EM Waves & Transmission Lines

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Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines (EMTL)


S. No QUESTION Blooms Course

Taxonomy Outcome
1 Define coulombs law? Remember a
2 find the electric field E, if the force on a stationary charge Q is F? Understand e
3 Define unit vector? Remember e
4 Specify the importance of divergence and stokes theorems? Understand e
5 Define gauss law? Remember f
6 Give the expression for the potential difference of two concentric conducting Understand f
sphere of radius a and b?
7 List the applications of gauss law? Understand g
8 Define electric flux and give the expression? Understand g
9 Give the relation between electric flux and flux density? Understand e
10 State the divergence theorem and give the expression? Understand e
11 State the stokes theorem and give the expression? Understand h
12 Define electric potential? Understand c
13 What e is the first Maxwell’s equation ? Analysis i
14 Give the relation between V and E? Understand k
15 What is the value of curl of E for a static field? Understand m
16 Give the expression for energy due to point Q in electric field ? Understand b
17 What is the condition that the electrostatic field is conservative ? Application g
18 What is mean by dipole moment? Understand f
19 Give the expression for the energy density for electrostatic fields? Understand e


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20 Find the value of aθ.aφ ? Remember c

21 Define convention current density? Understand a
22 Define conduction current density? Understand e
23 List the names of few conductors along with its conductivity? Understand e
24 Define polarization? Understand e
25 Give the expression continuity equation ? Remember f
26 Give the expression for relaxation time? Remember f
27 Writ e boundary conditions for conducting media? Analysis g
28 Writ e boundary conditions for dielectric media? Understand g
29 Define poission and laplace equations? Remember e
30 Define capacitance between two parallel plates? Analysis e
31 What are the different types capacitors give the C value for all? Understand h
1 Define Biot severt law and give the expression? Remember a
2 Define amperes circuit law and give the expression? Analysis e
3 List the applications of amperes circuit law? Understand e
4 What is 2nd Maxwell’s equation ? Remember e
5 What is 3nd Maxwell’s equation? Understand f
6 Define magnetic flux density? Specify the units? Remember f
7 Define magnetic scalar potential and give the expression? Understand g
8 Define magnetic vector potential and give the expression? Remember g
9 What is the value of permeability for free space and specify the units? Understand e
10 Lis t the types of forces exerted by the magnetic field? Understand e
11 What is lenz law? Understand h
12 What is the Lorentz force equation for a static charge ? Understand c
13 What is the Lorentz force equation for a DC charge? Understand i
14 What is mean by magnetic dipole moment? Understand k
15 List the boundary conditions for Magnetic fields? Understand m
16 Define inductance? Remember b
17 Define mutual inductance? Understand g
18 What Neumann’s formula for mutual inductance? Remember f
19 List any two differences between self and mutual inductance? Understand e
20 Define magnetic energy? Remember a
21 Define magnetic energy due to mutual inductance? Understand e
22 What are the different types of magnetic materials? Understand e
23 List any two differences between magnetic materials? Understand e
24 List any two differences between electrostatic fields and magneto static Understand f
25 Define faraday law? Understand f
26 What is mean by transformer emf? Understand g
27 What is mean by generator emf? Understand g
28 Give the reason why amperes law is inconsistent? Remember e
29 Define displacement current density? Understand e
30 Specify the conditions for free space? Remember h
31 Specify the conditions conductor and dielectrics? Understand c
32 What is mean by sinusoidal harmonic variations ? Remember i
1 What is mean by homogeneous medium? Remember a
2 What is mean by isotropic medium? Understand e
3 What is mean by linear medium? Remember e
4 Define uniform plane wave? Understand e
5 Define characteristics impedance? Remember f


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6 Give the expression for attenuation constant? Understand f

7 Give the expression for phase constant? Understand g
8 Define skin depth? Understand g
9 Define Snell’s law? Understand e
10 Define reflection coefficient? Understand e
11 Define transmission coefficient? Understand h
12 Define Brewster angle? Understand c
13 Define critical angle? Remember i
14 What is mean by total internal reflection? Understand k
15 Define surface impedance? Remember m
16 Define poynting theorem? Understand b
17 Give the expression for reflection coefficient for vertical polarization with Remember g
oblique incidence?
18 Give the expression for transmission coefficient for horizontal polarization Understand f
with oblique incidence?
19 Give the expression for reflection coefficient for normal incidence ? Understand e
20 Give the expression for transmission coefficient for normal incidence? Understand b
1 Define transmission line? Remember a
2 What are the types of transmission lines? Understand e
3 What are the primary parameters of transmission lines? Remember e
4 What are the secondary parameters of transmission lines? Understand e
5 What are the generalized equation of transmission lines? Remember f
6 Define characteristic impedance of a transmission lines? Understand f
7 Define group velocity of transmission lines? Understand g
8 Specify the relation between group velocity and phase velocity of Understand g
transmission lines?
9 Give the condition for lossless transmission in transmission lines? Understand e
10 Give the condition for distortion less transmission in transmission lines? Understand e
11 Give the condition for maximum attenuation in transmission lines? Understand h
12 What is mean by line distortion in transmission lines? Understand c
13 What are various loads in transmission lines? Understand i
14 What is use of generalize transmission line equations? Understand k
15 What is maximum range of frequency transmission lines? Understand m
1 What is mean by standing wave ? Remember a
2 Define reflection in transmission line? Understand e
3 Define refraction in transmission line? Remember e
4 Give the expression for reflection coefficient in transmission line? Understand e
5 What are types of standing wave ratios in transmission line? Remember f
6 Specify the relation between VSWR and reflection coefficient in transmission Understand f
7 Give the expression for input impedance inters of reflection coefficient ? Understand g
8 What is the use of impedance transformation ? Understand g
9 What is mean by stub matching ? Understand e
10 What are the advantages of stub matching ? Understand e
11 What is the use of smith chart ? Understand h
12 What are the properties of stub matching ? Understand c
13 List the application of smith chart ? Remember i


