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Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

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Applying building information modeling to integrate schedule and cost

for establishing construction progress curves
Kun-Chi Wang a, Wei-Chih Wang a,⁎, Han-Hsiang Wang b, Pei-Yuan Hsu a, Wei-Hao Wu a, Cheng-Ju Kung a
Department of Civil Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 1001, University Road, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, National Central University, No. 300, Jhongda Road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A cost-based progress curve (called S-curve) is often used to control construction project schedules. To establish a
Received 19 December 2015 progress curve, the costs that are associated with each scheduling activity must be determined. However, the dis-
Received in revised form 1 September 2016 tributions of the quantities (costs) of cost items among various activities are time-consuming to obtain and error-
Accepted 24 October 2016
prone, yielding an unreliable S-curve. This work proposes the use of three-dimensional building information
Available online 28 October 2016
model (BIM) objects to integrate schedule and cost by using the powerful BIM for data acquisition and storage.
BIM objects are incorporated into a proposed four-step model to establish construction progress curves. The pro-
Building information modeling posed model defines search criteria (cost item, object, floor, and zone) that precisely identify takeoff objects for
Progress curves extracting the quantities of cost items associated with each activity. The BIM uses keynote, assembly code, and
Quantity takeoffs family type catalog functions to provide pop-up menus for the efficient identification of cost items that are asso-
Scheduling, activity cost ciated with each object to preventing errors in the manual typing of cost-item names. Finally, this work demon-
strates that uploading the cost items and unit prices into cost estimation software in advance is critical to
automating cost estimations in BIM.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the costs of the associated cost items (if the activity is associated with
many cost items).
A progress curve (S-curve), which is a graphical representation of If only one cost item is relevant to the aforementioned cost calcula-
cumulative progress against time, is commonly used to control the tion for an activity, then the relationship between the activity and the
schedule of a construction project. The vertical scale of an S-curve rep- cost item is typically called a one-to-one relationship (because one ac-
resents the cumulative project progress in dollars or as percentage com- tivity is associated with one cost item). For instance, the activity of
pleted, and the horizontal scale represents time [11,16]. To plot an S- installing steel falsework commonly corresponds to a single cost item
curve, the costs that are associated with each activity in the project (steel falsework), resulting in a one-to-one relationship.
schedule must be determined. Other relationships, such as many-to-one or many-to-many, may
An accurate calculation of the cost of a scheduling activity depends exist between different types of activities and cost items. For example,
on the identification of relevant cost items (cost centers or cost ac- the use of 280 kgf/cm2 concrete to grout the first, second, and third
counts) that represent the construction resources or physical end floor slabs exhibits a many-to-one relationship in which three activities
items (such as reinforced steel, form, and concrete) that are required correspond to one cost item (280 kgf/cm2 concrete). In this case, the
to perform that activity. A cost item comprises the quantity and unit cost of the 280 kgf/cm2 concrete cost item should be allocated to all
price of a particular resource. Each cost item may be associated with three activities. In a many-to-many relationship, the activities of setting
one or several activities. Accordingly, the cost of an activity is the re- 1st-floor columns/walls steel and setting 1st-floor beams/slabs steel are
quired (distributed or allocated) quantity multiplying by the unit price both associated with the costs the two cost items - rebar SD420W and
of the cost item. Therefore, the total costs of the activity are the sum of rebar SD420. Although the above calculations can be carried out, it is
highly time-consuming and error-prone, especially when a construction
project involves hundreds of activities and cost items.
The above problem is often described as the problem of integrating
⁎ Corresponding author. schedule and cost [44]. This problem basically arises from the fact that
E-mail addresses: (K.-C. Wang), (W.-C. Wang), (H.-H. Wang),
schedule- and cost-control functions are performed independently of (P.-Y. Hsu), (W.-H. Wu), each other and use different control structures: the work breakdown (C.-J. Kung). structure (WBS) and the cost breakdown structure (CBS) [29,44].
0926-5805/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
398 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

