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Letter Of Authorization

Mehwish Riaz

Associate Proffessor

Department of Humanities and Language scienves

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore


Ushna Amjad

Undergraduate Student


Department of Institute of Business and Management

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Dear students,
Hope u r doing well, I, instructor of your technical writing course grant you and your
team members the permission to conduct surveys and use online resources to formulate your report
on the topic of “The Study of Muslim Religious Scholars and Channels: issues and discrepencies” as
authentic as possible. I hereby permit you to utilize the resources of the university to complete the
project that was assigned to you within the time frame allocated.
However You are required to do this task with the collaboration of your team in order to accomplish
your task. If you find any problem than you can contact me without any hesitation.
Yours sincerely,
Mehhwish Riaz

As a part of our BBA degree at IB&M UET in the course of technical writing in order to improve our
report writing skills we are required to write a report on “A study of Muslim religious scholars and
channels; thier issues and discripencies. The basic objective of this report is to gain authentic
knowledge about our religion and to find the issues that are dividing us Muslims.
In this report we have included the ways of different sects in Islam and the point of views of thier
respective religious scholars which we have collected from different authentic sources.
In making this report we have gained sufficient knowledge about many sects of Islam and the true
spirit of Muslim brotherhood and what are the true teachings of Islam. We have also came to know
the importance of teamwork and devotion towards work.

With immense pleasure, we would like to present our project report for topic “The Study of Muslim
Religious Scholars and Channels: issues and discrepencies” to our beloved course instructor Mam
Mehwish Riaz. It has been an enriching experience for all of us preparing this report, we would like to
thanks the professors and our class fellows who have helped us in preparing this report special thanks
to our group members as without their immense help and efforts this report would not have been
completed. We would also like to thank the department (IBM) which provide us the resource to
complete our report

However we except all the responsibility or any possible error and would be extremely grateful to
the reader of this report if they bring such error to our notice.

Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables……………………………………….……………………………………………………………….……….........5




Eid milaad-ul-nabi……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

AHL E HADITH………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Qari Khaleel ur Rehman………………………………………………..……………………………………………

AHL E SUNNAT……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………

Allama Kokab Norani Okarvi…………………………………………………………………………………………

AHL E TASHI…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Baqir Majlisi in Tehzeeb ul Islam………………………………………………………………………………….


AHL E TASHI…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Baqir Majlisi in Tehzeeb ul Islam…………………………………………………………………………………

AHL E SUNNAT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Sunnat-e-Nikkah by Mufti Muhammad Qasim…………………………………………………………….

AHL E HADITH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Abu Zaid Zameer………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


AHL E TASHI……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Najul Balagha by Mufti Jafar Hussain……………………………………………………

AHL E HADITH………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Namaz e Nabwi by Hafiz Salah ud Din Yousaf…………………………………………

AHL E SUNNAT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Namaz ki Kitab by Hazrat Allama Syed Shah Tarab ul Haq Qadri………..

Namaz e Janaza…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

AHL E SUNNAT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Manners of salah by Maulana Ilyas Qadri………………………………………

AHL E TASHI……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Tauzeeh-ul-Masail by Ayatullah Sistani…… …… … … … … …… … … …… … … …… … … …… . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .


Hafiz Zahid lateef Professor/Scholar Uet Islamiyat Department……..........

Muslim Religious
Dawat e islami……………………………………………………………………….
Ary Q TV………………………………………………………………………………


Our topic is "a study of Muslim scholars and channels: issues and discripencies, in
which we discussed the issues of different sects with each other without being
biasd towards any single sect, and we have also discussed the role of channels in
making up the minds of the ummah.

As history is also an indicator, even our holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned
us about the danger of sectarianism and and in his era there were no sects but he
knew that it was going to create differences amoung his ummah. After his Rehlat
it happened and now there are two major sects, namely:


And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which Allah( stretches out for you), and be
not divided among your selves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you;
for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His grace, you
became brethren; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you
from it. Thus Allah makes His signs clear to you: that you may be guided”

023:053] “But they divided up their religion into sects each one well pleased with
its own beliefs.”

[030:032] “(Don’t be one of) those who divided their religion into many sects,
each happy and contented with what it holds.”

It is so true, even today we see the same thing. Every second day, there is another
group of people who find something new in the religion and call themselves after
the name of sect, instead of calling themselves muslim. Muslims found differences
even in the placement of hands in salah and created separate groups. Today, we
have mosques associated with sects. One man cannot offer namaz in the other
sect's mosque for the fear that his namaz will not be accepted. People won't let
Another sect's man offer salah ih their mosques for the fear that they might offer
namaz with a kafir deviant. This shows the pathetic condition of muslims.


Eid milaad-ul-nabi


Eid milad un nabi ( ahl e hades)

Wahabi Muslims do not believe in celebrating and practicing all these events
which are very strongly rooted in Islam. Wahabis call these practices of events
as unlawful and wrongful innovations.

According to qari khaleel ur rehman (Ahl-e-Hadith)

the Sharée status of “Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee’.

The establishment of ceremonial gatherings under the banner of “Éid-un-

Nabee” is prohibited according to the Shariáh. Attaching importance and
significance to such functions is purely Bidáh and an innovation in Deen,
because neither did Rasulullah himself indulge in it, nor did the illustrious
Khulafaa-e-Raashideen (Radhiyallaahu-Ánhum) organise such functions.
Similarly, neither did any of the other Sahaaba-e-Kiraam (Radhiyallaahu-
Ánhum) participate in such gatherings, nor is there any incident on record
during the blessed era of the taabi’een or tab’e taabi’een (Rahmatullaahi
Álayhim) that can, in any way, substantiate this innovation. No proof
whatsoever can be found, in spite of the fact that these were people who were
best acquainted with the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi
Wasallam) and had total love for him. They were staunch followers of the

Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has in no unclear terms, said: –

“whoever introduces anything that is not part of Deen, into this Deen of ours,
it shall be rejected.” (Bukhari/Muslim)

The holy Qur’an enjoins: – “And whatsoever the messenger giveth you, take
it. And whatsoever he forbiddeth, abstain (from it). And keep your duty to
Allah. Lo! Allah is stern in reprisal.” (59:7)

There are numerous other Aayaat and Ahaadith that can be quoted. But from
no Aayat or Ahaadith can the current form of “Eid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee
(Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)’, be proved. In spite of this, the people that
revel in establishing and participating in such functions
The bitter truth for the exponents of Bid’a is that it was only many centuries
after the righteous and golden era of Islam that people began t0 fabricate
innovations under the h00d of “Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi
Wasallam)” and “Mahfeel-e-Meelad”, which were, practices not ordained by
Allah Taãla to any of His Ambiyaa Álayhimus salaam

