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Golden College of Engineering & Technology

Branch / Sem: Mechanical Engineering. / 7th MST- 1st

Subject / Code: RAC/BTME-804 Max Marks: 24

SECTION A (4x2=8)

1. What is refrigeration?
2. Define COP ?
3. What one ton of refrigeration?
4. Draw p-v diagram of Bell Coleman cycle?

SECTION B (4x2=8)

5. A refrigerating system operates on the reversed carnot cycle. The higher temperature of the
refrigerant in the system is 350 C and the lower temperature is -150 C the capacity is to be
12 tonnes. Determine 1. COP 2. Heat rejected from the system 3. Power developed.
6. Write a note of simple vapour compression system?

SECTION C (8x1=8)

7. A refrigeration plant comprises three evaporators of capacities 10 tonnes at 100 C, 20 tonnes

at 50 C and 30 tonnes at -100 C with individual expansion valves and individual compressors
but one condenser operating at 400 C and subcooling the liquid to 300C. All the evaporators
discharge dry saturated refrigerant Freon-12 to the compressor. Assume isentropic
compression in each compressor. Use p-h diagram for R-12. Determine: 1.Refrigeration
effect in each evaporator 2. Mass flow rate in each evaporator 3. Compressor power
required in each compressor 3. Heat rejected to the condenser 5. COP.

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