To reduce the complexity of integrating scheduling activities with Although research in the second category is not directly relevant
cost items, many practitioners take the simple approach of using a herein, a review should help to elucidate the value of this study. For in-
master-level schedule that comprises only a few milestone activities stance, to manage projects with uncertainty in their performance be-
to generate an S-curve. As an example, a milestone activity “structure havior, Barraza et al. [7] introduced a new probabilistic planning
construction” is used to represent many activities in detail, such as “lay- method that uses stochastic S-curves to monitor and forecast project
out”, “setting steel of column/beam/wall/slab”, “setting forms of col- performance [7]. Barraza and Bueno [6] proposed three sets of criteria
umn/beam/wall/slab”, “concreting”, and others. The costs that are for defining performance control limit curves that are based on the
associated with this milestone activity are then easily obtained by sum- graphical representation of stochastic SS curves; they are the quality cri-
ming the costs of the many associated cost items (including layout, terion, the benchmarking criterion, and the incremental project perfor-
steel, form, and concrete) without further breaking down the cost of mance variance criterion [6].
each item into those associated with the individual activities. Although
this simplified approach saves time, it reduces the accuracy of the curve. 2.2. Integration of schedule and costs
Conversely, using a detailed task-level schedule (instead of a milestone
schedule) to obtain an accurate S curve considerably increases the The integration of schedule and cost has been studied intensively by
workload associated with data acquisition and processing. researchers [9,27,38]. For example, Teicholz [47] defined a mapping
An accurate S curve sets a precise progress target (or the budgeted mechanism between the CBS and WBS that exploited a percentage allo-
cost of the work scheduled) to be accomplished in a given time period cation concept, in which a cost item specified percentages of associated
[40], whereas a rough curve developed using milestone activities adds resources (material quantities) to one or more activities [47]. However,
little value to the schedule control of a construction project. Developing Teicholz pointed out that the percentage allocation concept is approxi-
a more accurate S curve requires more efficiently computing the costs of mate and based on judgment.
each activity. Kim [30] developed an object-oriented programming data model
The rapid development of information technologies has provided so- that integrates cost data, schedule control data, and design data [30].
lutions to numerous construction management problems such as inte- He proposed a new element, called the basic construction operation
grating design and construction activities [1] and cost estimation [37]. that is required by a design object (BOD). The BOD is the lowest-level
Recently, the building information model (BIM), which is a new IT and construction task that requires the construction of a specific design ob-
is a three-dimensional (3D) framework that can digitize a great amount ject. A BOD has three dimensions of information - a work package on the
of building information, has attracted much attention owing to its effec- WBS, a cost item on the CBS, and a design object on a drawing. As indi-
tiveness in data acquisition and storage in support of construction man- cated by Rasdorf and Abudayyeh [44], acquiring data to support the
agement [12,18,20,43,51,54]. Notably, several researchers have model may be impractical because each BOD is defined at a highly re-
developed BIM-based methods to extract quantities or estimate costs fined level.
[18,46,52]. However, these quantity takeoffs and cost estimations can Hendrickson and Au [25] proposed the use of a work element matrix
only account for one cost item at one time. in which each work element represents the cost items (in the CBS) that
Accordingly, this study develops a method of using BIM to resolve are associated with particular activities (in the WBS) [25]. The matrix
the complicated relationships between schedule and cost to establish requires a system to number or identify work elements in order to in-
a construction S curve that supports schedule control. clude both relevant cost items and associated activities. However, the
method requires a substantial effort to be made for data acquisition
2. Review of recent studies and storage in the development and maintenance of the work element
This section reviews recent studies of construction progress curves, Considering that information management can integrate scheduling
the integration of schedule and cost, the use of BIM for quantity takeoffs and cost estimating, Kang and Paulson [29] designed a construction in-
and cost estimation, and automated construction progress tracking. formation classification system for civil engineering projects [29]. The
system consists of four facets (or tables), which are classified into facil-
2.1. Construction progress curve ities, spaces, elements, and operations according to construction work
type. A classified item in each facet is applied to express a particular
An S-curve typically has a small slope at its beginning and near its level of schedule or cost estimation. For example, the classified items
end and a large slope in the middle, indicating that progress is slow in in the operational facet can be applied to draw a detailed schedule or es-
mobilization and demobilization periods, but faster as the bulk of the timate unit work cost. Notably, quantity takeoffs for cost estimations
work takes place [10,11]. The S-curve is widely used to control construc- were not considered in the Kang and Paulson study.
tion project schedules and is effective for reporting the status, and To integrate schedule and cost for repetitive construction projects,
predicting the future, of projects. That is, for example, a planned S- Cho et al. [14] suggested a work task-level control account (such as
curve can be used as a target against the actual progress at any time in rebar installation or form installation) that contains a “resource set”
the implementation phase of a construction project to evaluate whether (such as materials, labor and equipment) that are invested in a repeti-
the project is ahead of, or behind, schedule [16]. tive construction process [14]. Their proposed model uses a scheduling
Research on progress curves can be broadly divided into two catego- module to estimate the cycle time of the input amount of resources for a
ries: (1) designing envelope curves or mathematical equations to plot work task and a cost estimating module to calculate the cost of a work
progress curves using historical progress data [10,11,13,16,28,32,39], task by summing the costs of the resources required; additionally, a
and (2) developing metrics or indices based on progress curves to en- trade-off analysis module is used to identify the most cost-effective
hance interpretations of project performance on schedule or cost [6,7, schedule based on an optimized combination of resources. Although de-
23,31]. tailed field data are required to implement the algorithms for the first of
Most of the studies in the first category classify historical projects the repeated processes, the data-collection workload is reduced for the
into groups and generate a standard curve for each group by fitting rest of the cycles in a project. Conversely, the proposed model is not
one curve to the historical data. This type of research commonly focuses suitable for a non-repetitive construction project.
on the planning or tendering stages, which have a short duration, and The work-packaging (WP) method, currently called the cost/sched-
are associated with construction plans that are full of uncertainties. ule control system criteria (C/SCSC) method, uses work packages on the
Therefore, a simple and easily performed method of generating S- WBS as the basis for control. A work package may exist at a higher level
curves for forecasting cash flows or project schedules is required [8]. than the actual activity level [40]. Basically, the WP method adds cost
K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410 399

