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Amounts in NOK mill.


Total sales incl. Franchisee turnover ¹) 89108 89212
Growth in turnover Rema 1000 ¹) - 2.3% 5.8%
Growth in turnover Reitan Convenience ¹) 0.1% 0.0%
Number of outlets 31.12. 3829 3821
The number of employees in retail outlets 31.12. 33044 32028

RESULT 2017 2016

revenues 65229 66169
Earnings before Amort., Depreciation and write-downs. (EBITDA) 4672 5151
Operating profit 3428 3987
Profit before tax 3399 7301
Net income 2786 6416


Operating margin 3.8% 4.5%
Cash Margin 5.2% 5.8%
Return on assets 8.4% 18.7%
Return on equity 11.7% 30.3%
Return on capital employed 11.9% 15.0%

BALANCE 31/12/17 31/12/16

Fixed assets 28410 25061
Current assets 16724 14730
Equity 25302 22421
Long term debt 5709 4082
Current liabilities 14123 13288
Total assets 45134 39791
Equity ratio 56.1% 56.3%

LIQUIDITY 2017 2016

Net investments in fixed assets 2104 1312
Holdings of cash and cash equivalents at 31.12. 1967 2070
Long-term loans 31.12. 3751 2180
Short-term loans 31.12. 2610 2011
Net interest bearing debt at 31.12. 3605 1563

For definitions of key figures, see page 74.

1) Reitan Group turnover consists of store sales through franchisees and external sales. Reaction through franchisees not
included at Reitangruppen revenue, and thus is not revised figures. The company's management believes turnover is
important and crucial to understanding the business's financial development.

2 Reitan Group Annual Report 2017




Key figures 2 Annual Report 8 Income statement 62

Colonial Major 4 Total Result 15 Balance 63

Balance sheet - Assets 16 Equity 64

Balance - Egenk. and liabilities 17 Cash Flow Statement 64 Notes -

Equity 18 Contents 65

Auditor's report 71 Cash Flow Statement 19 Notes - Notes 66

Definitions of key figures 74 Contents 21

addresses 75 Notes 22

Reitan Group Annual Report 2017 3


I wish that all the Reitan group will Reitan Group consists of nearly 4,000 energy stations, kiosks and shops
have a good time, there- for I am both family businesses in seven countries and built new buildings, and I knew
proud and pleased when I sign that our which provide employment to 37,000 about each project. The only thing I
Grocers doing well and is happy in his people. 42 per cent of turnover is now knew was that all decisions are
job. It is for- wards to succeed if we do taking place abroad and almost 60 per taken in line with our culture and
not love what we are doing. cent of the labor force works outside structure, our visions, values,
Franchising is a vinnerkon- Sept. within Norway. business ideas and financial stan-
the organization, and we notice now. dards.
Reitan group is practically debt-free
within the trade and we are well within 2017 joins the ranks of very good
the guideline when it comes to real years. The sale of shares in Axfood
estate. Low cost and service trade is contributed to an extraordinary good I am proud of all
the winning concepts in the future, result in the enthusiastic people
even though e-commerce is steadily in Reitangruppen.
progressing in non-food industries. 2016, while the 2017 many have
goes into his- rieboka as

the year where our

winning culture was fur-

ther amplifying

consumption. Also in

We do not do everything right, but we 2017 opened Reitan

do more right than wrong and we build group

great values. We have invested nearly

everything now has earned the new
value, which has made us one of the
largest enterprises.

