Swot Analysis of Walls

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Swot Analysis Of Walls

 wide distribution, due to establish distribution channels due to which they are
generating high amount of revenues.
 They are Financially strong due to which they can target more and more markets.
 Walls have Strong brand equity across Pakistan.
 Walls produce Quality product according to their competitors.
 walls have Larger dealers network all across Pakistan more then other ice creams.
 Product under unilever brand is one of the biggest strengths for company.
 Innovative (using latest technology for the manufacturing of the ice cream and all
system is computerized).
 Walls use unique innovative packing due to which people go for their product.

 Perception about the company is that it is specially made for high class consumers. This
perception is affecting company image although Walls is making ice cream for every class
and they have those products which are ranging from 20 to 60 which can be affordable
for the poor people.
 Weather barrier is also the factor which is affecting the production of the ice cream and
can be taken is a weakness for the walls.
 Product price high with respect to the competitor in some flavors.

 Can introduce diet ice cream in market because now days people are health conscious.
 Range of the product can be increased especially for the kids because kids are the major
buyers of ice creams products.
 Increase in the population is the big opportunity for the walls because they will produce
more products and will generate more revenues.
 Unilever brand is the big opportunity for the walls as it is well known internationally
because they have high brand image.

 Private ice cream parlors are the major threat because of them the companies revenues
get affected.
 Competitors keep update their products with new flavors and taste is also a threat
because people will go for new products.
 Awareness campaigns on health issues will cause the product sale to drop which should
be from government or other health department.
 Changing of lifestyles on consumer eating habit, where consumers will prefer more on
fast food such as McDonald and KFC
 Raining seasons or rainy days can cause the sales of the product to decrease

Swot Analysis of Omore

 Omore produce low price products according to its competitor walls.
 Omore have Aggressive promotion scheme’s which is helping them in generating
revenues and generating market.
 As they have low prices but their product is quality products.

 Pure milk is not used in ice creams , they use some colors in making of ice creams.
 Weather barriers affects ice cream sales the most in summer because people will go for
fast-food in rainy season.
 Not-well distributed in rural areas according to its competitor walls.

 Open ice cream parlor in all across Pakistan because people now days are going out with
their family to spent some time out of their houses.
 Can introduce diet ice cream because people are becoming health conscious everyday.
 Increase in the population is a big opportunity.
 Engroo brand is a big opportunities in Pakistan.

 Private ice cream parlors is a big threat which can affect their sales.
 Changing gov. policies are sometimes become threats to them directly also indirectly.
 competitors new product update due to which people will go for new product instead of
1. Product
A product consists of any good or service that can be offered to the market to satisfy a need or
want .In case of Walls, the products are the ice creams produced by the company. Applying the
three levels of product in case of Walls

 Core Product: Ice creams, as desert after meals.

 Actual Product: The high quality level, different tastes, and shapes of the Ice
creams, packaging and the heart shape icon.
 Augmented Product: Walls provides taste and hygiene as well as nutritional

Ice creams may generally be categorized as Convenience Products, products which

consumers buy frequently, immediately and with minimum of comparison and buying effort.
Although in case of the Pakistani ice cream market, consumers do give preferences to certain
brands and compare quality from one brand to another, yet we would still consider ice cream
to be convenience products, as they require minimum search effort and little planning. They
are widely available and within the category of convenience products, they come under
Impulse Products .Applying the concept of Product Quality, it is essential for Walls to pursue
Strategic Quality, gaining an edge over the competitors by consistently monitoring
consumers’ changing needs and wants and delivering better quality and satisfaction through
improved products. Product Design may also be considered in case of Walls. Walls should
alter the style of a few of its product lines in order to attract more attention.

Brand Name
A name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these intended to identify the goods or
services of a one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.
The brand name of product is "Wall's" which can be easily vocalized.

Brand Mark
Brand mark is a part of brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design, or distinctive coloring
or lettering. It is recognized by sight but may not be expressed when a person pronounces the
brand name. The management of Wall's uses blue color for name, Red, yellow and white
background, which is very attractive.

2. Pricing
“Price" is one of the most important "P" of the marketing Mix. Pricing is important because it is
a reward to the company and must be in hand to complete the other three "P" of the marketing
Mix. The pricing of the goods and services performs a key strategic role in many firms because of
the deregulation intense global competition, Slow growth in many markets and the opportunities
for firms to strengthen market position. Pricing decision is very important because the survival
of a company in the market depends upon Pricing decision. Pricing strategy depends on pricing

Pricing Objectives
Companies use their price strategies to achieve one or many of the several objectives. They may
price for results (sales, market share, and profit) for market penetration or positioning. Pricing
objectives may be,
Sales volume
Market growth
Pricing objective of Wall's are market growth, sales volume and also making profit. To achieve
these objectives Wall's oftenly add new features in the product and also decrease its price.

