Evangelism: Sometimes The World Gets The Wrong Idea That Being A Christian Means Our Lives Are Perfect

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Evangelism And, we don’t just preach about the resurrection on one

Sunday.Our people understand that after they bring their

Many people have slipped into the mindset that evangelism is friends to the church community event, there will be an
a gift that some believers have and others do not. The reality intense Gospel thrust in the following weeks. We call each
is that when someone becomes reconciled to God, He sends other, and the Life Group leaders make calls. Everyone knows
them out to reconcile others. That's not a gift—we all have that everyone should invite their friends to hear about Jesus.
the responsibility to take Christ to others. A church can do We teach the gospel well and over and over.
four things to encourage the spirit and practice of
evangelism. Holistic Approach
1. Build Relationships
It’s a full-court press. We do all of these things in waves at
Only a very few hear the gospel or show up at church without the same time, but we don’t do them all the time. Spring and
fall, summer and winter, on mission to share Jesus.
first being in relationship. Most people who come to Christ
are invited by a person they know. God calls us to evangelize,
including our family, friends, and neighbors. He invites us to Everyone is on board. Everyone understands that our church
invite others. Personal relationships are the best way to reach leadership will provide opportunities for their friends to hear
out. Sometimes the world gets the wrong idea that the Gospel, but their friends are their responsibility.
being a Christian means our lives are perfect.

2. Encourage Engagement I don’t know their friends. They do. I can’t invite their friends.
They can. And they must. Evangelism is everyone’s
Sometimes the world gets the wrong idea that being a responsibility.
Christian means our lives are perfect. They feel disconnected
and unworthy. So whenever we can remind our people and We can complain about the lack of evangelistic activity in our
those looking in that we are all in need of a Savior, it breaks churches, but this goes back to leadership. We as leaders
down walls that keep people from Christ and the Church.The create the culture of evangelism. When the church sees we
church and its people must understand that no one gets are intentional and serious about creating a pathway, they
through a broken world unbroken. So as they go back out will be more likely to engage their friends and invite them on
throughout the week, they should connect with broken the pathway.
people as broken people who have met the One who
restores. They should offer restoration through Christ. That is
evangelism. 10 Ways to Evangelize: It's Easier than You Think