Hence, it is mentioned in one Hadith: – “It was the incumbent duty of every
Nabee Álayhis-salaam to guide his Ummah towards that which was beneficial
for it and warn it against that which was detrimental for it.” (Muslim) It is a
known fact that Rasulullah is the most superior of all the Ambiyaa Álaihimus-
salaam and also that he is the seal of all the prophets Álayhimus-salaam. He
left no stone unturned in conveying Deen to us and rendering precious advice
to us. If the “Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)” was a
divinely inspired act, then surely Rasulullah would have commanded the
Muslimeen to it, or at least, either he or his beloved Sahaaba (Radhiyallahu-
Ánhum) would have practised it. When it cannot be substantiated by any of
their actions, then it is a crystal clear fact “Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee
(Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)” or “Mahfeel-e-Meelad” (call it what you
may), has absolutely no relationship with Islam instead, it is Bidáh
(innovation) against which we have been soundly warned by Rasulullah
(Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) as was noted from the tw0 Ahaadith
mentioned at the beginning of this discussion and, apart from them, many
more can be quoted to prove the fallacy of innovation in Islam. That is why, in
the light of these unambiguous proofs, the Úlama-e-Haqq have always refuted
and rejected the customary form of “Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee·(Sallallaaahu
Álayhi Wasallam)” and Mahfeel-e-Meelad and have also always discouraged
people from participating in such gatherings.

All Muslims must be made aware of this so that unsuspecting ones do not fall
prey to the Bid’at and innovations introduced into Deen by ignoramuses of
this Ummah.

Hadhrat Muádh bin Jabal (Radhiyallaahu Ánhu) narrates the following

Hadith, ‘Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, ‘whenever a Bidáh
originates in my Ummah and the Úlama do not prevent it, the laánat of Allah,
of his angels and of mankind descend upon them (the Úlama who refrain from
prohibiting the innovation).

According to Ahl e sunnat:

Sunni Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Holy Prophet and arrange
Meelaad. Meelaad is a form of gathering in which the Sunni Muslims get
together and praise the Holy Prophet. The birthdays of Sufi saints are also
celebrated with much dedication and enthusiasm.

The word Milad has been derived from “viladut” which means birth.
Therefore, according to Arabic language, Milad is word which signifies the
place and time of birth.
In the light of Shariah, we means, Milad is to remember the events which took
place at the birth time of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon
Him) and we get the opportunity of narrating the Seerat of the
Prophet (Allah’s Grace &Peace be upon Him) on this occasion, we also
presents the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) gifts of
Durood -o- salam. We mention before the people attributes and praises of the
Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him). We do not believe that Milad is
specified with same night but, we believe that the remembrance of the Holy
Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is incumbent in each minute
and second of time and every Muslim should act it sunnahs in the whole life
time. Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a great source of
preaching. It is incumbent for scholars to teach Muslims nations on this Holy
occasion, moral behavior of the Holy Prophet, (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon
Him) his antiquates, His affairs, His Seerat, His dealings and His worships.

Evidence of the Holy Quran

The Qur’anic verses proves that to celebrate Milad is not only a proper deed
but it is also a praiseworthy.

1) Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“The peace is on Him the day when he was born and the day when he will die
and the day when he will be raised alive.”
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,
Sura Al-Maryam, Verse 15)

In the above verse Allah Almighty has mentioned the complete Milad
of Hazrat Yahya (Alaihis Salam). And before this Allah Almighty has
mentioned the events which took place before the birth. In other words the
Prophet of Allah Almighty Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) celebrates his own

2) As Allah Almighty says:

“And the same peace on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day
I would be raised alive.”

(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,

Sura Al Maryam, Verse 33)

Before this verse Allah Almighty has stated the whole story of Maryam (Allah
may pleased with him) that who she got pregnant and gave birth her great
son, the Prophet of Allah Isa (Alaihi Salam). Allah Almighty also mentioned
the words of Isa (Alaihis Salam) by which Isa (Alaihis Salam) praised himself.
This style of narrating story is nothing but celebration of Milad of Isa Alaihis

3) Allah Almighty says:

“And remind them of the days of the Allah.”

(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,
Sura Ibrahim, Verse5)

In this verse Allah Almighty orders his prophet Musa Alaihis Salam to
remind his nation the days of Allah Almighty. “The days of Allah” are those
days in which great events took place or Allah Almighty bestowed his great
rewards to his creature. As the Holy Quran testifies this explanation of the
days of Allah Almighty.

4) Allah Almighty says:

“Then remember the bounties of Allah and wander not in the earth spreading
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,
Sura Araf, Verse 74)

In the above verse Allah Almighty orders us to remember his bounties and
rewards. The last Prophet of Allah Almighty Muhammad (Allah’s Grace &
Peace be upon Him) is, undoubtedly, great blessing of Allah Almighty for
whole mankind. Allah Almighty himself considers the Prophet (Allah’s Grace
and Peace be upon him) his great favor for mankind as He says:

“Undoubtedly, Allah did a great favor to the Muslims that in them from among
themselves sent a messenger who recites unto them His signs and purifies them
and teaches them the book and wisdom and necessarily before that they were
certainly apparent error.”

5) The gathering of Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon

him) incite Muslims on saying Durood and Salam ( to pray for prophet (Allah’s
Grace and Peace be upon him) of blessing and peace) Allah Almighty says:

“Oh you who I believe send upon Him blessing and salute Him fully well in
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,
Sura Al Ahzab, Verse 56)

According to the law of Shariah, a thing which is desired by Shariah, is exactly a

like an aim of Shariah. And the benefits of Durood -o- salam are so much in
numbers that can not be counted. Durood -o- salam causes for the help of Allah
Almighty in this world and here after. So Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace
be upon Him) is a source of fulfilling the commandments of Allah Almighty

(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran,

Sura Ale Imran, Verse 164)

Therefore, according to the Qur’anic commandments we must remember the

beloved Prophet of Allah Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him)
and Milad-un-Nabi is a best way of remembrance of the greatest Prophet
(Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him).

Evidence of hades:

2) The one who rejoices on the birth day of the Holy Prophet would not be
severely punished and it is hopped that a Muslim who celebrate the Milad un
Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), will not be punished in hell.
Imam Bukhari (Rahmatullah Alaih) narrates that

Abu Lahab would be punished lightly in the hell on Monday. Because he

rejoiced and freed his handmaid indicating by his finger, when the Prophet of
Allah Almighty (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) took birth. So as a
reward of happiness on Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon
him) he would be given water by his finger.
(Saheehul Bukhari Vol. 2, Page 764)

Imam Shams ud din Naseer Al Damaishqi narrates this hadith in poetry. Here
is its translation.