data to the WBS and eliminates the CBS [44]. Although this method is the selection of work items, a work item ontology, which consists of
often recommended by researchers [44], it requires a fundamental the factors that define the tiling method, and semantic reasoning rules.
change in the planning and budgeting philosophy, which may be im-
practical [15]. 2.5. Automated construction progress tracking
To reduce the data handling workload in daily progress manage-
ment for multiple apartment construction projects, Yang et al. [53] allo- Since the process of collecting data to measure construction progress
cated budget (instead of resources) to control attributes based on daily is highly time-consuming and labor-intensive, some researchers have
weighting values to calculate the budgeted cost of work schedule focused on using new technologies (such as bar coding, radio frequency
(BCWS) [53]. The weighting of an activity is obtained from the ratio of identification, 3D laser scanning, photogrammetry, multimedia, and
the budget of the activity to the budget of the control attribute. Using pen-based computers) for automatically measuring or tracking the ac-
weighting values as progress measures is easier than calculating those tual progress of a construction project and comparing it with the
measures from quantity extractions of cost items each day. However, planned progress [19,22,33,48,49]. These studies focus on the collection
using a daily process to establish an S curve may be impractical. of data on quantities of accomplished physical end products, and not
Cho et al. [15] proposed a 5W1H (what, when, where, who, why, and with the distributions of the costs of cost items to activities for plotting
how) construction information database framework for solving the in- an as-planned progress curve.
tegration problem of schedule and cost [15]. A core unit (work unit) As an example, El-Omari and Moselhi [19] presented a cost/schedule
that comprises two basic information units, WHAT (such as column) control system that does not use BIM tools [19]. Rather, the system inte-
and HOW (such as formwork), can specify other information units grates various automated data acquisition technologies to collect field
(such as WHERE, WHO, and WHEN). The framework enables a user to data (such as text, numerical and graphical data) that are required to
access multi-functional, multi-dimensional, and multi-level project exe- measure progress. Scanned and digital images are captured by laser
cution data. However the user must partition the quantity of resources scanning and photogrammetry to determine quantities of work per-
for each cost item, and a method of partitioning quantity is not formed and, subsequently, to calculate the percentage of work
provided. complete.
Golparvar-Fard et al. [22] measured physical progress using infor-
2.3. Quantity takeoffs using BIM mation about daily construction photo collections and BIMs [22]. Their
study assumed that a BIM is generated from the most updated construc-
In conventional estimation methods, quantity takeoffs are based on tion drawings, and the most updated project schedule is used to gener-
2D CAD drawings. A BIM tool can obtain the required data and measure- ate the underlying 4D model. Additionally, their machine-learning
ments to extract quantities from a 3D model [18,24,36,41,45,46]. scheme, which was built upon a Bayesian probabilistic progress-
Hartmann et al. [24] performed a case study of a BIM-based cost es- detection model, could automatically detect physical progress in the
timation process with automated quantity take-offs [24]. They demon- presence of occlusions and visualize deviations that incorporate both
strated the possibility of aligning the functionality of existing BIM- as-planned models and unordered daily photographs. However, the au-
based tools with construction management work processes. thors noted that further research is required to incorporate work items
Monteiro and Martins [41] indicated that BIM takeoffs require fur- (such as steel bars that are embedded in concrete) whose quantities are
ther study and surveyed BIM input/output dynamics for quantity take- difficult to detect physically or visually.
off. They also examined the behavior of a model that is constrained by
existing specifications for quantity takeoff, and detailed modeling 2.6. Summary of previous studies
guidelines that enable the user to extract quantities based on current
specifications [41]. The above review of previous research can be summarized as fol-
Wijayakumar and Jayasena [52] discussed the extent to which BIM lows. First, some studies have derived an S-curve for a particular project
tools can automate quantity takeoffs to suit the requirements of quanti- using standardized mathematical equations or weighting concepts.
ty surveyors [52]. They concluded that BIM tools need further improve- These standardized approaches are effective for generating curves and
ment, including interoperability and the extraction of quantities. are suitable for use in the planning and pre-tender stages. In the con-
struction phase, however, a project client may not use such an approach
2.4. Cost estimation using BIM because a generalized curve does not completely capture the character-
istics of the project of interest.
Eastman et al. [18] pointed out that, although BIM-based tools for Second, some studies have integrated schedule and cost to build S-
quantity takeoffs have been developed, no BIM software with full cost curves; the associated excessive efforts to collect and maintain detailed
estimation functions are available [18]. Therefore, a cost estimator data constitute a major barrier to integration [27]. Rasdorf and
must export the BIM quantities into the cost estimation software; link Abudayyeh [44] showed that advanced information technology should
the BIM tool (software) to the cost estimation software through an be used in support of automated data acquisition [44]. Thus, this work
API, or export BIM model data into a BIM-based cost estimation soft- proposes the use of BIM objects as control items because BIM is highly
ware [18]. effective for data acquisition, processing, and storage.
Lawrence et al. [34] created flexible mappings between BIM objects Third, some investigations have applied BIM to quantity takeoffs and
and cost data to update cost estimates according to design changes in cost estimation, dealing with only one cost item at a time, and
the early design stages of construction projects [34]. This method uses neglecting the distribution of quantities (or costs) among various activ-
queries to populate views on the building design and views on cost es- ities. Therefore, they do not consider the problem of integrating sched-
timates in order to generate a set of possible updates which satisfy a ule and cost.
mapping. Estimating the overall cost of a particular design change Fourth, in some studies, progress tracking has been used to collect
does not consider the detailed cost items. the quantities accomplished for each cost item, and multiplies them
Lee et al. [35] devised an ontological inference process to automate by the corresponding unit prices to yield the costs of the total project.
the work-item selection for tiling work, providing an objective means The process does not require allocation of the costs of cost items to ac-
of selecting work items (such as tile size, tile thickness, tile type, tiling tivities, and so is simpler than establishing an as-planned curve.
method, tiling material, joint width, and joint material) that should be In summary, the above review indicates the need for research to de-
included in a cost item [35]. To automate the inference, they proposed velop a BIM-based model to integrate schedule and cost for establishing
a work condition ontology that is composed of the determinants of a construction S curve.
400 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

3. Practice in computing activity costs and establishing S curve is firstly calculated from the above activity costs (budgeted costs of
work scheduled or performed) and then converted into a percentage
This section gives a practical example of how the costs of an activity (budgeted costs divided by total costs). Accordingly, activity costs
are computed and how a construction progress curve is established must be determined in measuring the progress.
from the calculated activity costs. Fig. 1 displays an example of a progress curve for a construction pro-
ject; the activities are indicated below the curve, from the start to the
3.1. Computing activity costs end of the project. To control the schedule, the budgeted cost of work
scheduled (BCWS) and the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP
The key to constructing an accurate S curve is the accurate calcula- or earned value) are set as defined in C/SCSC and are used to monitor
tion of the costs that are associated with each activity, which affords whether the project is ahead of (BCWP N BCWS) or behind schedule
the precise allocation of costs to activities. Table 1 presents an example (BCWP b BCWS) [40].
of the cost estimation sheet. The contents of this sheet include a cost The S curve in Fig. 1 is used to illustrate how an S curve is built. After
code, a description of cost items, unit, quantity, unit price, and item the costs of activities A1–A5 are obtained, the costs associated with each
cost for each cost item. activity are assumed to be uniformly distributed across the duration of
Cost items have units of items, length (for lines), area (for surfaces), the activity. Restated, the daily costs of an activity equal the costs of
volume, or tons (weight), depending by how the quantity of the re- the activity, divided by the activity duration. Next, in each day, the
source is extracted. Some cost items, such as doors and windows, only total daily costs are the sum of the daily costs associated with the activ-
need to be counted. For other cost items, the length, area, volume or ities that are scheduled for that day. Then, the cumulative costs on a par-
tons must be determined. For example, the unit of rebar is “tons” be- ticular day are the sum of all the costs from the first day to that day.
cause the weight of rebar is measured. Notably, the item cost is obtained Finally, cumulative costs are plotted against time as a progress curve
by multiplying the quantity by the unit price. (or S curve). The cumulative costs can also be expressed as a cumulative
Consider the example of the calculation of activity costs for Activity A percentage, by dividing the cumulative costs by the total project cost.
(“placing rebars of 1st floor beams/slabs”). Suppose that this activity re- Notably, the established S curve represents the BCWS of the project be-
quires the placement of 10 tons and 20 tons of reinforcing rebars SD420 cause the above activity costs are also the BCWSs of the activities.
and SD420W, respectively. The activity costs are calculated from the Costs that are incurred during a construction project can be catego-
two cost items, rebar SD420 and SD420W. The unit prices of the cost rized as direct and indirect costs. The activity costs are commonly cate-
items, rebar SD420 and SD420W, are US$787.6 (≒23,628 New Taiwan gorized as direct costs. Whereas direct costs are associated with
dollars, as 1 US dollar ≅ 30 New Taiwan dollar) and US$811.1, respec- network activities, indirect costs are incurred throughout the project
tively. Hence, the total costs of performing activity A equal the sum of period [26]. Typical examples of indirect costs are labor safety and
the item costs of the two associated cost items, which is US$24,098 = health fees, insurance, quality control fees, contractor management
(10 × 787.6) + (20 × 811.1). fees, profit, and tax. Each indirect cost is associated with a dummy activ-
The above computation depends on identification of the relevant ity, so all the indirect costs are included in the progress curve.
cost items (rebar SD420 and SD420W) and the distributed quantities
(10 tons and 20 tons) of all cost items that are required to perform an 4. Using BIM objects to integrate activities and cost items
activity. This computation process becomes complex and error-prone
when many activities and cost items are involved. In such cases, the de- This section describes the proposed BIM objects and the relation-
termination of the distribution of quantities among activities is highly ships between activities and cost items.
complicated and time-consuming. This study used BIM tools to extract
distributed quantities. 4.1. BIM objects

