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Meriel Ramírez A.
Grade: 12-1

Elements of narrative

Memoir writing rubric

The people that made me the person I am were my
mom and my dad. They were always on top of me to
change my way of being.

I was a very spiteful person, I did not know how to
forgive if someone did wrong and I did not forgive
him, and even I hate him, I trusted people a lot and
everything for me was a pain

As much as they told me I did not change ... I
changed with several trips, I realized that rancor
does not lead me to anything, that I had to learn to
forgive, that you can not walk through life trusting
much and that I had to take things seriously

now before I entrust study to the person, if they do
something bad I forgive them or I leave it to God I
am still a little remorse only little by little I am
leaving it

and now I put seriousness in the things I do, I
hesitate a lot and at the same time I fulfill my
responsabiladades as a daughter, friend and

I go with everything because I started with nothing
and my family has to be better !!!!!

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