If such kafir was denounced (in the Quran) And perished are his hands, and in
the flame is his eternal abode. It is narrated every Monday. His torment is made
easy for his joy at the birth of Ahmad. (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)
What is the expectation then of a servant who spent all his life. Happy with the
arrival of Ahmad (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) and died on the one
ness of Allah Almighty.
(Haul-ul-Ahtifal Bil Mawlid Al-Nabvi Al Sharif, Page 11)

3) The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon

him) celebrated his own Milad by having fast. Imam Wali ud din write this
narration with reference to the Saheeh Muslim. When the Prophet of Allah
(Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) was asked about the fast of Monday.
He (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) said:

“I took birth and the Quran was revealed upon me in this day.”
(Mishkat Sharif, Page 179)
This narration proves that to celebrate Milad un Nabi is a tradition of the
Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) on every Monday.
Secondly it is lawful to fix a particular day for Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace
and Peace be upon him). Thirdly it is an act of sunnah to worship in the
pleasure of the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)

Evidence of general consensus of Muslim ummah and scholars (Ulema)

1) Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti in his famous book “Al-Hawii Lil-Fatawii”

allocated a special chapter on that topic and named it “The Excellence of
Objective in Celebrating the Mawlid“where he said: The question under
consideration is what the verdict of the Shari’ah on celebrating the Holy
Birthday of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) during
the month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal. From the point of view of Shari’ah is this a
praiseworthy action or a blameworthy one? And do those who arrange such
celebration Receive blessings or not? He said:

“The reply to this question is that in my view the Milad Shareef (Celebration of
the Birthday of the Noble Prophet Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is in
fact such an occasion of happiness on which people assemble and recite the Holy
Qu’ran to the extent that is easy. Then they relate the prophecies concerning the
appearance of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) that
have been transmitted in Ahadith and Author, and the miraculous events and
signs that took place on his birth. Then food is set before them and according to
their desire they partake thereof to satisfaction. This festival of celebrating the
birthday of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a Bid’ah
Hasanah (good Innovation) and those arranging it will get blessing, since in
such a celebration is found the expression of joy and happiness at the greatness
and eminence of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and
his birth”.

Even Ibn Tay’miah said in his book “Necessity of the Right Path“, p. 266, 5th
line from the bottom of that page, published by Dar Al-Hadith, the following:
“As far as what people do during the Milad, either as a rival celebration to that
which the Christian do during the time of Christ’s birthday or as an expression
of their love and admiration and a sign of praise for the Noble Prophet (Allah’s
Grace & Peace be upon Him), Allah Almighty will surely reward them for such

He then said:

“Although Milad was not practiced by (Salaf), they should have done so since
there was no objection against it from the Shari’ah point of view”.

And we certainly only celebrate Milad out of love and admiration to the
Prophet of all Mankind.

2. Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Qastalani, who gave commentary on Sahih Bukhari,


“May Allah Almighty shower his Mercy upon a person who takes the days of the
month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal, in which the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace
be upon Him) was born, as days of feast and celebration for doing so is the best
cure for the heart of an ailing person.”

According to Allama kokab norani okarvi:

In Islam shirk is the biggest sin and after that is the sin of biddah. If we look
at the meaning of biddah it means, a new thing.

There is a conflict in the matter of biddah. We make a plead to all the ummah
to whom there is a great danger of getting into biddah.

They should write a contract that says that they will not get into biddah and
will stay on the beliefs of the true Islam and if I stray from it I will accept any
punishment.this is important because people nowdays are declaring the true
teachings of Islam as biddah and are distanceing the ummah from good deeds.

If we say that biddah is all the things that our prophet did not do in his life
then there are many deeds that he did not do that can be considered as
Actually biddah is considered to be all the the things of which there is no
proof of in Islam. But all these things are not biddah. The word milad means
the birth in Arabic language. In Arabic the word for birch certificate is
"shahadah milad" and we can see that it's related to the creation and not to
the creator himself so it can not be considered a biddah. We are not
considering the holy prophet as the creator but as the creation of Allah. And
then there is the matter of biddah, so it would be considered a biddah if there
was no proof of it in islam. So as proof I would only like to recite a verse of the
holy Quran, "assalamun alaihi youma wulidah..this verse is about the birth of
hazrat essa and hazrat yahya AS. It translates to, and be greetings on the day
on which he was born. So on the birth day of the holy prophet there is a
greeting from Allah himself in the Quran and what more proof is needed to
say that it can not be considered a would be considered a biddah if
there was some mistake in it ,but there is surely not. The holy Quran is filled
with the zikr of the holy prophet. The birth of many Ambia' is present in the
Quran like of, hazrat Adam, hazrat Amma Hawa, hazrat Musa and hazrat
essa. The whole incedences are there in the Quran so how can we say that this
is a biddah. As it is the opposite.

Now a question arises here by the people who don't believe in it that if it is this
important than why didn't the sahabah celebrate Eid milad un nabi?

We can defend our belief by two things, first , that there are many things that
the sahabah did not do that are a part of Islam for example there is the matter
of religious gatherings that did not happen in the era of the sahabah.and also
that there is a division of 30 Paras in the Quran which was not there in the era
of the sahabah

bat ko do trha sy paish krta hn pehly tu ye k sahaba karam ny wo bohat sy

kam nahi kiye jo aj ham bary ehtamam sy krty hain.. hamary han bohat sy
ijtemat hoty hain tb nahi hota tha.. hamary han quran ma 30 paro ki taqseem
hain sahaba k dour ma nahi hoti thi.. hamary han quran pr zair so there are
many things that did not happen in the era of the sahabah which are being
done now so why only question the Eid milad un nabi?
And as the second argument we present the case of hazrat Abu baqr, did he
say that a day in his name be celebrated?

The day of hazrat Abu baqar, hazrat umer, hazrat Ayesha , did the sahabah
celebrate these days? And there is also the matter of milad. We're there
milads celebrated in the era of the sahabah? But nowdays they are considered
as a great deed amoung Muslims.

Kitab adar ul munazam(sheilkh ul dlael hazrat haji imdad ullah k sathi bohat
bary alam thy sheikh abdul haq muhadis al abadi wrote this book) in this
book there are two recorded ahadith about the milad of different renouned
personalities and our holy prophet (pbuh) have praised them for it.

There are many proofs present in the holy Quran of this Eid if we look closely,
there is even the word of Eid used in the Quran for the celebration of different
occasions.and there are also proofs of this matter in the ahadith.

Istadlal from Ahadith

Proof No.1

Book 006, Number 2606 (Sahih Muslim)

Abu Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's
Massenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday,
whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent
down to me.

This Hadith is also reported in by Imam al-Bahayqi in his “Sunnan ul

Kubra” (Vol. 4, pg. 300 Hadith no 8182, 8259), in the “Sunan” of Imam Nisai
and the “Musnad” of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.

It is clear from this Hadith that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) was
very happy about the day of his birth and so fasted out of gratitude. Fasting is
a form of worship, so one can celebrate this day by any form of ibada. One
can fast or hold gatherings or provide food to the poor, all being acts of
Eid Milad ul nabi Ahl e tashi

According to the scholar baqir majlisi in tehzeeb ul islam eid milad ul nabi
nahi hta eid milad nabi hota hai. Eid milad nabi ko 17 rabiyulawal ko manty
hain q k 12 rabiyulawal ko aap SAW ki rehlat hui thi. Shia mazhab me jo
main imam iraq me hain who yehi bat khty hain or sb ko un ki yeh bat
manani parti hai

In every nook an corner across Pakistan, Shia Muslims are celebrating the
birth anniversary of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), the last apostle of God and
Prophet of Islam with religious fervour. Shia Muslims begin celebrating Hafta
Wahdat-e-Muslimeen or Muslim Unity Week from 12th rabiyulawal night and
its special programmes will continue till 17th Rabiul Awwal.

Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari, secretary general, Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-

Muslimeen, has announced that special programs are being held in all offices
of his party to mark the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) celebrations. He said that
Shia Muslims and their leaders and scholars will largely participate in the
Milad-un-Nabi processions to mark Sunni-Shia unity on the auspicious day to
mark the birth anniversary of the Prophet of Islam and Humanity.
He said that MWM workers have also set up Sabeels on the routes of Milad
processions to serve the participants of the processions. Milad congregations
would also be held.
MWM has also displayed banners to share Eid Greetings with all Muslims
and also remember Syed Nasir Abbas Shirazi, its deputy secretary general,
who was subjected to enforced disappearance since November 1.


Nikkah is also a great issue amoung the Muslims as in every sect the way to
perform nikkah is different according to the respective scholars of the sects
and they have used the reference of quranic verses and ahadith

Nikkah in ahle tasheeh

scholar baqir majlisi in tehzeeb ul islam k mutabiq

There are two types of marriages in Shia Islam. One is simple normal
marriage called ‘Nikah’, while the other is temporary marriage known as
‘Mutah’ or ‘Sigha’, Both Nikah and Mutah to be initiated require two
instruments, first is ‘Aqd’ and second is ‘Mahr’.

In Shia Islam ‘Aqd’ is exchange of marital vows, an agreement between a man

and a woman or their representatives; it is marriage proposal by the first
party and its acceptance by the second party. Shia Islam requires proper
specific Arabic formula to initiate the marriage.

‘Mahr’, the second of the two requirements for marriage in Shia Islam is
obligatory gift/dower to the bride by the groom. Mahr is usually money, land,
ornament, ring, jewel, house etc. Mahr is fixed prior to the recitation of
marriage formula or exchange of marital vows.

Translation of proper specific Arabic marriage formula or vows are; first the
proposal as ‘I have made myself your wife on the agreed dower’ which follows
the acceptance as ‘I accept the marriage’. If marriage if initiated through
representatives then first the proposal goes ‘I have given to your client (name)
in marriage my client (name) on the agreed dower’ the acceptance goes ‘I
accepted this matrimonial alliance for my client (name) on agreed dower’.
Formula for temporary marriage include ‘for agreed term’ in addition to ‘on
agreed dower’.

Shia Islam does not require witnesses for any of the two marriages. Shia Islam
requires permission of either biological father or biological paternal
grandfather’s consent for virgin woman to be married, there are however
conditional details for it.

Nikkah in Ahl-e-sunnat

Book name sunnat-e-nikkah by muftimuhammad qasim

The actual marriage ceremony is quite simple. A day is chosen (preferably as

soon as possible after the engagement) and announced. The prophet (upon
him be peace) encouraged that marriages should be announced well, so that
the community learns of this communion and do not look at the couple with
suspicion when seen together. Therefore, a marriage should not be contracted
in secret.

Thereafter, the following should be observed for the actual ceremony:

1. The best time is a Friday after the ‘Asar prayer in the masjid. The
Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) said, “Announce this marriage, and
perform it in the masjid… (Tirmidhi).

2. Scholars and other pious people should be invited to gain the blessing of
their presence and their du’as along with the blessing of Friday and
the masjid.

3. The nikah should be performed by a pious person.

4. Two witnesses should be chosen and present at the gathering. The

Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) said, “There is no marriage without
a wali and two upright witnesses… (Ibn Hibban). Although all those present
could potentially be witnesses, it is better to have two formal witnesses who
sign the marriage contract and can be called upon in the event of any

5. The marriage payment [dowry or mahr] should be stipulated before hand

and the person performing the ceremony should be informed of the amount.

6. The bride should preferably send a wali (her father, uncle, brother or any
such elder) to represent her. Thewali should be present in the gathering. The
Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) said, “A women should not marry
herself off [i.e. without a wali] (Ibn maja). In the Hanafi school, the consent of
a mature bride is necessary and she cannot be married off without it. The
Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) said, “A virgin cannot be married off
without her permission.” They asked as to how her permission is given. He
replied, “Her silence” (Bukhari and Muslim).

7. When the bride grants her wali [representative] the permission to marry
her to the groom, it is preferable to have two people (from among
her mahrams) to witness this also. Although, the representation is valid
without witnesses, however, in the event of problems their testimony would be
needed to prove that she consented to her marriage to the groom.

8. The sunna khutba [sermon] will be recited first by the imam performing the
marriage. This khutbaincludes the three verses of taqwa, and a hadith or two
about marriage, exhorting the couple and those present to fear Allah and
attain taqwa (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ahmad).

9. After the khutba the imam will ask the representative (1) if he gives consent
to the bride’s (taking her complete name) marriage (2) to the groom (again
taking the complete name) (3) for the stipulated amount of marriage payment
(4) in the presence of the two witnesses. If the representative consents then
the imam turns to the groom and ask him if he accepts the bride (taking her
name) in his marriage for the stipulated amount of marriage payment. The
groom has to reply in complete terms such as, “I accept her in my marriage”
or ” I have accepted her in my marriage” or “I do marry her.” It is preferable
that he say this and not just “I do” or “I accept.”

10. The imam should then recite the following du’a,

“Barak Allahu laka wa baraka alayka wa jama’a baynakuma bikhayr.”

May Allah bless you and have His blessing descend upon you and unite you in

Thereafter, he will make other du’as for the couple and those present.

11. It is then sunna the next day or the day after once the couple have
consummated their marriage or entered into privacy together to provide
a walima reception. This is provided by the groom and his family and is not a
responsibility of the bride. The Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace)
providedwalima after many of his marriages by feeding the people a goat.
Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah
(upon him be peace) provided a walimaon the occasion of the consummation
of his marriage with Zaynab bint Jahsh. He provided meat and bread to the
fill off his guests (Bukhari). On the occasion of his marriage to Safiyya bint
Huyay ibn Akhtab he even had what may be considered a “pot luck”
nowadays in North America where each person brought what he had and they
sat down together and ate it (Bukhari and Muslim).

12. Some masjids and imams have the legal capacity to solemnize a marriage
which is then recognized by the state, county or local council. This is
extremely beneficial as it does not entail re-performing the marriage again in
a civil ceremony.

May Allah grant us the ability to simplify what Allah and His Messenger
instructed to be simple and grant us blessing in it.

Nikkah in Ahl e hadees

According to abu zaid zameer k khutby me jo tariqa btaya gya hai nikkah k
liye us me ahl e sunnat k btaye huy tariqy se mukhtalif koi chz nahi hai main
tariqa dono ka same hai

“O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”
Namaz Islam Ke 5 Bunyadi Arkaan Mein Doosra Sab Se Aham Rukan Hai.Allah Taala Ne
Har Baligh Musalman Mard O Aurat Par Din Mein 5 Namazein Farz Ki Hain.

