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Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160


Enzymatic (Ermolinsky, Peredelchuk, & Provenzano, 2013). Because
the glucose units adopt the chair conformation, the cyclo-
dextrins are shaped like a hollow truncated cone with a hy-
production and food drophilic outer surface (Pavlov, Korneeva, & Smolina,
2009), which makes them water-soluble. The central cavity

applications of the cone is lined by the skeletal carbon atoms and ethe-
real oxygen atoms of the glucose residues, which gives it a
lipophilic character (Jiang, Yan, & Huang, 2011). This

Zhaofeng Lia,b, Sheng Chena,c,

combination of a hydrophilic exterior with a hydrophobic
interior enables cyclodextrins to form inclusion complexes
Zhengbiao Gua,b, Jian Chena,c with hydrophobic guest molecules (van der Veen,
Uitdehaag, Dijkstra, & Dijkhuizen, 2000a). As a result,
and Jing Wua,c,* the physical and chemical properties of the guest molecule
can be greatly modified, mostly in terms of water solubility
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and (Messner, Kurkov, Flavia-Piera, Brewster, & Loftsson,
Technology, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Ave., 2011). This is the primary reason why cyclodextrins have
Wuxi 214122, PR China attracted great interest in a variety of industries, including
School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan those related to food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemi-
University, 1800 Lihu Ave., Wuxi 214122, PR China cals, and agriculture (Davis & Brewster, 2004; Kim, Cho,
School of Biotechnology and Key Laboratory of & Kim, 2013; Li et al., 2007; Szente & Szejtli, 2004;
Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, Tahir & Lee, 2013).
Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Ave., Wuxi 214122, PR Cyclodextrins are produced from starch or starch deriv-
China (Tel.: D86 510 85327802; fax: D86 510 atives by means of an enzymatic conversion catalyzed by
85326653; e-mail: cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase, EC
The product obtained from the enzymatic conversion is
usually a mixture of a-, b-, and g-cyclodextrins, containing
This mini-review focuses on the unique properties, enzymatic trace amounts of cyclodextrins with more than nine D-
production, and food applications of a-cyclodextrin, as well as glucose units (Terada, Yanase, Takata, Takaha, & Okada,
its differences with b- and g-cyclodextrins. The fermentative pro- 1997). A relatively small internal cavity and high resistance
duction of a-cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (a-CGTase) is also to enzymatic hydrolysis make a-cyclodextrin ideally suited
discussed. More efficient processes for the production for a-cyclo- to special applications in many fields, especially in the food
dextrin have been developed, including the use of a-CGTases industry. However, the market share of a-cyclodextrin is
with improved a-cyclodextrin specificity, the addition of appro- currently much smaller than that of b-cyclodextrin due to
priate complexing agents, and the simultaneous use of an its low production yield and high price. Substantial efforts
a-CGTase with another amylase. Compared with other cyclodex- have been undertaken to improve the a-cyclodextrin pro-
trins, a-cyclodextrin has the smallest internal cavity and highest duction processes by modifying the properties of CGTases.
resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis, so it has special applications With the production costs coming down, the availability of
in food industry, especially as a natural, soluble dietary fiber. more affordable a-cyclodextrin will increase significantly
in the next decade. The present mini-review is dedicated
to the enzymatic production, unique properties and food ap-
Introduction plications of a-cyclodextrin, as well as its differences with
Cyclodextrins are a family of cyclic oligosaccharides typi- b- and g-cyclodextrins.
cally containing six (a-cyclodextrin), seven (b-cyclodex-
trin), or eight (g-cyclodextrin) 1,4-linked D-glucose units
Chemical structure of a-cyclodextrin
All three cyclodextrins have similar structures, apart
* Corresponding author. from the structural necessities of accommodating different
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
152 Z. Li et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160

