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Title no. 91-S39

Steel Jacket Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Bridge

Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength—Part 1: Theoretical
Considerations and Test Design

by M. J. Nigel Priestley, Frieder Seible, Yan Xiao, and Ravindra Verma

A theoretical and experimental investigation conducted to study the shear research related to the seismic response of bridges to estab-
failure mode of reinforced concrete bridge columns designed before 1971, lish safer seismic design procedures. The research emphasis
and to establish the effectiveness of full-height steel jackets for enhancing
in the U.S. was focused on developing analytical tools for
the seismic shear strength, is described.
In this first part of a two-part paper, theoretical considerations relating performing sophisticated time-history analyses for bridges,
to assessing the shear strength of existing columns of circular or rectangu- while in Japan and New Zealand extensive experimental
lar sections are presented. Current design approaches are compared with testing was initiated to develop a rational understanding of
more recently developed, and less conservative, predictive methods. Mod- the seismic behavior of various bridge components.4-8 This
els are presented for predicting the enhancement to shear strength provided
research has been based on the principles of capacity design
by circular or elliptical (for rectangular section) jackets. Design details of
an experimental test program to determine “as-built” and retrofitted col- approach,9 in which ductile flexural response of concrete
umn shear strength are presented. structures is assured by setting the shear strength above the
maximum feasible shear force corresponding to the flexural
Keywords: bridges (structures); columns (supports); ductility; earth- strength developed in the plastic hinge regions. This
quake-resistant structures; flexural strength; reinforced concrete; shear approach requires that the prediction of shear forces likely to
be generated in the columns during an earthquake is not
Shear failure of squat bridge columns has been one of the directly related to code-specified empirical coefficients, but
major problems associated with the performance of rein- to a rational examination of inelastic deformation mecha-
forced concrete bridges under earthquake excitations. Such nisms likely to develop at large ductility levels.
short and, hence, relatively stiff members tend to attract a Previous studies conducted by Ang, Priestley, and Paulay6
greater portion of the seismic input to the bridge during an and Wong, Paulay, and Priestley8 have addressed some of
earthquake and require the generation of large seismic shear the issues related to seismic response of well-confined squat
forces to develop the moment capacity of columns. On the circular reinforced concrete columns under uni- and multidi-
other hand, estimation of flexural strength based on elastic rectional earthquake loading, based on small-scale circular
methods, along with much less conservative shear strength columns tested as vertical cantilevers. Ang, Priestley, and
provisions during the 1950s and 1960s, frequently resulted Paulay6 showed that most design codes are extremely
in actual shear strength of “as-built” bridge columns being conservative and inconsistent in their shear design proce-
significantly less than the flexural capacity. Since the trans- dure. They observed that the actual shear capacity of
verse reinforcing steel was generally inadequately anchored columns decreased with increasing flexural ductility, as
in the cover concrete, which can be expected to spall off suggested in a model originally proposed by ATC-6,10 and
under cyclic loading, the problem is compounded. Hence, that the degraded shear strength mainly relied on the shear
shear failure is likely in such columns, accompanied by rapid force carried by the transverse reinforcement provided in the
strength, stiffness, and physical degradation. This has been form of hoops or spirals. Hence, any seismic shear design
evidenced by the brittle shear failure of bridge columns in approach for reinforced concrete bridge columns should also
California during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake,1 the consider the influence of flexural ductility on the column
1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake,2 and the 1989 Loma shear strength during inelastic levels of seismic response.
Prieta earthquake.3 Typical details of a squat circular bridge
column for a multicolumn bent designed and constructed in ACI Structural Journal, V. 91, No. 4, July-August 1994.
Received July 1, 1992, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright
the pre-1971 era are shown in Fig. 1(a). © 1994, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of
Following the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, there was copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discus-
sion will be published in the May-June 1995 ACI Structural Journal if received by
an increased emphasis on theoretical and experimental Jan. 1, 1995.

