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Salvaging the Zone of Stasis By Simvastatin: An

Experimental Study in Rats

Fatih Uygur, MD,* Rahmi Evinc, MD,* Muammer Urhan, MD,†
Bahattin Celikoz, MD,* Aptullah Haholu, MD‡

Salvaging the zone of stasis is important for burn researchers because this can prevent an
increase in the depth and width of the injured area. Statin analogues have many pleiotropic
effects on the vessel walls and the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems. In this study, we
investigated the effects of simvastatin, a statin analogue, administered to rats burned with a
metal comb. No treatment was given to the control group (n ⴝ 10). Simvastatin was given
at a dose of 5 mg/kg/d by intraperitoneal injection in treatment group (n ⴝ 10) for 7
days. Phosphate-buffered saline was given 1 mg/kg/d by intraperitoneal injection in sham
group (n ⴝ 10). The groups were randomly divided into two subgroups (n ⴝ 5) for evalua-
tion at 24 hours and 7 days. It was observed that there were necrotic areas and viable in-
terspaces in both the experimental and control groups at 24 hours. The interspaces pro-
gressed to necrotic areas in the control and sham groups at 7 days. However, viable
interspaces were separated from necrotic areas clearly in the treatment group at 7 days. In
the samples taken from interspaces at 24 hours, positive staining for thrombomodulin (TM)
for all groups was noted. In the samples taken from the control and phosphate-buffered saline
groups at 7 days, there was negative staining for TM. However, in the samples taken from
interspaces of the treatment group, positive staining for TM was observed. The conclusion
of this study was that simvastatin potently increased endothelial TM expression in the zone
of stasis and preserved the zone. (J Burn Care Res 2009;30:872– 879)

Analyzing the pathophysiology of a burn and salvag- agulation, luminal obstruction, and progressive isch-
ing the zone of stasis is of clinical importance for burn emia.5–10 von Bülow et al11 reported that thermal
specialists because saving this zone prevents the po- injury affected the dermal endothelial surfaces and
tential increase in the depth and width of the burned caused shedding of thrombomodulin (TM), an im-
area thereby decreasing mortality and morbidity.1– 4 portant anticoagulating and antifibrinolytic glycop-
The vascular system has a prominent role in con- rotein expressed on the surface of vascular endothelial
verting the zone of stasis to the zone of coagulation. cells. They suggested that it was important to convert
Thermal injuries cause endothelial damage, an in- the zone of stasis to a zone of coagulation.
crease in vascular permeability, coagulation of the Statins are potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis
blood, and a plugging of capillaries that results in and widely used clinically in the treatment of hyperlip-
pathological processes such as thrombosis, hyperco- idemia, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease.
They decrease the cholesterol levels in the blood inhib-
iting the conversion of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl co-
From the *Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and enzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonic acid, which is the
Burn Unit; †Department of Nuclear Medicine; and rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis.12 Statins
‡Department of Pathology, Gülhane Military Academy and
Medical Faculty, Haydarpaşa Training Hospital, Istanbul, have many nonlipid-related (pleiotropic) effects on the
Turkey. vascular wall: they up-regulate endothelial cell TM ex-
Address correspondence to Fatih Uygur, MD, Department of pression and activity, alter endothelial dysfunction, reg-
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Unit, Gülhane
Military Medical Academy and Medical Faculty, Haydarpaşa ulate angiogenesis, reduce inflammation, and increase
Training Hospital, Selimiye Mahallesi Tibbiye Caddesi 34#668, antithrombotic responses.13–18 It was the aim of this
Üsküdar, Istanbul, Turkey.
Copyright © 2009 by the American Burn Association.
study to investigate if treatment with an HMG-CoA
1559-047X/2009 reductase inhibitor would have a favorable effect on re-
DOI: 10.1097/BCR.0b013e3181b47eb8 ducing the shed of TM from the endothelium and on

