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Charity L.

I-Objectives: At the end of the topic, the students must have;
a. defined energy transformation,
b. cited an examples of energy transformation,
c. performed a drama that applies energy transformation.
Materials: Cut out pictures, envelopes, cartolina
References: Science9 Learner’s Module pp. 282-283

II-Subject Matter: “Energy Transformation”

III-Procedure: 7E’s
Level: Grade 9
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge.)

Before anything else, let us have a sort of review.

This afternoon, I put several sticky notes under your

chairs. That means, some of you right now are sitting
on the HOT SEAT. If you are one of the lucky
students sitting on the hot seat, you should be ready to
answer the questions written in the sticky notes
regarding on the previous lesson we had.

Let us start! Go and check the underneath of your


All students that are sitting on the HOT SEATS are

requested to be here in front.

Read your question first, after, you answer.

(Student do as told)

1. What are the different forms of mechanical
energy? Answers:
2. What is a Potential Energy? 1. Kinetic and Potential Energy
3. What is Kinetic Energy? 2. It is the energy in matter due to
4. What are the different forms of Potential arrangements of its parts, its
Energy? composition, location and structure. It is
5. What are the different forms of Kinetic commonly considered as a stored energy
Energy? having the potential to do mechanical
3. Kinetic energy is the energy in moving
matter and wave.
4. Gravitational and Elastic
5. Motion, radiant, sound, thermal, wave

None ma’am!

Thank you class!

Do you have any clarification about our last topic?
B. ENGAGE(Get the students’ minds
focused on the topic (short; question or
Take a look at the gif class. I know that the object you
see is very much familiar to you right?
In the first gif class, you can see a bulb. Is bulb useful Bulb is useful Maam because it produces light
class? In what way? Yes R-ven? from electricity.

Very good! Bulb produces light and those light is very

useful especially during the night.

Take a look at the second gif class, what have you

seen? Television Ma’am!

Very good! I know most of you knows what a

television is right?
Television is very useful nowadays right? Yes Ma’am!

Now who can give me reasons why a television is

useful? Television is important because we depend on it
for entertainment, news, education, culture,
weather, sports—and even music.

Very good!

Did you know class that the objects you have seen
on the picture undergoes an energy transformation?
No Ma’am!
a. Presentation
If that is the case, lend me your ears and give me your
full attention as we discuss the “Energy

“Energy Transformation”

C. EXPLORE (Provide students with a

common experience.)

Before we proceed, let us have a THINK-PAIR-

SHARE activity. First, THINK of an object that
undergoes an energy transformation. Second, I want
you to find a partner and act as a PAIR. After finding
a pair, I want you to brainstorm your ideas to your
partner. I will give you 2 mins. to think. After that, I
will randomly choose 5 pairs to SHARE their answers
to the whole class. Am I clear class?
Yes Ma’am!

(randomly choose 5 pairs of students)

D. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should

include interaction between teacher and

Now, what do you mean by the word, “Energy

Transformation” class? Any idea? Yes Jaymer? Energy transformation is a transformation of
energy from one form of energy to another.

Very good!
For you to fully understand what is an energy
transformation, everybody read! Energy Transformation- the change of energy
from one form to another.
Energy transformation class occurs everywhere or
every second of the day.
Example of energy transformation class is the electric
bulb. From electrical energy it will transform to light
energy and that light energy is what we are using
during night time. And when we touch the bulb class,
we can feel that it is hot right? And that is the heat
energy. So from electrical energy it will transform to
light and heat energy.
Do you understand class? Yes Ma’am!

Another example class is the television. In a plugged

television class, electrical energy is being transformed
to radiant, heat and sound energy. Where can we see
the radiant energy of the TV class? In the monitor of the TV Ma’am!

That’s right! How about the heat energy class? At the back of the TV Ma’am.
Very good! When we touch the back portion of the TV
class, especially those TV that was used for a long
period of time, we can feel that it is hot right? And
that is the heat energy.

How about the sound energy? In what part of the In the speaker of the television Ma’am!
television we can hear the sound energy?

Very good!
Do you have any questions regarding our lesson this
morning class? None Ma’am!

If none, then let me ask you a question.

 Values Integration
Is energy important class?
Yes Ma’am!
Why do you say so?
It’s because without energy Ma’am our body can’t
Very good! energy is important because it is the main moved.
reason why we can do all the things that we need to
Any clarification class? None Ma’am!
E. ELABORATION (Students apply the
information learned from the Explain.)

Now, I will group you into 3 groups. I want you to

think and make a scenario in which energy
transformation is being applied. I will give you 3
minutes to finish the task. After that, I need one
representative to discuss in what part of the scenario is
the energy transformation being applied.
Criteria for Judging:
Content--------------- 30%
Creativity------------ 25%
Confidence---------- 20%
Delivery-------------- 15%
Audience Impact--- 10%
Am I clear class?

Time allotment: 3 minutes

Time is up! Now, you go back to your seats.

Yes Maam!
May I call on the group 1 to perform their scenario?
The group 2? The group 3?

(students do as told)
F. EVALUATE (How will you know the
students have learned the concept?)

Directions: Write the energy input as well

as the energy output from the following

1. Cellphone
2. Bouncing ball
3. Ballpen with spring
4. Rubber band
5. Kite

G. EXTEND (Deepen conceptual

understanding through use in new

Directions: Cite 5 examples (aside from the given

examples) where energy transformation is applied.

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