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Ergodic capacity, outage capacity, and information

transmission over Rayleigh fading channels

Sayantan Choudhury and Jerry D. Gibson
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: {sayantan, gibson}

Abstract— We consider the lossy transmission of source in- probability that minimizes source distortion. This suggests that
formation over Rayleigh fading channels. We investigate the schemes maximizing ergodic capacity or outage rate might not
usefulness of various channel capacity definitions, namely ergodic necessarily be optimal for transmitting information source with
capacity, where it is assumed that the channel transitions over
all the fading states, and outage capacity, where the source is high fidelity over wireless networks.
transmitted at a constant rate with a specified outage probability. In [2], the optimal transmission rate to minimize the ex-
We also study the outage rate and expected source distortion for pected received distortion is obtained for single and multihop
different outage probabilities. It is observed that the outage prob- wireless connections. In this paper, we show that the opti-
abilities required to maximize outage rate and minimize expected mal rate to minimize expected distortion at the receiver can
distortion are quite different. This implies that schemes based on
maximizing capacity might not lead to the most efficient design produce a large variance in the distortion. Hence in practice,
for the lossy transmission of source information over wireless schemes designed to minimize expected distortion can perform
networks. We also show that minimizing expected distortion over quite poorly for individual realizations. We also evaluate the
a wireless link does not necessarily minimize the variance of the distribution of achieved source distortion for an i.i.d Gaussian
distortion, and hence parameter selection based on minimizing source transmitted over a Rayleigh fading link with CSI
expected distortion can lead to a high distortion for a specific
realization. Finally, we observe that in a Rayleigh fading channel, available at both the transmitter and receiver. It is observed
in addition to a capacity distribution, there is a source distortion that the expected distortion cannot be guaranteed with high
distribution at the receiver for a memoryless Gaussian source. reliability at low SNRs.
A careful investigation of the capacity and source distortion The paper is outlined as follows. In the next section, we
distributions reveal that the probability of achieving the expected provide a brief description of the different notions of channel
source distortion increases with an increase in average signal to
noise ratio (SNR) unlike the case of ergodic capacity. capacity used in wireless communications and evaluate the
expected source distortion for different scenarios. In Section
I. I NTRODUCTION III, we compare the expected distortion at the receiver for two
Recently, there has been considerable interest in source schemes of source transmission, namely, maximizing the out-
transmission over wireless networks. Several cross-layer de- age rate and minimizing the expected distortion, respectively.
sign schemes have been proposed that improve the physical, We also compare the expected distortion and the variance of
link and network layers using a joint optimization framework the distortion for a single-hop channel. In Section IV, we
[1]. There has also been some theoretical interest in evaluating study the distribution of capacity and source distortion for
source fidelity over a multihop channel [2], and in comparing different SNRs and observe that the expected distortion cannot
source and channel diversity for various channel conditions be achieved with a high reliability for low SNRs. Section V
[3]. states some conclusions.
In this paper, we compare the source distortion for two
definitions of channel capacity, ergodic capacity and outage II. E RGODIC CAPACITY, OUTAGE CAPACITY AND
capacity, with and without channel state information (CSI)
at the transmitter [4]. Ergodic capacity assumes that the We discuss the classical definitions of channel capacity for
fading transitions through all possible fading states, and thus fading channels and its applications to source transmission
might not be very useful in practice for source transmission over fading channels. The system model consists of a single
with fixed delay constraints. Outage capacity transmits at hop channel as shown in Fig. 1. We provide a brief review
the maximum rate for a specified outage probability. Both of the channel capacity definitions for the case that CSI is
of these definitions lead to different source distortion at the unavailable at the transmitter but available at the receiver. A
receiver. We also observe that the outage probability that detailed description of the capacity of flat fading channels can
maximizes outage rate is quite different from the outage be obtained in [4].

