Guess Who?: at The Crime Scene

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Guess who?


DJ: Good evening caller! I’m DJ Marga and we’re back with our segment, The caller only
here at 69.8 star fm.


DJ: How may I help you, my dear caller?

Agatha: Um. Err? Caller, me?

DJ: Yes, caller and you’re the lucky caller to share her story and let me advice, again, in
this segment, The caller.


DJ: Have we met before? Your voice is familiar, nevermind hit your question miss

Agatha: Oh, I see, well… I’m Agatha Fernandez. I have a problem. So last night I was
walking in the road leading to our house. I saw a lady running away. She was panting
and a scared look was plastered down her face. Quickly, I took the phone, looked back
and she was gone. So I slid her phone in my pockets and continued walking. I eventually
reached my house, there were few people gossiping about something, they looked so
frightened too, police mobiles were parked outside as well.. That’s when it came into
my senses, there’s a crime that occurred in my house.

DJ: I kinda heard about that, at the Ivington street right?

Agatha: Um, the next thing I knew was I was talking with the authorities. They were kept
on telling me that my friend died, while I kept on denying it. I wasn’t believing. I was
talking with the police officer.

Narrator: Flashback, the night before….

*at the crime scene*


Agatha: Please tell me my friend didn’t died! He- he was with me earlier. No! ( CRY )
Police: But ma’am?, we already sent his corpse to the authorities. It was really your
friend, Lucas D. Cruz.

Agatha: H-how do you say so?

Police: Alright then, let’s go to the hospital.

*at the hospital*


Agatha: Oh poor Lucas! Who did this to you?

Police: As we told you earlier, your friend is dead.

SOCO rep: We brought him here around 11:30 pm, are you the guardian?

Agatha: Yes, I am. What happened?

SOCO rep: We’ll conduct an investigation in the future, stay intact ma’am, we knew how
painful it is but please do accept his death.


Agatha: I have another evidence, there’s this pendant in the crime scene. A cross in it
and I think it belongs to the suspect herself.

DJ: Explain the pendant furt—I mean no. ( Kinakabahan )

Agatha: ( Sagot agad ) Well it has MDR initials at the side.

DJ: W- why not tell the authorities anyway?

Agatha: The policemen were roaming around the crime scene and left quickly. I guess
they didn’t put too much attention over this small case.

DJ: Um. Why not we just stop this? W-well it’s going nowhere anyway. You need a
professional over this. I’m not an investigator to handle this case, plus I’m not really
comfortable, I need a new caller.

Agatha: Why are you avoiding anyway? You told me you’d help me solve this?

DJ: It’s overtime, ma’am Agatha. See you later.

Agatha: You know how did I knew this number?

DJ: W-what?



Police: This is police officer Mariano, we have a warrant of arrest for Marga Delos
Santos, committing homicide at Lucas Cruz last night, 11:30 pm.


*at the police station*

DJ: I told you! I’m not the killer!

Police: Calm down, ma’am, if you believe you’re not the killer then prove it. We have
our first witness, Christian Mantos. Please state what you know about the crime.

Witness: But please don’t put my life in danger after this?

SOCO rep: Yes, we won’t.

Witness: Last night, I was about to buy my mom a fruit, I was walking. I went pass by her
house and saw the culprit, going out Agatha’s home. I wasn’t really paying attention to
the culprit. I diverted my glaze into her hands. They were bleeding so much I was too
scared to shout, nor approach him because I might be involve in what mystery did
happened inside Agatha’s home.

SOCO rep: What happened next?

Witness: There I stood, watching her to run away swiftly. That’s when I saw her
accomplice running away too. I saw the culprit dropped something while running away,
it was this bloody bracelet. I put it inside the ziplock bag just so it won’t get my finger

Agatha: Here’s the pendant with it, he dropped it too. I also have the phone that your
accomplice dropped, I saw your number registered at the recent call log so I dialed. I
was hesitating and I almost dropped the phone call, but you suddenly said you’re from
69.8 star fm, which was exactly written in this ID I got from the crime scene too, you
must’ve dropped it. While you were calling, you mentioned that the crime probably
happened in Ivington street. How did you knew it was the exact street? The crime was
not yet reported in any news yet. Lastly, you said you recognized my voice? Yes I was
the woman you’re jealous at.

DJ: Fine all of those were true! I was the culprit and I’m not sorry for it! Lucas did played
with my feelings, he broke up with me because he found another woman, which was
obviously you, b*tch! *SFX TOOT*

Agatha: You live for those rumors? How pathetic of you! Lucas broke up with you
because he realized he was gay, not because of me, you or anyone. He lived with me
because his parents kicked him out knowing he’s gay! Have you ever widened you
mind? How can you give accurate advices to people when you can’t apply it to yourself?

Narrator: DJ Marga was speechless over the thought, she did it, and she couldn’t redo.

SOCO: Based on our examine, he was stabbed ten times. And was also choked to death.

Witness: How cruel, that’s why your hands were bloody!

DJ: Stop! Don’t put me in this warzone, this- this is wrong, I’m not the killer I swea-

Police: Let’s go, miss Marga, it has been proved, you killed.


Royce: The moral lesson is quite easy, don’t let your feelings to control and manipulate
you. Learn to balance and don’t ever kill.

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