Therefore, a Muslim must use prayers as a means of invocation and ask Allah Almighty for help and
assistance in any difficulty or worry.

Namaz musalmano k dirmyan 1 ahm masla hai q k har sect me namaz parhny ka tariqa alg alg hai is
report me har sect ka un k scholar k hisaab se namaz ki adaigi ka tariqa btaya gya hai jin me har scholar
ne ayaat or ahadee ka reffrence istemal kiya hai


Way of performing salah

yeh jo tariqa namaz ka bataya gya yeh mufti jafar hussain ahletaasheeh ki likhi hui kitaab najul
balagha se liya gya hai. Mufti sahib ne joy yeh namaz ka tarika bayan kiya hai us k liye who quran ki
surah al Imran ka refrence dety haijn or khty hain k is me 1 ayat hai jis ka tarjama hai k namaz aesy
parhu k jesy parindy hawa me parwaaz krt hain is k liye namaz hath khol kr prhni chahiye

Shia log 5 namazein manty hain lekin din me 3 dafa namz parhty han yeh fajr k bad duhr or asr
ikhati parhty hain jinhy yeh duhrein khty hain or is k ilawa maghrib or isha ikhati parhty hain jinhein
yeh magribein khty hain or is bat ki yeh justification dety hain k hazrat Amaam Hassan A.S ne
karbala k meedan me duhr or asr ikhati pari thi is liye yeh bi ikhati parhty hain.. or maghrib or isha is
liye ikhati parhty hain k phly log maghrib k bad so jaya krty thy or Hazoor S.A.W ne frmaya hai k
maghrib k bad nahi sona chahiye is liye yeh maghrib or isha ki namz ikhati prhty hain.

they placing the forehead onto a piece of hardened clay from Karbala, not directly
onto the prayer mat when prostrating.
Starting the actual prayers, do as follows:
Note: For sisters, all their body must be completely covered with the exception of the face and thehands
(up to the wrist)
1)Make your intention: Anwy An Usally Salat Al-“Name of the prayer” Qurbatan ila AllahiTa’ala – I make
the intention to pray the …… prayer seeking nearness to Allah.
2)Say loudly: Allahu Akbar, while raising both of your hands to touch your ears,

3)Recite Surat Al-Hamda.

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmanir-Raheemb. Al-Hamulillahy Rabbil Aalameenc. Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheemd. Maliky
Yaomed-Deene. Iyyaka Na’abodo wa iyyaka Nasta’eenf. Ihdinas-Siratal Mustaqeemg. Siratal-Latheena
An’Amta ‘Alaihimh.
Ghay-ril Maghdhooby ‘Alaihimi. Wa ladh-dhaaaalleen
4)Recite Surat Al-Ahad:a. Bismillahi Ar-Rahmanir-Raheemb. Qul Howa Allahu Ahadc. Allahu As-Samadd.
Lam Yalid wa Lam Yoolade. Wa Lam Yakul-Lahoo Kufwan Ahad

5)Go to Ruku (Bow down) and say: Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheemy wa Behamdeh

6)Get up from Ruku and say: Sami’aa Allahu Le-man Hamidah, Allahu Akbar
7)Go down to Sujud (Prostration) and say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behamdeh . do this 2 times.

8)Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar

9)Stand up and say as you’re standing up: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood. Again
recite surat hamd and surat ahad
10) Raise your hands so that you look at them and say: Rabbana Aatina Fiddunya Hasanah, waFil
Aakheeraty Hasanah wa Qeena Athaaban-Naar, Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammadin waAaly Muhammad
And repeat the same steps 5,6 and 7, 8 and after this
11)Stay seated and say:a.Ash-hadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah b.Wahdaho La Shareeka Laho c.Wa Ash-Hadu
Anna Muhammadan ‘Abdoho wa Rasooloh d. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammadin wa Aaly Muhammad
**If this is the Subh prayer continue saying: e.Assalamu Alaika Ayyuhan-Nabiyyo Wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuh f.Assalamu Alaina wa ‘Ala Ibadillahes-Saleheen g.Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa
Barakatuh **If this is not the Subh prayer, then continue as follows:
12) Stand up and say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood
13)Say: a.Subhanallah b.Wal-Hamdulillah c.Wa La Ilaha Illa Allah d.Wa Allahu Akbar Repeat a-d (3X)
After this repeat step 5,6,7,8
** If this is the Maghreb paryer then do as follows:
14)Stay seated and say:a.Ash-hadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah b.Wahdaho La Shareeka Laho c.Wa Ash-Hadu
Anna Muhammadan ‘Abdoho wa Rasooloh d. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammadin wa Aaly e.Assalamu
Alaika Ayyuhan-Nabiyyo Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh f.Assalamu Alaina wa ‘Ala Ibadillahes-Saleheen
g.Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuh
**If this is the Dhuhr (Noon), Asr (Afternoon) or Ishaa (Night) prayers then from step 14 continue as
15)Stand up and say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood
16)Say: a.Subhanallah b.Wal-Hamdulillah c.Wa La Ilaha Illa Allah d.Wa Allahu Akbar Repeat a-d (3X)
after this repeat step 5 to 8
17)Stay seated and say: a.Ash-hadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah b.Wahdaho La Shareeka Laho c.Wa Ash-Hadu
Anna Muhammadan ‘Abdoho wa Rasooloh d.Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammadin wa Aaly Muhammad
e.Assalamu Alaika Ayyuhan-Nabiyyo Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh f.Assalamu Alaina wa ‘Ala
Ibadillahes-Saleheen g.Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuh

Ahl e hades way of performing namaz

This way of performing salah is taken from the book by Hafiz salah ud din yousaf , namaz e nabvi.

Namaz prhny se phly taharat or pakeezgi ka muqamal khiyal rakha jaye har namaz
ko ada kny se phly mukamal niyat ki jaye

Make your intention known in your heart. Before initiating the salat, it is important
that you have the intention to pray.

Raise your hands up to your ears and say Allahu Akbar (‫)أ َ ْكبَر هللا‬. This translates to
"Allah is the greatest." Do this while standing (or sitting if you can't stand).

Place your right hand over your left hand. Place your hands either on your navel,
on your chest, or between the two; there's difference of opinion between Islamic
schools of thoughts. Keep your eyes focused on the place you are standing. Do not
let your eyes wander.

Recite the Istiftah Du'a (opening prayer):


wabihamdika watabarakas-muka wataaaala

judduka wala ilaha ghayruk.

a’auodu billaahi minash-shaytaanir rajeem

bis-millaahir rahmaanir raheem

Follow it with Surah Al-Fatiha (this Surah is recited in each Rak'ah):

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil 'aalameen


Maaliki Yawmid-Deen

Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een

Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim

Ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen

Recite any other surah or any part of the Qu'ran, such as Surah Ikhlas[12]:

Qul huwal laahu ahad

Allah hus-samad

Lam yalid wa lam yoolad

Wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad

Reciting a surah after Al-Fatiha is not obligatory; it's sunnah.