3.2. Establishing S curves According to the literature, developing a new “control item” is the
key to integrating the schedule information from the work breakdown
In practice, after a contractor has won a contract for a construction
project, the total contractual costs and the item cost of each cost item
are determined. The contractor must then submit a detailed network
Cumulative costs or %

and/or bar chart schedule for approval by the project client. Therefore,
cost and schedule are often managed separately.
The approved network schedule, called the as-planned contractual
schedule, is then utilized to establish an as-planned progress (S) curve
as the target against which the actual progress of the project at any
point to determine whether the project is behind or ahead of schedule
To measure the progress of a project, the concept of weighting is
commonly applied: the progress of an activity is defined as the percent-
age weight of the activity multiplied by the percentage completion of Time
the activity [11]. Since the weightings are highly subjective, the progress

Table 1 A2
Content of cost estimation sheet.
Code Cost item Unit Quantity Unit price Item cost
(US$) (US$) A4
0321050A11 Rebar SD420 Ton 1813 787.6 1,427,918.8 A5
0321050A01 Rebar SD420W Ton 4714 811.1 3,823,525.4 Dummy activity
0311004152 Form m2 20,809 13.1 272,597.9
03310171G3 Concrete(280 kgf/cm2) m3 49,495 83.7 4,142,731.5
… … … … … …
Fig. 1. Example of a progress curve and the corresponding activities.
K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410 401

structure (WBS) and the cost information from the cost breakdown Table 2
structure (CBS) [14]. Fig. 2 displays the proposed use of physical 3D ob- Examples of BIM objects and the associated cost items.

jects (or components) of a BIM model to integrate scheduling activities BIM objects Cost items associated with an object
and cost items. The left- and right-hand sides of Fig. 2 present a WBS and Structure-related:
a CBS, respectively. The WBS defines three levels of detail, which are ac- Column Rebar (volume), form (area), concrete (volume)
tivity categories (such as site work, structure, and finishes), floors/ Wall Rebar (volume), form (area), concrete (volume)
areas/zones (such as foundation, floor 1, floor 2, and so on), and activi- Beam Rebar (volume), form (area), concrete (volume)
Slab Rebar (volume), form (area), concrete (volume)
ties (such as layout, place rebars, erect forms, pour concrete, and
others). Notably, the activities may be very specific, such as lay out the Door Door (each)
first floor, place rebars of the first floor beams/slabs, and erect forms Window Window (each)
of the first floor columns/walls. The CBS has two levels of detail, which Room Ceiling finishes, floor finishes, wall finishes, baseboard
are cost categories (site work, structure, finishes, doors/windows, and finishes, etc.
others ) and cost items (such as layout, rebars, forms, steel, concrete, Vertical cuboid (or Soil nail (length), slope protection (area), scaffold (area),
and others). wall) etc.
The activities (in the third level of the WBS) and the cost items (in Horizontal cuboid Earth excavation (volume), plain concrete (area), layout
the second level of the CBS) are integrated using 3D physical objects (area), etc.
(called BIM objects hereafter) that are provided in a BIM model. A BIM Note: “( )” indicates the measurement of quantity of a cost item for an object.
object is a column, wall, beam, slab, door, window, room, vertical cu-
boid, or horizontal cuboid, which is to be constructed for an activity;
an object is associated with cost items. Activity costs are calculated The room objects specify the cost items that are related to the fin-
from the cost items that are associated with the objects to be ishes, including the ceiling, floor, wall, and baseboard finishes. The
constructed. quantities of the cost items related to these finishes are obtained from
Activities and costs must be integrated to compute the costs that are the “area” of a room, except for that related to baseboard, which is
associated with each activity. For example, in activity A, “placing rebars based on the “length” of the four walls of a room.
of first floor beams/slabs”, the costs are calculated from the cost items of To compute activity costs for some construction elements that do
rebar SD420 and SD420W, which are associated with the beam objects not contain add-in BIM objects, either vertical cuboid (or wall) or hori-
and the slab objects on the first floor. Similarly, the costs of the activity zontal cuboid are used for substitution. For instance, the length, area,
“erecting forms of first floor beams/slabs” are computed from the cost and area of a vertical cuboid are used to determine the quantities of
item of the forms in the same beam objects and slab objects on the cost items related to soil nails, slope protection, and scaffolding, respec-
first floor. tively. Further, the volume, area, and area of a horizontal cuboid are
Table 2 summarizes the objects that are used in a BIM model and used to extract the quantities of earth excavation, plain concrete, and
their associated cost items. For instance, each structure-related ob- layout cost items, respectively.
ject (column, beam, wall and slab) is mapped to three cost items,
which are rebar, form, and concrete. The geometric parameters of 4.2. Relationships between activities and cost items
an object are used to generate the volume, area, and volume of the
object to extract the quantities of rebar, form, and concrete, respec- The relationships between scheduling activities and cost items in-
tively. Such a BIM-based object allows quantities of each cost item clude one-to-one (one activity to one cost item), one-to-many, many-
to be determined from its associated geometric parameters (such to-one, and many-to-many. For instance, a one-to-one relationship in-
as length, width, and height) and the contractual unit price of each dicates that the cost of performing an activity (such as soil nailing) de-
cost item to be retrieved. As a result, multiplying the distributed pends on only one cost item (such as soil nail (∮ 32 mm)). Such a
quantities by the unit price obtains the costs of an object for a partic- relationship can be captured by a BIM object using a vertical cuboid.
ular cost item. The mapping relationships between activities and costs can vary
The door and window objects are associated with the cost items of among construction projects that use various work breakdown struc-
door and window, respectively. The numbers of door and window ob- tures, construction methods (such as bottom up versus top-down con-
jects in a BIM environment are the quantities of the cost items related struction methods), or construction plans (such as based on areas,
to doors and windows. floors, or zones). This study divides the activities into three major

Work Breakdown Cost Breakdown

Structure (WBS) Project Project Structure (CBS)
Activity Cost
Site Work Structure Finishes Site Work Structure Finishes Doors/ Elevator M/E
categories Windows categories
Floors / areas Foundation Floor 1 Floor 2
/ zones
Layout Place Erect Pour Layout Rebars Forms Steel Concrete Cost
Activities Rebars Forms Concrete
Column/ Beam/
SD420 SD420W
Wall Slab

BIM-based physical objects

Vertical Horizontal
Column Wall Beam Slab Door Window Room
cuboid cuboid

Fig. 2. Use of BIM objects to integrate activities and cost items.

