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Californian Flame

21.12.2018, Episode 8

A Thousand Words

Hi. This is Richard. Welcome to the podcast for December 21st, 2018.
Over the weekend, firefighters in California had the chance to talk to a tree that they saved during a wildfire. The following is what the
tree overheard a nearby flame [1] saying to itself before the firefighters put an end to the flame’s life.


I don’t feel so well. I feel weak [2]. And I’m cold. Imagine that! Me – a flame – cold!
Look at me! I’m so small now. Not long ago I was huge [3] – I was an unstoppable monster burning everything in front of me. And
now… I don’t think I should even try to move anymore. I think I should just keep
hiding [4] behind this tree here. It’s a good spot. It’s quiet. Such a big tree. I’d like
to bite into its bark [5]. It would do me so good – make me stronger and bigger
again. But I’m just too weak. And there’s no wind around to push me to it. And it’s
too healthy-looking. I think it’s a pine.

I wonder what happened to all the others. There were so many of us. What a time
we had! Oh, and the wind! So warm! We danced all night long, so high up into the
air. I can honestly say that I reached the sky. Where does the sky actually begin?
And those houses! They were just sitting there, all together, waiting for us. All that
wood. It was delicious [6]. We ate everything; well, almost everything. At one point, after we finished and started moving on, I looked
back and saw all the ash [7] we left behind, and all the smoke rising into the sky. What memories!

What I didn’t like was that some of the other flames went a little crazy. They started going after animals and people. I don’t do that. I’m
a vegetarian. I like wood. I like plants and dry grass and trees, and anything with leaves. I’m not exclusive – I like wood products, too:
paper of all kinds… cardboard. But wood! Uhhmmm. Pine and oak and cedar. Just great! I love it all – roofs and walls and doors and
furniture. Furniture is like dessert, especially when it’s polished [8]. I like fabrics, too. I love the climate here in California. I love that it
gets so hot… and for so long. And that it doesn’t rain much; it gets so dry. There are so many things to snack on [9]. And I love the
ocean breeze. So constant. It’s always there, blowing. And then when those warm winds from the desert rush through the valleys.

I must say, California’s a great place to be born. A flame has got a real chance to do well here, to have a good career… to make a
name for itself. It’s a great place to grow up. We flames could do a lot worse. I wouldn’t want to be born in Singapore or the Sahara.
Not much wood there. So many more opportunities [10] here for a flame to grow and do what we’re born to do. Burn!

I also like gas… when I can find it. Gas in all forms: hydrogen, butane, propane, methane, ethanol. Those are my drugs. They really
light me up! Come on, baby, light my fire!

But people? That’s where I draw the line [11]. I can’t say I haven’t eaten any before. I have. But it was an accident. That one just got in
the way [12]. Not proud.

So, we were dancing and eating, following the hot winds, really partying … when the water came. It fell out of the sky - came every time
those noisy things flew over us. Hunted us, like we were outlaws [13]. I got hit by some. Oh, it was cold! It got me on my back and half
of me just disappeared – turned into smoke. There was such chaos, and we all ran in different directions. I went into a field to hide,
and when I looked up I saw flashing things rolling into the area. They stopped, and people got out and started spraying water
everywhere from what looked like long snakes. I got hit again. That’s when I got scared. That’s when I turned and fled [14].

I made a small path through a nearby field. I kept low and crawled in the grass. I didn’t want those snakes spraying me again. Then I
jumped over some rocks and went up the side of this hill; found this tree I’m behind now. I just need to catch my breath [15]. I just need
to rest… and think. Think about myself, and what I’ve done in life.

I’ve only been alive about a week. For a flame, that’s long. So… what have I done in that time? I’ve had fun! That’s for sure. A lot of
good times! But… will I be remembered when I’m gone? Do I have any kind of legacy [16] to leave behind? Will I be remembered for
any positive changes I’ve made? Or will I be held responsible [17] for my actions and judged [18] as something evil?

What have I done?

Who am I?

I was born at a campfire a few weeks ago – that I remember! My mother gave birth to me when she threw a small part of herself onto a
rose bush. There I was suddenly. A tiny flame. I remember her watching me as I slowly ate the plant and got bigger. I think she wanted
to make sure I could find more to eat when the plant was gone. And when I jumped onto a nearby tree branch [19], she seemed
satisfied [20] and then moved away. I never saw her after that. I have some children of my own. A couple dozen, I think. It makes me
wonder how many siblings [21] I have. I never met them. I think I was a good parent. I made sure each of my kids found a second thing
to eat before I ran off, too. But I was a single parent, like my mother. It wasn’t always easy.

Listen to me! I don’t have time for sentiment now. I don’t have much time at all! I hear the snakes coming again. So… maybe all I do
have time for now is sentiment.

So, then… how have I spent my life? Wildly, that’s how. Consuming [22] and moving on for more and more. Do I feel bad about that?
Not really, if I’m honest. It’s my nature. I’m fire. I am what I am. That’s what I do, burn things to stay alive. I joined up with a group of other
flames – we were all young and parentless – without supervision [23]. We all just started burning things. We didn’t know any better.
How else should we have spent out time? Making friends with the animals? Hugging [24] them? Cuddling up [25] with the trees?
Would this tree here like to cuddle with me?

What was that? They found me! Ahhh! I’ve been hit! But… not water… white, sticky foam [26]. Oh, I don’t feel well. I feel like I’m going


Thanks for listening.

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I’ll be back on January 18th to talk about something else Californians live with - earthquakes.

All of us here wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Glossar: A Thousand Words

[1] a flame: a small piece of fire

[2] weak: very little energy or power; not strong

[3] huge: very large

[4] hiding: stay in a place where someone cannot see you

[5] tree bark: the outside of a tree – its skin

[6] delicious: tasted very good

[7] ash: what is left behind after fire has burned wood

[8] polished: something you paint or spray over something to protect it

[9] to snack on: to eat small amounts of

[10] opportunities: chances to do something

[11] draw the line: put a stop to something; don’t do something

[12] they just got in the way: they were in front of me and I couldn’t stop

[13] outlaws: criminals

[14] fled: ran away (past form of the verb to flee)

[15] catch my breath: breathe normally again

[16] legacy: memories of someone or something

[17] be held responsible for: consequences

[18] judged: to make an opinion

[19] tree branch: the arm of a tree

[20] satisfied: without worries; content

[21] siblings: brothers and sisters

[22] consuming: eating; taking for oneself

[23] supervision: management; control over something

[24] hugging: putting your arms around; embracing

[25] cuddling up with: touching body to body in a close and intimate way

[26] sticky foam: thick cream-like substance that doesn’t come off easily

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