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Volume 30, Number 5 Uygur et al 873

salvaging the zone of stasis. To address these questions, PA) at a dose of 5 mg/kg/d by daily intraperitoneal
we used simvastatin, a statin analogue in an experimen- injection, and the sham group was treated with 1 mg/
tal analysis to reveal its effect on the healing process of kg/d with a PBS for 7 days.
the dorsal skin of the rats that had been burned using the
comb model. Treatment
Simvastatin was chemically activated by alkaline hy-
drolysis before administration by intraperitoneal in-
jection according to a protocol reported previously
MATERIALS AND METHODS because it needs to be metabolized by hepatic lacto-
Burn Model nases to obtain its pharmacologically active form.20,21
Preactivated simvastatin was diluted with PBS to a
The study was performed after approval of the exper-
concentration of 0.4 mg/mL.
imental protocol by the Ethical Committee of the
To determine an effective dose, a preliminary study
Haydarpasa Training Hospital. Male Sprague-Dawley
was performed using test doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg
rats (n ⫽ 30) weighing 350 to 400 g were used. They
i.p. simvastatin. The dose of 5 mg/kg i.p. was found
were housed under standard conditions at an ambient
to be effective in preventing the zone of stasis from
room temperature and given laboratory chow and
becoming a zone of necrosis.
water ad libitum throughout the study. The dorsal
skins of the rats were shaved after intraperitoneal an- Laser Doppler Flowmetry
esthesia (pentobarbital 35 mg/kg) and an additional
All measurements were made by individuals blinded
dose of 10 mg/kg pentobarbital was administered as
to the rat treatment group. Perfusion of the tissue was
necessary. The back of the rats was injured according
evaluated by a laser Doppler flowmetry. Blood flow of
to the comb-burn model, which was described by Isik the full-thickness burn area, the stasis zone, and the
et al.19 The comb that was made of brass contained unburned area that was 2 cm caudal from the burned
four brass rows (1 ⫻ 2 cm) and three interspaces area were individually measured using a Laser Dopp-
(0.5 ⫻ 1 cm). It was immersed in boiling water for 5 ler (Laserflo BPM, Vasamedics, St Paul, MN) and a
minutes and left to achieve thermal equilibrium be- skin probe (Vasamedics, cat. No: P440). After the
tween the comb and the hot water. A full-thickness animal was anesthetized with pentobarbital, the out-
burn injury was produced by applying the hot brass put was recorded in milliliters per minute per 100 g
probes to the back of the animal 0.5 cm lateral and and was a relative measurement of microvascular nu-
parallel to the midline for more than 20 seconds. The trient perfusion. The blood flow was measured at
same burn injury was repeated after a period of 10 min- three different points on each side of the dorsal sec-
utes, on the other side of the back of the rat, 0.5 cm tion of the rats. The average values calculated were
lateral and parallel to the midline. The rats were kept accepted as the blood flow value of the corresponding
under anesthesia for 2 hours for pain control. Postop- area. Blood flow measurements were performed pre-
erative analgesia was ensured by administering 0.025 injury, immediately post thermal injury, and 30 min-
mg/kg of buprenorphine subcutaneously every 12 utes after drug or PBS injection. The measurements
hours for 2 more days. Fluid resuscitation with an intra- were performed until 7th day of injury.
peritoneal injection of 4 ml of lactated Ringer’s solution
was administered to all the rats. Scintigraphic Imaging
The vital interspaces regarded as the zone of stasis Twenty-four hours after the burn injury with a hot
were clearly separate from the necrotic areas at the metal comb, the rats in the experimental (n ⫽ 5) and
beginning of the study. After burn injury, the in- control groups (n ⫽ 5) were injected with 3 mCi of
terspaces progressed to necrotic areas regarded as the technetium-99m methoxyisobutylsonitril (Tc-99m
zone of coagulation. MIBI) in the tail vein. All the rats from these groups
The rats were randomly grouped into three groups were sacrificed by decapitation 30 minutes after being
(n ⫽ 10), and the groups were then randomly divided injected with ketamine anesthesia and their dorsal
into two subgroups (n ⫽ 5) for evaluation at 24 hours or skin including the panniculus corneous muscle layer
7 days. They were named Control-24 hours, Control-7 was removed. The specimen was laid on a translucent
day, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-24 hours, PBS-7 film layer to prevent extravasations of the radioactiv-
day, Simvastatin-24 hours, and Simvastatin-7 day. No ity and distortion of the specimen. The activity ob-
treatment was given to the control group. Thirty min- tained from the burned areas and the interspaces was
utes after burn injury, the treatment group was treated detected using a gamma camera with pin-hole colli-
with simvastatin (Merck, Sharp and Dohme West Point, mation (Forte, Philips, Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Journal of Burn Care & Research
874 Uygur et al September/October 2009