number of glucose units. The truncated cone-shaped cyclo- et al., 1984; Saha & Zeikus, 1992), a-cyclodextrin can’t
dextrin molecules are stiffened by hydrogen bonding be- be hydrolyzed by human salivary and pancreatic amylases
tween the 3-OH and 2-OH groups around the wider rim. to an obvious extent (Kondo, Nakatani, & Hiromi, 1990).
The flexible 6-OH hydroxyl groups around the narrower b-Cyclodextrin has similar resistance to enzymatic hydro-
rim are also capable of forming hydrogen bonds, but they lysis by human salivary and pancreatic amylases. By com-
are easily dissociated in aqueous solution and are not parison, g-cyclodextrin is quite flexible and can be rapidly
commonly found in cyclodextrin crystals. a-Cyclodextrin and essentially completely digested by human salivary or
has the lowest hydrogen bond strengths. pancreatic amylases (Kondo et al., 1990). As a result, a-
The cavities of three cyclodextrins have different diam- cyclodextrin can be absorbed intact at a level of approxi-
eters, depending on the number of glucose units. The side mately 2% from the small intestine, but most absorption
rim depth is the same for all three (at about 7.9  A). The takes place after metabolism by the microflora in the
diameter of the internal cavity of a-cyclodextrin, cecum. Intact a-cyclodextrin that is absorbed is rapidly
4.7e5.3  A, is much smaller than that of b- or g-cyclodex- excreted in the urine.
trins. As a result, the cavity volume of a-cyclodextrin is An embryotoxicity/teratogenicity study found that no
about 66% or 41% of that of b- or g-cyclodextrins, respec- adverse effects were observed at a-cyclodextrin intakes of
tively (Li et al., 2007). The decisive factor for the formation up to 20% of the diet, which was the highest dose level
of inclusion complexes is that guest molecule must be able tested. At this dose, the rats consumed about 13 g/kg bw/
to fit into the internal cavity of the cyclodextrin (Szejtli, day (Waalkens-Berendsen & Bar, 2004). Dietary a-cyclo-
1982). Based on the cavity dimensions, b-cyclodextrin dextrin is generally well tolerated by pregnant rabbits. It
should be able to form complexes with aromatics or hetero- has no adverse effect on maternal reproductive performance
cycles, g-cyclodextrin should be able to accommodate and is not embryotoxic, fetotoxic, or teratogenic at dietary
macrocycles or steroids, while a-cyclodextrin typically concentrations of up to 20% (Waalkens-Berendsen, Smits-
forms inclusion complexes with benzene derivatives (Del Van Prooije, & Bar, 2004). On basis of the available safety
Valle, 2004). Nevertheless, geometry is not the sole factor studies on a-cyclodextrin, and studies on the related b- and
for the formation of stable inclusion complex, since previ- g-cyclodextrin, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on
ous studies have shown that some guest molecules that Food Additives (JECFA) allocated an Acceptable Daily
were well compatible with a-cyclodextrin could not fit Intake of “not specified” to a-cyclodextrin for technolog-
satisfactorily into the larger internal cavies of b- or g-cyclo- ical uses in food or dietary fiber (WHO, 2002, 2004). Based
dextrins (Ahuja, 1991; Szejtli, 1982). It has generally been on an evaluation of the available safety data and other perti-
thought that van der Waals interactions are the main driving nent information, the Food Standards Australia New Zea-
force for inclusion complex formation between cyclodex- land (FSANZ) recommends approval of the use of a-
trins and guest molecules. This has been fully supported cyclodextrin as a novel food with no specified limits of
by molecular mechanics calculations performed on com- use (FSANZ, 2004). Furthermore, a-cyclodextrin is gener-
plexes of a- or b-cyclodextrin with guest molecules ally recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
(Alvira, Cativiela, Garcıa, & Mayoral, 1995; Alvira, istration (FDA) (FDA, 2004). The hydroxyl groups of a-
Mayoral, & Garcıa, 1995; Linert, Margl, & Renz, 1992). cyclodextrin can be derivatized to modify the specificity,
physical properties and chemical properties (Kulkarni
Physical and chemical properties of a-cyclodextrin et al., 2013; Zhu, Zhang, Chen, & Xi, 2013). The 6-OH
Although a-, b-, and g-cyclodextrins are water soluble, groups are most easily derivatized.
the solubility of cyclodextrins in water follows an irregular
trend (Sabadini, Cosgrove, & Egidio Fdo, 2006). a-Cyclo- a-CGTase
dextrin has modest solubility in water that is almost eight Fermentative production
times greater than that of b-cyclodextrin, but approximately CGTase is a multifunctional enzyme that can catalyze
1.6 times lower than that of g-cyclodextrin at 25  C (Li three transglycosylation reactions (disproportionation,
et al., 2007). cyclization, and coupling), and a hydrolysis reaction
The three cyclodextrins are thermally stable (up to at (van der Veen, van Alebeek, Uitdehaag, Dijkstra, &
least 200  C) and also stable in alkaline solutions (pH Dijkhuizen, 2000; van der Veen, Uitdehaag, Dijkstra, &
<14) or moderately acidic solutions (pH >3). Compared Dijkhuizen, 2000b). A variety of bacteria and archaea pro-
with b- and g-cyclodextrins, a-cyclodextrin is considerably duce CGTase as an extracellular enzyme. The most exten-
more resistant to hydrolysis in acid solutions. Even after 3 h sively studied CGTases are from Bacillus species, but
at 100  C in extremely acidic conditions (pH ¼ 2.4), no examples are also produced by Paenibacillus, Klebsiella,
breakdown of a-cyclodextrin is discernible. The three cy- Thermoanaerobacterium, Thermoanaerobacter species
clodextrins are stable in the presence of glucoamylase or and Actinomycetes (Qi & Zimmermann, 2005; Tonkova,
b-amylase, but they can be hydrolyzed by some a-amy- 1998). CGTases have been further classified, according to
lases. Although a-amylases from fungal or bacterial sour- their major cyclodextrin products, into a-, b-, and g-
ces can hydrolyze relatively rigid a-cyclodextrin (Jodai CGTases (Li et al., 2007; Penninga et al., 1995). Table 1
Z. Li et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160 153

