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Before listening:

 Why are rainforests being destroyed?

 Why is it important to preserve rainforests?

- You will hear part of a radio interview with Sylvia Welling, a student who is
working on a rainforest project in Costa Rica. Look at the sentences below.
What type of information do you need to complete each space (e.g. a
number, a date) and/or what type of word(s) do you need to complete each
gap (e.g. a verb, an adjective)?


Sylvia is spending her (1) ______________________________________ working on the project.

The aim of the project is to (2) _________________________________ about the rainforest.

Sylvia is on the project because she wants to gain (3) __________________________________


One part of her job involves (4) ________________________________________ in the forest.

She also works as a (5) __________________________________________ for visitors.

She says rainforests are destroyed to make land available for (6) ____________________.

She predicts that (7) ______________________________________ of rainforests will have been

destroyed by the year 2050.

As a result, the world will probably become (8)__________________________________.

She thinks that many species of animals will only be found (9) _______________________.

She hopes visitors will be more careful about (10) _________________________________

when they go home.

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