by 256 ⫻ 256 matrix. The same scintigraphic proce- Table 1. The quantitative injury scores (QIS)
dure was repeated on the 7th day after burn trauma.
1. Intravascular fibrin collection (0–3)
The perfusion and the viability between the in- 0—No intravascular fibrin collection.
terspaces and burned area in the control and treat- 1—Mild intravascular fibrin collection.
ment groups were expressed as the percentages of 2—Moderate intravascular fibrin collection.
radioactivity. 3—Severe intravascular fibrin collection.
2. Tissue inflammation (0–3)
Histological Analysis 0—No tissue inflammation.
The rats in the first (n ⫽ 5) and second subgroup (n ⫽ 1—Mild tissue inflammation.
5) were sacrificed 24 hours and 7 days after burn 2—Moderate tissue inflammation.
injury, respectively, after the last treatment. After 3—Severe tissue inflammation.
scintigraphic evaluation of the rats in the sub-groups, 3. Tissue coagulation (0–3)
0—No tissue coagulation.
skin biopsies were taken from the zone of stasis, full
1—Mild tissue coagulation.
thickness burns, and from unburned areas.
2—Moderate tissue coagulation.
Samples were fixed in a neutral-buffered formalin 3—Severe tissue coagulation.
and embedded in paraffin media. Micron sections
were deparaffinized and processed for immunoperox-
idase staining. Standard immunohistochemical tech-
niques using a monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit anti- days after burn injury, it was revealed that the in-
body specifically binding to TM (Thermo Scientific, terspaces had progressed to necrotic areas in the con-
Fremont, CA, Clone 141C01) was performed. trol groups. In the simvastatin-7 day group, the vital
Zymed DAB Plus Substrat Kit (Zymed Laboratories interspaces were clearly separated from the necrotic
Inc., San Francisco, CA) was used as the detection areas (Figure 1).
system. For counterstaining, Mayer’s Hematoxylin
was used for 2 minutes. To prevent interpretation and Laser Doppler Flowmetry
misdiagnosis two blinded pathologists, who were in- The skin blood flow was measured as 17.1 ⫾ 1.8
dependent examiners, evaluated the slides in our (mean ⫾ SD) ml LD/min/100 g tissue in the burned
study. The evaluation of the specimen was performed rows immediately before thermal injury in all groups.
according to procedure described by von Bülow et Blood flow decreased to 11.3 ⫾ 1.2 and 9.8 ⫾ 0.8
al.11 Ten randomly chosen areas on the histological (mean ⫾ SD) in the interspaces immediately and 24
slices were evaluated for vascular endothelial TM ex- hours after injury, respectively, in all groups. There
pression. The slices were judged based on the number was a statistically, significant difference by the second
of dermal capillaries and on whether they showed day of injury between the simvastatin group and the
positive staining for thrombomdulin at 100 times en- other groups according to blood flow measurements
largement. A quantitative injury score (QIS) was de- in the interspaces (P ⫽ .04). On the 7th day postburn
termined to compare the two groups. The QIS (0 –3 injury, blood flow measurements in the interspaces
points) consists of three major elements: 1) intravas- significantly differed between the simvastatin group
cular fibrin collection (0 –3); 2) tissue inflammation (P ⫽ .036), by 6.2 ⫾ 1.6 and 1.6 ⫾ 0.5 (mean ⫾ SD)
(0 –3); and 3) tissue coagulation (0 –3) (Table 1).