summarizes some sources of CGTase producing a-cyclo- medium supplemented with 150 mM glycine. After discov-
dextrin as a main product. The a-CGTases from Bacillus ering glycine’s dose dependent enhancement of recombi-
macerans or Paenibacillus macerans have been most nant a-CGTase secretion, Li, et al. (Li, Gu, et al., 2010)
commonly used in the commercial production of a- further noted that the secretion was affected by the time
cyclodextrin. of addition of the glycine supplement. Glycine supplemen-
The production of a-CGTase by wild-type strains is very tation in the middle of the exponential growth phase
similar to that of the other CGTases, and has been described resulted in higher extracellular a-CGTase activity,
in detail elsewhere (Ahmed & El-Refai, 2010; Gawande & compared with supplementation at other times. The effect
Patkar, 1999; Gawande, Sonawane, Jogdand, & Patkar, of various concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulfonate
2003; Kuo, Lin, Chen, Lin, & Duan, 2009; Pinto, Flores, (SDS) on the extracellular a-CGTase production was also
Ayub, & Hertz, 2007; Rosso, Ferrarotti, Krymkiewicz, & investigated. SDS, like glycine, also inhibited the growth
Nudel, 2002; Tonkova, 1998). Since the production of a- of E. coli cells but increased extracellular a-CGTase activ-
CGTases from wild strains is relatively low, overexpression ity (Ding et al., 2010). The secretion of recombinant a-
of a-CGTase genes in genetically engineered bacteria has CGTase from E. coli into the culture media could also be
been attempted, especially in Escherichia coli. However, improved by appending the signal peptides from different
previous reports have shown that a-CGTases expressed in precursor proteins (Tesfai, Wu, Chen, Chen, & Wu,
E. coli often accumulate in either the cytosol, as inactive in- 2012). OmpA-mediated secretion of the a-CGTase from
clusion bodies, and/or the periplasm as soluble forms P. macerans JFB05-01 was more efficient than secretion
(Jeang, Lin, & Hsieh, 2005; Kim, Kweon, Lee, Park, & mediated by PelB (Li et al., 2012). The a-CGTase from
Seo, 2005). Kwon et al. (Kwon, Park, Kim, & Nam, Haloferax mediterranei could also be secreted into the
2002) found that the co-expression of GroEL/ES (GroESL) extracellular medium using the Tat pathway (Bautista
with the a-CGTase from B. macerans in E. coli BL21 et al., 2012). Very recently, Cheng, et al. (Cheng, Wu,
(DE3) increased the production of soluble CGTase by pre- Chen, Chen, & Wu, 2011) reported high-level extracellular
venting aggregation. Various attempts have been made to production of the a-CGTase from P. macerans JFB05-01 in
facilitate extracellular secretion of recombinant a-CGTase E. coli BL21 (DE3) using the OmpA signal peptide. When
from E. coli. Secretion of enzymes has generally been induced at 25  C and at a dry cell weight of 30 g L1,
shown to be beneficial to protein folding, product stability, the extracellular activity of a-CGTase could reach
and solubility, as well as down-stream processing. Li et al. 275.3 U mL1, which represents the highest extracellular
(Li, Li, et al., 2010) cloned the cgt gene, which encodes the yield of a-CGTase ever reported.
a-CGTase from P. macerans JFB05-01, into vector pET- Bar et al. (Bar, Krul, Jonker, & de Vogel, 2004) evalu-
20b(þ), downstream of the pelB signal sequence. They ated the safety of an a-CGTase preparation obtained by
found that E. coli BL21(DE3) harboring this expression batch fermentation of a recombinant strain of E. coli K12
plasmid were more suitable for the extracellular production harboring the cgt gene from Klebsiella oxytoca strain
of the recombinant a-CGTase. Li et al. (Li, Li, et al., 2009) M5a1. No evidence of genotoxic activity was found in
and Ding et al. (Ding et al., 2010) found out that glycine either Ames tests or a chromosome aberration test in
increased extracellular a-CGTase activity, although it in- cultured human lymphocytes, suggesting that the recombi-
hibited the E. coli cell growth in general. A substantial nant a-CGTase from E. coli might be safe when used for
enhancement of the secretion of recombinant a-CGTase the production of a-cyclodextrin. Nevertheless, in contrast
was observed when E. coli cells were cultured in TB to E. coli, Bacillus subtilis is generally recognized as safe

