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Rotational Motion

Rotational motion is motion with respect to a fixed axis. The equations describing
rotational motion are analogous to the equations describing linear motion (or translational


vf = vi + at   f =  i + t
S = vit + ½ at2   =  it + ½ t2
vf = vi2 + 2aS   f =  i2 + 2

 S is linear position/displacement in meter
 v is linear velocity in meter per second
 a is linear acceleration in meter per second per second
  is angular position/displacement in degrees, revolutions, or radians
  is angular velocity in degree per second, revolution per second, and radian per
  is angular acceleration in degree per second per second, revolutions per second
per second, and radian per second per second

Useful conversion factors:

 1 rev = 360 deg = 2 pie radians
  = S/r
 1 rad = 57.29578 deg
 360 deg = 6.28318525378309 rad = 1 rev

1) Angular Velocity/Rotational Velocity (radian per second)

 The rate of change in angular displacement ()

 = /t

 Indicates both the rate of rotation and the sense of rotation

 Maybe expressed in dps, rpm, or rps
 Linear and angular relationship:

v = r

(v = linear or tangential velocity;  in rps)

2) Angular Acceleration (rad/s2)
 The rate of change in angular velocity ()

 = /t

3) Radial/Centripetal Acceleration (m/s2)

 The acceleration of each particle of a rotating body towards the radial
direction (axis)

aR = v2/r

4) Tangential/Linear/Centrifugal Acceleration (m/s2)

 The linear acceleration tangent to the curved path

aT = r

5) Torque/Moment of Force (Nm)

 The measure of the ability of a force to cause rotation
 The rotational equivalent of force

 = I


 I is the rotating body’s inertia (see item #6)

 = Fr sin 


 F is linear force
 r is distance measured from the axis of rotation to where the linear force is
  is the angle between F and r

6) Rotational Inertia/Moment of Inertia/mass moment of inertia/rotational

inertia/polar moment of inertia/angular mass (kgm2)
 The measure of the body to resist its state of motion (angular velocity)
about an axis of rotation

I = cmr2

 c = 1 if the rotating body is a hoop, c = ½ if the rotating body is a solid

cylinder, and c = 2/5 if the rotating body is a sphere

7) Angular Momentum/Moment of Momentum/Rotational Momentum (kgm2/s)

 By definition, the angular momentum of a rotating body is the product of
its rotational inertia and its angular velocity

A = I

8) Rotational Kinetic Energy (J)

 Energy in rotational motion

EK = ½ Iω2

Sample Problems:

1. A pulley driving a belt has a diameter of 0.36 m and it is turning at 860

revolutions per minute. Find the angular velocity of the pulley in radian per
second and the linear velocity of the belt in meter per second assuming that no
slip occurs.


Convert the angular velocity in rev/min to rad/s:

(860 rev / 1 min) x (6.28 rad / 1 rev) x (1 min / 60 sec) = 90 rad/s

Find the linear velocity using the relationship between linear velocity and
angular velocity:

v = r = (0.36 m / 2) 90 rad/s = 16.2 m/s

2. A disc accelerates uniformly from 300 revolutions per minute to 600 revolutions
per minute in 25 s. Determine its angular acceleration in radian per second per
second and the linear acceleration in meter per second per second of a point on
the rim of the disc if the radius of the disc is 0.25 m.


Solve for the angular acceleration:

 = /t
 = [((600 rev / 1 min) – (300 rev / 1 min)) x (6.28 rad / 1 rev) x (1 min / 60
sec)] / 25 s = 1.25 rad/s2

Solve for the linear acceleration:

aT = r = (0.25 m) x (1.25 rad/s2) = 0.31 m/s2

3. A cable is wrapped around a uniform, solid cylinder of radius 0.55 m and mass
3.5 kg.

The cylinder rotates about its axis, and the cable unwinds without stretching or
pulling. If the cable is pulled with a force of 4 N (at an angle perpendicular to r),
what is its linear acceleration?


Calculate first the rotational inertia:

I = cmr2 = ½ 3.5 kg (0.55 m)2 = 0.53 kgm2

Calculate the amount of torque applied:

 = F r sin  = 4 N x 0.55 m x sin 90 deg = 2.2 Nm

Solve for  using the relationship between torque and rotational inertia:

 = I


 =  / I = 2.2 Nm / 0.53 kgm2 = 4.15 rad/s2

Solve for the linear acceleration:

aT = r = 0.55 m x 4.15 = 2.28 m/s2

4. If the cylinder in item 3 is spinning at a constant rate of 20 revolutions in 4
seconds. What is the angular velocity in radian per second? What is the angular
momentum? How much kinetic energy does the body has?


Solve for angular momentum using the information in item 3:

A = I = 0.53 kgm2 x ((5 rev/s) x (6.28 rad / 1 rev)) = 16.64 kgm2/s

Solve for rotational kinetic energy:

EK = ½ Iω2 = ½ 0.53 kgm2 x (31.4 rad/s)2 = 261.28 J


NAME: __________________________ SECTION: _________ RATING: _________

DIRECTION: Answer the following:

1. A merry-go-round rotates at a steady rate and completes one revolution in 5 s.

Find the linear velocity of a child standing on the merry-go-round 5 m from the
center (10 points).

2. A compact disc starts from rest and accelerates to its final angular velocity of 3.5
rad/s in 1.5 s. Find the disc’s angular acceleration (10 points).
3. A uniform solid cylinder of radius 0.45 m and mass 2.5 kg cylinder rotates about
its axis. If the cylinder was pushed with a force of 5 N 70 degrees between the r,
what is its linear acceleration (15 points)?

4. If the cylinder in item 3 is spinning at a constant rate of 15 revolutions in 4

seconds. What is the angular velocity in radian per second? What is the angular
momentum? How much kinetic energy does the body has?

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