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A6 Sunday, April 28, 2019 WATERTOWN DAILY TIMES

Beto O’Rourke’s
John B. Johnson
Established 1861
Published Daily by Northern New York Newspaper Corporation
John B. Johnson Jr. Harold B. Johnson II
uncharitable giving
CEO and Co-Publisher Chairman Vice Chairman and Co-Publisher
ORT WORTH, Texas most generous of whom ap-
Harold B. Johnson John B. Johnson John B. Johnson Jr. (Tribune News Service) pears to be Sen. Elizabeth
Editor and Publisher 1919-1949 Editor and Publisher 1949-2001 Co-Publisher 2001-2013 FORT WORTH
— Presidential hopeful STAR-TELEGRAM Warren who reported donat-
260 Washington Street, Watertown, New York 13601 Robert “Beto” O’Rourke re- ing about 5.5 percent of her
Phone 315-782-1000 Fax 661-2523 leased 10 years of tax returns CYNTHIA M. income in 2007.
Good for him. It’s more
ALLEN Charitable giving shouldn’t
have a political edge. But data
OUR VIEW than the sitting president has
seen fit to do. But the compli-
cited by Arthur Brooks shows
that “conservative-headed”
ments end there. includes all sorts of progres- households “give, on aver-
sive economic programming

A historic legacy
According to the Washing- age, 30 percent more dollars
ton Post, O’Rourke and his that would increase taxes on to charity than households
wife reported a total income middle class incomes, such headed by a ‘liberal,’” even
of $370,412 in 2017, the most as a $15 minimum wage and though the average liberal
recent year for which they re- Medicare for all. family earns 6 percent more
Italian-American Civic Association has enriched our community leased a return. Plugging that I’m not the only person per year than the average con-
figure into a Pew Research who has noticed this discon- servative family.

peaking to fellow members at a fun- one a first-generation American with Center tax calculator means nect. At a campaign event in To that end, it’s worth
draising dinner in 1949, Carmello Italian parents, shared their enjoyment that the O’Rourke family is Virginia on Tuesday, a stu- pointing out how now-Sen.
Spano highlighted the value of con- of conversation and a friendly game of well within the top 10 percent dent asked O’Rourke “why, Mitt Romney was castigated
structing a building to house the Italian- pinochle after toiling at their jobs during of income earners in El Paso. as someone who earns seven for his wealth and vilified as
American Civic Association. the day, gathering under a leafy tree on There’s no reason to be- times the amount of income a cold-hearted businessman
“It will not be for grudge their wealth, particu- as (her sister), a recent college during his 2012 presidential
the lawn of John
larly when it’s earned. Yet graduate, does, (O’Rourke) campaign, despite his un-
me to gain from the Doldo Sr., who ar-
the O’Rourkes reported only gives less in charitable dona- deniable financial generos-
fruits of this building rived in Watertown tions ... ?”
$1,166 of charitable giving ity: He and his wife, Ann, gave
but our children,” in the summer of In reply, the former El Paso
that year — a total, the Post 29.4 percent of their income
the 83-year-old 1913 at the age of also notes, that constitutes congressman pointed first to to charity in 2011, a total of
Watertown resident 16. Light bulbs were “one-third of 1 percent” of the his public service, then hinted more than $4 million.
said. hung from the tree family’s income. that he and his wife didn’t Between his live-streamed
He was right. The on warm summer First, I will stipulate, most keep comprehensive records dental visits, punk rock per-
children and grand- evenings as the four, if not all of us could be more of many of their donations. formances and tabletop an-
children of the early which included a charitable. There are innu- But it wasn’t just bad ac- tics, O’Rourke does contrib-
members of this foreman at New York merable good causes and counting, O’Rourke contin- ute a certain je ne sais quoi
extraordinary orga- no shortage of need. But as ued. His generosity is exhib- to the race. And O’Rourke’s
Air Brake and an at- ited by his gift of self. “I’m
nization have ben- a people, Americans are re- constant posturing along the
torney, exchanged markably generous — giving doing everything I can right
efited richly from the border suggests migrants are
their diverse ideas an estimated $410 billion in now,” he said, “spending this a cause close to his heart.
work it has carried and concerns for 2017 — more than the GDP time with you, not with our I’m guessing that Catho-
out from its facility the future late into kiddos, not back home in El
of countries such as Israel lic Charities, which runs
on Bellew Avenue. the evening. All the and Ireland, and most of that Paso because I want to sacri- comprehensive migrant and
Mr. Spano’s com- men had wives and money is given by individuals, fice everything to make sure refugee services in O’Rourke’s
ment also reflected children. They even- not corporations or founda- that we meet this moment hometown, would much
the mindset of the tions. of truth with everything that prefer a generous monetary
Italian-American viable Italian-Amer- The O’Rourkes, apparently, we’ve got.” donation from its native son.
The founders of the Italian-American Civic
Civic Association’s ican organization are not among the more gen- The crux of his defense, Sorry, but “spending this
Association in Watertown are clockwise, from
founders. They top left: John Doldo Sr., Leonard Root, Jack R.E. was needed; one that erous Americans; $1,166 is it seems, is that his decision time” with us isn’t enough.
wanted to create a Nocera and Anthony DeVito. a surprisingly small sum for to run for president is his
would foster a broth- anyone of means, let alone true charity. Of course, that
group that would Cynthia M. Allen is a columnist
erhood of its mem- a policymaker whose net doesn’t explain his lack of for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
enhance prospects for their families and
bers and advance a better life for them and worth was about $9 million generosity in prior years — Readers may send her email at
those who would follow in the many years
their descendants,” according to a story in 2015, ranking him 51st out less than $900 in 2015 and
to come. They had an eye toward the fu-
published April 20 in the Watertown Daily of 435 members in the House 2016 — when he was merely a Visit Fort Worth Star-Telegram
ture, and their long-range vision was ful-
Times. “The four founders in 1939 created of Representatives in terms congressman. at
filled as a result of the efforts they made to of wealth. And it’s appall- In fairness, O’Rourke isn’t
improve their community. the Italian-American Civic Association of Distributed by Tribune Content
Watertown. Its basic platform: ‘Providing ingly small for a presidential an anomaly among his White Agency. © 2019 Fort Worth Star-
Members had the opportunity Saturday candidate whose platform House-seeking peers, the Telegram.
to look back on all the good that has come for a perpetuation of Americanism and
from this organization and anticipate ev- principles of democracy.’ There were 28
erything in store. They commemorated charter members. In the beginning, the
the 80th anniversary of the group’s foun- club provided a haven for first-generation
dation with a dinner. Highlights included Italian residents, many of whom worked
comments delivered by local dignitaries on the railroad or at the New York Air Brake
as well as acknowledging the association’s Co. At that time, the club was open only to
auxiliary. Italians or those married to an Italian.”
Throughout the Italian-American Civic Like representatives of other ethnic
Association’s distinguished history, its im- groups, these men wanted to impart our
portance to this region has been profound. country’s highest aspirations to their
The organization allows members to bond families, relatives and friends. But while
with others who share their cultural heri- absorbing the characteristics of being an
tage. The organization also has enriched American, members of the organization
Watertown through its many charitable also retained the essential aspects of being
and social activities. Italian. They challenged the biases against
Anthony DeVito, John Doldo Sr., Jack R. them and made themselves — and all of us
Nocera and Leonard L. Root founded the — stronger in the process.
group so Italian-American residents could Perpetuating “Americanism” has come
better assimilate into the community. to mean promoting the value of an incred-
“The beginnings of the Italian-American ibly diverse society with each culture con-
Civic Association developed its deep roots tributing something unique. For 80 years,
in this city, appropriately, under a tree the Italian-American Civic Association has
more than 80 years ago on West Prospect helped its members flourish. Along the
Street. Four men, three born in Italy and way, we’ve all been incredibly blessed.


