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Resurrecion Brix Web Systems and Development

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Amazon launches Cloud Storage and Serving

 Description.
- Cloud storage is a service model in which data is maintained, managed, backed
up remotely and made available to users over a network (typically
the Internet). Users generally pay for their cloud data storage on a per-
consumption, monthly rate. Although the per-gigabyte cost has been radically
driven down, cloud storage providers have added operating expenses that can
make the technology more expensive than users bargained for. Cloud security
continues to be a concern among users. Providers have tried to deal with those
fears by building security capabilities, such as encryption and authentication, into
their services.

 History
- The origins of AWS as a developer tool can be traced all the way back to 2002,
when an initial beta was released (named Web Service) that
offered SOAP and XML interfaces for the Amazon product catalogue.
This welcome mat for developers was the first step by Amazon to embracing the
potential of developer-friendly tools, particularly in an infrastructure space, as an
actual product.
- Not long after, in 2003, during an executive retreat at Jeff Bezos’ house, the
Amazon leadership team was asked to identify the core strengths of the company.
One thing became abundantly clear: Its infrastructures services gave them a huge
advantage over their competition.
- From there, a grander idea emerged: That a combination of infrastructure services
and developer tools could become a pseudo-operating system for the internet. By
isolating different parts of the infrastructure (compute power, storage, and
database) as components to the operating system and having developer-friendly
tools to manage them, it was possible to conceive of infrastructure (especially
Amazon’s) as automated and standardized with web services that can call for more
resources. In 2004, the company’s first public acknowledgment of AWS emerged
in a blog post, hinting at the developments to come.
- Publicly launched on March 19, 2006, AWS offered Simple Storage Service (S3) and
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), with Simple Queue Service (SQS) following soon
after. By 2009, S3 and EC2 were launched in Europe, the Elastic Block Store (EBS)
was made public, and a powerful content delivery network (CDN), Amazon
CloudFront, all became formal parts of AWS offering. These developer-friendly
services attracted cloud-ready customers and set the table for formalized
partnerships with data-hungry enterprises such as Dropbox, Netflix, and Reddit,
all before 2010.
 Inventor
Jeff Bezos
- American entrepreneur Jeff Bezos is the founder and chief executive officer of and owner of 'The Washington Post.' His successful business
ventures have made him one of the richest people in the world.
Who is Jeff Bozes?
- Entrepreneur and e-commerce pioneer Jeff Bezos was born in 1964 in New
Mexico. Bezos had an early love of computers and studied computer science and
electrical engineering at Princeton University.
- After graduation he worked on Wall Street, and in 1990 he became the youngest
senior vice president at the investment firm D.E. Shaw. Four years later, he quit
his lucrative job to open, an online bookstore that became one of
the Internet's biggest success stories.
- In 2013, Bezos purchased The Washington Post in a $250 million deal. His
successful business ventures have made him one of the richest people in the
Young Jeff Bezos
- Jeff Bezos was born on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to a
teenage mother, Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen, and his biological father, Ted Jorgensen.
The Jorgensens were married less than a year, and when Bezos was 4 years old his
mother remarried, to Cuban immigrant Mike Bezos.
- As a child, Jeff Bezos showed an early interest in how things work, turning his
parents' garage into a laboratory and rigging electrical contraptions around his
- He moved to Miami with his family as a teenager, where he developed a love for
computers and graduated valedictorian of his high school. It was during high
school that he started his first business, the Dream Institute, an educational
summer camp for fourth, fifth and sixth graders.
- Bezos pursued his interest in computers at Princeton University, where he
graduated summa cum laude in 1986 with a degree in computer science and
electrical engineering. After graduation, he found work at several firms on Wall
Street, including Fitel, Bankers Trust and the investment firm D.E. Shaw.
Wife and Kids
- It was at D.E. Shaw that Bezos met his future wife, MacKenzie Tuttle, and became
the company's youngest vice president in 1990. The pair married in 1993 (and
announced their divorce in 2019). They have four children together — three sons
and a daughter adopted from China.
- While his career in finance was extremely lucrative, Bezos chose to make a risky
move into the nascent world of e-commerce. He quit his job in 1994, moved to
Seattle and targeted the untapped potential of the Internet market by opening an
online bookstore.

 Facts
- The global infrastructure of AWS comprises of 33 zones of availability spread
across 17 worldwide regions! The number of regions included is increasing with
each passing year as they add them to the list.
- Amazon Web Services has over 70 services that include storage, computing,
database, networking, application services, management, analytics, deployment
and mobile.
- When data of a single year was analyzed (2014 to 2015) Amazon S3 has seen a rise
by 91% in data transfer!
- Usage of Amazon EC2 has witnessed a rise of a staggering 80% in the years 2014-
- The fastest growing service provided by AWS is Amazon Aurora which is a
relational database engine.
- AWS is famous for constantly adding new features to its list. There was a 40%
increase in new AWS features and services with 722 new features and services
added in a single year!
- The rapid decrease of prices: AWS has decreased prices of its services atleast as
many as 60 times ever since its launch!
- There are 54 global points of presence of AWS Edge locations. Here is where AWS
WAF, Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 are offered from.
- AWS has customers from over 190 countries! The company has over a million
active customers that include a whooping 5000 education institutions, 2000
government agencies and over 17,500 nonprofit organizations.
- AWS Data Services has increased by a staggering 96% in just a single year. This
includes Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCashe, Amazon RDS and Amazon
- Majority of people are simply not aware of the domination AWS enjoys in the
cloud computing space. AWS was officially launched in the year 2006. About
1/3rd of people who visit websites on the internet daily access websites which are
powered by AWS!
- Domination in the IaaS space: 27% of cloud infrastructure as a service of market
share belongs to AWS while 10% belongs to Microsoft and 7% to IBM.
- Eminent clients: The largest companies in the world like Netflix, Expedia, Reddit
and NSA use AWS to run their applications.
- In the year 2015, renewable energies were used by Amazon Web services.
- On an average, every minute, consumers view 7 million online videos, ask Siri
100,000 questions and buy $222,000 worth of items from Amazon as per a recent
research! All of this hosted on AWS!

 References

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