4 Reitan Group Annual Report 2017

been with us a long time, has ab- solute a decision should be taken. We are We develop our business, we maintain high
confidence and take big decisions every convinced that adherence to our
ethical standards, we will be debt free We
day. Value based management is not philosophy, combined with the high
will motivate winning culture we are thinking
just a fashion word in Reitangruppen - competence of our concepts, is what it
positively and aggressively We talk to each
it's a fact. Real decentralized takes for us to continue to have fun
management allows the company is and profitable. Our overhead vision is
progressing rapidly. Throughout the to become known as the most
- not about each customer is
Reitan group was there in 2017 that value-driven company. In Reitan group, our top commander We'll have
regular vigorous activity and cool- we are proud of what we are doing, fun and profitable

turbygging through training of our have eternities Tens perspective and

philosophy and value-based hunt all the time to become even
management. Wherever you work in better.
Reitangruppen we all have the same

philosophy and the same values ​base

layers. We work for all our employees to

have the values ​of the spinal cord, so

that they are able to make good

decisions without having to convene

meetings every time

Organization chart per March 2018

Reitan Group Annual Report 2017 5

6 Reitan Group Annual Report 2017

Reitan Group Annual Report 2017 7

• We streamlined the company's and system operation. The franchisee is an
business independent næringsdriven- ones, but must
• We hold a high business ethic comply with the concept and the philosophy
adopted by franchise dealer.
• We will be debt free
• We should motivate winning culture The franchisor develops in standards such
• We are thinking positively and aggressively as the establishment and operation of
• We talk to each other businesses with specific goods and / or
- not interchangeable services under a common brand name.
• The customer is our top boss Franchise runs its local operations on this
• We will have fun and profitable basis, assisted by franchise giver. It demands
for accountability on both sides, and a
franchisee who manages a brand has a
Reitan Group's business concept is to own special responsibility.
REITAN GROUP strong and independent business within the
It is our strong values ​and corporate values male part and property. The parent company
​that drive us - therefore we work hard and Reitan Gruppen AS's mission is to build a The franchisor distributes goods and
continuously to achieve Reitan Group VI strong culture, ensuring that we have effective services to the franchisee. The division of
board to be known as the most value-driven structures and set financial standards we roles is in principle so that the franchisor
company. We do this partly through cultivating should honeycombed by. perform services on the areas where the total
our business, and by maintaining and is the cheapest and most convenient to carry
reinforcing a culture where our customers are out the work key. Franchi- systems enables
always the top boss. set high mutual claims of the parties, which
Five business in seven countries con- sistent raises organization's competence.

Reitan Group consists of five main

In Reitangruppen should get human humans business units: REMA
make many decisions. Reit- angruppen should 1000, Reitan Convenience, Uno-X Energi,
be the symbol of common sense, Reitan Eiendom and Reitan capital. REPORT ON THE CONSOLIDATED
approachability, usnob- bethet and skill. In Reitangruppen pens headquarters are in FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Reitangruppen it's not embarrassing to make Ladegaard in Trondheim. Ladegaard is Reitan The consolidated financial statements have been

things easy - it's brilliant. Group cultural and fi nancial center. prepared in accordance with International Funding Gal

Handelsvirksom- is operated from Oslo, Reporting Standards (IFRS) approved by the EU.

We focus on gjennomfø- ring ability. What Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen and

is decided to be performed. We put things Horsens (Denmark), Helsinki (Finland), Riga The financial statements, provides the fair
into practice and does not create (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia) and Vilnius presentation of the company's position. Going
unnecessary work for each other. We (Lithuania), while the real estate activities has concern assumption is present and the basis
behand- laughs employees, suppliers, its operational center in Trondheim. As of 31 for the financial statements.
partners and customers in a proper way, do December 2017 had Reitangruppen 3,829
the right thing, amuses us and working hard. outlets (3821). The group's profit and finansiel- laugh
position is affected by uncertainty, particularly
relating to estimates made in estimating the
fair value of investment property, as well as
Reitan Group's core values ​represent the the assessment of impairment of intangible
values ​our culture is built. The values ​is the franchise Operations assets and fixed assets.
result of the company's long-standing Reitangruppen was the first day
history. A strong corporate culture based on ligvareselskapet in Norway began using
the eight verdigrunnla- gene is essential for franchising in their organization, and cultivated
the achievement of the Reitan Group's this mode of operation through the operation of Income statement
overall objectives. Value-based management the concept Rema 1000. Total sales including franchi- setakeromsetning
is a part of our philosophy. in 2017 was NOK 89 108 million. (NOK 89 212
Franchising is a close cooperation million.). Operating revenues totaled NOK 65
between two independent companies: the 229 million. (NOK 66 169 million.). Operating
franchisor and franchisee. Conducting profit before amortization, depreciation and
franchising is a balancing act between amortization (EBITDA)

