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SAP2000 Technical Note
Defining Wave Loads

This Technical Note describes how to define automatic wave loads. The
automatic wave load is a special type of load case. It generates loads on the
structure resulting from waves, current flow, buoyancy and wind.

Wave Load Case Definition

Define the automatic wave load as follows:

1. Click the Define menu > Load Cases command to open the Define
Loads form, as shown in Figure 1.

2. Type in the load name (e.g., W1), type (i.e., WAVE), and self-weight
multiplier (e.g., 0) and select an Auto Lateral Load (i.e., API WSD2000).

3. Click the Add New Load button to add the W1 wave load case definition
to the DEAD load case definition or click the Modify Load button to
replace the DEAD load case definition with the W1 wave load case

Figure 1: Defining a Wave Load Case

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Wave Load Parameters

After the wave load case has been defined as described in the previous
section, define the wave load parameters as follows.

1. Highlight the wave load in the Define Loads form.

2. Click the Modify Lateral Loads button, circled in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Defining a Wave Load Case

The Wave Load form shown in Figure 3 appears. Use the Wave Load form
and its associated sub-forms to define the various wave load parameters,

 Wave characteristics (wave height, period, wave theory, and so forth)

 Current profile information (velocity and direction versus depth)
 Marine growth definition (thickness versus depth)
 Drag and inertia coefficient definitions
 Wind load parameters (direction and coefficients)
 Buoyant load option
 Wave load direction
 Wave crest position information
 Wave load discretization length
 Various elevations related to the wave load
 Water properties

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Figure 3: Wave Load Form

An explanation of how to define each of those parameters is provided in the

sections that follow.

Multiple parameters can be defined for wave characteristics, current profile,

marine growth, drag and inertia coefficients, and wave wind loads. Only one
of the defined parameters of each type can be assigned to a given wave load
case. Note that any of the defined parameters is available for assignment to
any of the wave load cases.

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For example, while defining a wave load case named W1, you may define
three Current Profiles named CUR1, CUR2 and CUR3. Only one of those
Current Profiles can be assigned to wave load case W1. (A parameter is
available for assignment when its name appears in one of the drop-down
boxes in the Wave Load Parameters area of the Wave Load form.) Next
suppose you define a second wave load case named W2. Any one of the three
previously defined Current Profiles (CUR1, CUR2 and CUR3) is available for
assignment to wave load case W2.

The wave characteristics, marine growth, drag and inertia coefficient and
wave wind load parameters behave similarly.

Wave Characteristics
Define a wave characteristic as follows:

1. With the Wave Load form displayed (see Figure 3), click the Add or
Modify/Show button associated with the Wave Characteristics item to
display the Wave Characteristics form shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Wave Characteristics Form

2. Type a name into the Wave Characteristic Name edit box.

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3. Enter the wave kinematics factor in the Wave Factors area of the Wave
Characteristics form. The wave kinematics factor accounts for wave
directional spreading and irregularity in the wave profile shape that is not
typically accounted for in two-dimensional wave kinematics. Typical wave
kinematics factors range from 0.85 to 1.

4. Enter the storm water depth. Storm depth is the depth measured from the
storm water level to the mud line. The specified storm water depth is
added to the specified mud line elevation to obtain the storm water level.

5. In the Wave Type area of the form, choose the method for determining
the wave water particle velocities and accelerations:

a. From Selected Wave Theory. Select the From Selected Wave Theory
option. Then,

i. Define the wave height and the wave period in the Wave Data area
of the form. The wave height is distance from the wave trough to
the top of the wave. The distance from the storm water level to the
top of the wave is equal to half the wave height. The wave period
is the period of the wave as seen by a stationary observer.

ii. Select the wave theory to be used to calculate the wave water
particle velocities and accelerations in the Wave Theory area of the
Wave Characteristics form.

b. User-Defined. Select the User-Defined option. The Wave

Characteristics form will change and the areas of the form will be
shown in Figure 5. The user-defined wave is specified by defining a
rectangular grid of points in a horizontal cut through the wave and
then inputting the water particle velocity, acceleration and pressure at
each point in the grid. Thus,

i. In the Use Wave Discretization area of the form, specify the

number of horizontal and vertical points in the grid used to define
the wave.