This research has been supported by the California Micro Program, Applied A. System Model
Signal Technology, Dolby Labs, Inc., Mindspeed, and Qualcomm, Inc., by
NSF Grant Nos. CCF-0429884 and CNS-0435527, and by the UC Discovery As shown in Fig. 1, we consider a discrete time channel with
Grant Program and Nokia, Inc. stationary and ergodic time varying gain ‘a’ and additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN) ‘n’. A block fading channel gain is The distortion at the receiver for the constant rate transmis-
assumed that remains constant over a blocklength and changes sion scheme is then given by
for different block lengths based on a Rayleigh distribution.
D(Cerg ) = σ 2 2−2Cerg (5)
At the receiver the instantaneous signal to noise ratio (SNR)
γ is then given by an exponential distribution: However, this notion of ergodic capacity might not be a suit-
1 γ able performance metric for evaluating distortion of sources
pγ (γ) = exp(− ), γ≥0 (1) with delay constraints. As pointed out in [7], a very long
γ̄ γ̄
Gaussian codebook is required for achievability of Shannon
where γ̄ is the average SNR. capacity, the length being dependent on the dynamics of the
fading process. In particular, it must be long enough for the
fading to reflect its ergodic nature, i.e. the symbol time T must
be much larger than the coherence time Tcoh , defined to be
the time over which the channel is significantly correlated.
2) Outage capacity: Outage capacity is used for slowly
varying channels where the instantaneous SNR γ is assumed
to be constant for a large number of symbols. Unlike the
ergodic capacity scenario, schemes designed to achieve outage
capacity allow for channel errors. Hence, in deep fades these
schemes allow the data to be lost and a higher data rate can be
Fig. 1. System model thereby maintained than schemes achieving Shannon capacity,
where the data needs to be correctly received over all fading
states [4].
B. Channel Side information at Receiver Specifically, a design parameter Pout is selected that indi-
cates the probability that the system can be in outage, i.e.
We consider the case where the CSI is known at the the probability that the system cannot successfully decode the
receiver, i.e., γ is known at the receiver for every time instant. transmitted symbols. Corresponding to this outage probability,
In practice, this is accomplished using channel estimation there is a minimum received SNR, γmin , given by Pout =
techniques [5]. Moreover, the distribution of γ is known at p(γ < γmin ). For received SNRs below γmin , the received
both the transmitter at receiver. Traditionally, for capacity symbols cannot be successfully decoded with probability 1,
analyses, two channel capacity definitions are used, namely and the system declares an outage. Since the instantaneous
ergodic capacity and outage capacity. CSI is not known at the transmitter, this scheme transmits
1) Shannon (Ergodic) capacity: In this scenario, where the using a constant data rate Cout = B log2 (1 + γmin ) which
CSI is not available at the transmitter, the source data is is successfully decoded with probability 1 − Pout . Hence
transmitted at a constant rate. Since no CSI is available at the average outage rate Rout correctly received over many
the transmitter, data transmission takes place over all fading transmission bursts is given by
states including deep fades where the data is lost and hence
the effective capacity is significantly reduced. The Shannon Rout = (1 − Pout )B log2 (1 + γmin ) (6)
capacity of a fading channel with receiver CSI for an average The expected distortion at the receiver for an i.i.d N (0, σ 2 )
power constraint P̄ is given by [4] source for the above scheme is given by [2]
Z ∞
Cerg = B log2 (1 + γ)p(γ)dγ (2) E[D] = D(B log2 (1 + γmin ))(1 − Pout ) + σ 2 Pout (7)
where B is the received signal bandwidth. This is also referred This can be interpreted as follows: either the source
to as ergodic capacity since it is the average of the instanta- data is correctly decoded, resulting in a received distortion
neous capacity for an AWGN channel with SNR γ given by D(B log2 (1 + γmin )), or there is an outage in which case the
B log2 (1 + γ). received variance is the source variance σ 2 .
For an i.i.d Gaussian source sequence with mean zero and
variance σ 2 , the rate distortion function with squared error III. I NFORMATION TRANSMISSION OVER OUTAGE
distortion is given by [6] CHANNELS
½ 2
0.5 log2 ( σD ), 0 ≤ D ≤ σ 2 We evaluate the end to end distortion for the outage channel
R(D) = (3)
0, D > σ2 and observe that maximizing outage rate does not minimize
the expected distortion. Moreover, we also observe that the
Rewriting Eq. (3) , we can express the distortion in terms
variance of the distortion at the receiver can be quite high for
of the transmitted rate as
both schemes of information transmission namely, maximizing
D(R) = σ 2 2−2R (4) outage rate and minimizing expected distortion.
A. Maximizing outage rate and minimizing expected distortion X: 0.37
Y: 1.569