402 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

categories: sitework, structure, and finishes activities. Table 3 displays compute activity costs, and (4) converting activity costs to Excel to
examples of possible mapping relationships in various sitework, struc- build an S curve. The four steps are described in detail below.
ture, and finishes activities.
Sitework activities that are generally performed earliest in a con- 5.1. Step 1: Developing a BIM model associated with information
struction project include site preparation, excavation, soil nailing, and parameters
slope protection using shotcrete. Notably, the aforementioned soil
nailing activity commonly corresponds to a single cost item (soil Step 1 adopts BIM software, such as Autodesk Revit Architecture [2],
nails), resulting in a one-to-one relationship. For a large construction to establish a BIM model with a level of detail (LOD) of 300 for a con-
site where activities are performed in parallel, a soil nailing activity struction project. Each BIM object (such as a column object) can then
can be divided into several sub-activities that are carried out in different be associated with relevant cost items that specify construction mate-
zones simultaneously. In such a case, a many-to-one relationship rials (such as reinforcing steel) that are used to erect the object.
results. Each BIM object has three information parameters: geometric pa-
The structure activities that are carried out in the middle project rameters, additional design parameters, and cost item parameters. The
phase include layout, setting steel of column/beam/wall/slab, setting geometric and additional design parameters are used in the extraction
forms of column/beam/wall/slab, setting mechanical/electrical/plumb- of the quantities of each object whereas the cost item parameters are
ing (MEP) pipes, and concreting. These activities are often divided into used to identify the cost items that are associated with an object.
sub-activities by floors, zones, or building components (column, beam,
wall, or slab). For instance, 1st floor layout, 2nd floor layout, etc., are 5.1.1. Geometric/additional design parameters
all relevant to one cost item (layout), resulting into a many-to-one rela- Data for geometric parameters such as the length, width, and height of
tionship. Similarly, first floor concreting, second floor concreting, and each BIM object can support quantity takeoffs for involved cost items. For
the concreting in other floors are all related to a single cost item, example, the quantity of concrete (cost item) is evaluated from the vol-
which is ready-mixed concrete (210 kgf/cm2). ume (=length × width × height), and the quantity of form (cost item)
Finish activities performed in the late phase of the project include is assessed from the area (=length × width) of a particular column.
wall finishes, room finishes, and elevator finishes. Each finishing activity Without access to additional data for design parameters, however,
is related to several cost items, including tiles, skirt boards, doors, and these geometric data are insufficient for extracting the quantity of rein-
windows. Hence, finishes activities and cost items normally have forcing steel embedded in the concrete for a wall [18]. Additional design
many-to-many relationships. parameters that affect quantity takeoffs of the reinforcing steel for a wall
Table 3 defines the above relationships and provides criteria that are include horizontal spacing between steel layers, vertical spacing be-
used to find the takeoff objects to extract the quantities of cost items tween steel layers, unit weight of steel, and number of steel layers in
that are associated with an activity. the wall [12]. Another example is wall forms. The quantity of wall
forms that could have either one or two sides of forms cannot be derived
automatically; thus, additional design details are needed.
5. Proposed model
5.1.2. Cost item parameters
Based on the use of BIM objects, this study proposes a BIM-based This study applies the “keynote” [4], “assembly code” [5], and “family
model to establish S-curves for construction projects. Fig. 3 shows that type catalog” [17] functions in Revit [2] to support the cost-item identi-
the proposed model consists of four steps: (1) developing a BIM fication process mainly because these functions provide a “pop-up
model associated with information parameters, (2) executing search al- menu” to efficiently select the cost items (rather than manually keying
gorithms to extract quantities, (3) retrieving contractual unit prices to in the names of cost items) for each BIM object.

Table 3
Mapping relationships between scheduling activities and cost items.

Activity categories Relationship Examples of activities Examples of cost items Search criteria

Sitework One to one Soil nailing Soil nail (∮32 mm) Cost item
Many to one ● 1st layer excavation Excavation Cost item and zone
● 2nd layer excavation

● 1st layer slope protection using shotcrete Slope protection using shotcrete
● 2nd layer slope protection using shotcrete

Structure One to one Setting dustproof net Dustproof net Cost item
Installing scaffolding Scaffolding
Installing steel falsework Steel falsework
Many to one ● 1st floor layout Layout Cost item and floor
● 2nd floor layout

Many to one ● 1st floor concreting Concrete (280 kgf/cm2) Cost item, object, and floor
● 2nd floor concreting

Many to many ● Placing rebars of 1st floor beams/slabs ● Rebar SD420
● Placing rebars of 1st floor columns/walls
● Placing rebars of 2nd floor beams/slabs ● Rebar SD420W

Finishes Many to many ● Finishes of dormitory zone in 2nd floor ● Partition Cost item and zone
● Water proof
● Doors
● Finishes of public zone in 2nd floor ● Windows
● Finishes
… …
K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410 403

Step 1. Developing a BIM model associated with information parameters

Physical objects Information parameters
(geometric information) additional design parameters Cost item parameters

1. Sitework: 1. Sitework: 1. Sitework Database of cost items

˙excavation, soil nails ˙spacing of soil nails, etc ˙soil nails
2. Structure: 2. Structure: 2. Structure
1. Keynote, assembly code,
˙columns, beams, slabs ˙space of horizontal steel, etc ˙steel (SD420)
and family type catalog
3. Finishes: 3. Finishes: 3. Finishes
˙doors, windows ˙area of openings ˙wood door (75X210cm) to store cost items
2. pop-up selection menu

Step 2. Executing search algorithms to extract quantities

Activities in MS project
Criterion 1: by cost item Criterion 2: by cost item Criterion 3: by cost item
(consisting of sitework,
and zone (or floor) floor, and object
structure, and finishes

Step 3. Retrieving contractual unit prices to compute activity costs

Step 3.1. Export QTO quantities of cost items in each activity to Excel Cost estimation
Step 3.2. Upload the Excel file to cost estimation software (PCCES)
software (PCCES)
Step 3.3. Retrieve the contractual unit price from PCCES for each cost item
(consisting of contractual
Step 3.4. Calculate the subcost of each cost item by multiplying its quantity and unit price
cost items and unit
Step 3.5. Obtain the costs of each activity by summing the subcosts of relevant cost items

Step 4. Converting activity costs to Excel to build an S curve

S curve
Direct costs Indirect costs

Cumulative costs or %
1. Sitework 1. Labor safety and health fees
˙soil nails 2. Insurance
2. Structure 3. Quality control fees
˙steel (SD420) 4. Contractor's management fees
3. Finishes 5. Profit
˙wood door (75X210cm) 6. Tax

Fig. 3. Proposed model.