Table 1. Sources of a-CGTases.

Bacteria species Accession number Main product Reference

Bacillus macerans P31835 a-CD (Takano et al., 1986)
B. macerans NRRL B388 P04380 a-CD (Fujiwara et al., 1992)
Paenibacillus macerans JFB05-01 e a-CD (Li, Li, et al., 2010)
P. macerans IFO3490 AAC04359 a-CD (Kitahata, Tsuyama, & Okada, 1974)
P. graminis e a-CD (Vollu et al., 2008)
Klebsiella pneumoniae M5a1 P08704 a-CD (Binder, Huber, & Bock, 1986)
Thermococcus sp. B1001 AB025721 a-CD (Hashimoto, Yamamoto, Fujiwara, Takagi, & Imanaka,
Haloferax mediterranei e a-CD (Bautista et al., 2012)
Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 BAB78538 a/b-CD (Rashid et al., 2002)
T. thermosulfurigenes EM1 P26827 a/b-CD (Wind et al., 1995)
Thermoanaerobacter sp. ATCC 53627 Z35484 a/b-CD (Jørgensen, Tangney, Starnes, Amemiya, & Jørgensen, 1997)
B. licheniformis P14014 a/b-CD (Hill, Aldape, & Rozzell, 1990)
B. stearothermophilus NO2 P31797 a/b-CD (Fujiwara et al., 1992)
The abbreviation “CD” refers to cyclodextrin. “a/b” indicates that the CGTase produces an approximately equal mixture of a- and b-CD.
154 Z. Li et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160