Say "Allahu Akbar" and bend down. Bend your body so that your back and neck
are as straight as possible and level with the ground, keeping your eyes there. Your
back and head should be in a 90 degree angle with your legs. You don't need to
make a perfect angle; your body should be relaxed. This position is called ruku.

While bowing, say, Subhanna Rabbiyal Adheem three times. This translates to,
"Glorious is my Lord the most great."

Stand back up (raise from ruku). While rising up recite Samiallah Huliman
Hamidah with your arms beside you. This means "Allah hears those who praise
While standing up, recite Rabana Walakal Hamd (Our Lord, all praise is for you)
once. You can also add Hamdan Katheeran Tayyiban Mubaarakan Feeh" (praise
which is abundant, excellent and blessed) after.[13]

Say Allahu Akbar and prostrate. Place your head, knees and hands on the floor.
This is the position called "sajdah."

When you are positioned fully, say Subhanna Rabbiyal A'laa (Glorious is my Lord,
the most High) three times.

Your forearms should not be on the floor.[14]

Rise from sajdah and sit on your knees. Place your left foot from ball to heel on the
floor. Your right foot should be toes on the floor only. Place your hands flat on
your knees. You can recite Allaahumma-ghfir lee warhamnee wajburnee,
warfa’nee, wa 'aafinee war'zuqnee (O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me,
strengthen me, raise me in status, pardon me and grant me provision).

There are other du'as that you can recite in this position, such as Allahuma-ghfirlee
twice (O Allah, forgive me).

Return to sajdah and say Subhanna Rabbiyal a'laa three times.

Say Allahu akbar and stand up. You have completed one rak'ah. Depending on the
salah, you may need to complete up to three more.

In every second rak'ah, after the second sajdah, sit on your knee again. Recite:

Tashahhud: At-tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa-salaawaatu wa-tayyibaat. As-salaamu

‘alayka ayyuha-Nabiyyu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. As-salaamu ‘alayna wa
‘ala ‘ibaad-illaah-is-saaliheen. Ash-hadu al-aa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa ash-hadu anna
Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu

"All compliments, prayers and pure words are due to Allaah. Peace be upon you, O
Prophet, and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the
righteous slaves of Allaah. I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah and I
bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger".

Durood: Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa ‘ala aali Muhammad, kama salayta
‘ala Ibraaheem, wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed. Allaahumma
baarik ‘ala Muhammad, wa ‘ala aali Muhammad, kama baarakta ‘ala Ibraaheem,
wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innak hameedun majeed

"O Allaah, send prayers upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as
You sent prayers upon Ibraaheem and the family of Ibraaheem, You are indeed
Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory. O Allaah, bless Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as You blessed Ibraaheem and the family of Ibraaheem, You are
indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory".

Finish the prayer with tasleem. After the tashahhud, durood, and any du'a you wish
to recite, end the prayer by:

Turning your head to the right and saying, As-salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi
wa Barakaatuhu. The angel who records your good deeds is to this side.

Turning your head to the left and saying, As-salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakaatuhu. The angel who records your wrongful deeds is to this side. The
prayers have ended!

This way of performing salah is for both genders.
" Perform salah the way you see me performing it"[231:‫صصصص‬
Ahlesunnat way of performing salah
Yeh jo tariqa namaz ka btaya gya hai yeh Hazrat Allama Syed Shah Tarab ul Haq
Qadri ki kitaab Namaz ki kitaab se liya gya hai.

Namaz ada krny se phly taharat or pakeezgi ka khiyal rkha jaye or mukamal wazu krny k
bad namz shuru ki jaye. Namaz shuru krny se phly kaab ki trf mu kiya jaye or phr niyat ki
jae. Or niyat ki awaz onchi na ki jaye

(Surah Baqarah 2:144)

1. Say Takbeer-e-Tahrima
Allu hu akbar

The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) raised his hands apposite his ears at the
time of reciting the takbir (i. e. at the time of beginning the prayer).
(SAHIH MUSLIM Book #004, Hadith #0762)

2. Read sana
3. Say Ta’awwudh (‫ & )تعوذ‬Tasmiyya (‫)تسمية‬
4. Recite Surah Fatiha

Allah's Apostle (Sallallähu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Whoever does not recite Al-Fatiha
in his prayer, his prayer is invalid." (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Book 12, Hadith no. 723)

Surah fatiha k bad koi bi choti bari ayat parhi ja skti hai

5. Read Surah Al Ikhlas

6. Perform roku

Say Allahu Akbar before bowing for Ruku. in Ruku, say.this dua at least 3 times

7. Then stand straight while saying this dua

8. Say Allahu Akba
9. Perform the prostration (sajda)

10. Rise to a sitting position

Do this again saying Allah hu akbar

11. Prostrate again

12. Rise up to proceed to the second rakat

Dosri rakat bi phli rakat ki tarah hi ho gi but without the taqbiratulahram

13. Perform the Tashahhud at the end of the second rakat

stay in a sitting position and recite the Tashahhud 9

14. Recite Durood Ibrahim in Tashahhud

when you are in last rakat then say Durude Ibrahim (durood shareef, darood pak)
after reciting Athahiyyaatu Lillahi Was Salawaatu whether you have performed 2
rakat, 3 rakat or 4 rakat of any farz, sunnat, nafal namaz (salat, prayer, salah).
15. Duaa after DUROOD IBRAHIM
After durood-e- Ibrahim, we can read any Quranic Duaa such as:

1st Duaa
2nd dua

16. Say Salam two times

After reading all masnoon duaa when you want to finish your namaz then
say: Assalamu Alai’kumWarah’matullaah by looking at right shoulder and then then
say agian by looking on left shoulder.