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Figure 5: Wave Characteristics Form for User-Defined Wave Type

ii. After you have entered the number of horizontal points and
pressed the Enter key on your keyboard, or clicked in another text
box on the form, the number of rows in the grid in the Horizontal
Coordinates and Surface Elevation area of the form changes to
match the specified number of horizontal points. Similarly after you
have entered the number of vertical points, the number of rows in
the grid in the Vertical Coordinates area of the form changes to
match the specified number of vertical points. This is illustrated in
Figure 6.

iii. Fill in the horizontal grid line locations and the wave surface
elevation (measured from the vertical reference datum) at each
horizontal grid line in the Horizontal Coordinates and Surface

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Elevation area of the form. The horizontal grid locations should

start at zero and proceed in ascending order to define a full wave
length cycle. The horizontal grid lines are typically, but not
necessarily, equally spaced.

iv. Fill in the vertical grid line locations (relative to the vertical
reference datum) in the Vertical Coordinates area of the Wave
Characteristics form. The vertical grid locations should start at the
top of the wave and proceed in descending order to the mud line
elevation. The vertical grid lines are typically more closely spaced
near the top of the wave.

Figure 6: Wave Characteristics Form with User Grid Defined

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

v. Click the Modify/Show Wave button on the Wave Characteristics

form to display the User Wave Data form shown in Figure 7. In the
grid, the Horiz Loc (Horizontal Location) and Vert from Datum
(Vertical from Datum) columns are automatically filled from the
data that is specified on the Wave Characteristics form.

vi. Fill in the Horiz Wave Vel (Horizontal Wave Velocity), Horiz Wave
Acc (Horizontal Wave Acceleration), Vert Wave Vel (Vertical Wave
Velocity), Vert Wave Acc (Vertical Wave Acceleration) and Pressure

Figure 7: User Wave Data Form (Pressure field not shown)

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The Display Options area of the User Wave Data form allows you to
display subsets of the data at specified vertical or horizontal grid
locations. For example, Figure 8 shows data for the horizontal grid
at 123.3543.

Figure 8: User Wave Data Form Showing Data for Horizontal Grid at 123.3543

When entering data in the grid, enter zero if the considered point
lies above the wave surface. The one exception to this rule is when
the wave surface does not lie exactly at a specified grid vertical
elevation. In that case, the velocities and accelerations at the wave
surface are input at the point that lies immediately above the wave

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surface. It is understood by the program that these values apply at

the wave surface, not at the grid location immediately above the
wave surface.

For example, for the data shown in Figures 6, 7 and 8, the surface
elevation at the horizontal grid at 123.3543 is 11.4805. The data
specified in row 4 of the grid in Figure 8 applies at the surface
elevation of 11.4805, not the grid line elevation of 15.

When user waves are defined, it may be convenient to first define a

wave from theory and then modify the resulting velocities and
accelerations as desired. To do this, define the data for the wave from
selected theory. Then, click the Show Wave Plot button or Show
Wave Table button on the Wave Load form. This will cause the
velocities and acceleration to be calculated based on the selected wave
theory. Return to the Wave Load form and click the Modify button
associated with the wave characteristics to display the Wave
Characteristics form. Then change the wave type to user defined.

Note that you cannot print or export the tabular data shown in the User
Wave Data form. However, this same data is available in the Model
Definition Tables and can be printed, exported or displayed from there.

Delete a Wave Characteristic definition as follows:

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, display the definition to be deleted in
the drop-down box.

2. Click the associated Delete button.

Note that there must always be one wave characteristic parameter defined;
thus, you cannot delete the last one.

Current Profile
A Current Profile defines the velocity and direction of the current as a function
of depth (from storm water level to the mud line elevation). By default, a
wave load is specified to have no current profile.

Define a Current Profile as follows:

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

1. With the Wave Load form displayed (see Figure 3), click the Add or
Modify button associated with the Current Profile item to display the
Current Profile Data form shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Current Profile Data Form

2. Enter the current blockage factor in the Current Profile Factors area of the
form. The current blockage factor accounts for the reduction in current

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

speed at the offshore platform that occurs because the platform causes
the current flow to diverge. Typical current blockage factors range from
0.7 to 1.

3. Select the Current Profile Stretching Option. Two methods are provided to
stretch (or compress) the current to the wave surface level at a given
horizontal location. These methods are Linear and Nonlinear (see “Current
Profile” in Calculation of Wave Load Values).

