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Analysis of Direct Shear Data 5-1

Example 5 – Analysis of Direct Shear

Lab Data
This tutorial will examine the fitting of two strength models to
direct shear stress data (measured in psi units) for a soil.

• Mohr-Coulomb

• Power Curve

Start up RocData and a new analysis file will be automatically

opened. If you are already in the program select the New option
from the File menu or from the toolbar.

The default view is the “Table Values View” in which the user
can estimate strength parameters using reference tables. However,
with the availability of triaxial test data, we can derive the
parameters using strength envelopes best-fit to the dataset. This is
done in the “Lab Data View,” which can be accessed from the
toolbar or the Analysis menu.

Select the Project Settings option (from the Analysis menu or the
toolbar) and set the measurement unit to psi. Change the strength
model from Generalized Hoek-Brown to Mohr-Coulomb. Ensure
the Lab Data Type is “Direct Shear Data.” Press OK.

RocData v.5.0 Tutorial Examples

Analysis of Direct Shear Data 5-2

Let’s now move to the sidebar.

Input the following direct shear data in the Lab Data Grid.

Next select the Use Lab Data option from the Analysis menu or
toolbar. This opens up the Mohr-Coulomb lab data analysis dialog.

There are two radio buttons near the top of the dialog that enable
you to select the type of data to be analyzed: Triaxial or Direct
Shear. Select the Direct Shear radio button. Set the number of
data points to be analyzed to 8, and enter the values shown in the
figure below.

Click “Zoom Extents” to display all data points.

Under “Curve Fit Analysis” section in the sidebar, enter the

following curve fitting parameters:

Click “Zoom Extents.”

RocData v.5.0 Tutorial Examples

Analysis of Direct Shear Data 5-3

The plot and data legend are automatically updated once both the
dataset and the curve fitting parameters have been completed

RocData v.5.0 Tutorial Examples

Analysis of Direct Shear Data 5-4

Let’s now analyze the dataset using the Power Curve criterion.

Select the Project Settings option (from the Analysis menu or the
toolbar) and change the strength model to Power Curve. Ensure
the Lab Data Type is “Direct Shear Data.” Press OK. Press
OK again if prompted with a warning dialog.

Since we are still working with “Lab Material 1,” the dataset is
saved because it’s associated with the same material. However, we
need to enter new Curve Fit Analysis parameters because these
parameters are different depending on the strength criterion being
fitted to the dataset.

Under “Curve Fit Analysis” section in the sidebar, enter the

following curve fitting parameters:

Click “Zoom Extents.”

The plot and data legend are automatically updated once the curve
fitting parameters have been completed entered.

RocData v.5.0 Tutorial Examples

Analysis of Direct Shear Data 5-5

This concludes the tutorial on fitting the Mohr-Coulomb and

Power Curve strength models to a direct shear dataset.

RocData v.5.0 Tutorial Examples

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