8 Reitan Group Annual Report 2017

was NOK 4,672 mill. (NOK 5,151 mill.) and 1436 mill.) In fixed assets and NOK 1,938 in total revenue is affected by REMA
the operating profit was NOK 3,428 mill. mill. (NOK 2,205 million). In investment Distribution terminated distribution
(NOK 3,987 mill.). property. Net acquisition of associated partnership with Bunnpris 31 December
Net interest expense was NOK 167 mill. companies, primarily in the real estate 2016. Revenues from store including
(NOK 183 mill.). The reduction in net business, was NOK 133 million. (Net sales franchisee turnover in 2017 was NOK 57
interest expense was mainly due to lower NOK 343 mill.). Dividends from financial 515 million. (NOK 56 729 million). This
level of interest-bearing debt during 2017 investments and associates were in 2017 represents a growth of 1.2 per cent (5, 0
compared with 2016. NOK 212 mill. (NOK 354 mill.). percent).

Other financial items amounted to NOK 7 EBITDA was NOK 2,355 mill. (NOK 2,865
million. (NOK 3,493 mill.). Last year includes The group's ability to egenfinan- million.) And operating profit was NOK 1,706 mill.
dividends received and gains on the sale of the financing of investments in operations (NOK 2,298 mill.). A weaker year for operations in
financial investment Axfood with NOK 3,389 related assets is considered very good. Norway gives slightly lower operating margin and
million. And are discussed under Financial leading to an operating profit which is NOK 592
investments. In addition, a largely unrealized net million. Worse than last year.
currency finansieringsaktivi- viscosities included Funding and liquidity
with sufficient 62 million. (Currency gain NOK 93 Total assets at 31 December 2017 was
million.), While the increase in value of interest NOK 45 134 million. (NOK 39 791 mill.). Rema 1000 in Norway had in 2017 a
rate swaps are probably 35 million. (NOK 57 turnover growth (retail sales) of -3.0 percent
million.). Liquid assets at 31 December 2017 was and a comparable growth rate of -5.5
NOK 1,967 mill. (NOK 2,070 mill.). Unused percent. In Norway, REMA 1000 a market
lånefasili- viscosities was NOK 7,124 mill. share of 23.4 per cent for 2017 (24.4 percent
Profit before tax was NOK 3,399 mill. (NOK 8,194 mill.). in 2016, market share is according to official
(NOK 7,301 million). The result was NOK measurements from Nielsen Norway). REMA
2,786 mill. (NOK 6,416 mill.). Book equity at utgan- gene of 2017 was Distribution showed a decline in trade
NOK 25 302 million. (NOK 22 421 million.) revenue as a result of develop- ments in
Other comprehensive income after tax was And corresponds to an equity ratio of 56.1 Rema 1000 and the loss of distribution to
NOK 424 mill. (NOK 3,968 mill.). Effects related per cent (56.3 per cent). Bunnpris.
to the change in value of financial investments
including hash totals with NOK -13 million.
(Value changes and effects relating to retirement SUMMARY OF BUSINESS AREAS Rema 1000 in Denmark also had in 2017
Axfood NOK 3,621 mill.). Positive foreign high revenue growth and good profitability.
currency translation amounts to NOK 442 million. The Board emphasizes that it normally is Growth in sales (store sales) were
(Negative foreign currency translation NOK 324 considerable uncertainty as to future
mill.). The overall result was NOK 3,210 mill. developments. 12.3 percent. Comparable growth was 6.5
(NOK 2,448 mill.). percent. Rema 1000 in Denmark has an
Rema 1000 estimated market share of 13.1 per cent for
REMA 1000 is leading in Scandinavia within 2017 (estimated at 11.9 percent in 2016).
the organization and operation of the Reitan Distribution performed well in trade
Cash and investments franchise business in the grocery store. The turnover. Rema 1000 wants strong market
Gross cash flow from operating activities vision is that Rema 1000 will be the largest positions in the countries where the company
(before interest and taxes) was NOK 3,400 grocery chain in Scandi- DINAVIA. operates. It is expected to continue strong
mill. (NOK 4,353 mill.). Change in working
competition between the leading market
capital including pension obligations resulted
participants do in the grocery trade in the
in a negative cash flow of NOK 483 million. REMA 1000 handelsvirksom- named in
coming years. Utilization of acquired
(Negative cash flow NOK 340 mill.). Cash Norway and Denmark consists of franchise
experience and level of expertise within
flow from operating activities differs from operations and distribution, as well as
franchising, marketing and branding will help
EBITDA mainly by that excludes dividends on production and development of own brands. In
to reinforce REMA 1000 concept. Efforts to
investment securities, net gain (loss), income addition, the business area real estate
improve efficiency both in the warehouse and
from associates and joint ventures and business that will contribute to boosting the
the stores will be continued. Focus is to
change in value of investment property. creation and development of REMA 1000
create a simpler everyday lives primarily for
Change in working capital including pension shops in Norway and Denmark. Number of
liabilities are included in cash flow from outlets per Merchants and shops, but also for the rest of
operations, but not in EBITDA. the organization.
31 December 2017 was 921 (868). Total sales
including franchi- setakeromsetning in 2017 was
NOK 66 414 million. (NOK 67,810 million). To-
corresponding to a growth of -2.3 per cent (5.8
Cash flow from investment activities was
per cent) compared with the previous year in
NOK 4,384 mill. (NOK 160 mill.). The
company invested NOK 2,174 mill. (NOK local currency terms. growth Rema 1000 in Norway will continue to
further develop the concept