4. Input the number of vertical elevations at which the current profile data is
specified in the Data Is Specified at This Number of Elevations area of the
form. After you have entered the number of vertical elevations and
pressed the Enter key on your keyboard, or clicked in another text box on
the form, the number of rows in the grid in the Current Profile Data area
of the form will change to match the specified number of vertical

5. Input the vertical elevation (measured from the datum), the current
velocity and the current direction at each data point. The current direction
is input as an angle in degrees measured counterclockwise from the
positive global X axis. Enter the data in descending vertical elevation
order. If necessary, click the Order Rows button to reorder the data in
correct manner. Also note that the program will automatically order the
data in descending vertical elevation order when you click the OK button
to close the form.

If the top specified elevation is below the storm water level, the program
assumes that the current profile data at the storm water level is the same
as the data specified at the top specified elevation. Similarly, if the bottom
specified elevation is above the mud line, the program assumes that the
current profile data at the mud line is the same as the data specified at
the bottom specified elevation.

Delete a Current Profile definition as follows:

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, display the definition to be deleted in
the drop-down box.

2. Click the associated Delete button.

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Marine Growth
The marine growth thickness on the structure is specified as a function of
depth. By default a wave load is specified to have no marine growth.

1. With the Wave Load form displayed (see Figure 3), click the Add or
Modify button associated with the Marine Growth item to access the
Marine Growth Data form shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Marine Growth Data Form

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

2. Input the number of vertical elevations at which the marine growth data is
specified in the Data Is Specified at This Number of Elevations area of the
Marine Growth Data form. After you have entered the number of vertical
elevations and pressed the Enter key on your keyboard, or clicked in
another text box on the form, the number of rows in the grid in the Marine
Growth Data area of the form will change to match the specified number
of vertical elevations.

3. Input the vertical elevation (measured from the datum) and marine
growth thickness at each data point in descending vertical elevation order.
If necessary, click the Order Rows button to reorder them in the correct
manner. Note that the program will automatically reorder the data when
you click the OK button to close the form.

The marine growth value used at a particular vertical elevation is linearly

interpolated from the specified data. For a typical pipe member, two times
the marine growth thickness is added to the diameter of the pipe when
calculating the force exerted on the pipe by the wave.

Delete a Marine Growth definition as follows:

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, display the definition to be deleted in
the drop-down box.

2. Click the associated Delete button.

Drag and Inertia Coefficients

The drag and inertia coefficients are used in Morison’s equation when
calculating the wave forces acting on the structure. By default a wave load is
specified to have API Default drag and inertia coefficients.

Define drag and inertia coefficients as follows.

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, click the Add or Modify button
associated with the Drag and Inertia Coefficients item (see Figure 3) to
access the Drag and Inertia Coefficients form shown in Figure 11.

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Figure 11: Drag and Inertia Coefficients Form

2. Input the number of vertical elevations at which the drag and inertia
coefficient data is specified in the Data Is Specified at This Number of
Elevations area of the form. After you have entered the number of vertical
elevations and pressed the Enter key on your keyboard, or clicked in
another text box on the form, the number of rows in the grid in the Drag
and Inertia Coefficient Data area of the form will change to match the
specified number of vertical elevations.

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3. Input the vertical elevation (measured from the datum) and drag and
inertia coefficients at each data point in descending vertical elevation
order. If necessary click the Order Rows button to reorder the data in
this manner. Note that the program will automatically reorder the data in
descending vertical elevation order when you click the OK button to close
the form.

The drag and inertia coefficient values used at a particular vertical elevation
are linearly interpolated from the specified data.

Delete a Drag and Inertia Coefficients definition as follows:

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, display the definition to be deleted in
the drop-down box.

2. Click the associated Delete button.

The values for the API Default drag and inertia coefficients depend on
whether the location considered is above or below the specified high tide
elevation as shown in the following table.

API Default Drag and Inertia Coefficients

Location Drag Coefficient Inertia Coefficient
Above High Tide Elevation
0.65 1.6
Below or At High Tide Elevation
1.05 1.2

Wave Wind Load Parameters

Wave wind loads act on the portion of the structure that is not submerged. By
default a wave load is specified to have no wind load.

Define a wind load parameters as follows.

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, click the Add or Modify button
associated with the Wind item (see Figure 3) to access the Wave Wind
Load form shown in Figure 12.

