Semesta Sentosa Textile

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100 St. dr.


Semarang, Indonesia 0562

April 10. 2019


86 State Road
Bandar Lampung, Lampung 809380

Attention: Sales Department

Dear Sirs:

I have seen your ad in the SEMESTA SENTOSA TEXTILE at magazine about cultural style of Batik, March 10, and
would like to order Batik:

Model Batik Kawung (30), Sidomulyo (8), Sidodrajat (98), IDR 15.234.567,-00

I would like the Batik sent to the above address by parcel post and charged, with any applicable sales tax and handling
costs, to my VISA account (number 003-0987-R174; expiration date, 5/19).

Yours truly

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