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Watertown Daily Times NORTH COUNTRY Sunday, April 28, 2019 B3



Cloudy and Clear and Increasing A shower in Cloudy with
chilly cold clouds the morning showers

HIGH LOW 53 57 53 56
48 27 39 39 39 42
49/28 Montreal
50/29 Plattsburgh
48/22 Ogdensburg 50/29
Kingston Potsdam 48/21
50/26 50/24 Burlington
46/31 50/31
Watertown Lake Placid
48/27 45/18

50/30 Utica
Batavia Albany
Syracuse 50/31
Buffalo 49/28 49/29
48/30 Catskill
Binghamton 49/28
47/25 Hudson

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.
ALMANAC SUN AND MOON A puppy rests on the lap of Animal Specialist Olivia White as she assists with customers on Wednesday at the SPCA of Jefferson County.
Statistics through 3 p.m. yesterday Today Mon. The puppy was one of eight puppies brought to SPCA from Georgia.
Temperature Precipitation Sunrise 6:01 a.m. 5:59 a.m.
Yesterday as of 3 p.m. 24 hrs. through 3 p.m. yest. Sunset 8:03 p.m. 8:04 p.m.
High Low 0.15” Moonrise 3:31 a.m. 4:00 a.m.

Judge hopeful cites local roots

Moonset 1:42 p.m. 2:43 p.m.
Moon Phases
New First Full Last
43 35
TO DATE NORMAL May 4 May 11 May 18 May 26 JEFFERSON COUNTY CANDIDATE: Democrat’s law practice in Syracuse focused on criminal defense
11.61 9.79
Forecasts and graphics provided By ABRAHAM KENMORE not confirm his own candi-
by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 dacy until late March, shortly
CONDITIONS TODAY WATERTOWN — Graeme before the deadline to turn in UV Index™ & RealFeel Temperature® Spicer works in Syracuse, but petitions for the ballot. He in-
the Democratic candidate for tends to make up for lost time
Jefferson County judge wants — and an out-of-town address
residents to know he is a Wa-
4 4 — over the summer.
2 3 3 2 tertownian at heart.
0 1 1 1 1 “By the time November rolls
“I have very strong roots
in this community,” he said. around I will have made an ef-
36 36 37 40 43 46 45 44 44 39 38
8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. “My mother and father still fort to meet every single voter I
The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protec- live here, my grandmother still possibly can,” he said.
tion. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. The patented lives here, I have several aunts
RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.
and uncles, nieces and neph-
LOCAL CONDITIONS ews. My wife’s family lives in
n Watertown Filtration Plant n Lake Ontario Mr. Spicer currently oper-
For 24 hours ending 8 a.m. Saturday Surface temp 39.78° ates a solo practice in Syra- Graeme Spicer
Precipitation .25” Water level, Oswego 247.44 cuse, which is about three
Precip. this month 2.98” quarters criminal defense, and single day.” fall, leaving the seat without
Precip. this year 15.58”

