Management Sciences

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Management Sciences

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

1. Finance 10%
2. Accounting 10%
3. Marketing 15%
4. Management 15%
5. Quantitative Techniques 15%
6. Business Research Methods 15%
7. Business Communication and Report Writing 10%
8. Economics 10%
Total 100%
Management Sciences (Detailed)
Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage


1.1 Capital Structure:

Sources and cost of finance, Capital structure
theories, Dividend policies

1. 1.2 Capital Budgeting Decisions 10%

Cash flow estimation, Capital projects evaluation

1.3 Working Capital Management:

Cash management, Credit control, Inventories


2.1 Financial Accounting:

Accounting cycle, Yearend adjustments, Final
accounts: Income statement, Cash flow
statement and balance sheet

2. 2.2 Cost Accounting: 10%

Cost classification, Accounting for materials,
labour and factory overheads

2.3 Management Accounting:

Basic variance analysis: Material, labour and
factory overheads. Breakeven analysis, Cost
benefit analysis
3.1 Marketing Strategy :
Marketing mix, Promotion mix, Advertising mix

3. 3.2 Marketing Research: 15%

Market exploration: new products

3.3 Consumer Behavior:

Consumer needs analysis, Competition, buyer
purchase habits


4.1 Principles of Management:

Functions of management: decision making,
Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling

4.2 Organizational Behavior:

4. OB theories: Maslow hierarchy of needs, Theory X 15%
Theory Y , Herzberg’s two factor theory,
Motivational theory, Organizational structures

4.3 Human Resource Management:

HRM functions: Recruitment, Orientation, Training
and development. HR policies, Performance
appraisal systems


5.1 Business Mathematics:

Linear Equation and their applications, Simple
interest, compound interest, ratio and proportion,
percentage, differentiation and integration with
their applications
5. 10%
5.2 Business Statistics:
Measures of central tendency, Measures of
dispersion, Probability (simple probability, normal
distribution, and hypothesis testing). Correlation
and simple regression, ANOVA

6.1 Introduction:
Definition and nature, Scientific method, research
process, Errors in business research

6.2 Research Design and Data Sources:
Types of research and research design, Primary
and secondary data, Types of data

6.3 Data collection procedures:

Measurement process, Concepts of validity and
reliability, Data collection methods, Sampling


7.1 Effective communication in business:

Its definition, Characteristics, process, forms,
channels and importance, different kinds of
communication, features, elements, concepts,
Effective communication principles
7. 10%
7.2 Written Communication:
7C’s of communication, Gestures, manners,
presentations and follow-up or Feedback,
Business letters, Reports, Minutes of meetings

7.3 Communication Technologies:

Internet, Intranet, Webinar, Social media

8.1 Micro Economics:

Consumers behavior, Utility (Ordinal and Cardinal
approach), Market equilibrium, Elasticity of
demand and supply, Factors of production (Land,
Labour, Capital, and organization), Market
8. structure (Perfect competition, Monopoly and 10%

8.2 Macro Economics:

System of national accounts, consumption,
Income, Savings, Inflation and deflation, Balance
of payments

Total 100%




Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered
choices (A to D) below each.

1. 1. I intend to remain true to my principles and _____ the _____ of my conscience.

1. A. obey … mandate
2. B. listen … voice
3. C. follow … dictates
4. D. explain … meaning

1. 2. They did their best to avoid getting embroiled in the quarrel, preferring to
maintain their _______ as along as possible.

1. A. consciousness
2. B. suspense
3. C. interest
4. D. decisiveness
5. E. neutrality

Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by five lettered pairs of
words. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in
the original pair.

1. A. fancy: fact
2. B. sky: earth
3. C. ethereal: real
4. D. dream: work
5. E. water: ice

1. 4. SNAKE: FANG::

1. A. vampire: teeth
2. B. rabbit: hutch
3. C. snail: antennae
4. D. action: fin

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in
capital letters.


1. A. real
2. B. contrived
3. C. unassuming
4. D. false

Read the passage to answer question 6-8

At the turn of the twentieth century, people’s attitudes toward money were far more
conservative than they are today. Borrowing and being in debt were viewed as a moral
failing, almost as a disgrace. Thrift and saving were highly prized, and people who needed
to borrow to make ends meet were seen as careless, unreliable, or extravagant. The focus in
the economy as a whole was on developing large corporations like railroads, oil companies,
and other companies that produced basic goods and services.
Then, in the 1920s, the economy changed. A huge network of banks and financial
institutions developed, helping money to move more quickly and easily through the
economy. At the same time, the economy was increasing its focus on consumer goods—
clothing, cars, household appliances, and other things that individuals buy. To help
promote the sale of these items, consumers were encouraged to buy on credit. If they could
not afford an item right away, a store or a bank might lend them the money, which they
could pay back in installments.

With the development of consumer credit and installment purchases, people’s attitudes
toward debt and spending changed. The model citizen was no longer someone who was
thrifty, buying only what he or she needed. People were respected less for being thrifty
than for knowing how to use their money to buy as many things as possible— an attitude
that persists at the turn of the twenty-first century.