Price Adjustment Strategies

Wall's uses the same price strategies for all regions. They are giving 5%discount to their
wholesalers and 7% to their retailers. Company provides off-season quantity discount (3 extra ice
cream pieces on the purchase of a cart onto their dealers.)
Different products
 Cornetto: mango, classico , strawberry
 Feast : chocolate, kulfa
 Split : mango , strawberry
 Solo : mango, kola , raspberry
 Mini milk : samara, kulfa
 Paddlepop : banana , rainbow, chocolate, fudge
 Star cup : vanilla, mango slash , vanilla chocolate strawberry
3. Placement

Wall's introduced first time in history of Pakistan door to door service facilities. That is Spot Point
Dealer (SPDs), these are the mobile sellers. That is great achievement of Wall's Ice Cream. Tricycle
provides door to door services that is way Wall's is easily available in every where city, town,
street, market etc. In tricycle the soft music continuously singing a bell witch is the identification
of Wall's. Through this Wall's also make sales promotion and people oftenly made impulse buying
which increases sales.
Walls also wants to get its ice creams available on the shelves of the millions of retailers all over
the country and in turn in the hands of the consumers. So it uses distributors who can cater to
the size of Walls and its consumer base. These distributors make the ice creams made by Walls
available to the final consumers.
Here Walls uses “Indirect Marketing Channels”, that is it has intermediaries(distributors)
between the company itself and the retailers who in turn provide their products to the final
consumers. In actual there are 280 distributors other than SPDs. These distributors break up the
large consumer base into regions and territories that they cover.

4. Promotion
The marketing mix activities of a product planning, pricing, and distribution are performed mainly
within the organization or between the organization and its marketing "partners". However, with
promotional activities, the firm communicates directly with potential customers. Promotion is
the element in an organization's marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade, and remind the
market of the organization and its products.
Promotional Methods
The promotional mix is the combination of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion,
publicity, and public relations that helps an organization to achieves its marketing objectives.

Personal Selling
Personal selling is the presentation of a product to a prospective customer by a representative
of the selling organization. Across all business, more money is spending on personal selling then
on any other form of promotion. Its example is "SPDs" which is introduced by Wall's.

Four P,s Of Omore

1. Product
1.Product Variety:
A wide range of dairy ice creams and frozen desserts.

2.Augmented product:
provides ingredients and nutrition information on the packaging and contact information for
comments and queries.

Premium ice cream rich in calcium which is fresh every time and meets hygienic and nutritious

4.Product Name:
Froze ice pops, Nutty/ Caramel Cones, Strawberry/Mango/Vanilla Affair, Kulfi, Lick A Flavor,
Froze Cups

High quality and eye catching packaging. Packaging color ranges from red, blue, yellow, orange
and green. Packaging is colorful in order to attract children.

Market penetration pricing (A new product pricing strategy to keep in view the competition)
To capture the market, their pricing strategy is based on³Competition-based Pricing´ , the price
of its competitor (Walls) is more or less the same.

Product line pricing classifies as:

Frooze (10-15-25-30-50)
Rupees Range of family packs (100-150-200)
Rupees Range of individual ice creams (10-15-20-30) Rupees
List Price: Price varies for different ice creams. Depending upon-Cups = 20rs-Cones= 30rs-Ice
Pop: 10rs-Soft serve ice cream= Rs 50-100-1 Ltr ice cream Tub= Rs 115-250 2 ltr ice cream Tub =
Rs 275

Sells directly to the end user through retailers and shopkeepers. This is the trend in Pakistan
followed by many FMCGs.

Omore ice cream for the time being is only available in limited areas on Punjab, but now it is
available in many cities.

Ice creams are transported to retailers and shopkeepers through private transportation firms
e.g. Abu Dawood Logistics and also through a few trucks owned by the company. This is done in
order to remove transportation and vehicle costs.

Available at large/medium sized and small bakeries, grocery stores and pharmacies in many

5.Sell their products directly to consumers using cycles and their own personnel.
 Ads on televisions.
 Radio ads
 Internet ( social networking FACEBOOK)

 Vehicle Advertising
 Outdoors billboards
 Point of Sale Displays
Advertisements are mostly colorful reminiscent to their ice cream packaging.

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