Reitan Group Annual Report 2017 9

by having the lowest prices on high quality mill.). This represents an increase of at any given time will be divested gig of the
products, which are produced and sold on a 0.1 percent (0.0 percent) compared with last opportunities opening up and the company's
Manager in charge manner. This also means year in local currency. EBITDA was NOK 927 ability to generate the necessary cash flows
the further development and reinforcement of mill. (NOK 984 mill.). Operating profit was NOK that enable such initiatives. Growth in the
own brands in collaboration with private and 569 mill. (NOK 578 mill.). markets Reitan Convenience already
exclusive suppliers. Increased digitization represented in, shall primarily be re- nom to
forward, supported by efficient IT systems and There is a general trend in the service develop existing concepts and product
more agile processes throughout the supply trade market turnover revolves from tra- ranges.
chain, will help to simplify the grocer, improve ditional groups as reading material,
the shopping experience for the customer, as transport tickets, gaming and tobacco, the
well as providing a more efficient operation of product groups food on the go, as well as
the organization. hot and cold drinks. Uno-X Energi
Uno-X Energi is an energy company engaged
Reitan Convenience in Norway had in 2017 in purchasing, inventory, sales and marketing
an increase in butikkom- sentence of 1.0 of fuels and lubricants to individuals and
Rema 1000 in Denmark will continue to percent (-0.2 percent) and a comparable growth businesses. Uno-X Energi's operating
reinforce the concept and work on "Discount of -1.0 percent in Narvesen, -1.0 percent in the companies YX Norway, Uno-X Norway, Uno-X
with attitude", which means that the goods 7-Eleven City and 0.2 percentage in 7-Eleven Lubricating oil and Uno-X Supply in Norway
are sold at a low price, but with clear attitudes Along the way. Bread- and bagettkonseptet and YX Denmark, Uno-X Denmark and Uno-X
and demands for goods quality and impact on Northland opened in 2017 a total of five stores Smøreolie in Denmark. Uno-X Energi's vision is
people and the environment. This includes at Gardermoen and Flesland. to be the most effective and value-driven fuel
continued development of ecology, bæ- and Lubricating reoljeselskapet in Scandinavia.
sustainable products and reducing food Uno-X Energi changed names from Uno-X
waste. Reitan Convenience in Sweden in 2017 Group in July 2017.
growth in butik- komsetning of 0.0 percent
(2.3 percent) and a comparable increase of
Property development will continues 0.4 percent Pressbyrån,
putting efforts to develop REMA 1000 shops YX Norway's fuel supplier to a chain
in Norway and in Denmark. 0.4 percent in the 7-Eleven City and -1.1 percent in catering energistasjo- ner and aims to be the
the 7-Eleven along the way. best and most effective cooperation
Reitan Convenience in Denmark had in 2017 beidsleverandøren for stations owned and