3. Inclusive Events 1. Pray for people by name

Some parts of church are more exclusive. The Lord’s Supper, Chances are, you already know people who haven’t heard the
baptism, even some small groups are just for believers. But a Good News! (That’s what “gospel” means, fun fact.) In your
church has the freedom, and really a responsibility, to have prayer time, take their names to God. God “at work within us
gatherings where seekers feel welcome—places where they is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or
are ready for company. For us, one of those low-threshold think.“ (Ephesians 3:20) Ask Him for opportunities to share
events is an annual Easter egg hunt. We ramp up by involving the faith with them and trust His timing as you build
the whole church. They bring their friends, neighbors, and relationships with them in advance of those conversations.
families. We do these events where everyone can be
involved. Why? Events can show love for our community and
2. Go out into the world
increase visibility to invite people to our church. Multiple
relationships can form in these open and inclusive events.
These relationships can ultimately lead back to Christ. Don’t just hang out in the “Catholic bubble.” Like-minded
friends are important to nourish our faith, but we can never
forget our duty to invite others into the family. Jesus tells us
4. Teach Well His Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations.” (Matthew 28:19) While it’s certainly easier to spend
The Easter egg event mentioned above is an inroad. But the time with other Christians, we are called to go out of our
greater thing happens when we actually preach on the immediate circle and reach those who would never receive
resurrection—we want to bridge relationships from an invitation if we didn’t reach out. Jesus became incarnate
something as simple as a children's event, to something as and lived among us; we follow His example when we go out
important as the gospel. on campus and meet other students where they are, whether
in class, sports team, a club, or a Greek house. (And of course,
this applies to life beyond the campus, too!)
3. Be Bold human person has the opportunity to have a relationship
with God if they accept God’s invitation!
Introducing yourself to someone you don’t know can be
scary. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words you need. When you're sharing these points with a person in a
Have courage! It might be awkward at first, but as we like to conversation, you can encourage your friend to accept God’s
say, “Heaven is worth the awkward!” invitation using a question like, “Would you like to invite
Jesus to be the center of your life?” If they say no, let them
4. Extend Personal Invitations know you are still their friend and continue to pray for them.
If they say yes, celebrate and pray with them!
How many invitations do you have sitting in Facebook events
right now? And how many do you actually plan to attend? 9. Encounter Christ together
Chances are the events you attend are the ones where
someone took the time to seek you out an invite you. Invite Your friend’s commitment to making the Jesus the center of
someone to an event with you! Your personal invitation their life isn’t a one-and-done deal. Now you can run together
might reach the person who needs a friend. toward the goal: heaven! Continue to invite them to spend
time with you and to come to know Jesus more deeply. This
5. Share life: i.e., Be with them on their turf might mean going on a retreat or a mission trip, attending a
FOCUS SEEK conference, attending RCIA together — and, of
Find things that you and your friends can do together, even if course, continuing to spend time together doing things you
it isn’t something you love doing. Sacrifice your own love to do.
preference to do the things they love. Evangelization isn’t just
an intellectual endeavor! As you spend time with your 10. Teach others to do the same
friends, doing things they love, you earn the right to be
heard. Your friends will trust your recommendations about Teach your friends how to evangelize too, and do it together!
movies, books, restaurants, etc. They will see that you live Saint Paul writes, “What you have heard from me…entrust to
your life differently — that your joy, trust, and confidence in faithful people who will be able to teach others as well”(2
Jesus make you different than everyone else, and they’ll want Timothy 2:2). Jesus sent His apostles into the world by
to know why. reaching out to individuals who would be able to teach
others. You can fulfill the call to evangelize by developing
6. Share your story deep friendships, inviting people to follow Jesus and
teaching others to do the same!
Your story is powerful! If you’ve never thought about it
before, consider writing down how you came to know Jesus. 10 ways to foster personal evangelism in the local church
How did you decide to follow Him? Saint Peter tells us
to“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who
asks you to give the reason for your hope.” (1 Peter 3:15) No 1 CONVICTION: TO BELIEVE PEOPLE ARE LOST AND
one can argue with what you’ve experienced, so always be NEED CHRIST.
ready to share when someone asks!
If we do not maintain a biblical view that people are lost and
7. Practice hospitality wherever you are that trusting Christ in this life is their only hope, we will not
witness. Why “risk” a conversation with someone if in the
You can put others at ease with simple acts of kindness, like end it doesn’t really matter? The Bible makes clear that the
being the first to start a conversation or introducing a gospel does matter: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the
newcomer to everyone else in the group. Hospitality doesn’t truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except
mean that you have to always be the one who brings the through me’” (John 14:6). We are all called to be Christ’s
pizza — but you could invite a quiet person to take the first ambassadors to share this message of hope (2 Cor 5:20).
8. Share the gospel with a specific invitation
In an attempt to overcome our natural tendency toward self-
Sharing the gospel is the heart of evangelization! There are a centeredness, our church adopted the motto: “It is so not
lot of ways to share the story of Jesus, but at its core, the about us!” It is about the Lord, first and foremost — then it is
gospel includes four main points: 1.) You were made for a about others, especially those who don’t know Christ. We
relationship with God. 2.) Sin (those times when we choose constantly talk about how the church is the only institution in
not to love others as we should) creates a chasm between the world that exists primarily for those not yet a part of it.
you and God. 3.) God became man in Jesus, and he died for Paul reminds us in Romans 10:14, “How, then, can they call
your sins to repair your relationship with God. 4.) Every on the one they have not believed in? And how can they
believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how message, some passages of Scripture focus on the gospel
can they hear without someone preaching to them?” more directly than others. When I am about to preach one of
those passages, I alert my church members that this Sunday
3 CLIMATE: TO CULTIVATE A FRIENDLY would be a great time to invite an unbeliever to come (not
ATMOSPHERE. that there is ever really a bad time).