A cost item database (in a. txt file) that includes the contractual cost tool” function in Autodesk QTO [3] to create takeoff objects that indicate
items for the project of interest must be established in keynote, assem- the cost items that are related to a particular activity. Then, the QTO can
bly code, and family type catalog formats. During the cost item selection extract the quantities of these objects for each cost item.
process, this. Txt file is allocated to a particular directory. The pop-up The criteria for searching for related cost items must be determined
menu automatically retrieves the cost items from that file. to create the takeoff objects. The proposed search algorithm defines var-
Use of the pop-up menu method ensures that the “name” of a cost ious search criteria (by floor, BIM object, cost item, or area) with respect
item is accurately selected and consistently used among all BIM objects. to different types of scheduling activities (structure, sitework, and fin-
Various names (even slightly different names) of a cost item are ishes activities). See the right-most column of Table 3. Consider struc-
regarded as indicating separate cost items. ture activities. Structure activities include setting the steel of the first
In each BIM object, a keynote or an assembly code stores only one floor beams/slabs, setting the steel of first floor columns/walls, setting
value (i.e., cost item) while a family type catalog stores several cost the forms of the first floor beams/slabs, setting the forms of the first
items simultaneously. For example, Fig. 4 presents an example of floor columns/walls, and others. Thus, the criteria that are used to iden-
using a keynote function to store a cost item (rebar SD 420) for a col- tify cost items that are associated with a particular structure activity are
umn. The pop-up menu on the right side of the figure lists all cost set not only according to the cost item, but also according to the floor
items (derived from a separate text file) and appears as soon as the key- (first, second, third, and so on) and the physical object (column, wall,
note function is activated. beam, or slab).
If an activity (such as a finishes-related activity) that is associated The sub-steps for extracting quantities are illustrated by activity A
with a BIM object (such as room) involves more than two cost items (“placing rebars of 1st floor beams/slabs”). Activity A involves two
(such as ceiling and wall finishes), then a family type catalog (rather types of objects - beams and slabs. Each type of object is associated
than a keynote or assembly code) must be applied. with two cost items, which are “rebar SD 420” and “rebar SD 420 W”.
The quantities of rebar SD 420 and SD420W in this activity are extracted
5.2. Step 2: Executing search algorithms to extract quantities in four steps.

Step 2 conducts quantity takeoffs of the objects that are involved in • Step 2.1: The search takeoff tool uses “rebar SD 420” (cost item), “1st
performing an activity. Before performing quantity takeoffs, the rele- floor” (floor), and “beam” (physical object) as criteria for retrieving all
vant cost items must be identified. The model uses the “search takeoff “rebar SD 420” beams located on the first floor. The geometric
404 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

Fig. 4. A “keynote” function used to identify a cost item (rebar SD420) for a column from a pop-up menu.

parameters of beams are used to extract quantities of the steel of 5.3. Step 3: Retrieving contractual unit prices to compute activity costs
beams using takeoff formulas.
• Step 2.2: Step 2.1 is repeated for another cost item (rebar SD 420 W) Before Step 3 can be conducted, the contractual cost items and unit
of “beam”. prices must be stored in the cost estimation software so that the quan-
• Step 2.3: Step 2.1 is repeated for another component (slab) and the tity of a particular cost item that is associated with each activity can be
cost item, rebar SD 420. exported to the correct place at the right unit price. This study adopts
• Step 2.4: Step 2.3 is repeated for the “slab” and another cost item, the software, Public Construction Cost Estimation System (PCCES)
rebar SD 420 W. [42], which is widely used in public construction projects in Taiwan.
The following sub-steps of Step 3 are performed to obtain the costs
of each activity. The above activity A is used as an example.
The quantities of rebar SD 420 are obtained in steps 2.1 and 2.3,
and the quantities of rebar SD 420 W are obtained in steps 2.2 and • Step 3.1: Export QTO quantities (extracted in Step 2) of cost items as-
2.4. For activity A, the quantities of reinforcing rebars SD420 and sociated with each activity to an Excel file. For instance, export 10 tons
SD420W are 10 tons and 20 tons, respectively. Notably, several and 20 tons of reinforcing rebars SD420 and SD420W, respectively, for
structure activities are associated with both “rebar SD 420” and activity A.
“rebar SD 420 W”. For another structure activity that also involves • Step 3.2: Upload the Excel file to the cost estimation software (PCCES).
the cost items, rebars SD420 and SD420W, Steps 2.1–2.4 are repeat- • Step 3.3: Retrieve the contractual unit price of each cost item from
ed. Hence, this example uses a many-to-many relationship to pres- PCCES. For example, the unit prices of rebars SD420 and SD420W
ent how the proposed model distributes the quantities associated are retrieved from PCCES as US$787.6 and US$811.1, respectively,
with cost items among activities. based on the exact names of the two cost items.
Notably, the quantity take-off process is performed either by using • Step 3.4: Calculate the item cost of each cost item by multiplying its
built-in mathematical equations in Autodesk Revit or by using add-in quantity by its unit price. The item costs of cost items SD420 and
equations provided by the proposed model. As an example of the SD420W for activity A are US$7876 (= 10 × 787.6) and US$16,222
built-in equation, the equation “volume = length × width × height” (=20 × 811.1), respectively.
can be used to calculate the volume of concrete that is required to con- • Step 3.5: Obtain the costs of each activity by summing the item costs
struct a column. of the relevant cost items. For example, the cost of activity A is
Some quantities, such as those of rebar and formwork, cannot be di- US$24,098 (=7876 + 16,222).
rectly obtained using the BIM model [41]. In this situation, the proposed
model develops add-in equations to perform quantity takeoffs. For ex- 5.4. Step 4: Converting activity costs to excel to build an S curve
ample, the add-in equation that is used to derive the quantities of form-
work for a column is (2 × (length + width) × height) - (contact area of The costs of each activity, as calculated in Step 3, are output from
wall) - (contact area of beam). Although the initial development of add- PCCES to an Excel file. Next, based on the assumption that the costs of
in equations may be complex, these add-in equations can be easily cop- an activity are uniformly allocated throughout its duration, the daily
ied or modified to meet the design documents of a new construction costs of the activity are equal to the costs divided by the duration. Nota-
project. Details of these add-in quantity take-off process can be found bly, these activity costs are regarded as direct costs. The sum of the costs
in Chen [12]. of all activities is the total direct costs of a project.
K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410 405