(GRAS) and can be used for the production of proteins for 2000; Wind et al., 1998). Li et al. (Li, Zhang, et al.,
the food industry (Ilk, Schumi, Bohle, Egelseer, & Sleytr, 2009) found that replacement of Asp372 by lysine and
2011; Liu et al., 2013). Lin et al. (Lin & Jeang, 1998) Tyr89 by arginine enhanced a-cyclodextrin specificity,
achieved extracellular production of B. macerans a- while the double mutation D372K/Y89R resulted in an
CGTase in B. subtilis. However, based on previous reports, even larger shift in specificity towards the production of
extracellular production of recombinant a-CGTase from B. a-cyclodextrin than the single mutations. Wind et al. also
subtilis is much lower than E. coli (Cheng et al., 2011). The found that the mutation of Asp197 to histidine (D197H)
reduced production results from sporulation of the cells and in the a-CGTase from Thermoanaerobacterium thermosul-
the production of extracellular proteases that reduce the re- furigenes EM1 could stabilize a new maltohexaose confor-
combinant protein concentration (Huang, Ridgway, Gu, & mation and thus result in increased production of a-
Moo-Young, 2003). Nevertheless, B. subtilis is becoming cyclodextrin (Wind et al., 1998). The b-CGTase from Ba-
a more attractive host, so high-level extracellular produc- cillus circulans strain 251 has also been rationally designed
tion of recombinant a-CGTase in B. subtilis is intensely to increase a-cyclodextrin production (van der Veen,
desirable. Safety concerns also led to the use of another Uitdehaag, et al., 2000). The double mutant Y89D/S146P
Gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus megaterium, for the pro- showed a twofold increase in the production of a-cyclodex-
duction of recombinant a-CGTase. High-level extracellular trin from starch.
production of a-CGTase was achieved by adapting the orig-
inal cgt gene from P. macerans JFB05-01 to the codon us- Enzymatic production of a-cyclodextrin
age of B. megaterium by systematic codon optimization, Two types of cyclodextrin production process are used.
making this production system a reasonable alternative to The non-solvent process does not require complexing
E. coli (Zhou, Liu, Du, Li, & Chen, 2012). agents, and produces a cyclodextrin mixture that can be
further separated by chromatographic procedures or selec-
Product specificity tive precipitation. The solvent process requires an organic
Because the products of enzymatic reaction catalyzed complexing agent to selectively extract one type of cyclo-
by CGTase generally contain a-, b- and g-cyclodextrins, dextrin and thus directs the enzymatic reaction to produce
isolation of the a-cyclodextrin requires selective complex- the cyclodextrin of interest (Li et al., 2007). The solvent
ation with organic solvents (van der Veen, Uitdehaag, process has commonly been used to produce a-cyclodextrin
et al., 2000; Wind, Uitdehaag, Buitelaar, Dijkstra, & on an industrial scale.
Dijkhuizen, 1998), and the availability of a-CGTases Removal of a-cyclodextrin from the reaction using a sol-
capable of producing an increased ratio of a-cyclodextrin vent complexing agent reduces product inhibition during
is highly desired. Several attempts have been made to the enzymatic reaction. As a result, the yield and selectivity
screen microbial strains for those that produce a-CGTases. of a-cyclodextrin are significantly enhanced by using
Bautista et al. (Bautista et al., 2012) identified a halophilic appropriate complexing agents, which form insoluble or
archaeon H. mediterranei that produces a halophilic a- highly stable inclusion compounds with a-cyclodextrin.
CGTase. This halophilic a-CGTase produces a-, b-, and For example, the addition of many alcohols increased the
g-cyclodextrins in a ratio of 1:0.6:0.3, respectively, which conversion of both raw wheat starch and dextrin to a-cyclo-
was determined using spectrophotometric assays. While dextrin by the CGTase from Klebsiella pneumoniae AS-22.
screening for a-CGTase-producing bacteria, Vollu et al. A 42.5% (w/w) conversion to cyclodextrins was obtained in
(Vollu, da Mota, Gomes, & Seldin, 2008) identified Paeni- the presence of 2% (v/v) 1-butanol, and the ratio of a:b-
bacillus graminis, which, like P. macerans, mainly pro- cyclodextrin formed was 97:3, with negligible formation
duces a- and b-cyclodextrin. Moreover, a-cyclodextrin of g-cyclodextrin. In the presence of 1-hexanol, a 12.1%
was produced in much higher amounts than b-cyclodextrin. (w/w) conversion of 500 g/L dextrin to a mixture of cyclo-
These new a-CGTases are potentially useful for the indus- dextrins was achieved and the ratio of a:b:g-cyclodextrin
trial production of a-cyclodextrin. formed was 91:3:6 (Gawande & Patkar, 2001). Blackwood
Substantial effort has also been made to increase the et al. (Blackwood & Bucke, 2000) found that addition of
yield of a-cyclodextrin by changing the product specificity acetonitrile, ethanol and tetrahydrofuran favored the pro-
of known CGTases through protein engineering. Structural duction of a-cyclodextrin by the a-CGTase from Thermoa-
analysis of CGTases has led to the proposal that the active naerobacter sp. Enhanced production of a-cyclodextrin
center contains at least nine sugar-binding sub-sites desig- could also be observed in the presence of complexing
nated 7 through þ2 (Qi & Zimmermann, 2005). The agents like C1-8 aliphatic alcohols, aliphatic ethers, esters,
amino acid residues at positions 372 and 89 (P. macerans C2-4 ketones, or cyclohexane (Armbruster & Jacaway,
CGTase numbering) are part of subsite 3 (Strokopytov 1972; Gawande & Patkar, 2001; Shieh & Hedges, 1994).
et al., 1996). Moreover, it has been demonstrated by X- Flaschel et al. (Flaschel, Landert, Spiesser, & Renken,
ray crystallography studies performed with some CGTases 1984) found that 1-decanol could be used to effectively
that both these residues interact with the glucose residue enhance the yield and selectivity for a-cyclodextrin by
bound at subsite 3 (van der Veen, Uitdehaag, et al., the a-CGTase from K. pneumoniae M5al. The addition of
Z. Li et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160 155