Affordable housing is a north country issue

It’s no secret that New York not to let lawmakers off the real estate interests.
has an affordable housing cri- hook for delivering on their Tenants’ rights get sub-
sis and that it impacts us here. promises. jugated if not obliterated.
Most of us have family and The campaign aims to get From the article: “Not only
friends who’ve left the area big money out of politics be- do we need fair rent laws that
because they cannot afford to cause a relative few corpora- protect struggling tenants,
live here. tions (aka, special interest we need campaign finance
What can be done? I read groups whose interest is prof- reform — including small-
an interesting article this it at the expense of all else) donor public financing and
morning on that subject. It are affecting how we are gov- lower contribution limits —
can be seen at erned. For example, people in so groups like the Real Estate
GrnSAm. our area do not have the same Board aren’t calling the shots
Members of the Fair Elec- legal protections on rent that in Albany.”
tions for New York cam- apply in urban areas. Please let your state repre-
paign are calling on leaders One of the big complaints sentatives know that you ex-
in Albany to ensure the pas- upstate is that our young do pect them to be on board with
sage of strong public financ- not stay here, to the detri- these efforts to get big money
ing of elections legislation ment of our communities out of government because
this year, by commission or and economy. Cost of living we, the people, deserve ef-
DAYTONA NILES/WATERTOWN DAILY TIMES via legislation. The groups is a major reason, and hous- fective representation. If you
Members of the Italian-American Civic Association stand April 16 in front of the building on Bellew raised concerns that the new ing is a major part of that. would like to get involved,
Avenue in Watertown. commission established in Sometimes people can’t af- contact
the state budget to address ford housing because of rent PRfR.
public financing of elections rules that are in place because Robin Johnson
GUIDELINES FOR LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE could fall short and pledged of lobbyists hired by wealthy Philadelphia
The Times welcomes letters. All letters must dinarily limited to one letter every 30 days.
include a full name, full address and a daytime To submit a letter:
telephone number. Names will be published, but
phone numbers will not be divulged.
Fax: 315-661-2523
Letters must be no more than 400 words. The
Times reserves the right to edit all letters for length, Mail: Letters From the People ‘Art is for all — and the
clarity and content. Letters should be exclusive Watertown Daily Times
260 Washington St.
greatest art proves it.’
to the Times, not duplicates of those sent to other
persons, agencies or publications. Writers are or- Watertown, NY 13601 William Soutar

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