2019-04-25 NCAE Organize 2020 May1 Support & Resources

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4/28/2019 May1 Support & Resources - Google Docs

Get Support &

Get Connected
Organizing a local crew for May 1? Check out our Organizing Toolkit
below. Get tips on building momentum here. Amplify your impact by
organizing through storytelling and holding a press conference before
you head out. We can help!

Get Organizing Support

● Region 1 - Tracy Barrett (write via FB Messenger)
● Region 2 - Sam Ball (write via FB Messenger)
● Region 3 - Melissa Easley (write via FB Messenger)
● Region 4 - Alexa Briggs (write via FB messenger)
● Region 5 - Davis Harper (write via FB messenger)
● Region 6 - Dane West (write via FB messenger)
● Region 7 - Tiffany Kilgore (write via FB messenger)
● Or email info@organize2020.org

Get Connected with Others in Your County

● Write to those organizers above!
● They can connect you to the facebook pages for your county, or you can look for one by
checking this link.

Get Updates
● Complete the All Out Survey to receive updates: http://bit.ly/AllOutMay1
● Volunteer to help: https://rebrand.ly/May1Volunteers
● Register to Attend: https://www.ncae.org/day-of-action-may-1-registration/

Resources on May1
● http://bit.ly/AllOutMay1
● Red4EdNC.com
● May 1 Talking Points

Grants for Buses to Raleigh

● Fill out application here!

Organizing Resources
● Sample Meetup Flyer
● Sample Press Release
● Ideas for Posters & Signs

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ulbH6nmZXdGyZJL9WTq6b_-67z9ati8O60n4RtGGjbw/edit#?fbclid=IwAR0vehOYnWSBHJpyHAhkjvxg9coMcA… 1/7
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May 1 Organizing Toolkit
Before You Hit the Road

Decide on a Departure Time for Raleigh & Set a Carpool Meeting Place
Ideally a place with plenty of parking.

Look Into Renting a Van or Bus

We have grants to help! 15-passenger van rentals can cost up to $180/day; if one person can
put the deposit on their credit or debit card, the people who come with you should be able to
help with the cost. Buses often run $50/person.

Update & Print the #AllOutMay1 Flyer with Your Info

Here’s one you can update. Pass it out at your school and in the community! You don’t have to
leave contact information on it, but it will definitely boost your recruitment if you do.

Join a Facebook Event Page

Connect with others to organize online! Many school districts set up organizing groups last year
to get ready for May 16, so there may be a group for your school district set up already. You can
look for one by checking this link.

Once you have your departure time and location set, put it online! Here’s how to create an
event. You can use one of these as the event page image. Once you’ve got it set, let us know at
info@organize2020.org and we’ll add it to the website so more people can find you!

Create a Facebook Messenger Chat or Invite-Only Facebook Group

NC teachers have already created many local Facebook groups and message lists to share
information and get support. Invite the school employees you know; the word should spread
fast. Check here to see if there is already a group for your school district. Here’s how to
create a group, and how to use messenger. You can also join the NC Teachers United
Facebook group.

Let the Local Media Know

Legislators across the state watch local news, and it doesn’t take much to put on a press
conference: You just need a few people who want to read the May 1st talking points, and say a
few words about why you’re going. Here’s a generic press release you can update with your
info. If you need help finding a list of media contacts in your county, email
info@organize2020.org. If you want support thinking through where to have a press conference
and what the agenda could look like, write to one of our volunteer regional organizers to setup a
time to talk - check the top of this document.

Put the Press Conference on Facebook Too!

Here’s how to use Facebook live to broadcast your press conference. You might be surprised by
how many people will show up!

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ulbH6nmZXdGyZJL9WTq6b_-67z9ati8O60n4RtGGjbw/edit#?fbclid=IwAR0vehOYnWSBHJpyHAhkjvxg9coMcA… 2/7
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Building Momentum in your District
Here are some tools to help shut down their school districts and mobilize public education
supporters to Raleigh

How is May 1 this year different from the May 16 action last year?
May 16 was significant because it showed our ability to mobilize tens of thousands of people to
act on behalf of public education. It also demonstrated the overwhelming support that exists for
those who take action on behalf of public education.

Many who participated last year are expressing interest in more concrete changes to be made.
Because there is not an option of bringing those demands to the ballot box, members of the
North Carolina Association of Educators called for May 1 as a Day of Action. In order to ensure
that action takes place on critical issues we need even more participation from public
education supporters to ensure legislators get the message: we are serious, the need is
critical, and we are not backing down.