1-decanol could shift the equilibrium of the cyclization re- complex. After the enzymatic reaction, the complex of a-
action towards an a-cyclodextrin yield of 50%, even at high cyclodextrin/1-decanol is separated from the reaction
substrate concentrations. Currently, 1-decanol is widely mixture by centrifugation. The supernatant contains unused
used in the enzymatic production of a-cyclodextrin. How- starch, maltodextrin, glucose, oligosaccharides, CGTase,
ever, its application also has several disadvantages. It is excess 1-decanol, some other by-products, and water. The
relatively expensive, flammable, and somewhat toxic, and recovered complex is re-suspended in water and dissolved
its high boiling point makes recovery difficult. Conse- by heating. Subsequent cooling leads to re-precipitation
quently, the costs of cyclodextrin production are still of the complex. The precipitate is recovered by centrifuga-
high, limiting its industrial application. tion, and the 1-decanol is removed by steam distillation.
A typical flow chart for the solvent process for a-cyclo- Upon concentration and cooling, a-cyclodextrin crystal-
dextrin production is shown in Fig. 1 (Flaschel et al., 1984; lizes from solution. The crystals are removed by filtration
Schmid, 2009; Szejtli, 1988). First, a 20e30% solution of and drying, yielding a white powder with a water content
starch is gelatinized and liquefied using a thermostable a- <11%. The purity on a dried basis is at least 98%
amylase, a-CGTase, or acid, to make the starch suitable (WHO, 2002).
for incubation with an a-CGTase at lower temperatures. In the presence of pullulanase (E.C., the a-
The liquefied starch is treated with a-CGTase under condi- CGTase from B. macerans could convert starch, maltodex-
tions of controlled pH and temperature. 1-Decanol is added trin and glycogen into a-cyclodextrin in yields higher than
to form an insoluble 1:1 a-cyclodextrin/1-decanol inclusion those obtained in the absence of pullulanase. Using 1-
decanol as a complexant, 10% amylopectin was converted
into a-cyclodextrin in 84% yield at 15  C, although the pro-
cess took place over 5 days (Rendleman, 1997). Duan et al.
(Duan, Chen, Chen, & Wu, 2013) achieved 84.6% (w/w)
total yield in the production of cyclodextrins from 10%
(w/v) potato starch by synchronous utilization of isoamy-
lase (E.C. and a-CGTase from P. macerans
JFB05-01. This yield was 31.2% higher than that obtained
with a-CGTase alone. Furthermore, the a-cyclodextrin con-
tent of the total cyclodextrins reached >94%.
In summary, further improvements in the processes that
produce a-cyclodextrin, such as the use of better complex-
ants and the combination of a-CGTase with other amylases,
is expected to produce still higher yields of cyclodextrins
with greater specificity for a-cyclodextrin.

