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Lesson Plan in TLE III

I. Objectives:

At the end of the discussion , the students are able to:

1.Define the kinds of vegetables through visual aids.

2.Differentiate the kinds of vegetables according to their
3. Show the health benefits of each kind of vegetables through

II. Subject Matter :

A. Topic : Classification of Vegetables

B. Reference : Google
C. Materials : Visual aids , pictures , manila paper

III. Procedure :

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer , checking assignments and review the previous topics.

2. Motivation : The teacher and the students sing the song "
Bahay Kubo " together.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

1.1 . The teacher asks the students to underline the vegetables

mentioned in the song " Bahay Kubo " in the visual aid.

2. Discussion

2.1. The teacher introduces the topic to the students.

2.2 .The teacher informs the objectives of the topic to the students.
2.3 .The teacher reviews the definition of vegetable.
2.4.The teacher discusses the definitions of each kind of
vegetables using a visual aids.
2.5 . The teacher differentiates the characteristics and the benefits
of each kind of vegetables using illustrations.
3. Exercises

The teacher provides a pictures of each kind of vegetables and let

the students classify it one by one if it is a leaf vegetable , stem
vegetable ,root vegetable or flowering/ fruit vegetable.

4. Generalization

A vegetable is any part of plant that is consumed by humans as

food as part of a meal. Vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked and
plays an important role in human nutrition. The kinds of vegetables
are leaf vegetables or salad greens , flowering or fruit vegetables ,
stem vegetable and root vegetable. Leaf vegetables or salad greens
are plants leaves eaten as vegetable. Root vegetables grow
underground, they absorb a great amount of nutrients from the soil.
Flowering or fruit vegetables are vegetable- like fruits and the plants
that bear them and stem vegetables are plant stems used as

5. Application

The teacher groups the students into four groups according to the
kinds of vegetables.

Group one - Leaf Vegetable

Group two - Root Vegetable
Group three - Stem Vegetable
Group four - Flowering/ Fruit Vegetable

Each group is task to present the health benefits of their assigned

vegetables using the manila paper. The teacher will provide the
manila paper.

IV. Evaluation :

Identify the kinds of vegetables. Write LV for leaf vegetable , RV

for root vegetable , SV for stem vegetable and FV for flowering/ fruit
vegetable. Answer it directly on a one - fourth sheet of paper.

1. Tomato
2. Cabbage
3. Eggplant
4. Ginger
5. Letuce
6. Celery
7. Asparagus
8. Onion

V. Assignment :

On a one - half sheet of paper , give at least one example of each

kinds of the vegetables and state their health benefits.

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