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S. No Question Blooms Program

Taxonomy Outcome
1 Define divergence and divergence theorem of a vector A and write the Remember e
2 1 Understand e
Determine the divergence of T = 2 cos θ a r + r sin θ cos ∅ a θ + cos θ a ∅ ?

3 Define dielectric constant, dielectric strength and relaxation time in Remember f


4 Derive equation of continuity? Understand f

5 Define curl of a vector and state Stoke’s theorem? Remember g

6 Determine the curl of 𝑄 = 𝜌 sin ∅ 𝑎𝜌 + 𝜌2 𝑧𝑎∅ + 𝑧 cos ∅ 𝑎𝑧 ? Understand g

7 Write a Laplacian equation on Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates? Understand e

8 Explain conduction current and derive the expression for conduction current Understand e
9 State coulomb’s law and write the equation for F that exist between two unlike Understand h
10 Derive the expression for electric field on point charge Q due to the point Understand c
charge Q1?
11 Explain convection current density and derive expression for it? Understand e

12 State Gauss’s law and obtain the firstMAXWELL’s equation for electrostatic Understand h
13 What is the boundary value problem? Write steps to calculate resistance of a Remember c
14 Obtain the expression for the capacitance of a coaxial capacitor? Understand a

1 State Biot-Savart’s law and obtain the expression for magnetic field intensity at Remember e
a point P due to line current element?
2 State and explain Faraday’s law for time varying field? Understand h
3 Show that 𝛁 × 𝐄𝐦 = 𝛁 × (𝐮 × 𝐁) for time varying fields? Remember c
4 Define magnetic flux density? Why magnetic flux density is zero in a closed Understand f
5 ∂𝐃 Remember g
Show that 𝛁 × 𝐇 = 𝐉 + ?
6 State and explain ampere’s circuit law? Understand g
7 Obtain the expression for magnetic field intensity due to infinite line current Understand e

8 − ∂𝐁 Understand e
What is transformer emf? Show that 𝛁 × 𝐄 =
9 Write integral form of all MAXWELL’S equations? Understand h
10 Obtain Lorentz’s force equation? Remember c
11 Obtain the expression for force F on current element due to the magnetic field Understand e


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S. No Question Blooms Program

Taxonomy Outcome
12 Write MAXWELL’S equations in differential form? Remember e
13 ∂𝐃 Understand h
Show that the displacement current density 𝐉d = ?
1 Derive Helmholtz equations? Remember e
2 State poynting theorem. What does the poynting vector represent? Understand e
3 Derive the relation between E and H in free space? Remember h
4 What is polarization? What are the different types of polarization? Understand c
5 Define conducting medium and obtain the expression for intrinsic impedance? Remember d
6 What is normal incidence and discuss? Understand i
7 Determine the reflected wave Hr, Er and the transmitted wave Et . Show that the e
𝑗𝜔𝜇 Understand
intrinsic impedance of the lossy medium is 𝜂 = √ .
8 Define reflection and transmission coefficient for normal incidence and write the Understand e
formulae for E?
9 Define Brewster angle? Obtain the expression for it? Understand h
10 Calculate the reflection coefficient for vertical polarization with oblique incident Understand c
on perfect dielectric?
11 Ensure the transmission for perfect conductor with normal incidence? Understand g
1 Define a transmission line and explain the primary constants? Understand b

2 What is characteristic impedance? Obtain the relation between characteristic Remember e

impedance and the propagation constant?

3 Define lossless and distortion less transmission lines and write the conditions Understand d
for both?

4 Obtain the input impedance of a transmission line of length l characterized by Remember c

Z0 and γ.