Applications of a-cyclodextrin in the food industry

Technological uses in food
a-Cyclodextrin has been allocated an Acceptable Daily
Intake of “not specified”. This Acceptable Daily Intake
was based on the known current uses of a-cyclodextrin un-
der good manufacturing practices as a carrier and stabilizer
for flavors, colors, and sweeteners; as a water-solubilizer
for fatty acids and certain vitamins; as a flavor modifier
in soya milk; and as an absorbent in confectionery products
(WHO, 2002).
For technological uses in food, a-cyclodextrin has usu-
ally been used as a carrier and stabilizer for bulky guests.
For example, cinnamic acid (CA), a naturally occurring
organic acid found in fruits and spices that has antimicro-
bial activity against spoilage and pathogenic bacteria, has
low aqueous solubility that limits its use. Solubility-
enhancing a-cyclodextrinecinnamic acid inclusion com-
plexes were able to significantly reduce populations of E.
coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovars suspended
in apple cider or orange juice (Truong, Boyer, McKinney,
O’Keefe, & Williams, 2010). McGowan et al.
Fig. 1. The solvent process for a-cyclodextrin production. (McGowan, Artiss, Strandbergh, & Zak, 1983) also found
156 Z. Li et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160

that a-cyclodextrin was very effective at solubilizing free aqueous solution of a-cyclodextrin with soybean oil
fatty acids. Cyclodextrins are widely used as browning in- (Bochot et al., 2007).
hibitors in different fruit juices. The addition of a-cyclo- Alpha-cyclodextrin has been shown to form a stable
dextrin at 90 mM could prevent oxidation of the volatile complex with dietary fat at a high ratio. Moreover, the a-
precursors present in freshly squeezed pear juices. This re- cyclodextrin-fat complex was proved to be resistant to
sulted in juice with the best color, but with low aromatic in- normal lipolytic hydrolysis by lipases. As a result, a-cyclo-
tensity and low sensory quality. Addition of 15 mM a- dextrin reduces the absorption and bioavailability of dietary
cyclodextrin, in contrast, could lead to a pear juice that fat (Artiss et al., 2006), which makes it practical as a weight
also had an acceptable color, but that retained a high inten- loss supplement. (Suzuki & Sato, 1985). Animal research
sity of fruity and pear-like odors/aromas, making it the best has shown that a-cyclodextrin, marketed under the trade
appreciated juice by the panel (Lopez-Nicolas, Andreu- name FBCx (Wacker Biochem, Adrian, MI), significantly
Sevilla, Carbonell-Barrachina, & Garcia-Carmona, 2009). reduces weight gain in rats (Artiss et al., 2006). For obese
a-Cyclodextrin is also the most suitable agent for encapsu- patients with type 2 diabetes, a-cyclodextrin is also effec-
lating flavors extracted from dried shiitake, including len- tive in reducing and/or maintaining body weight despite
thionine. These flavors are encapsulated in powder form increasing their energy intake (Tonkova, 1998). Comerford
by spray drying with a-cyclodextrin. The retention of flavor et al. (Comerford, Artiss, Jen, & Karakas, 2011) observed
was markedly increased by using a combination of a-cyclo- that 1 month of a-cyclodextrin supplementation, without
dextrin and maltodextrin as the encapsulant (Shiga et al., any diet or lifestyle changes, led to significant weight
2004). loss in healthy overweight non-obese individuals in the
Because it has the smallest internal cavity of the com- absence of any change in energy intake. Very importantly,
mon cyclodextrins, the application of a-cyclodextrin-assis- since the a-cyclodextrin-fat complex is not accessible to
ted molecular encapsulation in foods might be limited. the human gut flora and is commonly excreted in the stool
Nevertheless, we are convinced that there are many uses intact, it does not lead to the gastrointestinal side effects