17. Say subhanallah 33 times say Alhamdulillah 33 times and allah hu akbar 34

18. Dua Qunoot

Dua qunoot to be recited in the last rakat of the Witr Prayer of Isha Salah( namaz,
Namaz e janaza ka tariqa Ahl e sunnat

Manners of salah book

Maulana ilyas qadi

The funeral Ṣalāĥ is Farḍ-e-Kifāyaĥ

The funeral Ṣalāĥ is Farḍ-e-Kifāyaĥ, i.e. if even a single person offered it, everyone would
be relieved of the obligation; if no one offered it, and all those who were aware of it will be
sinners. Jamā’at (congregation) is not a condition for this Ṣalāĥ; if even one person offered
it, the Farḍ will be fulfilled. The denial of its Farḍiyyat (obligation) is Kufr
(infidelity). (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, vol. 1, pp. 825; ‘Ālamgīrī, vol. 1, pp. 162; Durr -e-Mukhtār, vol. 3, pp. 120)

There are two fundamentals and three Sunnaĥs in the funeral prayer
ُ َ ‫ّٰلل َا ۡك‬
The two fundamentals are: (1) To recite ‘ ‫ب‬ ُ ‫ َ’ا ه‬four times (2) Qiyām (to stand). The three

Sunan-e-Muakkadaĥ are: (1) Šanā (2) Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī (3)Supplication for the deceased. (Baĥār-e-
Sharī’at, vol. 1, pp. 829)
Method of funeral Ṣalāĥ (Ḥanafī)
The Muqtadī should make the following intention: ‘I make the intention of offering this
funeral Ṣalāĥ for Allah ‫ َع َّز َو َج َّل‬and making supplication (Du’ā) for this dead person, following this
Now the Imām and the Muqtadīs should raise their hands up to their ears and fold them
ُ َ ‫ّٰلل َا ۡك‬ُ ‫ا ه‬,َ and then recite Šanā. After ‘ ‫ال َج ُّد َك‬ ٰ َ َ َ
below the navel as usual whilst saying ‫ب‬ ‫’و ت ع ي‬
َ ُ ‫َ َ َّ َ َ ٓ ُ َ َ َ ٓ ٰ َ َ ر‬ َۡ ُ‫َ ه‬
read ‘ ‫ب ك‬ ۡ ‫و ج ل ث ن ا ء ك و َل ِا ل ه غ‬.’ Then, without raising the hands, say ‫ّٰلل اك َ ُب‬‫ ا‬and recite Durūd-
ُ َ ۡ َ ُ ‫َ ه‬
e-Ibrāĥīm. Without raising the hands again, say ‫ ا ّٰلل ا ك ب‬and now recite the supplication (the
Imām should say the Takbīrāt loudly whilst the Muqtadīs should do the same in a low voice.
Both the Imām and Muqtadīs should recite the remaining invocations in a low voice).
َۡ ُ‫َ ه‬
After the supplication, say ‫ّٰلل اك َ ُب‬‫ا‬, unfold the hands and perform Salām on both sides. During the
Salām, the intention should be made for the deceased person, for angels and for the participants of
the Ṣalāĥ, same as in the Salām of o ther Ṣalāĥs; the only difference here is the addition of
the intention for the deceased person as well. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, vol. 1, pp. 829, 835)

Supplication for funeral of adults (man and woman)

َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ‫َ ه‬
‫ب ن ا َو ذ‬ ِ ۡ ‫و ک ِب‬ ‫بن ا‬
ِ ۡ ‫ص ِغ‬ ‫اه ِد ن ا َو غ آ ِئ ِب ن ا َو‬ ِ ‫ا لل ُه َّم اغ ِف ْر ِل َح ِّي ن ا َو َم ِّي ِت ن ا َو ش‬
َ‫ْاَل ْس ََل م ط َو َم ْن َت و‬ َ َ ََ َّ ٗ َ َ ‫َ ه‬ َُْٰ
‫ک ِرن ا َو ا ن ث ن ا ط ا لل ُه َّم َم ْن ا ْح َي ْي ت ه ِم ن ا ف ا ْح ِي ه ع َل‬
َ َ
ِ ِ
‫ان‬ َ ‫َّف ْي َت ٗه م َّن ا َف َت َو َّف ٗه َع ََل ْاَل ْي‬
ِ ِ ِ

O Allah ( ‫ !) َع َّز َو َج َّل‬Forgive all of our living ones and all the dead ones, and all those who are present
and all those who are not present, and all our young ones and all our elderly ones, and all our men
and all our women. Yā Allah ( ‫ !) َع َّز َو َج َّل‬Whomever you keep alive from among us, keep him alive in
Islam, and whomever of us you make die, make him die with faith.
(Al-Mustadrak lil-Ḥākim, vol. 1, pp. 684, Ḥadīš 1366)

Du’ā for a male minor

ُ ْ ْ َّ ً َ َ َ َ ُ ْ ْ َّ ُ ‫َ ه‬
‫اج َع ل ه‬ ‫ف رط ا و‬ ‫اج َع ل ه ل ن ا‬ ‫ا لل ه م‬
َّ َ َ ََ ُ ْ ْ َّ ً ْ ُ َّ ً ْ َ َ َ
‫ل ن ا ش ِاف ًع ا َّو ُم ش ف ًع ا‬ ‫اج َع ل ه‬ ‫ل ن ا ا ج را و ذ خ را و‬
O Allah ( ‫ !) َع َّز َو َج َّل‬Make him a fore-runner to become a support for us, and make him a recompense
for us, and make him our intercessor, and the one whose intercession is accepted.

(Kanz-ud-Daqāiq, pp. 52)

Du’ā for a female minor
ْ ْ َّ ً َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َّ ُ ‫َ ه‬
‫اج َع ل َه ا‬ ‫ا لل ه م اج ع ل ه ا ل ن ا ف رط ا و‬
ً َّ َ ً َ ََ ْ ْ َّ ً ْ ُ َّ ً ْ َ َ َ
‫اج َع ل َه ا ل ن ا ش ِاف َع ۃ َّو ُم ش ف َع ۃ‬ ‫ل ن ا ا ج را و ذ خ را و‬
O Allah ( ‫ !) َع َّز َو َج َّل‬Make her a fore -runner to become a support for us, and make her a recompense
for us, and make her our intercessor, and the one whose intercession is accepted.

Namaz e janaza ahletashee by Tauzeeh-ul-Masail-(Ayatullah

Mayyat ki namaz main panch takbeerain hain or agr namaz parhny wala shks mandarja zaill
tarteeb k sath panch takbeerain kahy to kafi hai

1)Neyat krny or pehli takbeer k bad kahy:

2)Dosri takbeer bad kahy:

3)Teesri takbeer k bad kahy:

4)Chothi takbeer k bad agr mayyat mard ho to kahy:

5)Agar aurat ho tu kahy:

Zarori hai k takbeerain or duain tasalsul k sath yaky bad deegry is trha parhi jayein k namaz
apni shkl na kho day

Jo shks mayyat ki namaz ba jamat prh rha ho khwah wo muqtadi ho zarori hai k is ki
takbeerain or duain bhi parhy

Chand cheezein namaz e miyat me mustahib hain

1. Namaz e miyat parhny waly ne wazu yan ghusal yan tayamum kiya hua hu or ehtiyat is
me hai k k tameem is waqt kry jab ghusal yan wazu krna mumkin nah u ya usy khud is bad
ka khadsha hu k agr wazu yan ghusal kry gat u namaz e miyat me shareek na ho sky ga
2. Agr miyat mard hai tu amaam yan jo shaks akela miyat par namz prha rha h miyat k
badan k dirmyani hisy k samny khara hu or agr orat ki miyat hai tu seenay k smny khara hu
3. Namz nangy paon parhi jaey
4. Har takbeer me hth ko buland kiya jaye
5. Namazi or miyat k dirmyan itna kam fasla ho k agr hawa namazi k libaas ko harkat dy
tu who janazay ko ja chuhy