Indirect cost items for a project include safety and health fees, and floor finishes, and wall finishes) for a room object. A pop-up menu
quality control fees. As discussed in the last paragraph in Section 3.2, that lists all of the cost items (derived from a .txt file) appears to the
each indirect cost can be associated with a dummy activity. The costs as- right of the figure when the function is activated.
sociated with each indirect cost item frequently are assumed to be uni-
formly distributed throughout the duration of the activity. That is, the 6.2. Evaluations and results
daily costs associated with each indirect cost item are the indirect
costs divided by the duration of the activity in days. The proposed model then performs Step 2, in which the “search take-
Thus, the total costs for a day are the sum of the daily direct costs and off tool” applies various search criteria to create takeoff objects that have
the daily indirect costs. Finally, a progress curve or S curve of the project cost items that are associated with each activity, and then the quantities
can be established by accumulating the daily costs throughout the pro- of the objects are extracted. Table 3 shows the search criteria (cost item,
ject duration. object, floor and zone) that are used in the case project.
Fig. 9 shows a screenshot that is taken when cost item (Rebar SD 420),
6. Case study object (column and wall), and floor (first floor) are used as search criteria
in creating the takeoff objects for the activity of “setting steel of first floor
The proposed model is applied to a building project located in north- columns/walls” in Step 2. After Step 2 is completed, the quantities of each
ern Taiwan. The reinforced concrete (RC) building considered in this cost item are distributed to each activity that involves the cost item.
study has three upper-structure floors and two underground-structure In Step 3, the model exports the extracted quantities of cost items in
floors. The total building floor area is 14,966 square meters, and the con- each activity to an Excel file, uploads the Excel file to the PCCES soft-
tractual construction cost approximates US $8.25 million, in which di- ware, retrieves the unit prices to map to corresponding cost items, cal-
rect costs are around US $7.26 million and indirect costs are about US culates the item cost of each item and then obtains the costs of each
$0.99 million. The contractual duration of the project is 598 days. Fig. activity by summing the item costs of relevant cost items. At this
5 shows the schedule for the case project, which includes 93 activities, stage, the model performs the calculations for all costs of all activities;
of which the numbers of site work, structure, and finishes activities, that is, it resolves the integration problem between schedule and cost.
are 9, 59, and 25, respectively. The project costs are broken down into In Step 4, PCCES exports the costs of activities to an Excel file, which
247 cost items. The following subsections present the results obtained computes the daily costs of each activity by dividing the cost of an activity
by the proposed model for this case project. by its duration as shown in Fig. 10. The indirect costs are distributed over
the duration of the project to obtain the daily indirect costs. Thus, the
6.1. Developing a BIM model total daily costs for each day are the sum of daily direct costs and the
daily indirect costs. Lastly, a progress curve represented by the cumulative
Fig. 6 shows the 3D BIM-based model built using Autodesk Revit Ar- percentage of total project costs (=cumulative costs divided by total pro-
chitecture after Step 1 of the proposed model. This BIM model has a ject costs) throughout the project duration is plotted, as presented in Fig. 11.
level of detail of 300, 4845 BIM objects (including columns, beams, Fig. 11 compares the curve generated by the proposed model and
slabs, walls, etc.) and three information parameters (geometric, addi- the original curve (with a dash line) developed manually with a mile-
tional design and cost item parameters) of each object. The proposed stone schedule. The original schedule includes only four milestone ac-
model was run on a PC with a Genuine Intel i7 3.4GHz CPU, 16GB tivities: a sitework milestone activity (with a duration of 93 days), a
RAM, 1G independent graphics card, and Windows 7 operating system. structure milestone activity (290 days), a finish milestone activity
Fig. 7 displays a snapshot of a .txt file database of structure-related (415 days), and a dummy activity (throughout the project duration,
cost items. The format of this database is developed using the “keynote” 598 days) which includes all the indirect costs.
function and the database is allocated in the computer directory of On average, the progress (in terms of percentage) differs between
Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\utodesk\Revit\ Autodesk Revit Ar- the two curves for a given project time by approximately 4.48% (with
chitecture 2013. a standard deviation of 3.82%). Based on statistical test of p-value [50],
Moreover, Fig. 8 presents a screenshot of use of the “family type cat- these two curves are significantly different with a p-value of 0.0203
alog” function to identify several cost items (such as ceiling finishes, (smaller than 0.05).

Sitework (9 activities)

1st layer slop 2nd layer slop

1st layer Soil 2nd layer Plain
Start protection protection ...
excavation nailing excavation concrete
using shotcrete using shotcrete

Foundation layout B2 floor layout B1 floor layout 3rd floor layout Roof layout

Forming Forming Forming ... Forming Forming

Structure work
(59 activities) Setting steel Setting steel Setting steel Setting steel Setting steel

Concreting Concreting Concreting Concreting Concreting

B2 floor B1 floor 3rd floor

Finishes work Partitioning Partitioning Partitioning
(25 activities) … … … Roof, external
Water proof, Water proof, Water proof, wall finishing
Doors, windows Doors, windows Doors, windows
Finishing Finishing Curtain wall Finishing End

Fig. 5. Schedule of the case project.

406 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

Fig. 6. BIM model of the case project.

Moreover, the original S curve (which is developed from a milestone project to elicit their feedback. The major points of their feedback are
schedule) is smoother than that obtained using the proposed model be- summarized as follows.
cause a milestone activity spread its costs evenly to its long duration.
Consequently, a milestone schedule with only a few activities can exhib- • The practitioners stated that the advantage of the proposed model is
it small variations of daily costs from day to day. That is, a realistic S that it extracts and distributes the quantities of all cost items to activ-
curve such as the one obtained by the proposed model rarely has a ities more accurately than does the conventional approach. Accord-
very smooth shape. ingly, the curve produced by the proposed model was more accurate
and reliable than the original curve.
• The mapping relationships (between activities and cost items) and
6.3. Discussion the search criteria defined for quantity extractions, as presented in
Table 3, systematically formalized the practitioners' experience,
The proposed model and its application results were presented to a thereby supporting the retention of this quantity takeoff knowl-
project manager and two engineers who were involved in the modeled edge.

Fig. 7. Snapshot of a structure-related cost item database using “keynote” function.

K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410 407

Fig. 8. Screenshot of “family type catalog” function used to identify several cost items that are associated with a room object.

