm foundation for the new Latin Ameri-
The "One Million Women" Campaign was launched can Biblical University. A foundation that is based on
on International Women's Day (March 8) 1995. It's the commitment to broaden the space for women in
goal is to build the new campus of the Latin Ameri- theological education. In this way, each brick that
can Biblical University (UBL). The campaign gives goes into the construction of the new campus will
form to our dream that the new University campus be honor of a woman whose life and witness have had a
built from the grassroots, inclusive and ecumenical positive impact on others. The ñames will serve as a
efforts of many people throughout the world. We are permanent and public reminder of the importan! role
asking for donations to be made in honor of the women of women both in theological education and in the
who have influenced the life and faith of the donor. world.
In this way, the new campus will be constructed on
the foundation of a recognition of the contributions
of women to their families, their communities, their
churches and to the world, in order that this recogni- Why an International campaign?
tion be present in all the programs of the UBL.
The Latin American Biblical University relates to aca-
Why a campaign? demic and ecclesial institutions around the world that
are concerned about inclusive, ecumenical, liberating
Today's economicreality presents the UBL with a situ- theological education that responds to the challenges
ation in which there are increasingly fewer resources of today's reality and prepares church leaders to min-
available for funding the University's programs. The ister contextually and compassionately. The UBL in-
new diversified model (combining residence and dis- vites international participation in the "One Million.
tance programs) has significantly reduced the costs of Women" Campaign so that the contributions of women
theological education. However, in order that the pro- around the world might be recognized and remem-
grams of the UBL, on which so many churches in Latin bered. In these times of growing individualism and
America depend, not diminish, the UBL must develop alienation, we also wish to demónstrate that when
a greater capability for self-financing. A study of the many people join together with a common dream, in
possibilities shows that the most viable way to genér- spite of nationality, race, age or class differences, the
ate income is to use a property already owned by the impossible becomes possible.
UBL on the outskirts of San José for a new campus,
permitting the rental or sale of the current downtown
facility to genérate income.
How can you particípate?

jSÍ Send the ñames of women importan! in your Ufe,

accompanied by a donation of one dollar (US) for each
ñame, to the Latin American Biblical University,
Apartado 901-1000, San José, Costa Rica or to our
courier service, UBL, SJO 2174, P.O. Box 025216,
.Miami.FL 33102-5216

JSÍ Photocopy this flyer and share it with your col-

leagues, friends and members of your congregation

g$ In every gathering in which you particípate, in-

vite women to join the campaign by giving a donation
of one dollar in their own ñame and the ñames of
women they wish to remember. Men are invited to
particípate by donating in the ñame of women who
they wish to honor.

£Í Organize a liturgy to remember and reflect on the

influences of women in the uves of participaras.

j&í Invite churches in your city to honor the women

members of their congregations by contributing their
ñames accompanied by a dollar donation in honor of
each one.

JSÍ Form a committee to promote the "One Million

Women" Campaign in your city, región, or country.
(A local committee can gather donations in the na-
tional currency, converting it into US dollars to send
with the list of ñames to the Latin American Biblical

g$ Organize and schedule a work team to help build

the new university campus in San José.

£$ Make a donation in honor of ten women and in-

vite each of them to dónate in honor of ten other
women who will invite ten others, and so on...
We share the dreami
(picase printfirst and last ñames clearly, and
indícate the couníry, ifdifferent)













"One Million Women" Campaign

UMC Advance # 012317-8MN
PCUSA ECO #864600
Every dollar donated is designated exclusi vely for the
construction of the new campus. The UBL commu-
nity (students, professors and staff) organize fund-rais-
ing events from time to time to cover the administra-
tive and promotional expenses of the campaign. We
also rely on people around the world who generously
dónate their time and money to make the campaign
known in their country or in their local situation and
invite participation.

The logo for the Campaign was designed by Rafael

Cuevas Molina. Exiled from Guatemala in the early
eighties, Cuevas is currently a professor at the Insti-
tute of Latin American Studies of the National Uni-
versity of Costa Rica (UNA), and coordinator of the
Arts, Culture and Identity Program. Cuevas' design
for the logo reflects the characteristics developed by
the "One Million Women" Commission as represen-
tative of the Campaign—for example, a melding of
difieren! ethnicities in the physical characteristics, and
the diversity of "dreams" woven into the figure's hair.

The buildings of the new campus are designed to rep-

resent the various cultural influences in Latin America.
The Academic Building reflects the Aztec and Mayan
influence; the chapel, Afro-Caribbean; the Student
Residences, Colonial; and the "One Million Women"
House, rural Costa Rican. The drawings in this bro-
chure are of the academic-administrative building and
the chapel (below).

For more information and updates, visit the UBL


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