Statistical Analysis
Average blood flow measurements and radioactive
agent uptake percentages were expressed in mean ⫾
SD (standard deviation) and P values ⬍.05 were as-
signed as statistically significant. These values were
statistically compared using one-way analysis of vari-
ance and unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test.

No deaths occurred during this study. Twenty-four
hours after burn injury, it was revealed that there were Figure 1. The appearance of the skin surface of groups on
necrotic areas and vital interspaces in both the exper- day 7 postburn; control (A), sham (B), and statin (C)
imental and control groups. During the evaluation 7 groups.
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 30, Number 5 Uygur et al 875

Histological Findings
Positive immunoperoxidase staining specific for TM
was detected in all specimens taken from unburned
skin biopsies. Dermal capillary vessels in these samples
showed a brown color in the cytoplasm of the endo-
thelial cells. Samples taken from the burned area at
day 1 postburn showed negative staining for TM in all
groups. Similar appearances were seen on samples
that were taken from the burned area at day 7 post-
Figure 2. Blood flow measurements in interspace areas
burn for all groups. The tissue was infiltrated by in-
showed that there was statistically difference second day of
flammatory cells. In specimens taken from full thick-
injury between simvastatine and other groups (P ⫽ .04).
There was no difference between control and sham groups ness burned areas, no specific peroxidase activity was
in any days (P ⬎ .05). detectable. These samples showed a homogeneous
blue color. Protein content and fiber of the extracel-
lular matrix were coagulated. Most cellular structures
were disintegrated. The capillary vessels appeared as
and control-PBS groups (Figure 2). There was no empty holes in the necrotic tissue. Endothelial cells
difference noted between control and PBS groups on were absent or showed a deep blue color.
any other day (P ⬎ .05). In the samples taken from interspaces at day 1 post-
burn positive staining for TM for all groups was noted
Nuclear Images
TM expression (Figure 3). In the samples taken from
The mean percentages of survived interspaced areas the control and PBS groups at day 7 postburn, histo-
were higher in the experimental groups than the con- logical findings were similar to burned areas showing
trol groups at both 24 hours and on the 7th day (P ⫽ negative staining for TM. However, in the whole
.042 for 24th hour and .039 for 7th day). The ratio of samples taken from interspaces at simvastatine-7 day,
the radioactivity between the burned and interspaces positive staining for TM showed TM expression (Fig-
regions on the first day of injury in the control group ure 4).
was 82.3 ⫾ 2.54% mean. There was no statistical QIS were generated to compare the groups. The
difference between groups on the first day of injury QIS was determined to be 1.7 ⫾ 0.7 (mean ⫾ SD) in
(P ⬎ .05). The ratio of the radioactivity on the 7th the interspaces at 24 hours in the control group. In
day of injury in the control group was 18.6 ⫾ 12.06% the sham group and statin group, it was 1.5 ⫾ 0.83
and 19.2 ⫾ 8.27 mean. There was no statistical dif- (mean ⫾ SD) and 1.6 ⫾ 0.54 (mean ⫾ SD), respec-
ference between these groups (P ⬎ .05). It was tively. There was no significant difference between
65.9 ⫾ 6.2% mean in the simvastatin-7 day group. the statin group and the other groups according to
There was a statistical difference between groups on
the 7th day of injury (P ⫽ .039) (Table 2).

Table 2. The percentages of the radioactivity for three

groups at 1st and 7th days of injury

Group 24th Hour (IS/B) 7th Day (IS/B)

Control 82.3 ⫾ 2.54 18.6 ⫾ 12.06

PBS 81.3 ⫾ 2.57 19.2 ⫾ 8.27
Simvastatin 84.2 ⫾ 3.21 65.9 ⫾ 6.2

IS/B, burned-interspace ratio.