I do not believe a lost person should feel comfortable at a We also seek to utilize special events as a “doorway” to the
worship service. For that matter, if we are truly preaching the gospel and the church. LifeWay Christian Resources President
Word, and the Lord’s holy presence is with us, believers Thom Rainer’s research among the unchurched shows that
should not feel comfortable either. Lost people should not more than 80 percent of unchurched persons would respond
feel comfortable in our churches, but they should feel positively to an invitation to attend church from someone
welcome. Regardless of what they look like or how they are they knew. Paul, in Ephesians 5:15-16, challenges us, “Be very
dressed, we should welcome them with open arms. It is not a careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as
sin for a church to be friendly to guests. We often talk about wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the
how the church should be “a safe place to hear a dangerous days are evil.”
message.” Jesus declared he had not come to call the
righteous, but sinners (Luke 5:32). 7 COURAGE: TO OVERCOME TH E BARRIER OF FEAR.

4 CONNECTING: TO IDENTIFY THE LOST PERSONS Perhaps the greatest single reason we do not witness more
GOD HAS PLACED AROUN D US. (or witness at all) is fear. It can be scary to talk about one’s
faith with an unbeliever. We emphasize relying on the power
We regularly highlight Oscar Thompson’s concept of of the Holy Spirit to give us boldness in sharing Christ with
“Concentric Circles of Concern.” God has placed people in our others: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
lives — family, friends, neighbors, work associates, comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
classmates, and acquaintances. Acts 17:26 instructs us, “From and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”
one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the (Acts 1:8).
whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in
history and the boundaries of their lands.” We need to 8 COACHING: TO PROVI DE REGULAR TRAINING IN
identify those whom God has placed in our concentric circles SHARING THE GOSPEL.
to receive the gospel message.
We are blessed today with many wonderful witnessing helps.
5 CARING: TO DISPLAY CONCERN FOR OTHERS AND We try to provide regular training in the use of various
SERVE THEM. methods to share the gospel. I liken these different
approaches to different tools in one’s toolbox. Growing up on
Based on Concentric Circles, we have church members submit a farm, I have amassed an assortment of tools. Some are
the first names of people who need Christ so we can pray for specialty tools I have only used once — but they are there if I
those individuals as a church. Prayer meetings in our ever need them. I encourage people to fill their witnessing
churches tend to focus on needs of members, typically health toolbox with various approaches, so they have one they can
concerns. And we should pray for those concerns. My favorite pull out that fits their current witnessing opportunity.
definition of minor surgery is “that which is done on someone
else.” When you or a loved one is experiencing a health crisis, We have trained people in “Three Circles,” the Romans Road,
you covet the prayers of others. But we must not let the sharing one’s personal testimony, “Two Ways to Live,” “The
physical dominate the spiritual. Jesus reminds us of the Story,” and how to share a gospel booklet (we utilize the
priority of the spiritual: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the Experiencing God’s Grace booklet, produced by The Billy
body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry at
who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt 10:28). Southern Seminary). This past year we read together as a
church Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary President Jeff
In addition to praying, we encourage serving in tangible ways Iorg’s wonderful book, Unscripted: Sharing the Gospel as Life
by meeting practical needs. We emphasize how unbelievers Happens. We followed up with an one-and-a-half-hour
tend to be more open to the gospel message when they see it brainstorming session on how we could apply basic
lived out. evangelism principles in our personal lives and in the
corporate life of our church.
I preach expository sermons verse by verse through books of those who are being faithful to step outside their comfort
the Bible. While I share the gospel each week as part of my zone to share Christ with others. We encourage one another
with the reminder found in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become 1. Be led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6, 9-10).
weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a Like Paul in Acts, I continually ask the Holy
harvest if we do not give up.” Spirit to lead me to people whose hearts are
ripe and ready for the harvest.
10 CHRIST: TO SEEK T O MAKE KNOWING CHRIST Consider asking the Holy Spirit to lead y ou to
AND MAKING HIM KNOWN CONSUMING PASSIONS those who are desperately searching for more
IN OUR LIVES. in life and will be open to God.
2. Be convicted by eternal reality. What is your
Witnessing is fueled by the overflow of our daily walk with motivation for evangelism? Are we just doing
