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org Diabetes, Labor, Medical-Surgical-Disease, Obstetric Quality & Safety, Prematurity, Ultrasound-Imaging Poster Session II
in both the basal and bolus rates was the morning segment (0500- (p⫽0.003), pathological only (p⫽0.024), or combined parameters
0900am) (Table 1). (p⫽0.006). There was no significant difference noted between im-
CONCLUSION: In well-controlled T1DM, insulin requirements increase proved glycemic control and weight gain in the month prior to deliv-
three-fold across gestation mostly due to an increase in bolus rates ery (p⫽0.207).
required to maintain control with meals. Basal insulin rates change CONCLUSION: Diabetic mothers who demonstrate improvement in
minimally across gestation and only make up 30% of the total daily their glycemic control in the month prior to delivery have higher rates
dose at 36 weeks. These data may aid with more precise insulin pump of placental insufficiency but no difference in their interval weight
management of T1DM in pregnancy. gain. This suggests that underlying pathology of the placenta may be
responsible for the improvement in glycemic control observed in
some diabetic mothers.

256 Can we really diagnose type

2 diabetes during pregnancy?
Janet Burlingame1, Teresa Brink-Wong2, Frederico Rocha1,
Stacy Tsai1, Steve Shaha3, Lisa Bartholomew1
John A Burns University of Hawaii School of Medicine, Obstetrics
& Gynecology, Honolulu, HI, 2Kapiolani Hospital for Women and
Children, Fetal Diagnostic Center, Honolulu, HI, 3University of
Utah, Center for Policy and Public Administration, Draper, UT
OBJECTIVE: To identify the accuracy of diagnosing type 2 diabetes dur-
255 The relationship between placental insufficiency ing pregnancy using glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) of ⬎6.5% (as
and glycemic control in diabetic mothers proposed by the 2010 International Association of Diabetes and Preg-
Inna Landres1, Stephen T Chasen1 nancy Study Groups) at varying gestational ages.
Weill Cornell Medical College, Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York, NY STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective cohort of women diagnosed with ges-
OBJECTIVE: An improvement in glycemic control late in pregnancy
tational diabetes and enrolled in the “Sweeter Choice” program from
may reflect decreased food intake due to an expanding uterus. Alter-
2004 to 2011 were evaluated. This program performed antepartum
natively, it could represent decreased production of placental growth
factors associated with insulin resistance secondary to diminishing glycosylated hemoglobins (HbA1c) at enrollment into the program
placental function. We sought to correlate such improvement in gly- and postpartum 75gm oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) to diag-
cemic control to placental insufficiency and maternal weight gain late nose type 2 diabetes.
in pregnancy. RESULTS: 403 women in the database entered care with a HbA1c of
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study of patients with pre-gesta- ⬎6.5%, and 86 women were diagnosed with overt diabetes postpar-
tional or A2 gestational diabetes who received prenatal care at an tum. Women with normal 2 hour values (200 mg/dl had average
academic center clinic from June 2008 to June 2011. Medical records HbA1c of 6.6%. In all, 31 women with HbA1c ⬎6.5% were diagnosed
were reviewed to identify changes in insulin or oral hypoglycemic with overt diabetes using the traditional 75gm OGTT in the postpar-
medications, episodes of hypoglycemia, weight gain during the last tum period. Sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive values
month prior to delivery and clinical or pathologic evidence of placen- (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were calculated (see table
tal insufficiency. Evidence of placental insufficiency included histo- 1 for details). Similar findings were found for predictive values of
pathologic diagnosis of placental malperfusion or clinical diagnosis of fasting glucose values at time of entry into care.
preeclampsia, IUGR or abruption. Statistical analysis was performed CONCLUSION: Although women with elevated postpartum 75gm
using Student t test, Chi square, and Fisher’s exact tests. OGTT tended to enter care with higher HbA1c, we could not demon-
RESULTS: 15 out of a total of 118 subjects had evidence of improved strate a clinically useful positive predictive value for defining overt
glycemic control in the month prior to delivery based on either a diabetes using the cut off of HbA1c ⬎6.5%. With larger numbers
decrease in medication requirements or presence of hypoglycemia not perhaps a threshold value can be established for diagnosis at varying
related to medication adjustments. No significant difference in age, time points in pregnancy. At this time it may be premature to diagnose
BMI, parity or type of diabetes was noted for subjects with improved
women with overt diabetes presenting in the antepartum with ele-
control. Subjects with improved control were significantly more likely
vated HbA1cs especially those presenting at later gestational ages.
to have the diagnosis of placental insufficiency based on clinical only

Supplement to JANUARY 2012 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S125

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