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CE 214 Assignment#4
1. A well pumps at 15.7 l/s from a horizontal, confined, homogeneous, isotropic aquifer.
The attached table lists the drawdown observed in an observation well 30 m from the
pumping well.
a. Plot these data on a semi logarithmic graph and use Jacob’s method on the
early data to calculate T and S.

Solving the transmissivity, you must first solve the storage for one log cycle.

Using the equation from the graph, y = 0.8094ln(x) + 0.0589

@x = 10, y1 = 1.9226
@x = 100, y2 = 3.786
∆s =y2 – y1 = 3.786 – 1.923 = 1.863
Computing for transmissivity,
To compute for storage coefficient S, you need first to solve for to. Set y=0 to solve for to.

Solving for S,

b. What kind of boundary is indicated by the break in slope? Measure the slope of
the two limbs and note that the second limb has twice the slope of the first
limb. In this case, how many image wells must be needed to provide an
equivalent aquifer of infinite extent? Draw a sketch showing a possible
configuration of pumping well, image well(s), and boundary, and note whether
the image wells are pumping wells or recharge wells.

t (min) s (m) t (min) s (m)

11 2.13 60 3.29
14 2.27 74 3.41
18 2.44 88 3.70
21 2.50 100 3.86
28 2.68 112 4.01
35 2.80 130 4.14
52 3.11
As you can see on the graph, there are two slope of drawdown. One probable cause of the rate
of drawdown to increase was the impermeable boundary of the aquifer. The result of having an
impermeable boundary will it will double to discharging rate of well present on the opposite
sides of the discharging well.

2. The hydraulic conductivity of a 30-m-thick confined aquifer is known from laboratory

testing to have a value of 4.7 x 10-4 m/s.
a. If the straight-line portion of a Jacob semi-logarithmic plot goes through the
points (t = 10-3 day, s = 0.3 m) and (t = 10-2 day, s = 0.6 m) for an observation
well 30 m from a pumping well, calculate the transmissivity and storativity of
the aquifer.

Since there is no given flow, the transmissivity, T, we use the formula:

To compute for storage coefficient S, you need first to solve for t o, which is the time at the point
where the straight line intersects the zero drawdown line. Set y=0 to solve for t o.

Solving for S,
b. Over what range of time values is the Jacob method of analysis valid for this
observation well in this aquifer?
Jacob’s method is applied only to the zone in which the steady shape condition have
developed. This condition is met when , and . Substituting the value for u, using
the values of S and T in previous number, you can solve for the time.

Using the S and T computed in number 1,

Therefore, at time > 16.20minutes, Jacob method is applicable.

3. You are asked to design a pump test for a confined aquifer in which the transmissivity
is expected to be about 1.4 x 10-2 m2/s and the storativity about 1.0 x 10-4. What
pumping rate would you recommend for the test if it is desired that there be an easily
measured drawdown of at least 1 m during the first 6 h of the test in an observation
well 150 m from the pumping well?

From table given of u vs W(u), using linear interpolation

From Theis equation:

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