394 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994

columns, the jacket is rolled to an elliptical shape, with the
ACI member M. J. Nigel Priestley is Professor of Structural Engineering in the
Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences at the University of Cali- larger gaps between casing and column filled with concrete
fornia, San Diego. His teaching and research interests are in reinforced and rather than grout. The elliptical shape is needed to provide a
prestressed concrete structures, masonry structures, and earthquake-resistant design. continuous confining pressure by passive restraint in poten-
He is the author or coauthor of many technical papers, a member of ACI Committee
531, Concrete Masonry Structures, and has been recipient or corecipient of many tial plastic hinge regions. For flexural retrofit, only the
awards, including ACI's 1984 and 1989 Raymond C. Reese Awards. potential hinge regions need to be retrofitted.
ACI member Frieder Seible is a professor of structural engineering at the University
For both circular and rectangular columns, the steel jacket
of California, San Diego. He received his PhD from the University of California, acts as passive confinement reinforcement for ductile
Berkeley. His research combines large-scale experimental testing and nonlinear ana- response. Dilation of the flexural compression zone is
lytical modeling of structural systems. He is a member of ACI Committee 341, Earth-
quake-Resistant Concrete Bridges.
restrained by the hoop stiffness of the jacket, placing the
concrete in radial compression, thus enhancing its compres-
ACI member Yan Xiao is a research scientist and a lecturer in the Department of sion strength and effective ultimate compression strain.
Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences at the University of California, San
Diego. He received his BS in civil engineering from Tianjin University, China, and his
Restraint by the jacket of dilation on the flexural tension side
MEng and DrEng in structural engineering from Kyushu University, Japan. He of the column also provides an effective constraint against
worked with Aoki Corporation in Tokyo, Japan, prior to joining UC San Diego. His bond failure of longitudinal bar lap splices in the hinge
research and teaching interests are in the earthquake-resistant design of reinforced,
prestressed concrete and steel-concrete composite structures. He is the author and co-
author of several technical papers in these fields. It is apparent that a steel jacket should also be effective in
providing shear strength enhancement to squat bridge
ACI member Ravindra Verma is a senior bridge engineer at CRSS Civil Engineers,
Inc., Irvine, Calif. He received his BS in civil engineering from the Institute of Tech-
columns with inadequate shear reinforcement. The jacket
nology, Varanasi, India, and his MS and PhD degrees in structural engineering from may conservatively be idealized as a series of independent
the University of California, San Diego, in June, 1993. He has co-authored several closely spaced peripheral hoops with thickness and spacing
technical papers and reports on seismic design and retrofit of bridge columns, and has
been the recipient of a 1992 EERI student award. His research interests are in seismic
equal to the jacket thickness. If shear strength enhancement
analysis and earthquake-resistant design of reinforced concrete bridges. is needed, the jacket will normally be required over the full
height of the column, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Note that a gap
is provided between the jacket and the cap beam or footing
Comparatively little systematic research has been carried to minimize flexural strength enhancement, which might
out to investigate the shear performance of rectangular rein- cause excessive forces to develop in adjacent members.
forced concrete bridge columns with longitudinal reinforce- Within potential plastic hinge regions, the required jacket
ment evenly distributed around the four faces. However, thickness will be the greater of requirements for ductility and
there have been major experimental studies in the U.S., shear strength enhancement.
notably by Woodward and Jirsa,11 and in Japan, by a number In this first part of a two-part paper, theoretical consider-
of researchers,12 on rectangular columns more typical of ations relating to the shear strength of existing and retrofitted
building columns, with comparatively small numbers of columns are discussed, and the design of the test program is
longitudinal reinforcing bars. presented. In the companion paper, experimental results are
The research just described provided a reasonable basis for presented and compared with predicted response.
the design of new bridge columns for seismic forces.
However, there remained a need for further verification and, RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
if necessary, modification of the design approaches, espe- The research described in this and the companion paper16
cially for assessment of columns under reversed curvature, has formed the basis for retrofit assessment and design of
with realistic levels of longitudinal reinforcement, low squat shear-dominated bridge columns in California. A large
aspect ratios, and low levels of transverse reinforcement number of bridge columns have already been retrofitted with
typical of the bridge columns designed in the pre-1971 era. steel jackets to enhance the seismic shear strength. Data and
Following the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, the Cali- design equations presented in the two papers provide the
fornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) embarked on justification for this current assessment and retrofit effort.
an extensive bridge seismic assessment and retrofit
program,13 which is based on ongoing experimental and THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS
analytical research being conducted at several institutions. A The ASCE-ACI Joint Task Committee 32617 summarized
major research program was started in 1987 at the University results of research conducted during the first half of the
of California at San Diego, to study various problems related century, focusing on the ultimate shear strength of reinforced
to the seismic response of bridges. The first phase of the concrete members, primarily based on simple beam shear
project investigated the enhancement of inadequate and tests. Further rational models were developed to study the
undependable flexural strength and ductility capacity of tall shear transfer and failure mechanisms in reinforced concrete
flexure-dominated bridge columns by encasing the plastic (RC) members, and these were included in the recommenda-
hinge regions of the columns with steel jackets. With circular tions of the ASCE-ACI Joint Task Committee 426 proposed
columns, circular cylindrical jackets are constructed in two in 1971.18 In a recently held international conference on
half-shells slightly oversized for easy installation, welded in concrete shear in earthquakes,19 it was concluded that
situ up the vertical seams, and with the gap between the modern theories on shear are capable of satisfying not only
column and the jacket filled with grout to provide continuity equilibrium conditions, but also compatibility conditions
between the jacket and the column. With rectangular and the constitutive laws, enabling the prediction of not only

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994 395

Fig. 1—“As-built” and retrofitted squat circular bridge columns (1 in. = 25.4 mm; Grade
40: fy = 275 MPa; Grade 60: fy = 414 MPa).