1. 6. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a belief that was
commonly held in the early twentieth century?

1. A. Owing someone money is a moral failing.

2. B. People who save their money are respectable.
3. C. People who buy as many things as possible are respectable.
4. D. People who borrow money for necessities are careless and unreliable.

1. 7. What helped money move more quickly through the economy in the 1920s?

1. A. The growth of railroads

2. B. The growth of banks and financial institutions
3. C. The rate at which people paid back their loans
4. D. The increase in installment purchases

1. 8. The author mentions cars as an example of

1. A. A consumer good
2. B. A household appliance
3. C. An extravagant purchase
4. D. A new invention

Manufacturers of household appliances in China are introducing an array of computerized

technologies in the work of many of their factories in an effort to regain a lead eroded by
international competition. On the basis of changes that have already taken place, experts
predict a golden age for the consumer of better-designed and better-built products.

1. 9. Which of the following, if true, would LEAST support the experts’ claim that
appliances produced by computerized technologies will be better built?

1. A. Computerized inventory procedures ensure that parts are ordered in

sufficient quantities and that production moves smoothly and consistently
2. B. Computer-directed machines carry out repetitive tasks with the result that
errors due to human fatigue are eliminated
3. C. Computer-controlled ultrasound devices are better able to detect hidden
flaws and defects that require repair than are human inspectors
4. D. The flow of heat used to weld parts together is more consistent when directed
by computer programs and results in a more accurate and uniform weld
5. E. Computer-driven screwdrivers ensure that screws used in appliances will be
consistently tight

Questions 10-13

In a telecommunications-cable assembly plant, cables are assembled by twisting plastic-

coated wires together. There are wires of exactly six different solid colors red, yellow,
violet, green, white, and black. Wires must be assembled into single cables according to the
following rules:

Each cable must contain at least three wires and wires of at least three different colors.

At most two wires in a single cable can be black.

At most two wires in a single cable can be white.

There can be at most one wire of each of the other colors in a single cable.

If one wire is red, then one wire must be yellow.

If one wire is violet, then no wire can be green.

10. Which of the following could be the-complete set of wires in an acceptable cable?

1. A. A green wire, a white wire, and a violet wire

2. B. A violet wire, a black wire, and a white wire
3. C. A red wire, a black wire, and a green wire
4. D. A yellow wire and exactly two black wires
5. E. Exactly two black wires and exactly two white wires

11. The maximum number of wires that can be used in an acceptable cable is

1. A. 8
2. B. 7
3. C. 6
4. D. 5
5. E. 4

12. If exactly one black wire and exactly one white wire are used in an assembled cable,
which of the following must be true?

1. A. The cable contains no more than five wires

2. B. The cable contains exactly six wires
3. C. The cable contains a yellow wire
4. D. The cable does not contain a red wire
5. E. The cable does not contain a violet wire
13. If a white wire and a violet wire must be among the wires chosen for a particular cable,
any of the following pairs of wires could complete the cable EXCEPT a

1. A. black wire and a second white wire

2. B. yellow wire and a second white wire
3. C. yellow wire and a black wire
4. D. red wire and a yellow wire
5. E. red wire and a black wire


14. A strategic business has three characteristics, which of the following is one of those

1. A. it is a collection of unrelated businesses

2. B. it has no defined set of competitors
3. C. it is a simple business or a collection of businesses that can be planned
4. D. it should not have a manager who is responsible for planning and profit

15. Some of the ways that a company can seek to increase their profits and sales by
searching for new customers include all of the following except:

1. A. ads
2. B. reading the obituaries
3. C. direct mail
4. D. phone calls

16. Accounting profit is different from the Economic profit due to:
1. A. rename
2. B. income
3. C. opportunity cost
4. D. expenditure cost difference
5. E. functional relationship

17. Profit and loss of a business is determined at a point of:

1. A. social cost
2. B. fixed cost
3. C. average cost
4. D. explicit cost
5. E. implicit cost

18. Which of the following is not one of the entities that marketing people are involved in

1. A. goods
2. B. services
3. C. news
4. D. all of the above

19. The primary activities that represent creating value for customer as part of the value
chain tool include all of the following except:

1. A. inbound logistics
2. B. operations
3. C. technology
4. D. marketing and sales

20. The top level manager is the manager who goes about dealing with the:
1. A. the goals of the company a few or many years down the road
2. B. he does whatever he gets from his middle manager
3. C. he works in many shifts
4. D. all of the above

21. A movement along the supply curve may be caused by:

1. A. A change in technology
2. B. A change in the number of producers
3. C. A shift in demand
4. D. A change in costs

22. What would be the future value of Rupee100 after 5 years at 10% compound interest?

1. A. Rs.161.05
2. B. Rs.134.54
3. C. Rs.127.34
4. D. Rs.151.29
5. E. Rs.143.65


Q #. Right Choice
1 A
2 E
3 D
4 A
5 A
6 C
7 B
8 A
9 A
10 B
11 B
12 A
13 E
14 C
15 B
16 C
17 C
18 D
19 C
20 A
21 C
22 A

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