Ecd 102 24 To 36 Months Physical Developmental Domain Information Page

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Kayla Fowler

ECD 102

ECD 102: Growth and Development I

Developmental Domain by Age

Age Group: 24 to 36 months

Developmental Domain: Physical
Developmental Milestones:
❖ Can run without falling and jump in place (g)
❖ Can remove lids by twisting and pulling off (f)
❖ Can fold paper, draw a circle, scribble, draw lines, unbutton and zip
clothing (f)
❖ Can throw, kick, and toss a ball overhead (g)
❖ Can climb and walk upstairs and downstairs alone one foot at a time (g)

Developmental Characteristics and Needs:

❖ Is beginning to show interest in potty training (c)
❖ Is beginning to build towers of 5 to 6 blocks (c)
❖ Needs experience outside of classroom in nature with ability to run and
climb (n)
❖ Needs encouragement to be physically active (n)
❖ Is showing interest in learning to use a riding toy like a tricycle (c)

Developmental Influences:
❖ Ability to play outside, explore physical body in motion allows a child to
meet all physical milestones (P)
❖ Lack of climbing material, space to explore, jump or run limits child’s
physical activity level (N)
❖ Provided materials to work fine motor skills like blocks and puzzles (P)
❖ No safe environment to explore, learn and grow negatively impacts all
parts of child’s development (N)
❖ Caregivers modelling, supporting, encouraging, and providing right
materials to aid in developing physical skills (P)

Characteristics of Learning Environment:

❖ An outside area with a mixture of sunny, shady areas
❖ Climbing equipment, slides, balls, and protected surfaces outside
❖ Have various sized blocks for children to build with
❖ Have stringing beads, buttons, and zippers for children to work with
❖ Have a routine that has gross motor activities and fine motor activities

Adult Roles:
❖ Let children try and help dress self
❖ Give opportunities for riding tricycles
❖ Try playing catch with large sized balls and roll ball for child to kick
❖ Take turns doing puzzles, stringing beans, and building blocks with child
❖ Play outside with child and encourage running, climbing, and using riding

Research and Theory:

❖ John Dewey- “education needs to be child centered, active, and
interactive;” children need to be engaged and encouraged to explore
❖ Erik Erikson- “set clear limits;” children are going to want to explore more
physically at this age and should do so as long as they are safe and won’t
harm themselves or others
❖ Jean Piaget- “children need to create their own understanding and do
things for themselves;” children need to explore their physical environment
like learning to ride tricycles and climbing
❖ Maria Montessori- “schedule large blocks of open ended time;” in order
for children to thoroughly explore their environment and interests they
need large periods of time to do so
❖ Lev Vygotsky- “children benefit from scaffolding and assistance from
teachers and peers;” for example when learning to ride a tricycle a child
might be apprehensive but with encouragement from fellow children and
caregiver they will feel confident enough to try

Professional References:
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2009). Developmental Milestones. Caring for
Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008). Milestone Moments: Learn
the Signs. Act Early. Elk Grove Village, Il.

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services: Office of Prevention and Family
Support. (2017). Learning and Development: Toddlers 24 months to 36 Months.
Better Brains for Babies. Retrieved from

Lane Community College. (1996). Characteristics of Children at Different Ages

and What They Need from Their Child Care at These Stages. Family Connections
of Lane& Douglas Counties. Retrieved from
Mooney, C.G. (2013). Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey,
Montessori, Erikson, Piaget & Vygotsky. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press

Puckett, M.B., Black, J.K., & Moriarity, J. (2007). Understanding Toddler

Development. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press

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