Current shear design approaches for columns

Many design codes still follow the traditional 45-deg
analogous truss approach to evaluate the amount of transverse
reinforcement required for shear strength. This is usually
accompanied by conservative empirical predictions of the
overall concrete shear-carrying capacity. However, in recent
years, several design codes have adopted more rational shear
design procedures, primarily based on the provisions of the
variable angle truss approach. The new Canadian Code20 has
adopted some of the essential features of the diagonal
compression field theory,21 while the modern CEB-FIP22
provisions involve plasticity theory-based analyses. These
codes allow a wide range of values for the permissible angle
of inclination of the principal diagonal compressive stress
with the member longitudinal axis, and also include criteria
for various possible limit states. The influence of ductile
flexural response on shear strength is not, however, currently
considered by the new approaches.
In the following sections, shear strength equations adopted
by ACI 318-8923 and the shear design proposal by Ang,
Fig. 2—Degradation of concrete shear capacity with displace- Priestley, and Paulay6 are evaluated, and a recently devel-
ment ductility. oped modification of Priestley; Verma; and Xiao’s approach
is advanced.24 A detailed critical review of some of the other
previous theoretical and experimental studies on shear
the member shear strength, but also force-deformation response of RC members is provided elsewhere.25
response of simple members.
However, it is still a common agreement that much more ACI 318-89 shear design approach
extensive research is needed to develop a universally accept- The ACI approach23 considers separate transverse steel
able and generally applicable shear theory, especially for shear-resisting mechanisms Vs and concrete shear-resisting
analyzing the shear response of more complicated structural mechanisms Vc in providing the total nominal shear strength
members. At this stage, a wide variety of theoretically and Vn as given by Eq. (1) through (3)
experimentally based shear strength equations and models are
available for analyzing the response of RC members under the Vn + Vs + Vc (1)
combined influence of axial, bending, and shear forces, often
with widely varying assumptions and sometimes arriving at
very different end results for the same problems. Vs = Av fyh(d/s) (2)

396 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994

capacity. However, it has been pointed out by previous
V c = 2 ⎛ 1 + ---------------------⎞ f c′ b w d
⎝ 2000A g ⎠ researchers6 and reconfirmed on the basis of the current
(3) research that the exact method is more conservative over
V c = 0.17 ⎛ 1 + ---------------------⎞ f c′ b w d
P most of the axial load ratio range than the approximate
⎝ 2000A ⎠ g equation, giving little incentive for a designer to go through
the mathematically more rigorous approach. It was also previ-
In the preceding equations, Av , fyh , and s are the total cross- ously shown that the exact approach implies a hyperbolic
sectional area, yield strength, and spacing of the transverse increase in vc with increasing axial load ratio, with instability
reinforcement, respectively; fc′ (in psi) is the specified of the design equations at moderate-to-high axial load levels.
concrete compressive cylinder strength; Ag is the cross-
sectional area of the member specified in square in. and P (in Shear design model by Ang, Priestley, and Paulay
lb) is the axial load. The shear strength is based on an Based on the results of testing 25 small-scale squat
average shear stress assumption on the effective cross circular columns under axial and cyclic loading, the
section bw d, where bw is the web width, or diameter, of the following equations were proposed by Ang, Priestley, and
circular cross section, and d is the effective depth, assumed Paulay6 for evaluating the maximum shear strength of
equal to the distance from the extreme compression fiber to circular columns. This approach involved the use of the
the centroid of the longitudinal tension reinforcement in the traditional additive principle. For brittle shear failure, the
opposite half of the circular member. For members such as steel truss and concrete mechanisms are defined by
columns with distributed longitudinal reinforcement, d = 0.8h
or 0.8D is assumed for rectangular or circular sections, respec- π
V s = --- ⎛ 2A sh-f yh⎞ ------
i D′
tively. For circular columns, the effective shear area is thus 4⎝ i ⎠ s
equal to 0.8D2, which exceeds the gross sectional area
(0.785D2). The shear strength equations in the 1990 Caltrans
Bridge Design Specification Manual26 are identical to the V c = 4.455α ⎛ 1 + --------------
3P -⎞ f ′ A (psi)
⎝ f′ A ⎠ c e
preceding ACI provisions. c g
In the ACI 318-8923 provisions for shear design, the
V c = 4.455α ⎛ 1 + --------------
3P -⎞ f ′ A (MPa)
designer also has an option to adopt a more detailed and, ⎝ f′ A ⎠ c e c g
hence, presumably a more exact and less conservative,
approach to estimate the concrete shear capacity.
The relevant equations are where α = 2/(M/VD) ≥ 1.0, M is the moment, Ash is the cross-
sectional area of spiral or circular hoop, V is the shear force,
V u d⎞ D′ is the diameter of the circular hoops or spiral reinforce-
V c = ⎛ 1.9 f c′ + 2500ρ ω --------
- b d (psi) ment, and other terms are as previously defined. In Eq. (8),
⎝ M ⎠ w m
(4) the effective shear area Ae was assumed equal to 0.8Ag. Eq. (7)
V u d⎞ is based on analysis of effective shear resistance provided by
V c = ⎛ 1.6 f c′ + 17.2ρ ω --------
- b d (MPa)
⎝ M ⎠ w transverse reinforcement, assuming a 45-deg analogous truss
Ang, Priestley, and Paulay6 also suggested a relationship
where for reduction in the strength of the concrete shear-resisting
mechanisms with increasing flexural ductility. This was
M m = M u – P u ⎛ ----------------⎞
4D – d accompanied by enhanced truss mechanism strength
⎝ 8 ⎠ involving steeper shear plane inclinations mobilizing greater
transverse reinforcement, using equations based on plasticity
The value of Vc calculated by Eq. (4) and (5) has an upper theory, as follows
limit of
V c = 2.27 f c′ ( 0.8A g ) (psi)
Pu (9)
V c = 3.5 f c′ b w d 1 + --------------
- (psi) V c = 0.185 f c′ ( 0.8A g ) (MPa)
500A g
Pu and
V c = 0.29 f c′ b w d 1 + ----------------
- (MPa)
3.45A g
π A sh fyh D′ cot θ
V s = --- ---------------------------------
- (10)
In Eq. (4) and (5), Mu and Vu are the factored moment and 2 s
shear force on the section under consideration, D is the
overall section depth or column diameter, and ρω is the where cotθ = ( 1 – ψ ) ⁄ ψ . The mechanical degree of shear
tensile steel ratio taken as 0.5ρt for columns. Eq. (4) and (5) reinforcement ψ is defined equal to ρs fyh /vfc′ , and v < 1 is a
allow for the influence of axial load, a spect ratio, and longi- factor for reduced effective compression strength of concrete
tudinal reinforcement content on the concrete shear-carrying diagonal compression struts. A value of v = 0.2 was found to

