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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Bataan Peninsula State University

At the end of the lesson 100% of the students shall be able to attain at least 75%
level of proficiency to:
1. Enumerate the rules in addition of algebraic expressions or polynomials.
2. Simplify polynomials involving the removal of grouping symbols.
3. Evaluate the value of polynomials or algebraic expressions at certain given


A. Topic: Fundamental Operations on Algebraic Expressions
B. Sub-Topic: Addition & Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
C. Major Concepts:
1. To add two or more algebraic expressions with the same literal coefficient,
add only their numerical coefficients & affix the literal coefficients.
2. To subtract algebraic expressions, change the sign of the subtrahend &
proceed in addition following the rules in addition of signed numbers.
D. Reference: College Algebra Revised Edition (Thelma D. Manansala)
E. Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector, Chalk, Eraser, Visual Aids
F. Skills: Solving , Classifying, Analyzing


A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Checking the attendance
4. Passing the assignment

B. Developmental Activities
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
1. Review
Before we start our new lesson for today. Let us
have a short review on our previous discussion
about polynomials.

I have here a box containing different

polynomials. All you need to do is to pick one
and you have to identify what type of
polynomial it is, am I clear class?
I will call you randomly so be ready. Yes sir.

2x+1 2x+1 -binomial

2x+3y-4 2x+3y-4 -trinomial
3mn 3mn -monomial
6p-3q 6p-3q -binomial
34p+21x+3y 34p+21x+3y -trinomial

Very good. It seems like you already understand

our previous lesson.

2. Motivational Activity
Okay class, before proceeding to our lesson for
today, let us have a small activity. All you need
to do is to identify if the answer is correct. If the
answer is said to be correct you’ll put your hand
in correct side. And if the answer is wrong
you’ll put your hand in the wrong side.


Are you ready class?

Yes, Sir.
I need five volunteers here in front.

Now, you have to pick one stripped paper inside

the container. These papers are containing
equations that you need to solve.
Correct Answers
1. 2x + 3y 2x + 3y
2. 5x + 6x 11x
3. 3x2 + 2x 3x2 + 2x
4. 7y + 2y 9y
5. 3x + 3x + 2x2 2x2 + 6x

Very good class!

Based on our activity, what do you think is our

lesson for today? Addition of Polynomials or Algebraic Expressions.

Very good!
After we discuss addition, we will also tackle
the counter part of addition which is the
subtraction of Polynomials.

Can you please our lesson for today? Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic expressions.

3. Lesson Proper
Okay, please read our lesson’s objectives.
At the end of the lesson 100% of the students shall
be able to attain at least 75% level of proficiency to:
1. Enumerate the rules in addition of algebraic
expressions or polynomials.
2. Simplify polynomials involving the removal
of grouping symbols.
3. Evaluate the value of polynomials or
algebraic expressions at certain given values.

Thank you so much!

Okay class, I have an equation here. Can you

please read it? 2x + 3x + 6x

Thank you so much! Is there anyone here can

solve the given equation on the board? 11x

That’s correct! How did you solve for it? I just simply add the number and copy the variable.

Very good!
In adding polynomials or algebraic expressions,
we just need to add the numerical coefficients
and copy the variable.

How about this one, can you solve it?

2x + 3y + 6x 8x + 3y

Very good! How did you come up with this

answer? Can you please explain it in the class? Just add the numbers with the same variable.

That’s right! Very well said.

Anyone who can solve this one?

x2 + 2x + x2 + 3x 2x2 + 5x

Very good! How did you come up with that

answer? I just add the numbers with the same variables.

That’s correct! In adding polynomials the

variable and exponent must be the same for you
to add their numerical coefficients.

Any questions? None, sir.

Okay, let’s move on.

Now, we will discuss how to subtract
polynomials. I have an equation here with its
corresponding answer, all you need to do is to
identify how did I came up to this answer.
Is that clear class? Yes, sir.

2x – y – 4 2x – y – 4
- (4x – y – 3) - 4x + y + 3
2x -1
What did you observe? How did I solve the
What do you think is the first step that I did? You changed the signs of the second term, sir.

Excellent! In subtracting polynomials we have

to change the signs of the second term.

Now, what did I do next?

You combined the like terms, same as the principle
of addition.

4x – 6y – 3
4x + 6y – 5

It seems like you had knowledge in subtracting

polynomials. So, let’s have this one example
again. May you please read it?
4x – 6y – 3 4x – 6y – 3
Thank you! Now, who wants to answer it?
- (4x + 6y – 5) - 4x - 6y + 5
- 12y + 2
4. Application
Let’s have a short exercise about our lesson
for today.
Answer the following on your notebook.
1) 3x – 2y + 8z
+ 12x – y – 10z

2) 3x – 7y + 9z
+ 12x – 10y – 7z

3) 8x – 6y – 3
+ 4x + 6y – 5

4) 12x – 9y – 15
- (4x – 9y – 5)

5) 5x – 7x – 9
- (9x – 10x – 10)
You will have 10 minutes to answer these
equations, any questions? None, sir.

Okay, please start.

Yes, sir
Are you done class?
1) 3x – 2y + 8z
+ 12x – y – 10z
Please answer it on the board.
15x – 3y – 2z
(Call randomly)
2) 3x – 7y + 9z
+ 12x – 10y – 7z
15x – 17y + 2z

3) 8x – 6y – 3
+ 4x + 6y – 5
12x – 8

4) 12x – 9y – 15
- (4x – 9y – 5)
8x – 10

5) 5x – 7x – 9
- (9x – 10x – 10)

Excellent class! Let’s give them a round of

applause. (Claps)

5. Generalization
To sum up our lesson for today, we will
have another activity.

I will group you into two groups and I will

give you an envelope. Each envelope
contains jigsaw puzzle pieces. Your task is
to solve the puzzle and paste it on the board.
Are you ready? Yes sir.

I will give you at 5 minutes to solve it.


Very good.

Everybody read what’s on the puzzle. ADDING POLYNOMIALS –in adding polynomials
you just need to combine like terms.


polynomials you have to change all the signs of the
second term or the subtrahend and then apply the
principle in adding polynomials.

6. Evaluation
As our quiz, let’s answer these equations.
You will have 10 minutes to solve it.
1. 2x2 + 3y + z
+ 4x2 + 3y + 4z

2. 4x + 3z
+ 6x + 11z

3. 27z + 18w
+ 8z + 9w

4. 9x2 + 6x +3
-(16 x2 +4x + 2)

5. 8z + 9y + 8w
-(11z – 9y + 8w)

Are you done class?

Yes, sir.

Please pass your paper.

And copy your assignment.

Solve the following:

1. (x – 5y + 6z) + (2x + 7y – z)
2. (2x + y – 5) – (x – 3y + 1)
3. ( x2 – 3xy + 5 y2) + (4x2 +5xy – 2y2)
4. (x – 5y + 3z) – (2x + y – z)
5. (3p + 5q – z) + (-7p – 9q – 8)

Prepared by:
Aaron Zachary Gloria
Mark Alaster Foronda
Junie Natividad
BSE III - Mathematics

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