Snow none n Temperatures, barometer is registered to vote in Utica. Mr. Spicer also said he has an incumbent. Mr. Spicer will
Snow this month trace Saturday at Watertown International Airport “My practice has been the temperament to do the be running against David A.
Snow this year 160.99” 8 a.m. 37° 29.45 largely focused on criminal job. Renzi, a Republican, who an-
11 a.m. 36° 29.49 nounced his candidacy for
Last year snow 135.78”
1 p.m. 37° 29.53 defense,” Mr. Spicer said. For “Being able to keep a cool
High temperature 62° and even temperament on county judge in January.
Low temperature 36° 4 p.m. 37° 29.64 any trial attorney to be elected
n Past Weather judge, “It would be the abso- the bench is very important In contrast, Mr. Spicer did
8 a.m. 1 p.m. lute pinnacle of the profes- — crucial — when you’re pre-
n St. Lawrence River
Surface temp 44.2° April 28, 2018 46° 49° sion.” siding over a case,” he said.
Level at Cape Vincent 247.43 April 28, 1969 44° 48° Mr. Spicer also does some “Sometimes, also, you will be
Level at Alexandria Bay 247.35 April 28, 1919 52° 60° work as local counsel for the presiding over very difficult,
Level at Ogdensburg 247.02 record high 86° in 1990 & 2009 very emotional cases.”
record low 22° in 1966
New York City employment
law firm Levine & Blit Attor- A 1998 Watertown High
neys and serves on the board School graduate, Mr. Spicer
NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY of directors for the Onondaga was a starting quarterback for
Winnipeg County Bar Association and the Watertown High School
Montreal as a delegate to the New York football team and was a Times
State Bar Association House of All-North baseball team pick.
50/30 Delegates for the 5th Judicial He is a 2002 graduate of the
Detroit District. State University of New York
New York
San Francisco
68/51 Chicago
56/42 Most of his time, though, is College at Geneseo and a 2005
spent on criminal cases, and graduate of Syracuse Univer-
Los Angeles
70/29 Kansas City
he said he has represented sity College of Law.
clients through every aspect of “The opportunity to come
El Paso Atlanta the process. back and serve this commu-
91/62 80/62
“Based on my experience nity ... that would be a dream
Houston of doing criminal defense come true,” he said.
Chihuahua 83/65
and my work ethic, I think Current Judge Kim H. Mar-
86/73 I’m qualified,” he said. “I’m tusewicz is retiring when his
in county court nearly every current term expires in the
84/67 Shown are noon positions
Fairbanks of weather systems and
57/30 Hilo
51/35 Juneau
80/67 precipitation. Temperature
bands are highs for the day. City woman faces
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s felony DWI count
showers t-storms rain flurries snow ice cold front warm front stationary front WATERTOWN — Tonon-
ica S. Reynolds, 39, of 220 S.
NATIONAL CITIES Rutland St., Watertown, was
Today Mon. Today Mon.
City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W City Hi/Lo W Hi/Lo W
charged by city police on Fri-
Albuquerque 82/53 pc 74/50 pc Little Rock 69/58 c 80/62 pc day with felony driving while
Anchorage 51/35 s 51/39 c Los Angeles 70/56 pc 66/56 c intoxicated after police deter-
Atlanta 80/62 pc 85/63 s Miami 86/73 pc 86/75 pc mined her blood alcohol con-
Atlantic City 63/44 r 58/52 pc Milwaukee 50/39 s 49/39 sh
Baltimore 73/42 sh 65/56 pc Minneapolis 52/40 pc 55/38 sh tent was allegedly four times
Billings 45/27 r 41/30 c Nashville 70/54 pc 85/60 pc over the legal limit.
Birmingham 80/59 pc 86/60 s New Orleans 81/64 s 83/69 pc She was charged with ag-
Boise 57/33 pc 58/37 pc New York City 56/42 r 60/48 pc gravated driving while in-
Boston 55/40 r 58/44 pc Norfolk 81/55 pc 68/60 pc
Charleston, SC 84/63 pc 84/63 pc Oklahoma City 73/62 c 73/55 t toxicated, felony first-degree
Charleston, WV 65/43 c 81/59 c Omaha 59/45 pc 62/42 pc aggravated unlicensed op-
Charlotte 81/57 pc 78/62 pc Orlando 89/64 s 88/68 s eration of a motor vehicle and
Cheyenne 61/22 pc 35/26 sf Philadelphia 66/42 r 65/53 pc
Chicago 51/41 s 58/41 r Phoenix 95/71 s 85/63 c operating a vehicle without
Cincinnati 62/45 pc 75/59 t Pittsburgh 56/38 r 67/57 sh an interlock device after be-
Cleveland 52/39 pc 59/48 r Portland 52/34 r 54/40 pc ing stopped in the 500 block of
Columbus, OH 59/40 pc 69/56 t Portland 67/42 pc 68/44 pc Pearl Street.
Dallas 82/64 pc 82/68 c Providence 54/36 c 59/43 pc
Denver 70/29 t 41/30 c Raleigh 80/53 pc 73/61 pc Her BAC was 0.34 percent.
Des Moines 55/44 pc 64/43 c Richmond 79/49 pc 70/59 pc A driver is charged if the BAC
Detroit 56/37 pc 51/41 r Sacramento 80/51 pc 80/53 s is 0.08 percent or higher and
Hartford 51/34 r 61/42 pc St. Louis 62/53 s 73/58 t
Honolulu 84/67 sh 84/70 sh Salt Lake City 58/40 pc 61/43 c with the more serious charge
Houston 83/65 pc 85/71 sh San Francisco 68/51 pc 68/52 pc of aggravated DWI if the BAC
Indianapolis 59/46 pc 69/56 t Savannah 87/63 pc 86/63 s is 0.18 percent or higher.
Kansas City 61/54 s 64/48 t Seattle 61/42 pc 64/44 pc She also was ticketed with
Knoxville 75/53 pc 84/60 pc Tampa 87/71 s 90/72 s
Las Vegas 91/68 pc 77/59 c Washington, DC 74/47 pc 67/59 pc following too close and failure
Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. to use designated lane.

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