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994 397

Vu = Vc + Vs + Vp V u = V c + V s + V p (11)

where Vc is the concrete shear contribution, consisting

primarily of aggregate interlock and dowel action, resulting
from flexure alone, Vs is the shear carried by transverse rein-
forcement in truss action, and Vp is the shear capacity
provided by axial load through arching action.
The form of Eq. (11) will be recognized as being different
from other approaches in that the axial load term is separated
from the “concrete contribution” term. Conventional
approaches [e.g., Eq. (3) and (8)] combine the effects in a
composite form, on the basis that the influence of axial load
on the onset of diagonal cracking cannot be separated from
the concrete tension strength. However, this implies that the
combined strength of concrete mechanisms and axial load
effects remains equal to the shear strength developed at
initial diagonal cracking. Experimental evidence6,25,27 does
not support this assumption.
In the proposed approach, a rather simple mechanism for
the influence of axial load P on shear strength is advanced. It
Fig. 3—Evaluation of axial load contribution to column is assumed that the influence of axial load P in a column
shear capacity. subjected to reversed bending is primarily represented by an
inclined compression strut between the compression zones at
the column ends, with an angle γ subtended between the
column axis and inclined compression strut, as shown in Fig.
3. Assuming the axial load strut to pass through the center of
the compression zones at the column ends, the additional
shear resistance is thus equal to the horizontal component of
this strut given by

Vp = Ptanγ = P(D – a)/H (12)

where D is the section depth or column diameter, H is the

height of the column subjected to reversed bending, and a is
Fig. 4—Definition of D′ for truss mechanism strength. the compression zone depth at the critical sections. Note that
Eq. (12) implies that as the aspect ratio of the column
be appropriate at μΔ = 6, based on columns tested by Ang. It decreases, the contribution to shear capacity of the axial load
should be noted that for circular columns, the volumetric will increase, and that for very slender columns, the axial
transverse reinforcement ratio ρs is defined equal to 4Ash /Ds′ . load contribution to shear strength may be rather minimal.
In Eq. (10), an upper limit to the value of cotθ = 2.15 for θ = Also, as the axial load increases, the effectiveness of the
25 deg was included. It was also proposed that Eq. (8) for Vc axial load contribution to column shear strength will
be proportionally reduced for ρs ≤ 1 percent. decrease as the depth of the compression zone a increases.
The shear strength was considered to decrease from the This approach has similarities to a method developed for
initial value, given by Eq. (7) and (8) to the ductile value predicting the upper bound of shear force that could be
given by Eq. (9) and (10) as the ductility increased, in accor- carried by a member.
dance with the relationship shown in Fig. 2(a). More A further difference from Ang, Priestley, and Paulay's6
recently, Wong, Paulay, and Priestley8 have shown that approach is that the truss mechanism described by the term
circular columns tested with multidirection ductile response Vs in Eq. (11) is permitted a steeper inclination than 45 deg.
exhibit similar behavior, though the shear strength decreases Based on experimental results, a value of θ = 30 deg between
at lower ductility levels. Their suggested relationship is also column axis and principal tension cracking is assumed, for
included in Fig. 2(a). both initial and ductile strength, giving the following expression
for Vs
Proposed shear design model
As part of the present study, Ang, Priestley, and Paulay's6 for circular columns
equations for circular columns were simplified and extended
in applicability to rectangular columns. In this proposed
approach, the shear strength is given by an additive equation π A sh lf yh D′
- cot 30degl = 0.865πA sh lf yh D′/s (13a)
V s = --- l -----------------------
of the form 2 s