of a-cyclodextrin in food technology that remain to be associated with weight loss products that cause fat malab-
developed. sorption (Gallaher, Gallaher, & Plank, 2007; Penninga
et al., 1995; Sabadini et al., 2006). By comparison, most
a-Cyclodextrin as dietary fiber weight loss products that inhibit lipase secretion allow
Dietary fiber is a medically important component of a free, uncomplexed dietary fats to pass through the digestive
healthy human diet. It provides a gastrointestinal health system, which may lead to steatorrhea and bowel inconti-
benefit, and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease nence (Comerford et al., 2011; Sjostrom et al., 1998).
and other lifestyle-related ailments (Ferrari et al., 2013; Besides weight control, a-cyclodextrin also provides
Threapleton et al., 2013; Zhang, Xu, Liu, et al., 2013; other health benefits. Artiss et al. (Artiss et al., 2006)
Zhang, Xu, Ma, Yang, & Liu, 2013). Soluble fiber can demonstrated that a-cyclodextrin reduces serum triglycer-
dissolve in water to form a gel-like material that may ide and leptin levels, and increases insulin sensitivity and
help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Indigest- fecal fat excretion in rats, indicating that a-cyclodextrin
ible a-cyclodextrin has proven to be a natural, soluble die- might be effective in improving metabolic syndrome. In a
tary fiber. Its use as added soluble fiber has become the hyperlipidemic experimental animal model, a-cyclodextrin
most important application of a-cyclodextrin in the food in- lowered low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and altered the
dustry. As is known to all, although triglycerides are impor- plasma fatty acid profile (Wagner, Jen, Artiss, & Remaley,
tant to human life and are the main form of fat in the body, 2008); both saturated and trans fatty acids were decreased
high triglyceride levels raise your risk of heart disease and in the plasma, perhaps resulting from preferential binding
may be a sign of metabolic syndrome (Hadaegh et al., of a-cyclodextrin with saturated fats in the intestine and
2009; Kasai et al., 2013; Kisfali et al., 2010). Due to its thus selective increase in fecal excretion of saturated fats
small cavity size, it had been generally believed that a- (Gallaher et al., 2007). In humans models, when their
cyclodextrin could not form a complex with triglycerides. diet was supplemented with a-cyclodextrin, obese type 2
However, in a very interesting report, Artiss et al. (Artiss, diabetic individuals with hypertriglyceridemia showed sig-
Brogan, Brucal, Moghaddam, & Jen, 2006) proved that nificant reductions in blood lipid levels and increases in
a-cyclodextrin could form a complex with triglyceride at adiponectin levels (Grunberger et al., 2007), suggesting
a ratio that is distinctly different from the 1:1 that is typical that a-cyclodextrin may potentially be helpful for the treat-
for dietary fibers. Among known dietary fibers, a-cyclodex- ment of type 2 diabetes. The beneficial health effects of a-
trin has the unique ability to bind nine times its own weight cyclodextrin on blood lipid profile could also be found in
in fat (Artiss et al., 2006; Grunberger, Jen, & Artiss, 2007; healthy non-obese individuals; the effects in individuals
Jen, Grunberger, & Artiss, 2013). Furthermore, a-cyclodex- with hyperlipidemia may be more significant than in those
trin might form a layer on the surface of the fat droplets; with normolipidemia (Comerford et al., 2011). In addition,
this was demonstrated by the fact that it was possible to Buckley et al. (Buckley, Thorp, Murphy, & Howe, 2006)
produce “beads” with oily compartments by mixing an demonstrated that a-cyclodextrin reduced the post-
Z. Li et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 35 (2014) 151e160 157

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