6) namaz mayat jamat k sath parhi jaye

7)imam takbeerain or duain buland awaz say parhy or muqtadi ahista awaz main

8)namaz bajamat ma muqtadi aik hi shks kiu na ho wo imam k peachy hi khara ho

9)namaz prhny wala mayat or momineen k liye kasrat sy dua kry

10)ba jamat namaz say pehly 3 martaba “alsalat” kahy

11)namaz esi jaga parhi jaye jahan nama mayat k liye log ziada tar jaty hain

12)agar aurat namaz mayyat jamat k sath parhy to akeeli khari ho or namazio ki saf ma na
khari ho

13) namaz mayyat masjid ma prhna makrooh hai magar masjid ul haram ma prhna
makrooh nahi hai

Namaz e janaza in Ahl e hades:

Ye jo namaz e janaza ka tareeqa btaya gaya hai ye Hafiz Zahid lateef professor scholar Uet
islamiyat department sy pocha gaya hai

namz e janaza farz e kafaya hai .. kisi insan k fout hony k bad us area k reasonable log aaty
hain tu woh kafi ho gi sb k liye. agr koi bi na aye ya kam log aaye to sb log gunahgaar hoon
gy.. or kam log aayein tu baki log zimedar hongy k 1 musalman fout hua or koi namz parhny
ni aya
namaz janaza 4 takbeerat pr mushtamil hai .niyat krna zarori ni hai .niyat hoti hai dil ka
irada kisi bi kam krny ki intension niyat hai . ilfaz k sath koi niyat krta hai tu yeh bidat hai ..
mard or aurat k janazy ka faraq yeh hai k aurar k janzay k mid me amaam hry hty hain or
mard k sir wli side pr khary hty hain namaz e janaza shuru krein gy phli taqberr kahein gy
hath buland krty huy Allahuakbar
allah hu akbar ki taqbeer k sath namaz shuru krein gy or baki namzun ki trh is me ap phly
sana prhein gy phr surah fatiha or is k bad koi b surah prhty hain or 2nd takberr k liye hath
buland kr k allahu akbar kahein gy us k bad hath band kr darood shareef parhein gy us k
bad phr 3sri takber k liye hath buland krein gy or hath bandh lein gy is k bad woh duaein
parhni hain jo humein ahadees me milti hain
1 dafa bi parh lein tu kafayat ho jaye gi zada prh lein gy tu zada bhtr hai miyat is tym duaon
ki muhtaj hti hai
yehi 1 waqt hta hi k duaein mang lety hai jis se faida hta hai miyat ko
namaz e janza lamba prha jata hai
4th takbeer me jab ap duaein prh lein us k bad salam pherty hain
is me koi raku ni hai na hi sajda krty hain

namaz e janaza me sajda yan rju is liye nahi kya jat a q k hazoor SAW ne aesa nahi kiya or is k wja yeh
thi k kisi k dil me bi yeh missunderstanding create na hu k k 1 murday ko aagy rakh k sab sajda kr rahy
hain yan jhuk rahy hain. hb k humein maloom hai k yeh naza ka hissa hai lekin sajda sirf Allah k liye hai

Muslim religious Channels:

ARY QTV (Urdu: ARY ‫ )قرآن‬is a Pakistani television channel with a Sunni Islam religious focus, producing
programs mainly focusing on the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at school. QTV is part of the ARY Digital
Network. The channel has shows featuring well-known scholars such as Pir Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal
al Shaami, Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Dr. Umar Al-Qadri, Mufti Abu Baqr, Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Mufti Muhammad Shahid, Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi and Mufti Muhammad Aamir. Other shows include
Qur'an teachings, hadith, talk shows, question and answer shows, Qawwali music and Na`at poetry

Detail description

There is a Detail description about this channel programs and what this channel shows

Aap Kay Masail Ka Hal (On Thursday)

(Live From Karachi)


Pir Saqib Shaami

Burhan Ahmed

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri



Khutbat-Jumma (live from Data Darbar Lahor)

Khuwab Kya Kehtey Hain

Naat Zindagi Hai

Quran Suniye Aur Sunaiyye



Subh Bakhair



Other than this there are diffenrt type of ads related to new program there are also social ads that are
broadcast in this channel there is no any concept of not shwnig women in channel and program
Dawat-e-Islami is a non-political Islamic organization based in Pakistan. Founded in the early 1980s by
Muhammad Ilyas Qadri,[1][2] the organization is ideologically aligned with Barelvi movement of Sunni
Islam. It also publishes Islamic books under its publisher name of Maktaba-tul-Madina. It has several
Islamic educational institutions around the world. In addition to local charity efforts, Dawat-e-Islami offers
online courses in Islamic studies and runs a television station, Madani Channel

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Mery rab ka kalam

Ijtemaye zikr o naat

Darul ifta Ahl-e-sunnat

Khult aankh sleyAllah khty khty

Zzehni azmaish


1 qissa hai quran se

Rohani ilaaj
Islam or science

There is no any concept of showing social ads but there are ads which are totally related to programs
promo there is no any involvement of women not even in proper parda. This tv channel is promoting the
concept of true spirit of Islam.

Peace TV is a nonprofit satellite television network broadcasting globally 24/7 from Dubai, United Arab
Emirates. Peace TV programs are all in the English language and telecast free-to-air. The founder and
president of Peace TV is Dr Zakir Naik, an Islamic preacher from Mumbai, India.Since 21 January 2006,
Peace TV channel has been telecast to more than 200 countries[6] around the world, including in Asia,
Europe, Africa, Australia and North America.[7][8] In 2009, its sister channel (Peace TV Urdu) was
launched, which is dedicated especially to the Urdu-speaking viewers around the world and on 22 April
2011, Peace TV Bangla[9] was launched, which is dedicated especially to the Bengali-speaking viewers
around the world.Peace TV network covers live events,[10] lecturing programs for adults and youths, as
well as educational programs for children. Its president, Zakir Naik, often calls it an "edutainment
channel".[11]As of July 2016, broadcasting of the channel is banned in India and Bangladesh.[3] In
Bangladesh there has been a massive debate to stop airing this channel after the Dhaka Terror
Attack.[12][13] The channel has been banned by the Government of Bangladesh after a consultation with
its internal security agencies on 10 July 2016.[

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In the programs of Peace tv there is diversity people come here from different religion in this channel
there is both male and female involvement. They do not promote any social ad but there are ads of
different program which male female and childrens interact with each other.

In conclusion we would like to say that there are almost a hundred sects that have been formed inside
Islam, each section has their own values and these values are significantly different from the rest of the
sects and instead of focusing on the similarities between the sects, people always tend to see the
differences which causes both physical as well as verbal conflicts which results in the hatred for their
own Muslim brothers. The religious scholars of each section have an important role in shaping the minds
of the people of thier sect and these days more than half of the scholars are promoting differences
instead of teaching people to learn to respect the sect of everyone and live in harmony with thier
Muslim brothers.

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