398 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994

Fig. 5—Comparison of shear strength for bridge columns with low transverse reinforce-
ment using ACI and proposed equations (fy = 45 ksi; fc′ = 5 ksi) (1 ksi = 6.90 MPa; 1 kip =
4.45 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm).

for rectangular columns

A v lf yh D′
- cot 30deg = 1.73A v lf yh D′/s
V s = -------------------- (13b)

In Eq. (13), D′ is the distance between centers of the

peripheral hoop or spiral, as defined in Fig. 4.
The concrete component for both circular and rectangular
columns reduces with increasing ductility in accordance
with the form of Fig. 2(b), given by
Fig. 6—Rectangular section confined by a rectangular tube.
V c = k f c ′A e psi (14)
approach over the practical range of axial load ratios, with
where k reduces from 3.5 for μΔ ≤ 2 to 1.2 for μΔ ≥ 4. In excessively rapid increase in predicted shear strength in the
Eq. (14), the effective shear area is taken as 0.8 Agross for range 0.3fc′Ag ≤ P ≤ 0.4fc′Ag. The influence of aspect ratio is
both circular and rectangular columns. The ductility adjust- rather insignificant in the ACI refined approach compared
ment is thus applied only to the concrete component in the with the proposed approach.
proposed model.
As discussed elsewhere,24 these adjustments to the model Shear strength enhancement by steel jacketing
of Ang, Priestley, or Paulay provide an improved agreement The use of steel jackets to enhance shear strength of
for a wide range of experimental data, and extend the columns is not new. Sakino and Ishibashi28 investigated the
applicability to rectangular columns. seismic performance of concrete-filled tubular columns but
The significance of the difference between the proposed found that plastic buckling of the steel tube in the hinge
equations and the ACI approach can be gaged by comparative regions tended to occur when the columns were subjected to
analyses of columns. Fig. 5 shows results of analyses for large cyclic lateral displacements. Tomii, Sakino, and Xiao29
circular and rectangular columns with low transverse steel investigated steel-jacketed short columns in building struc-
ratios, such as are commonly experienced in bridge column tures as a measure to prevent shear failure. To avoid the
retrofit considerations. The columns have a maximum buckling of the jacket observed by Sakino and Ishibashi,28
section depth (or diameter) of 60 in. (1.524 m) and are the jacket was deliberately debonded from the existing
subjected to double bending. Two column heights were column, thus insuring that the jacket acted only as hoop rein-
considered, H = 15 ft (4.57 m) and 30 ft (9.14 m), giving forcement rather than also participating in flexural strength.
effective aspect ratios of M/VD = 1.5 and 3, respectively. Although satisfactory results were obtained by Tomii,
The proposed equations predict much higher initial shear Sakino, and Xiao29 for circular columns, it was found that
strength than the regular ACI equations. Ductile shear degradation of response was inevitable for rectangular
strength may be greater or less than ACI values, dependent columns confined by rectangular jackets, even when very
on the column aspect ratio. It is also shown that the ACI thick jackets were used. This was primarily due to inadequate
refined approach predicts lower strength than the standard confinement of concrete and compression reinforcement in

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994 399

series and allied tests using composite material jackets30
indicate that θ = 30 deg is a suitably conservative assumption
of the diagonal strut inclinations for retrofitted columns.
For an elliptical jacket, the shear strength enhancement
may be determined by consideration of equilibrium of forces
parallel to the applied shear, as shown in Fig. 7. The elliptical
steel jacket is assumed to yield in hoop tension as a conse-
quence of resisting shear. Considering the equilibrium of
applied shear and jacket hoop tension forces parallel to the
applied shear along a diagonal crack inclined at angle θ = 30
deg to the axis, the total shear capable of being carried by the
jacket is

Dj – tj Dj – tj
- --------------
∫ ∫°
2 2
V sj = 2 f t cot θ cos δ dx = 4f yj t j cot 30 deg cos δ dx (16)
D j – t j yj j
– ---------------
Fig. 7—Shear strength contribution from elliptical steel jacket. 2

2 2
where cos δ = 1 ⁄ 1 + tan δ = 1 ⁄ 1 + ( dy ⁄ dx ) .
The numerical result for the elliptical integration of Eq.
(16) is shown in Fig. 8, which may be approximated by the
following linearizations
Strong direction:

V sj = 3.46f yj t j D j – t j 1 – ⎛ 1 – π
---⎞ B j ⁄ D j (17a)
⎝ 4⎠

Weak direction:

V sj = 3.46f yj t j ⎛ B j – t j-⎞ 1 – ⎛ 1 – ---⎞ D j ⁄ B j
⎝ i⎠ ⎝ 4⎠
Fig. 8—Numerical results of integration for shear strength
of elliptical jacket.
Note that Eq. (17) degenerates to Eq. (15) when Bj = Dj
(circular tube), and is also correct when Bj /Dj = 0, approxi-
the flexural plastic hinge region, as shown in Fig. 6, rather mating a rectangular case with two parallel surfaces.
than due to inadequate shear performance. However, Eq. (16) will tend to be rather conservative when
In the present study, circular cylindrical jackets were used Bj /Dj > 1.5, for evaluating the weak direction strength.
for circular columns, but elliptical jackets were used to
provide the necessary confinement and shear strength Steel jacket design for retrofit
enhancement to rectangular columns. Tests15 have estab- The shear strength Vru of the retrofitted columns must
lished that elliptical jackets provide excellent enhancement exceed the shear force Vf° in the column corresponding to
of flexural performance of inadequately confined columns, maximum feasible flexural strength developing in the
since continuous confinement is provided by hoop column plastic hinges. Thus, for a column of height H in
membrane action in the jacket. double bending
The shear strength enhancement provided by circular or
elliptical cylindrical jackets can be conservatively estimated φsVru ≥ Vf° = 2M°/H (18)
by considering the jacket to act as a series of independent
hoops of thickness and spacing tj , where tj is the jacket thick- where φs is the shear strength reduction factor, and M° is the
ness. Thus, by analogy to Eq. (13a) for the truss mechanism overstrength flexural capacity, which should be based on
strength of circular hoops, the shear strength enhancement high estimates of material strengths, and should incorporate
Vsj provided by a circular jacket is the effects of strain hardening and concrete confinement.
Reinforcement yield strength should be taken as 55 and 75
t j f yj ( D j – t j ) cot 30 deg ksi (379 and 517 MPa) for Grades 40 and 60 reinforcing bars,
V sj = π - = 0.865πt j f yj ( D j – t j ) (15)
--- -------------------------------------------------------- respectively. A value of fce′ = 1.5fc′ nom should be assumed
2 tj for the concrete compressive strength, even though higher
strengths are probable in many older bridges, since fc′ is
where Dj is the outside diameter of the steel jacket, and fyj is likely to influence Vu (primarily the concrete contribution,
the yield strength of the steel jacket. Results from this test Vc) more than M°.

400 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994

Confinement of the compression zone of circular columns
by a radial pressure of

2f yj t j
f l ′l = -------------------------
- (19)
⎛ D – 2t -i⎞
⎝ j j i⎠

corresponding to yield of the jacket in hoop tension should

be assumed. For rectangular sections confined by elliptical Fig. 9—Equivalent confining stress provided by elliptical
jackets, the lateral confining stress varies across the section. steel jacket
Fig. 9 shows that, considering a unit length of a rectangular
column transversely confined by an elliptical jacket, the
equivalent confining stress of yield of the jacket can be
expressed by

Strong direction:

2f yj t j cos β
f l ′ = ------------------------
- (20a)

Weak direction:

2f yj t j cos β
f l ′ = ------------------------
- (20b)
Fig. 10(a)—Details of shear test setup.
where β is the tangential angle of the elliptical jacket at the
corner of the column section, which can be calculated by the
following equations

Strong direction:

⎛ B j iD ⎞
β = tan ⎜ -----------------------------
- -⎟
–1 i
⎜ 2 2 i⎟
⎝ D j D j – D -⎠

Weak direction:

⎛ D iB ⎞
β = tan ⎜ ---------------------------
- -i⎟
–1 j
⎜ 2 2 i⎟
Fig. 10(b)—Loading conditions.
⎝ B j B j – B -⎠
designed to subject the columns to axial loading and cyclic
and where B and D are the section dimensions of the original shear forces under reversed curvature, with the point of
rectangular columns. contraflexure occurring at the column midheight, as shown
in Fig. 10(b). A stiff loading arm connected the column top
COLUMN SHEAR TESTS to a horizontal double-acting actuator, with the forces trans-
Details of test setup ferred from the loading arm to the top load stub primarily by
To study the brittle shear failure mode of “as-built” squat means of torsion at the four pins located in the stub. Load-
circular and rectangular bridge columns and to establish the stub rotation was minimized by using a load-balancing
effectiveness of full-height steel jackets as a retrofit system that included an actuator maintained at constant force
measure, eight circular and six rectangular columns were balancing the weight of the loading arm. Axial load was
tested using the test setup shown in Fig. 10(a). Dimensions applied to the test columns using two 2-in.- (51-mm)-diameter
of the columns are given in Fig. 11. Columns were designed high-strength flexible rods, each bar being stressed with a
at a model:prototype scale of 0.4:1.0 and were constructed center-hole jack that reacted against the test floor, transmit-
with a footing and top load stub to provide realistic boundary ting the bar force to the column by means of a cross-beam
conditions at the two critical interfaces. The test setup was mounted on top of the load stub.

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994 401

Fig. 11—Reinforcement details of test columns (1 in. = 25.4 mm; #2 = 6.35-mm diameter;
#6 = 19.05-mm diameter).