• During the case study, the proposed model (Step 2) found several demonstrated its advantage over the original one. Future research
significant quantity takeoff errors (e.g., cost items related to rein- should apply the proposed model to additional projects to verify
forcing rebar) in the original curve. This finding implies that the this finding.
proposed model has other supplementary benefits in addition to
Overall, the practitioners evaluated the proposed model favorably,
constructing an S curve, such as double-checking the quantity ex-
agreeing that it generated an accurate S curve that could effectively sup-
tractions of cost items.
port schedule control. Nevertheless, they were concerned about the
• As Fig. 11 shows, the curve obtained by the proposed model is lo-
workload required to calculate the proposed model. The discussion re-
cated above the original curve throughout two-thirds of the pro-
garding workload reduction is summarized as follows.
ject's duration. That is, the proposed model suggests construction
progress targets that are stricter than those of the original curve • Performing Step 1 was relatively time-consuming for the case project.
for most of the project time. In fact, the construction progress However, applying the proposed model for new projects requires less
was viewed as being on schedule during the first half of the case time for entering information parameters, which increases the appli-
project, and when the project was delayed, it was too late to accel- cability of the proposed model. This is because, in Step 1, the databases
erate the work. As noted by the practitioners, if this proposed curve of cost items established using keynote, assembly code, and family
had been applied to the studied project, the lack of progress would type catalog formats for a new project are reusable, and only those
have been noted with alarm in the early phase and the contractor new cost items not included in the databases should be added. In
would have been asked to accelerate work right away. Overall, in Step 2, mathematical equations for extracting quantities can also be
this case study, the curve generated by the proposed model copied and pasted to a new project to reduce modeling time.
408 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

Fig. 9. Screenshot of cost item, object, and floor used as search criteria in QTO.

• Additional applications of the proposed model can offset the work- model developed in Step 1 can also be used for other BIM efforts
load. In addition to the aforementioned application in double- such as 3D coordination and site utilization planning [18].
checking the quantity extractions of cost items, the proposed model • If the duration of an activity is short (such as 1 or 2 weeks for a de-
can also be directly used to perform other quantity extraction- tailed schedule), then the S curve requires numerous activities, thus
related management tasks such as quantity assessment in daily con- increasing the data processing effort for QTO. If the duration is long
struction reports and progress payment reports. Moreover, the BIM (such as more than 2 months for a milestone schedule), then only a

Fig. 10. Activity daily costs in an Excel file for the case project.
K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410 409




Percentage of cumulative costs

Proposed model


Original curve





Project time

Fig. 11. The S curve established for the case project.

few activities are required, and the QTO effort is substantially reduced, This study makes four contributions to the literature. The first inno-
thus reducing the accuracy of the S-curve. Using an intermediate (or vation is the use of BIM objects to integrate schedule information from
semi-detailed) schedule, in which each activity lasts for approximate- WBS with cost information from CBS, as presented in Fig. 2. The power-
ly 1 month, is suggested as the optimal tradeoff between data process- ful data acquisition and storage capabilities of BIM supports the integra-
ing effort and accuracy. tion of schedule and cost.
• The Excel calculations for Step 3 (calculating activity costs) and Step 4 Second, based on the relationships between activities and cost items,
(constructing the S curve) are straightforward and require a reason- described in Table 3, the proposed model defines the criteria that are ap-
able workload. For instance, Fig. 10 displays a snapshot of daily activ- plied in the search takeoff function to identify precisely takeoff objects
ity cost calculations for establishing the curve for the studied project. to extract quantities. Steps 2.1–2.2 presents an example of the quantity
Because all activities use the same data structures for cost data (see takeoff process for a many-to-many relationship. Notably, although sev-
Fig. 10), the calculations can be automated. The research team took eral studies have used BIM in quantity takeoffs and cost estimations,
approximately 1.5 h (93 activities × 1 min per activity) to complete they have extracted quantities for only one cost item at a time, and
these calculations for the case project. In a large project with numer- have not addressed the distribution of quantities among activities.
ous activities, the data processing effort required for Excel should Third, the use of keynote, assembly code, and family type catalog
also be acceptable. However, the use of Excel macro functions is sug- functions to provide pop-up menus facilitates the inclusion of cost
gested for automating the calculations. items in BIM objects in a consistent and semi-automatic manner, to pre-
• The current model is not user-friendly because some of the modeling vent errors that are caused by manually typing the names of cost items.
steps are not automated. For instance, although the search algorithm Inconsistent names of cost items decrease the accuracy of quantity take-
for identifying takeoff objects (Step 2) can reduce errors in mapping offs because wrong takeoff objects are identified in extracting the
the activities and cost items, the algorithm must still be performed quantities.
manually. Therefore, users must have sufficient knowledge of BIM to A fourth highlight of the proposed model is that the contractual cost
perform Step 2. Further automation of the proposed model should items and unit prices must be uploaded to cost estimation software in
be considered for future work. One possibility is using an application advance so that the extracted quantity of a particular cost item can be
programming interface [18] or integrating other knowledge-based automatically matched with its unit price in Step 3.3. Otherwise, Step
systems [21] into the model to perform these steps. Moreover, 3.3 may not retrieve unit prices for a particular cost item, and a manual
automating the proposed model by using open data exchange approach would be required. This concept is a key to automating BIM
standards, such as Industry Foundation Classes [37], should promote use in cost estimations.
information sharing among the various steps of the proposed model The case study herein demonstrated four features of the model and
and promote interpretation of the BIM knowledge into computer- its feasibility. In addition to further automation of the proposed
readable formats. model, future investigations should apply the modeling steps iteratively
to update the S curve as the project progresses.

7. Conclusions Acknowledgments

Developing a cost-based progress curve is essential for effective con- The authors would like to thank the reviewers and the editor for
trol of a construction project schedule. The current practice is to develop their careful evaluation and thoughtful comments, which helped to im-
such a curve based on a milestone schedule with very few activities, and prove the paper. The authors thank the Ministry of Science and Technol-
to sum the costs of several cost items into that of a single milestone ac- ogy of Taiwan for financially supporting this research under Contract
tivity, to avoid the need to deal with the complex interrelationships be- No: MOST 103-2622-E-009-022-CC3. We also thank the Concord Tech
tween schedule and cost. Therefore, an S-curve developed using the Company for their technical assistance regarding the use of Autodesk
milestone schedule tends to have unsatisfactory accuracy. This work de- software. Additionally, we are indebted to Ming-Feng Yeh, Jang-Jeng
velops a BIM-based model to handle the detailed schedule and numer- Liu, Yuan-Yuan Cheng and Ming-Tsung Lee for providing valuable infor-
ous cost items for establishing a cost-based construction progress curve. mation and practical experience.
410 K.-C. Wang et al. / Automation in Construction 72 (2016) 397–410

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