There was higher radioactivity than other groups in statin group at both 24
hours and on the 7th day (P ⫽ .042 for 24th hour) and (P ⫽.039 for 7th
day), and there was statistically difference between groups. According to the
ratio of the radioactivity between the burned and interspaces regions at first
day of injury in control group, there was no statistically difference between
groups at 1st day of injury (P ⬎ .05). According to the ratio of the radioac- Figure 3. Specimen taken from the stasis zone at first day
tivity at 7th day of injury in control group there was no statistically difference after injury (100⫻). Positive immunoperoxidase staining
between these groups (P ⬎ .05). However, there was statistically difference for thrombomodulin in dermal capillary endothelial cells
between groups at 7th day of injury (P ⫽ .039). revealed in all groups.
Journal of Burn Care & Research
876 Uygur et al September/October 2009

Figure 4. Specimen taken from the stasis zone at seventh day after injury (100⫻). Negative immunoperoxidase staining for
thrombomodulin in dermal capillary endothelial cells for control (A) and sham groups (B). Positive immunoperoxidase staining
for thrombomodulin in dermal capillary endothelial cells for statin group (C).

QIS in the interspaces (P ⬎ .05). On the 7th day of postulated that the output showed large differences
burn injury, QIS measurements in the interspaces sig- among the rats, even at the same position before the
nificantly differed between the groups, in the statin operation. These differences were influenced by the
(1.9 ⫾ 0.83), control (8.3 ⫾ 0.54), and sham (7.9 ⫾ individual conditions of the sampling tissue volume.
0.54) groups (P ⬍ .05). There was no difference Therefore, we did not use the absolute value of out-
noted between the control and sham groups on any put voltage, but preferred to use the blood flow
other day (P ⬎ .05) (Table 3). change rate as the parameter in assessing the extent of
ischemia because it gave more accurate results to ob-
serve the changes. The histological examination was
DISCUSSION used to determine the level of the damage and the
viability of the cells as well as the vascular obstruction
In the present experimental burn model, the injured represented in the zone of coagulation. Ischemia,
sites represented the zone of coagulation showing partial ischemia, and normal viability could be seen in
irreversible tissue loss with vascular thrombosis and
tissue biopsy specimens obtained from the zone of
tissue necrosis. The spaces between the burned areas
stasis and coagulation. We used immunostaining as the
were assumed to be equivalent to the zone of stasis
primary technique to investigate TM expression and ap-
and exhibited the expected pattern of initial hyper-
plied monoclonal antibodies against to TM. Our tech-
emia followed by reduced perfusion.19 We investi-
nique might not be sufficiently sensitive enough to
gated the effect of simvastatin on these areas because
record TM, however, it can be used to determine the
it is one of the most common agents used in daily
clinical practice. endothelial TM expression effectively.11
In evaluation procedures, the macroscopic method In our study, a final decrease in intravascular coag-
is a reliable method for investigating the long-term ulation and an increase in blood flow prevented tissue
changes in injured tissues. The laser Doppler flow necrosis in the zone of stasis was confirmed by laser
meter was used to detect tissue perfusion. It can be Doppler flowmetry. Blood flow did not decrease in
the group progressively in contrary to the control
group after the burn injury, and it was significantly
greater in the treated group compared with the con-
Table 3. Quantitative injury scores and thrombomodulin trol groups. Preventing the extension of the zone of
expressions for all groups stasis was confirmed by nuclear imaging and clinical
Full-Thickness findings. The injured area in the treated groups ex-
Stasis Zone Burn Area tended less than that of in the control group up to 48
hours. As healing commenced, the zone of the stasis
became significantly smaller than that of the control
Control 24 hr ⫹ 1.7 ⫾ 0.7 ⫺ 7.5 ⫾ 0.83 group.
Control 7 day ⫺ 8.3 ⫾ 0.54 ⫺ 8.7 ⫾ 1.0 Under normal circumstances, the vascular endo-
PBS 24 hr ⫹ 1.5 ⫾ 0.83 ⫺ 7.8 ⫾ 1.09 thelium exhibits a number of regulatory mechanisms
PBS 7 day ⫺ 7.9 ⫾ 0.54 ⫺ 8.4 ⫾ 0.89 to modulate coagulation, inflammation, and vascular
Simvastatin 24 hr ⫹ 1.6 ⫾ 0.54 ⫺ 7.9 ⫾ 1.09
function to maintain homeostatic balance.22 Among
Simvastatin 7 day ⫹ 1.9 ⫾ 0.83 ⫺ 7.8 ⫾ 1.09
the endothelial surface receptors, TM plays a critical
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 30, Number 5 Uygur et al 877

