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Kontrak Perkuliahan
—  Jadwal: Senin, jam 10.40-12.20
—  Tim Pengajar: Dr. Irdhawati, S.Si., M.Si.
Dr. I Made Siaka, M.Sc. (Hons)
—  Materi:
- Klasifikasi metoda elektrokimia
- Potensiometri (RE, membran, metal electrodes)
- Voltametri (CV, DPV, SWV, Stripping)
-  Konduktometri
-  Kulometri
—  Pustaka rujukan:
ü  Harvey, D. (2000) Modern Analytical Chemistry, The
McGraw-Hill, Boston

ü  Wang, J. (2001) Analytical Electrochemistry, John

Wiley and Sons, New York

—  Kehadiran min 75% untuk bisa ikut ujian!

—  Toleransi keterlambatan: 15 menit
Klasifikasi metoda
—  Sinyal: potensial, arus, muatan
—  Sinyal: fungsi dari fenomena yang terjadi pada
antarmuka larutan-elektroda

—  Mis konduktometri: hantaran listrik sebanding

dengan konsentrasi ion terlarut

—  pH meter: mengukur konsentrasi ion hidrogen pada

antarmuka larutan dan elektroda
Metode Elektrokimia
—  Metode statis:
ü tidak ada arus yang mengalir pada
ü Konsentrasi spesies dalam sel elektrokimia
cenderung konstan
ü Contoh: potensiometri
—  Metode dinamis:
ü Pengukuran arus dan konsentrasi berubah
sebagai hasil reaksi redoks.
ü Arus terkontrol atau potensial terkontrol.
ü Arus terkontrol: kulometri
ü Potensial terkontrol: amperometri
Faradaic Processes
—  The transfer of electron(s) during the redox process
of the analyte:

O and R are the oxidized and reduced forms, of the

redox couple.

—  Nernst Equation:

E0 is the standard potential for the redox reaction, R is the

universal gas constant (8.314JK-1 mol-1), T is the Kelvin
temperature, n is the number of electrons transferred in the
reaction, and F is the Faraday constant (96,487 coulombs).
—  On the negative side of E0, the oxidized form
thus tends to be reduced, and the forward
reaction (i.e., reduction) is more favorable.
—  The current resulting from a change in
oxidation state of the electroactive species is
termed the faradaic current because it obeys
Faraday's law (i.e. the reaction of 1 mole of
substance involves a change of n x 96,487
—  The total current is the summation of the
faradaic currents for the sample and blank
solutions, as well as the nonfaradaic charging
background current.
Controlling and Measuring
Current and Potential
—  Electrochemical cell: indicator/working and
counter electrodes
ü indicator electrode: The electrode whose
potential is a function of the analyte’s
concentration (also known as the working
—  counter electrode: The second electrode in
a two-electrode cell that completes the
—  Ideally the counter electrode’s potential remains
constant so that any change in the overall cell
potential is attributed to the working electrode.
—  In a dynamic method, where the passage of
current changes the concentration of species in
the electrochemical cell, the potential of the
counter electrode may change over time.
—  This problem is eliminated by replacing the counter
electrode with two electrodes: a reference
electrode, through which no current flows and
whose potential remains constant; and an auxiliary
electrode that completes the electric circuit and
through which current is allowed to flow
—  reference electrode: An electrode whose
potential remains constant and against
which other potentials can be measured.
—  auxiliary electrode: The third electrode in a
three-electrode cell that completes the

Schematic diagram of a cell for

voltammetric measurements: w.e.,
working electrode; r.e., reference
electrode; c.e., counter electrode.
The electrodes are inserted
through holes in the cell cover.
Next: Potensiometri

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