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Quantum optics

The coherent states of light

M. Brune, A. Aspect

Homework of Lesson 2


In lesson 2 you have encountered photon number states (or “Fock states”) of light as the
elementary energy excitation of a quantized field. Amazingly, these state have energy but the
average value of the electric field vanishes. They have a well-defined frequency but a totally
undetermined phase ! In the last practice quiz, you have seen that a non-zero average electric
field emerges from a coherent superposition of |ni and |n + 1i number states. The phase of
the average field directly reflects the relative phase of the two probability amplitudes of this
superposition. However, you can check that the average amplitude of this field is much less than
what you could expect from a classical field with the same energy. This is related to the fact
that in this superposition a significant part of the energy is still contained in a component with
undetermined phase.
The goal of the problem is to introduce a class of superposition of number states whose
average field has minimal quantum fluctuations and whose amplitude is as close as possible to
that of a classical field with the same energy.


We consider a single mode plane wave radiation described so that the field operator is

â†` e−ik` ·r
ik` ·r (1)
Ê ` (r) = i ` ~ε` aˆ` e − with ` = ω` = ck` (1)
2ε0 L3

where â` and â†` are photon annihilation and creation operators. The field hamiltonian is Ĥ` =
h̄ω` (â†` â` + 1/2). Remember the important relations

[â` , â†` ] = 1 (2)

â` |n` i = n` |n` − 1i (3)
† √
â` |n` i = n` + 1|n` + 1i (4)

where |n` i represents the radiation state containing n photons in the mode defined by ` = (~ε` , k` ).
As we consider a single mode, we will drop the index ` in all the following.
1 Single-mode field amplitude evolution
1. Let us consider |ψ(t)i an arbitrary quantum state of radiation at time t in a single mode
`. Express E(r, t) = hψ(t)|Ê(r)|ψ(t)i as a function of α(t) = hψ(t)|â|ψ(t)i and of α∗ (t) =


2. The general form of the state at time t = 0 reads |ψ(0)i = cn |ni. Express |ψ(t)i in the
photon number states basis. Express α(t) as a function of α0 = α(0) and ω.
3. Give the general expression of E(r, t) as a function of E (1) , α0 and α0∗ .

2 Coherent states of radiation : quasi-classical Glauber states

A single mode coherent state (or “quasi-classical state” or “Glauber state”) is defined by the
state vector :

−|α|2 /2
X αn
|αi = e √ |ni, (5)
n=0 n!

where α = |α|eiφ is a complex number.

1. Show that |αi is an eigenvector of â. What is the corresponding eigenvalue ?

These rules make calculation of average values of field operators very simple if the operators
are in normal order i.e. the ↠operators on the left and the â operators on the right.
2. Average value of electric field. Write the expression of the average electric field ampli-
tude and of the average energy as a function of α. Compare these values to the case of a
number state.
3. Photon number distribution. Show that the probability P (n) for having n photons is
a Poisson law. Give the value of the average photon number n̄ = hN̂ i and of its variance
∆N 2 = hN̂ 2 i − hN̂ i2 as a function of α. How does the relative photon number fluctuation
∆n/n̄ depends on n̄ ?
4. Time evolution. Let us consider the state |α0 i at time t = 0. Show that at any time t,
the field state |ψ(t)i remains a coherent state characterized by a complex amplitude α(t).
Give the expression of α(t).
5. Field amplitude fluctuations. Calculate the variance ∆E2 of the electric field operator
Ê(r) as a function ofE(1) . Does this variance depend on α ?

6. Quadrature fluctuations. As seen in video 1.7 (at time 3’08"), the field quadrature
operators are defined by
Q̂ = â + ↠(6)
P̂ = −i â − ↠(7)
We remind the expression of the electric field amplitude as a function of quadrature ope-
(1) 2 
Ê ` (r) = ~ε P̂ sin k · r − Q̂ cos k · r . (8)

√ √
The operator 1/ h̄ P̂ (resp. 1/ h̄ Q̂) can be seen as the dimensionless electric field ampli-
tude at positions r such that k · r = π/2 mod[π] (resp. k · r = 0 mod[π]).
Calculate ∆P 2 and ∆Q2 for the coherent state |αi. Check that it minimizes the Heisenberg
uncertainty relation ∆P.∆Q ≥ h̄/2.

Take home message of homework 2

In the homework you have discovered the properties of remarkable quantum sates of single-
mode light denoted as |αi (α is a complex number), which can be defined as the eigenstates of
the non-hermitian operator â. You were given an explicit expression of this states in the photon
number basis. You have shown that the amplitude fluctuation of the corresponding electric field
has the same magnitude as that of vacuum. Indeed these states are minimal with respect to
the canonically conjugated operators P̂ and Q̂ (seen video 1.7, at time 3’08"). In this sense,
for a given energy, they are the best possible compromise maximizing the average electric field
amplitude while keeping quantum fluctuations at the same minimal level as in the vacuum field.
Another important feature of coherent states is that they are much easier to prepare than
number states. A coherent sates |αi is a very good quantum description of the field radiated by
a laser.
To be more specific, let us consider a section of a laser beam of length L corresponding to
the mode one detects during an observation time T = L/c (see video 2.2, at 6’ 35" for more
information about this important definition of a “localized mode”). If one detects on average
n̄ photons during the observation time T , the field state contained in a cylinder of length L
is well represented by a coherent state |αi with |α|2 = n̄. This important result is far from
being trivial and its demonstration is well beyond the scope of this course. A related question
is the determination of the phase φ of the complex amplitude α = |α|eiφ , defining the physical
phase of the electric field of a given laser field. This phase exists and can be revealed by sending
two independent lasers on the same photodiode. If their frequency difference δν is within the
bandwidth of the detector, one will observe directly on an oscilloscope a beat-note at frequency δν
between the two lasers. One will see on the screen a sinusoidal function with a well defined phase
revealing the phase difference between the two lasers. This rises an interesting but somewhat
puzzling question : why is there a well defined phase ? There is a priori no reason that the phase
takes a preferred value between 0 and 2π. Indeed, this problem is related to the question of
“symmetry breaking” which occurs in other fields of physics like magnetism : an homogeneous
ferromagnetic material has a well defined magnetization whereas it has a priori no reason to be
magnetized in a preferred direction.
Important results
Notation : when a ket representing a field state contains a Latin letter like in |ni one usually
have in mind a number state. When one uses a Greek letter like in |αi one usually intend to
represent a coherent state.
â|αi = α|αi
hα|↠= α∗ hα|
2 /2 P∞ αn
|αi = e−|α| n=0

√ distribution corresponding to the state |αi is a Poisson law with n̄ = |α|
The photon number
and ∆n = |α| = n̄. If n̄  1 it is very well approximated by the Gaussian distribution
P (n) = √ 1
e− 2∆n2 .

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