Design considerations cover of 0.8 in. (20 mm) from the column edge, as shown in
The design of the test specimens was primarily governed Fig. 11(a). The 16-in.-(406-mm)-wide and 24-in.- (610-
by the need to simulate typical column axial load ratios mm)-deep rectangular column contained 22 No. 6 Grades 40
(P/fc′Ag) column aspect ratios (M/VD), and reinforcement and 60 bars, which were evenly distributed along the sides of
details. Two values of axial load ratio equal to 0.06 and 0.18 the column, with a constant cover of 0.8 in. (20 mm), as
were considered for circular columns, corresponding to axial shown in Fig. 11(b). Transverse reinforcement in the test
loads of 133 kips and 400 kips (591.6 kN and 1779.2 kN), specimens consisted of No. 2 (6.35-mm-diameter) Grade 40
respectively, and representing a practical range for bridge circular or rectangular hoops at a spacing of 5 in. (127 mm).
column bents. For rectangular columns, an axial load ratio of The main parameters considered in the test program
0.06 corresponding to an axial load of 114 kips (507 kN) was included the column axial load ratio, column aspect ratio,
considered. Columns were constructed with aspect ratios of and the strength of the longitudinal flexural reinforcement.
2 or 1.5 to simulate the critical moment-to-shear-span ratio For each situation, two “as-built” columns were constructed,
of typical squat bridge columns, and to investigate the influ- with one of each pair being subsequently retrofitted with a
ence of aspect ratio on the column shear strength. The “as- full-height cylindrical steel jacket. Table 1 illustrates the
built” column reinforcement, material properties, and details design variations in the various test specimens. Circular
resulted in the ratio of the predicted column shear strength to column units 1, 3, 5, and 7, and rectangular column units 1,
the column ideal flexural capacity being much less than 3, and 5 were tested in the “as-built” conditions, while the
unity based on Caltrans (and, hence, ACI) design specifica- remaining specimens were tested with full-height steel
tions, but close to unity based on design equations developed jackets. Two types of steel jackets were fabricated, using
by Ang, Priestley, and Paulay.6 Flexural strength predictions 3/16-in.- (4.76 mm)-thick hot-rolled ASTM A36 and 1/8-in.-
were based on measured material strengths and following (3.18 mm)-thick hot-rolled ASTM A569 11-gage steel,
recommendations based on previous research conducted by respectively. The former was based more on requirements
Mander, Priestley, and Park.5 for flexural ductility than shear, and, as a consequence, the
Longitudinal reinforcement consisted of 26 No. 6 (19.05- two columns with 3/16-in. (4.76 mm) jackets were expected
mm-diameter) Grade 40 or 60 bars evenly distributed in the to be “over-retrofitted” for shear. A gap of 0.8 in. (20 mm)
24-in.-(610-mm)-diameter circular column, with a constant was left between the jacket and the footing or upper load

402 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994

Table 1—Test column details
Longitudinal Transverse V shear V shear
Aspect ratio Axial load P, reinforcing bar reinforcing bar Steel jacket ---------------- , kips ---------------
- , kips
Test unit M/VD kips fc′ , ksi Pfc′ /Ag (26 # 6) fyt , ksi (#2 hoops) fyh , ksi details Vif , kips μ≤2 μ≥4

(a) Circular columns

C1A 2.0 133 4.5 0.065 47 52 — 119 139.6 83.7
fjy = 50.4 ksi
C2R 2.0 133 4.93 0.059 47 52 127 774.3 718.4
tj = 3/16 in.
C3A 2.0 400 5.0 0.177 47 47 — 151 197.6 138.7
fjy = 50.4 ksi
C4R 2.0 400 5.1 0.173 47 47 tj = 3/16 in. 165 832.3 773.4

C5A 2.0 133 5.2 0.056 68 47 — 171 142 85.9

fjy = 41.5 ksi
C6R 2.0 133 5.8 0.051 68 47 175 489 432.9
tj = 1/8 in.
C7A 1.5 133 4.45 0.066 68 47 — 222 148 92.7
fjy = 41.5 ksi
C8R 1.5 133 4.52 0.065 68 47 tj = 1/8 in.
226 495 439.7

(b) Rectangular columns

R1A 2.0 114 5.5 0.054 47 52 — 118 143.0 90.6
fjy= 50.4 ksi
R2R 2.0 114 5.6 0.053 47 52 tj = 3/16 in.
123 1021. 0 968.6

R3A 2.0 114 5.0 0.059 68 47 — 160 130.0 80.1

fjy = 50.4 ksi
R4R 2.0 114 5.2 0.057 68 47 tj = 3/16 in.
169 1008.. 958.1

R5A 1.5 114 4.7 0.063 68 47 — 213 134.1 85.4

fjy = 41.5 ksi
R6R 1.5 114 4.8 0.062 68 47 tj = 1/8 in.
226 614.5 565.4

Note: A = as-built; R = retrofitted.