We revisit the outage capacity scenario described in the

previous section in the context of information transmission 1.4
X: 0.17
Y: 1.26
with high fidelity. A Rayleigh fading channel is considered 1.2

where the instantaneous SNR γ is exponentially distributed

with mean γ̄. The bandwidth B and variance σ 2 are normal- 1

ized to unity. Pout is given by [8]

Outage Rate
Pout = p(γ < γmin ) = 1 − exp(− ) (8)
γ̄ 0.6

Reversing Eq. (8), we obtain 0.4

γmin = −γ̄ log(1 − Pout ) (9) 0.2

Pout is a design parameter so the average rate correctly 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
received (Rout ) in Eq. (6) can be maximized as a function Outage Probability

of Pout . Similarly, the expected distortion in Eq. (7) can be

minimized as function of Pout . Surprisingly, it turns out that Fig. 2. Outage rate as a function of outage probability for an average SNR
the outage probabilities in the two scenarios are quite different. of 10 dB
Figure 2 plots the outage rate as a function of outage
probability for an average SNR of 10 dB. In Fig. 3, we plot
the expected distortion as a function of outage probability for
the same average SNR of 10 dB. From Fig. 3, we observe 0.9

that the outage rate tends to zero for very low and high
outage probabilities. As the outage probability is reduced,
γmin decreases and hence for successful decoding over all the 0.7
Expected Distortion

fading states, only a very low constant rate can be transmitted,

whereas as the outage probability is increased, higher rates 0.6

can be transmitted, but this results in more errors. Therefore, 0.5

at both extremes of outage probability, the outage rate tends to X: 0.37

zero. Similar conclusions can be made for expected distortion. 0.4

Y: 0.3899

Hence, there are optimal outage probabilities, pc and pd ,

that maximize outage rate and minimize expected distortion, X: 0.17
Y: 0.2712
respectively. From Fig. 2 we observe that an outage probability 0.2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Outage Probability
of 0.37 maximizes outage rate whereas an outage probability
of 0.17 minimizes expected distortion as evident from Fig. 3.
Lower outage probabilities are required for minimizing source Fig. 3. Expected distortion as a function of outage probability for an average
distortion since by employing higher rates with higher outages, SNR of 10 dB
there is a law of diminishing returns. Source distortion is an
exponentially decaying function of data rate and the lower 1
source distortion obtained by employing higher data rates
is offset by the fact that most of the transmissions are not
successfully received. Figure 4 plots the expected distortion for 0.8

various outage probabilities at an average SNR of 25 dB. As 0.7

the average SNR increases, the outage probability to minimize

Expected Distortion

expected distortion is lower and the outage probability region
to achieve minimum expected distortion becomes narrower.
This has a nice intuitive appeal and suggests that as the channel 0.4

improves, the transmitted data rate should be so selected that 0.3

lesser outage is allowed so that most of the source data can 0.2
be successfully decoded instead of operating at higher outage
probabilities, where the outage capacity is higher but there is
a higher probability of decoding error at the receiver. 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Outage Probability