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

Figure 12: Wave Wind Load Form

In the Wind Load Parameters area of the Wave Wind Load form,

2. Specify the wind direction angle. The wind direction angle is input as an
angle in degrees measured counterclockwise from the positive global X

3. Specify the one-hour mean wind speed at 32.8 feet (10 meters).

4. Specify the averaging time period. The averaging time period, t, is in the
range 0 < t ≤ 3600 seconds.

In the Other Data area of the Wave Wind Load form,

5. Specify the mass density of air and the typical shape coefficient. The
typical shape coefficient applies to all objects in the model unless the wind
load shape coefficient for that object has been overwritten in the wave

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Delete a Wind load definition as follows:

1. With the Wave Load form displayed, display the definition to be deleted in
the drop-down box.

2. Click the associated Delete button.

Other Parameters on the Wave Load Form

Buoyant Load Option
a. Check the Buoyant Loads check box in the Wave Load Parameters area of
the Wave Load form (see Figure 3) to include buoyant loads as part of the
wave load case.

b. Uncheck the checkbox if you do not want to include buoyant loads in the
wave load case.

Wave Load Discretization

1. Specify the wave load discretization length in the Wave Load
Discretization area of the Wave Load form (see Figure 3). The wave load
discretization is the maximum discretization length for distributed wave
loads that are applied to objects in the model.

For example, consider a distributed wave load acting along a frame

element. A value is calculated for the wave load at points along the frame
element that are no further apart than the specified wave load
discretization length. The magnitude of the distributed wave load is
assumed to vary linearly between these calculated locations.

Wave Crest Position

In the Wave Crest Position area of the Wave Load form (see Figure 3),

1. Specify global X and Y coordinates of a point on the initial wave crest


2. Specify the number of wave crest positions to be considered.

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

Specified initial
wave crest position (Di
sta WL = 4@


bet ave


en length =W

wa L


of w


s ts)



o si



of w












Position of next

wave crest when


previous wave crest

is at the specified

initial wave crest

a) Initial Wave Crest Position (Plan View) b) Considered Positions of Wave When a Total of
Four Wave Crest Positions are Considered

First considered Second considered

wave crest wave crest position
position shown shown dashed


Mud line

c) Horizontal Section Cut Through Wave

Figure 13: Example for Number of Wave Crest Positions To Be Considered

The meaning of the number of wave crest positions to be considered is

explained by the example shown in Figure 13, which shows a case of four
wave crest positions. The location of the initial wave crest position is uniquely
identified by the specified global X and Y coordinates on the initial wave crest
and the specified wave approach angle (wave direction).

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

The distance from one wave crest to the next wave crest is equal to the wave
length, identified as WL in Figure 13. When four wave crest positions are
considered, the wave length is broken into quarters and the four positions
considered are as shown in Figure 13b. The first position considered is at the
specified initial wave crest position. The second position considered is one
quarter the wave length away from the initial position measured in the
direction of the wave. The third position considered is one half the wave
length away from the initial position, and the fourth position is three quarters
the wave length away from the initial position.

More generally, when n wave length positions are considered, the distance
from the specified initial wave crest position to the nth wave crest position is
given by:

(n − 1) WL

In the previous equation, d is the distance from the specified initial wave crest
position to the nth wave crest position and WL is the wave length.

Wave Direction
1. Specify the wave approach angle in degrees in the Wave Direction area of
the Wave Load form (see Figure 3). The wave direction angle is input as
an angle in degrees measured counterclockwise from the positive global X

Elevations Related to the Wave Load

Various elevations are specified in the Vertical Reference Elevation for Wave
area and the Other Vertical Elevations Relative to Datum area of the Wave
Load form (see Figure 3). The specified elevations consist of a vertical
reference datum, a mud line elevation referenced to the datum and a high
tide elevation referenced to the datum.

1. Specify the Global Z Coordinate of Vertical Datum to locate the

vertical reference datum. All other vertical elevations in the wave load
definition, including those used in defining currents, marine growth and
drag and inertia coefficients, are specified with reference to this datum.
The location of the vertical reference datum is arbitrary. Any convenient

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Automatic Wave Loads Defining Wave Loads

location can be selected. One convenient location for the datum is at the
storm water level.

2. Specify the Mudline from Datum to locate the mud line with respect to
the vertical reference datum. No wave loads are applied below the mud

3. Specify the High Tide from Datum to locate the high tide with respect to
the vertical reference datum. The high tide elevation is used when
determining the default drag and inertia coefficients. See the previous
subsection entitled “Drag and Inertia Coefficients” for more information.

Water Properties
1. Specify the water properties in the Sea Water Properties area of the Wave
Load form (see Figure 3). The water properties consist of the water weight
density. This is the unit weight of the water in Force/Length3 units.

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