1 kip = 4.5 kN; 1 ksi = 6.9 MPa; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

slab, representing the recommended 2-in. (51-mm) gap for ment transducers were installed diagonally, horizontally, and
full-scale columns. vertically along the column height, as shown in Fig. 10. This
Columns were built using materials and design details enabled computation of the column shear and flexure deforma-
appropriate for typical columns designed in the mid 1960s. tion components to be carried out for various stages of testing.
A target compressive strength of fc′ = 5000 psi (34.5 MPa) at The test units were subjected to a standard cyclic loading
28 days was used to represent the probable overstrength pattern, which consisted of an initial force-controlled stage,
associated with a typical 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) design followed by displacement control after first yield of the
strength of the 1960s. A summary of the material strengths longitudinal reinforcement was attained. As shown in Fig. 12(a),
for the test columns is provided in Table 1, together with an three complete cycles of displacement to displacement
initial prediction of the column flexural capacity Vif , and ductility factors of μΔ = 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 were
initial and fully ductile shear strengths. Note that, in Table 1, imposed, unless column failure caused premature curtailment
predictions for the initial and ductile shear strength values of the test. The displacement ductility factor μΔ is defined as
for the “as-built” columns are based on the model described the ratio of the displacement Δ to the yield displacement Δy
in this paper and correspond to a displacement ductility of the column. The experimental yield displacement was
determined by recording the lateral dis-placement at the
value of μ ≤ 2 and μ ≥ 4, respectively. Predictions for the
column top when the lateral force corresponded to the
initial and final shear strength values for retrofitted columns
theoretical first yield of the extreme longitudinal reinforcement
are based on summing up the companion “as-built” column
in opposite directions Δy1 and Δy2, and then extrapolating the
shear strengths with the shear strength enhancement
average value to the theoretical ideal flexural capacity Vif , as
provided by the steel jackets. This was assessed using Eq.
indicated in Fig. 12(b). Thus, the yield displacement of the
(15) through (17) and assuming a value of θ = 30 deg. Full
column unit is given by
details of the test programs for circular and rectangular
columns are available in References 25 and 27, respectively.
Δ y1 + Δ y2⎞ V if
Δ y = ⎛ -----------------------
- ------- (22)
⎝ 2 ⎠V ′
Instrumentation and testing procedure y
All the shear column units were well instrumented with
strain gages mounted on longitudinal and transverse rein- The predictions for theoretical first yield load Vy and the
forcement and on steel jackets, where appropriate. Displace- theoretical ideal flexural strength Vif were calculated using a

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 1994 403

The experimental research described in this paper was carried out at the
Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Research Laboratory at the Univer-
sity of California at San Diego. The research project was funded by the Cal-
ifornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) under Grant No. RTA
59G267, and their support is gratefully acknowledged. The comments, sug-
gestions, and conclusions made in this paper do not necessarily reflect the
views of Caltrans.

Ae = effective shear-resisting area
Ag = gross-sectional area
Ash = cross-sectional area of one leg of transverse steel
Av = total cross-sectional area of transverse steel at section
a = compression zone depth
B = rectangular section width
Bj = short principal diameter of elliptical jacket
bw = web width
D = overall section depth or circular section diameter
D′ = distance between centers of peripheral hoop or spiral
Dj = long principal diameter of elliptical jacket or diameter of circu-
lar jacket
d = effective depth of member
fc′ = concrete compressive cylinder strength
fl′ = confining stress
fyh = yield strength of transverse reinforcement
fyj = yield strength of steel jacket
H = column height
M° = overstrength flexural capacity
Mu = factored moment
P = axial load
Fig. 12—Details of loading history. s = spacing of transverse reinforcement
tj = steel jacket thickness
V = applied shear force
computer program developed by King, Priestley, and Park7 Vc = concrete shear contribution
based on a model for confined concrete proposed by Mander, Vf° = shear corresponding to M°
Priestley, and Park.5 Vif = ideal flexural strength
Vn = nominal shear strength
Vp = shear capacity provided by axial load-resisting mechanism
Vru = shear strength of retrofitted column
Aspects relating to the shear strength of circular and rect-
Vs = shear carried by transverse reinforcement
angular columns were discussed, and the conservatism in Vsj = shear strength enhancement by steel jacket
current ACI design equations was pointed out. The so-called Vu = ultimate shear strength
refined approach was shown to produce more conservative Vy = shear corresponding to first yield of flexural reinforcement
results than the approximate approach for most levels of axial α = aspect ratio factor
load, and to be excessively sensitive to axial load levels at high β = tangential angle of elliptical jacket
Δ = displacement
ratios. It is recommended that this equation be withdrawn. Δy = yield displacement
A set of shear strength equations for circular and rectan- γ = inclination of axial load strut with column axis
gular columns was proposed, and shown to be considerably μΔ = displacement ductility factor
less conservative than current ACI design for low levels of ρs = volumetric transverse reinforcement ratio
ρt = total longitudinal reinforcement ratio
ductility. The proposed approach relates shear strength to
ρω = tensile reinforcement ratio
flexural ductility, and differs from other design methods in θ = inclination of diagonal strut with column axis
that the concrete and axial load contributions to shear
strength are considered separately. REFERENCES
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