B. Expected distortion and variance of distortion

We evaluate the standard deviation of source distortion Fig. 4. Expected distortion as a function of outage probability for an average
for the outage probability scenario previously described. The SNR of 25 dB
standard deviation of the source distortion at the receiver can Let us consider the case where the CSI is available at the
be derived as receiver as well as the transmitter. It is shown in [4] that the
p Shannon capacity in this scenario without power adaptation
σdistn = Pout (1 − Pout ) (σ 2 −D(B log2 (1+γmin ))) (10)
is the same as in Eq. (2), i.e. the transmitter side information
In Fig. 5, we plot the standard deviation of the received does not increase the channel capacity unless the power is also
distortion for an average SNR of 10 dB. We observe that adapted. However, since the CSI is available at the transmitter,
the scheme that maximizes outage rate from Fig. 2 has a the source rate can be adapted instantaneously and this leads
significantly higher standard deviation of distortion compared to a much simpler and more practical system design. For
to the scheme that minimizes expected distortion from Fig. instance, it is not required to have very long codes that average
3. However, even for the scheme that minimizes expected over all fading states. It is quite interesting to investigate the
distortion, the variance of the distortion can be quite high. This probability distribution of distortion induced at the receiver by
implies that a particular channel realization might have a very this variable rate scheme and to determine, in particular, the
high distortion though, on the average, the expected source probability of achieving the expected distortion.
distortion is minimized. In [9], we propose a performance The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of capacity can
indicator for speech transmission over wireless networks, be derived as
M OSx that guarantees a low distortion for a large percentage 1 − 2c/B
of realizations. Fc (c) = P r{C ≤ c} = 1 − exp( ) (11)
where B is the effective bandwidth and γ̄ is the average SNR.
0.5 The CDF for distortion can then be obtained as follows
0.45 X: 0.37 Fd (d) = P r{D ≤ d} = P r{σ 2 2−2C ≤ d}
Y: 0.4675
0.4 d σ2
= P r{−2C ≤ log2 2 } = P r{C ≥ 0.5 log2 }
Standard Deviation of Distortion

X: 0.17
0.35 Y: 0.3298 σ d
1 σ 2
0.3 σ2 1 − 2 2B log2 d
= 1 − Fc (.5 log2 ) = exp( )
0.25 d γ̄
2 1
0.2 1 − ( σd ) 2B
= exp( )
0.15 γ̄

In Figs. 6 and 7, we plot the CDF for capacity and
source distortion at the receiver for an average SNR of 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 dB and 15 dB, respectively. The vertical lines in the plots
Outage Probability
indicate the mean capacity and mean distortion, respectively.
Comparing Figs. 6(a) and 7(a), we observe that for both the
Fig. 5. Standard deviation of source distortion as a function of outage SNRs considered here, the mean capacity is achieved with a
probability for an average SNR of 10 dB
probability of nearly 0.5, and an increase of SNR increases the
mean capacity value, but the probability of achieving it is quite
similar in both cases. However, considering source distortion
IV. S OURCE DISTORTION WITH PERFECT CSI AT BOTH at the receiver, as shown in Figs. 6(b) and 7(b), an increase
TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER in SNR significantly improves its probability of exceeding
the expected distortion. For an SNR of 5 dB, the expected
In the previous section, we observed that schemes that
distortion is achieved with a probability of 0.7 and an increase
maximize outage rate and minimize the expected distortion
of SNR to 15 dB, not only reduces the overall expected
can have a high variance of source distortion at the receiver.
distortion, but also increases the probability of achieving this
In this section, we investigate the source distortion distribution
value to nearly 0.9. The reason for the difference can be
at the receiver. For the scenario when the CSI is available
understood by investigating the probability density functions
only at the receiver and not at the transmitter, the source rate
(pdfs). The pdf of capacity is roughly symmetric for both the
cannot be adapted based on channel conditions. Hence, at the
SNRs considered whereas due to the exponentially decaying
receiver there are two cases, namely, the source is received
nature of the exponential function, the pdf of distortion is
correctly with a distortion D(Rs ), where Rs is the constant
skewed toward the lower values of distortion.
source transmission rate, or there is an outage with probability
Pout , in which case the source distortion is σ 2 . However, in
the event that the CSI is available at the transmitter as well,
the source rate can be adapted based on channel conditions, We investigate the classical definitions of channel capacity
and this in turn induces a distribution of source distortion at with receiver CSI and no transmitter CSI for lossy transmission
the receiver as discussed below. of source information over Rayleigh fading channels. We
1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7
CDF of capacity

CDF of capacity
0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 2 4 6 8 10
Capacity Capacity

(a) Distribution of capacity (a) Distribution of capacity

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7
CDF of distortion

CDF of distortion

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Distortion Distortion

(b) Distribution of distortion (b) Distribution of distortion

Fig. 6. CDF of capacity and distortion for an average SNR of 5 dB Fig. 7. CDF of capacity and distortion for an average SNR of 15 dB

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