Reitan Convenience a growth in butikkom- sentence at -2.7 per cent operated by Negotiate clean themselves
Reitan Convenience is a leader in the (0.9 per cent) and a comparable growth of -0.5 (freeholders). From distributors will tailored
operation of the franchise business in the percent in the 7-Eleven City, -3.8 percent in 7 for the transport industry, called YX Truck,
servicehandels- market in Scandinavia, -The pupils along the way and the company offers diesel with 20 percent
Finland and the Baltics. advanced and sustainable biofuels, without
- 0.3 percent DSB / 7-eleven. R kioski in palm oil products. YX Denmark serves
Reitan Convenience tive efforts Narvesen Finland had in 2017 had a retail turnover of primarily Danish corporate clients, but also
in Norway, Latvia and Lithuania, Pressbyrån 3.9 percent (-4.3 percent) and a comparable supply fuel oil to private homes. The
in Sweden, 7-Eleven in Norway, Sweden and increase of 9.5 percent. company operates division Erhverv which
Denmark, R-kioski in Finland, R kiosk in manages a nationwide truck-chain tailored
Estonia, Lietuvos Spauda in Lithuania and Narvesen Latvia had in 2017 had a retail transportbran- sea, as well as divisions
Northland in Norway. Reitan Convenience is turnover of 0.2 percent (0.3 percent) and a Agriculture and Fuel Oil.
the market leader in all countries it is comparable growth of -1.5 per cent.
represented in. In addition to service trade
includes business area distribution of reading R kiosk in Estonia had in 2017 had a retail
materials through Preses Serviss in Latvia, turnover of 4.6 percent (4.7 percent) and a
Lehepunkt in Estonia and Press Express in comparable increase of 5.2 percent.
Lithuania. Reitan Convenience also includes Uno-X Norway and Uno-X Den- mark
Scan dinavian Fuel Infrastructure (SFI), which Reitan Convenience in Lithuania in 2017 selling fuel from a nationwide network of
owns the gas infrastructure 7-Eleven Along growth in butik- komsetning of 0.9 percent self-contained energy stations. The customer
the way in Norway and Denmark. Number of (6.0 percent) and a comparable increase of can refuel easily, efficiently and cheaply in
outlets at 31 December 2017 was 2,275 2.5 percent. Reitan Convenience shall re- easily accessible locations, and companies
nom successful merchants, be Europe's are leaders in their respective markets. High-
biggest, best and most profitable quality Texaco lubricant products are
servicehandels- company and specializes in marketed and sold by Uno-X Lubricating oil in
the development, organization and operation Norway and Denmark. Number of outlets 31
of the service trade concepts. This must be de- december 2017 was 633 (631). Total
viewed as a long-term goal revenues in 2017 were NOK
Total revenues including from N-
chisetakeromsetning in 2017 was NOK 15
900 million. (NOK 15 907

10 Reitan Group Annual Report 2017

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