Christ. Jesus testified, “out of the abundance of the heart the it because it is the Christian thing to do? Are
mouth speaks” (Matt 12:34). Have you seen the late night we doing it to try to please God by our good
infomercial promoting a DVD training course to help works? Are we doing it to try to grow a bigger
grandparents gain the confidence to talk about their church? Pray and ask your Father to give you
grandchildren to others? No you haven’t, and you never will. His heart for the lost. When God shares His
Why not? breaking heart with us, we will share His
burden for the lost.
3. Discern soul cravings. I believe everyone has
Grandparents do not need help when it comes to talking
cravings for purpose, meaning, and
about their grandchildren. All a person needs to do is give
significance in life. By listening to and
them a moment of pause in the conversation and they will
speaking into a person’s cravings, you can
find a way to bring up the topic of their grandchildren. Why?
delicately awaken them to recognize that the
Because their mouths are speaking out of that which fills their
fulfillment of all their cravings can only be
heart. Grandparents find it easy to talk about their
found in God Himself. Learn more about soul
grandchildren because their hearts are filled with love for
them. When love for Christ fills our hearts on a daily basis, it
4. Develop relationships. Jesus was the complete
will be natural to talk about him to others.
expression of the Father’s love to the world;
the love of God flowed like a spring of living
Evaluate your own personal life and your church context.
water from the life of Jesus. I believe that in
Which of these 10 things are happening now? Which may
many cases, God’s love can be more
need to begin? Which may need to be re-visited? None of
compelling than scientific evidence of God or
these 10 areas will happen by accident. They must be
a theological argument. Is God’s love flowing
emphasized, and re-emphasized, and then re-emphasized through you? Are people in your life
again. The church is the only institution in the world that
compelled by how passionately and
exists primarily for those not yet a part of it. Pastors, let’s
personally you care about them? If yo u have
equip and encourage our people in personal witnessing. Let’s
few non-Christian friends, try this
model that commitment in our own lives, where we don’t
challenge to move beyond the walls of the
end up conveying, “Do as I say, but not as I do.” Finally, let’s
constantly pray to the Lord of the harvest to “send out
5. Share your story. You have a very powerful
workers into his harvest” (Matt 9:28), all for his glory and
story and God wants to use it! People will be
honor and praise.
most compelled by your thoughts and
experiences because they know you. If Jesus
od has called each of us to partner in His redemptive is a tangible reality in your life, others will
plan. Some of the greatest joys in the Christian life see that and want it. Here's some help to
come from making Jesus known to those who don't craft your story strategically.
yet know Him personally. 6. Be empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).
Learn to look to the guidance of the Holy
As the body of Christ, we are Jesus' hands and feet on Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to take over
earth to continue the work that He began. As finite the conversation. Know with confidence God
beings we do not have the foresight of knowing the will lead you and give you the right words to
cravings and challenges of each individual we say to the right individuals.
share with; however, God knows the deepest secrets 7. Be patient and faithful. For many people
of every person. Through the Holy Spirit He is more evangelism can be very discouraging because
than able to speak through us to touch the depths of they don’t see immediate results. Though the
the human heart. Only the Spirit can give us the ultimate goal of all evangelism is to lead
words to convict and compel others to follow Christ. people to Christ, it may not happen
overnight. We must remember that only God
Here are 10 things I have personally found to be knows when the seeds we plant will bear
helpful for sharing my faith. fruit.
8. Remember that people are on a journey. Each
person is in a different place (or approaching
a different spiritual threshold) in their
journey, and some may not be ready to fully
commit their lives to Christ. Our
responsibility is to simply lead them further
down the path and bring them closer to
finding a relationship with Jesus.
9. Pray unceasingly. One of the most essential
components of evangelism is prayer. You may
have loved ones or friends for whom you
have been continually praying for years. Do
not give up hope! Prayer is the catalyst that
initiates God’s will being done on the earth.
10. Remember that it's not all up to you. Campus
Crusade for Christ founder and lifelong
evangelist, Dr. Bill Bright, had a very simple
and powerful definition of success. He said,
"Successful witnessing is simply sharing Christ
in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving
the results to God." That's it. Isn't that
encouraging? If you have taken the
opportunity to talk about Jesus with
someone, then you have been successful.

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