role in maintaining the normal endothelial function. Furthermore, thermal injury causes various dy-
Its role is prominent as an anticoagulant and antifi- namic processes such as inflammation, immune de-
brinolytic agent by inhibiting thrombin and acceler- pletion, etc. Simvastatin has other systemic effects
ating protein-C activation. Activated protein C, in such as reduction of the inflammatory response, isch-
concert with protein S, inactivates activated factor-V emia/reperfusion injury associated with increased
and factor-VIII, thus limits thrombin generation fur- blood flow, leukocyte adherence, immunomodula-
ther.23,24 Moreover, TM has an anti-inflammatory ac- tory, and antioxidant effects. These may support heal-
tivity directly and minimizes the cytokine formation in ing during the many steps in the healing process of
the endothelium decreasing leukocyte– endothelial cell the burn injury.16,39 – 43
adhesion.25,26 TM is transcriptionally down regulated Several agents used to salvage the zone of stasis
by shear stress, hemodynamic forces, hypoxia, oxi- have some features in controlling the pathological
processes.44 – 48 An ideal pharmacological agent for
dized low-density lipoprotein, and transforming
saving the zone of stasis should have the following
growth factor.27–32 After burn injury, the direct effect
features: safety, clinical availability, easy administra-
of the damage of the endothelium and the indirect
tion, reproducibility of effective results, feasibility of
effect of associated inflammatory reaction causes
postburn treatment, cost-effectiveness, known mech-
shedding of TM from endothelial surfaces that results anism of action, established bioavailability, and pro-
in disturbed dermal flow in the zone of stasis and tective effects on the zone of stasis. According to the
necrosis.11 When TM is shedded from endothelial analysis of the literature published, statins have a rel-
surfaces thrombosis, hypercoagulopaties, and lumen atively safe profile and fulfill most of the requi-
obstruction take place.33 sites.49,50 Upregulation of TM in response to simva-
Statins potently reduce serum cholesterol levels, statin is robust, consistent with the notion that their
however, in several recent studies it was reported that, effect on TM may be biologically relevant compared
restoration of endothelial functions occurred before with the effect of simvastatin on other agents in na-
significant reduction in serum cholesterol level. It was ture involved in the regulation of coagulation and
suggested that there were additional effects of endo- fibrinolysis.
thelial cells other than reducing the serum choles-
terol. Statins exert pleiotropic effects such as anti-
inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant effects CONCLUSION
on the vascular wall, coagulation and fibrinolytic sys-
Our results provide a basis for preclinical investiga-
tem.13–17 In a considerable amount of studies, re-
tions of simvastatin in burn model. In the present
searchers focused on the mechanisms by which statins
study, we concluded that simvastatin increased TM
enhance endothelial anticoagulation and fibrinolytic
expression potently and was efficient in saving the
features. These studies revealed that statins cause an zone of stasis. It is inexpensive, can be used in the
increase in the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthe- patients safely to prevent or reverse endothelial dys-
sis, prostocyclin upregulation, and tissue-type plasmin- function by upregulating TM effectively. We recom-
ogen activator levels while a decrease in oxidative stress, mend using simvastatin because it can decrease the
down-regulating tissue factors, endothelin-1 and plas- mortality and the morbidity by acting on the zone of
minogen activation.34 –38 Shi et al13 demonstrated that stasis.
statin treatment caused an up-regulation in endothe-
lial cell TM expression and reduced shedding of TM
significantly. We concluded that administration of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
simvastatin caused an increase in endothelial TM ex-
We thank Mrs. Lana Neufeld Yılmaz for her help in
pression and contributed to saving the zone of stasis
correcting the manuscript.
in our study.
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