Identify the tipping point for your district

Schools need a minimum number of staff in order to operate. Counties who have shut down
their school districts have done so by ensuring enough staff request personal days so that it is
clear to decision makers that schools will not be able to function on May 1. This is an
approximate formula:

0.20 x (number of certified staff in your district) = personal days needed for shut down

Mapping your Districts

In order to know how you will get to your number, it helps to have a specific plan.
1. Start by mapping the number of schools in your district. Here is a template you can use.
2. Then, identify all of the schools where you know at least one person. Reach out to these
people, ask them to put in their personal day, and ask them to list other people they
know. Check your local facebook group by using this link.
3. It helps to call a meeting and brainstorm together.
4. Set up a group me messaging group to connect with leaders in each building and report
numbers. GroupMe is a useful tool for this. Here is a video with instructions.
5. If you need help, contact your regional organizer listed at the top of this resource.

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Storytelling for Power
Storytelling is a powerful way to engage people to act on May 1
People may be on the fence about participating - to build our mobilization, we want to move
them through the fear/uncertainty. Storytelling is a powerful way to do that. Stories are where we
find connection with each other; we see ourselves in other people’s stories. This is useful in
one-on-one conversations, in meetings or group discussions, and when you are interacting on
social media or in the news media.

Share your stories with us so we can amplify the message on social media
Fill out this form: https://o2020.us/May1Stories

Practice these basic steps and use this as a tool to help others be a part of #AllOutMay1
Telling about a time we decided to stand up and fight can help move people into action
themselves. Here are the three key pieces of a story:
● Share a challenge you have faced.
○ Using lots of details brings your audience into your experience.
○ Choose a specific moment that relates to your hope and fear and connects to
May 1st demands.
● Share the choice that you made or were a part of.
○ What made us choose that option?
○ What gave us the strength?
● Share the outcome.
○ Why was it worth it to fight?
○ So, why should they take part in May 1st and help get others to do so?

Remember the 3 key parts

● Tell the story of the experiences you have had that makes this issue important
● Share an example of why the day of action is important in order to address this issue
● Ask the person you are speaking with to take part.

Sharing your stories with the local media or via facebook live can raise awareness
See our helpful hints for holding a press conference below. See instructions for holding a
facebook live event here.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ulbH6nmZXdGyZJL9WTq6b_-67z9ati8O60n4RtGGjbw/edit#?fbclid=IwAR0vehOYnWSBHJpyHAhkjvxg9coMcA… 4/7
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How to Organize a Press Conference

Set a Time
Reporters will be most interested in this story on April 30th or early on May 1, but other days can
work too (try to avoid holding it on a weekend). Set a time before classes start or after they let
out for the day.

Set a Location
Regulations will vary by district, superintendent & by principal, but many administrators are in
favor of our voices getting out there on these issues, so it is often a good bet to ask a principal if
you can hold a brief press conference right outside a school. Otherwise, you can pick a public
parking lot, or in front of a local administrative building / city hall.

Find at Least Two People Who Will Speak On-Camera

This could be two teachers, but ideally will include at least one other non-teacher staff member
or parent. You don’t need any experience talking to reporters, only a willingness to speak from
the heart about why it’s important for legislators to do right by our kids & education staff.

Let the Media Know

A few emails and phone calls is all it takes to let the media know. Email us if you need a press
list info@organize2020.org. There’s a sample press release below.

Review What You Want to Say & Make a Few Notes

You really don’t need talking points, don’t need anything prepared in order to speak to reporters.
But if you’d like to review some of our suggested talking points.

Make Signs to Hold at the Press Conference

Here are some suggested signs.

Show Up 30 Minutes Early

To get a sense of where you want to stand, where supporters will be positioned, and go over the
agenda with anyone else helping. One suggestion: bring a clipboard and get contact info for
anyone who shows up, to keep them informed about how to support later on!

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Sample Press Release Advertising a Press
[Contact Person(s) & Cellphone(s)]

Local Educators & Parents Headed to Raleigh on May 1

These are their demands

[YOUR CITY]--Educators and parents traveling to Raleigh on May 1 will hold a press conference [TIME &
LOCATION] to discuss why they’re making personal sacrifices to show up at the state capitol to engage

WHO: Local educators, parents and community

WHAT: Local educators & parents press conference about May 1st
WHY: To demand ac on from the NCGA on five issues that are crucial to the working
and learning condi ons in our public schools.

What We Want:

1. Provide enough school librarians, psychologists, social workers, counselors, nurses, and other
health professionals to meet na onal professional-to-student standards
2. Provide $15 minimum wage for all school personnel, 5% raise for all ESPs (non-cer fied staff),
teachers, administrators, and a 5% cost of living adjustment for re rees
3. Expand Medicaid to improve the health of our students and families
4. Reinstate state re ree health benefits eliminated by the General Assembly in 2017
5. Restore advanced degree compensa on stripped by the General Assembly in 2013

Social Media and Online Information

#AllOutMay1 / #itspersonal / #inthistogether / #RedforEd


Advocacy Day: March for Students and Rally for Respect



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