1 Derive the expression 𝑧0 = √𝑍𝑜𝑐 𝑍𝑠𝑐 . Understand e
2 Explain how an open circuit line acts as a circuit element? Remember e
3 Explain how a short circuit line acts as a circuit element? Understand h

4 Explain the construction of smith chart? Understand c


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S. No QUESTIONS Blooms Program

Taxonomy Outcome
1 1 Understand c
If T = 3 (2 cos θ a r + sin θ a θ ) A/m2, calculate the current passing through a
hemisphere shell of radius 20 cm, 0 < 𝜃 < , 0 < ∅ < 2𝜋
2 Given that D = zρ cos ∅2 a z C/m2, calculate the charge density at (1, , 3 ) and Understand i
the total charge enclosed by cylinder of radius 1m with −2 ≤ z ≤ 2m
1 A circular loop located on x 2 + y 2 = 9, z = 0 carries a direct current of 10A Understand c
along 𝒂∅ . Determine H at (0, 0, 4) and (0, 0, -4)?
2 −ρ2 Understand f
Given the magnetic field vector potential 𝐀 = 𝐚𝐳 Wb/m, calculate the total
magnetic flux crossing the surface ∅ = , 1 ≤ ρ ≤ 2m, 0 ≤ z ≤ 5m?
3 A parallel plate capacitor with a plate area of 5cm2 and plate separation of Understand k
3mm has a voltage 50 sin 103 𝑡 V applied to its plates. Calculate displacement
current assuming ∈= 2 ∈0 ?
1 In a lossless dielectric for which η= 60π, 𝜇𝑟 = 1 and 𝐇 = −0.1 cos(ωt − Understand b
z)𝐚𝐱 + 0.5 sin(ωt − z)𝐚𝐲 A/m. Calculate 𝜀𝑟 , 𝜔 and E.
2 In a non magnetic medium 𝐄 = 4 sin(2π × 107 t − 0.8x)𝐚𝐳 V/m. Find𝜀𝑟 , η and Understand e
time average power carried by the wave?
3 A plane wave propagating through a medium with 𝜀𝑟 = 8, 𝜇𝑟 = 2 has𝐄 = Understand h
0.5e ⁄3 sin(108 t − βz)𝐚𝐱 . Determine the loss tangent, H field and intrinsic
4 In free space, 𝐇 = 0.2 cos(ωt − βx)𝐚𝐳 A/m. Find the total power passing Understand c
through a square plate of side 10cm on plane 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 1 and a circular disk of
radius 5cm on plane𝑥 = 1.
5 A plane wave propagating through in a non magnetic medium has 𝐄 = Understand g
50 sin(108 t + 2z)𝐚𝐲 V/m. Find λ, 𝜀𝑟 and H?
6 In a free space(𝑧 ≤ 0), a plane wave with 𝐇 = 10 cos(108 t − βz)𝐚𝐱 A/m is Understand b
incident normally on a lossless medium (𝜀 = 2𝜀0 , 𝜇 = 8𝜇0 ) in region𝑧 ≥ 0.
7 For a copper coaxial cable shown below, let a= 2mm, b= 6mm and t=1mm. Understand a
Calculate the resistance of a 2m length of the cable at dc and at 100 MHz?
8 Given a uniform plane wave in air as 𝐄 = 40 cos(ωt − βz)𝐚𝐱 + 30 sin(ωt − Understand l
βz)𝐚𝐲 V/m. Find Hi, and if the wave encounters a perfectly conducting plate
normal to the z- axis at z=0, find the reflected wave Er and Hr.
1 An air line has a characteristic impedance of 70Ω and phase constant of 3rad/m Understand e
at 100 Mhz. Calculate R, C and L.
2 A transmission line operating at 500 MHz has Z0=80Ω, α=0.04 Np/m, β=1.5 Understand m
rad/m. Find line parameters R, L, G and C?
3 A distortion less line has Z0=60Ω, α=0.04 Np/m, u=0.6c, where c is the speed Understand h
of the light in a vacuum. Find R, L and G?
4 A telephone line has R= 30Ω/km, L= 100mH/km, G= 0 and C=20μF/km. at Understand c
f=1 KHz obtain Z0, γ and phase velocity (u).


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S. No QUESTIONS Blooms Program

Taxonomy Outcome
1 A certain transmission line 2m long operating at ω=10 6 rad/s has α=dB/m, Understand e
β=1rad/m and Z0=60+j40Ω. If the line is connected to a source of 10∟0 0 V,
Zg= 40Ω and terminated by a load of 20+j50Ω. Determine the input Impedance
and the sending end current
2 A lossless transmission line with Z0=50Ω is 30m long and operates at 2MHz. Understand f
the line is terminated with a load ZL= 60+j40Ω, if u=0.6c on the line. Find the
reflection coefficient Γ, standing wave ratio S and the input impedance Zin
3 A load of 100+j150Ω is connected to a 75Ω lossless line. Find Γ, S and load Understand h
admittance YL
1 A certain transmission line 2m long operating at ω=10 6 rad/s has α=dB/m, Understand e
β=1rad/m and Z0=60+j40Ω. If the line is connected to a source of 10∟0 0 V,
Zg= 40Ω and terminated by a load of 20+j50Ω. Determine the input Impedance
and the sending end current


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