Administrative Law MT Reviewer

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Administrative Law or assigned the rank of a department, regardless of its

name or designation.
Administrative Law – is that branch of modern law
under which the executive department of the Bureau – refers to any principal subdivision or unit of
government, acting in a quasi-legislative or quasi- any department. For purposes of Book IV, this shall
judicial capacity, interferes with the conduct of the include any principal subdivision or unit of any
individual for the purpose of promoting the well-being instrumentality given or assigned the rank of a bureau,
of the community, as under laws regulating public regardless of actual name or designation, as in the case
interest, professions, trades and callings, rates and of department-wide regional offices.
prices, laws for the protection of public health and
safety, and the promotion of public convenience. Office – refers, within the framework of governmental
organization, to any major functional unit of a
Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency – The members department or bureau including regional offices. It may
of the cabinets are deemed alter egos of the President also refer to any position held or occupied by individual
so that their decision and acts performed in the regular persons, whose functions are defined by law or
course of business are deemed acts or decision of the regulation.
President unless reprobated by the President.
Government-owned or controlled corporation –
Government of the Republic of the Philippines – refers refers to any agency organized as a stock or non-stock
to the corporate governmental entity through which corporation, vested with function relation to public
the functions of government are exercised through the needs whether governmental or proprietary in nature,
Philippines, including, save as the contrary appears and owned by the Government directly or through its
from the context, the various arms through which instrumentalities either wholly, or, where applicable as
political authority is made effective in the Philippines, in case of stock corporations, to the extent of at least
whether pertaining to the autonomous regions, the 51 percent of its capital stock: provided, that
provincial, city, municipal or barangay subdivisions or government-owned or controlled corporations may be
other forms of local government. further categorized by the Department of Budget and
Management, the Civil Service Commission, and the
Government Instrumentality – refers to any agency of Commission on Audit for purposes of the exercise and
the National Government, not integrated within the discharge of their respective powers, functions and
department framework, vested with special functions responsibilities with respect to such corporations.
or jurisdiction by law, endowed with some if not all
corporate powers, administering special funds, and Quasi-Legislative Power – The authority delegated by
enjoying operational autonomy, usually through a the law-making body to the administrative body to
charter. This term includes regulatory agencies, adopt rules and regulations intended to carry out the
chartered institutions and government-owned or provisions of a law and implement legislative policy.
controlled corporations.
Administrative Regulations are:
Regulatory Agency – refers to any agency expressly 1. Interpretative – issued by the administrative
vested with jurisdiction to regulate, administer or body as an incident of it s power to enforce the
adjudicate matters affecting substantial rights and law and is intended merely to clarify its
interest of private persons, the principal powers of provisions for power observance by the
which are exercise by a collective body, such as people.
commission, board or council. 2. Legislative – is in the nature of subordinate
legislation, acting in legislative capacity,
Chartered Institutions – refers to any agency organized supplementing the statue, filling in the details,
or operating under a special charter, and vested by law or making the law, and usually acting pursuant
with functions relating to specific constitutional to a specific delegation of legislative power.
policies or objectives. This term includes the state a. Supplementary – is intended to fill in
universities and colleges and the monetary authority of the details of the law and “to make
the State. explicit what is only general.”
b. Contingent – it is issued upon the
Department – refers to an executive department happening of a certain contingency
created by law. For purposes of Book IV, this shall which the administrative body is given
include any instrumentality, as herein defined, having the discretion to determine or “to
ascertain, under and pursuant to the
VISAYA, Filouie C. | Administrative Law | 2G | Atty. Sandoval
law, some circumstances on which the Doctrine of Necessary Implication – Where an
law, by its own terms, makes its own administrative body is expressly granted the power of
action depend, or to find the facts or adjudication, it is deemed also vest with the implied
conditions properly prescribed under power to prescribe the rules to be observed in the
which a law as passed will or will not conduct of its proceedings.
operate, that is, for putting in effect,
applying or suspending a law. Determinative Powers
1. Enabling Powers – those that permit the doing
Requisites of a Valid Administrative Regulation: of an act which the law undertakes to regulate
1. Its promulgation must be authorized by the and which would be unlawful without
legislature. government approval.
2. It must be within the scope of the authority 2. Directing Powers – order the doing or
given by the legislature. performance of particular acts to ensure
3. It must be promulgated in accordance with the compliance with the law and are often exercise
prescribed procedure. for corrective purposes.
a. Public Hearing a. Dispending Powers – allows the
b. Publication administrative officer to relax the
4. It must be reasonable. general operation of a law or exempt
from the performance of a general
Test of Valid Delegation: duty.
1. Completeness Test – the law must be b. Examining Powers – enables it to
complete in all its terms and conditions when inspect the records and premises, and
it leaves the legislature so that when it reaches investigate the activities, of persons or
the delegate, it will have nothing to do but to entities coming under its jurisdiction.
enforce it. c. Summary Powers – those involving
2. Sufficient Standard Test – the law must offer a the use by administrative authorities
sufficient standard, which are determinate, or of force upon persons or things
at least determinable to specify the limits of without the necessity of pervious
the delegate’s authority, announce the judicial warrant.
legislative policy and specify the conditions
under which is to be implemented. Cardinal Rights or Principles in Administrative
Proceedings (Ang Tibay v. CIR):
Doctrine of Delegation of Powers 1. The right to a hearing which include the right
General Rule: A power that has already been delegated of the party interested or affect to present his
may no longer be delegated. own case and submit evidence in support
Exceptions: thereof;
1. Delegation to the People through plebiscite 2. The tribunal must consider the evidence
and referendum presented;
2. Delegation of Emergency Powers to the 3. The decision must have something to support
President itself;
3. Delegation to the President of Tariff Powers 4. The evidence must be substantial, one which
4. Delegation to Administrative Bodies relevant and a reasonable mind might accept
5. Delegation to the Local Government as adequate to support a conclusion;
5. The decision must be rendered on the
Quasi- Judicial Power – The power of the evidence presented at the hearing, or at least
administrative authorities to make determinations of contained in the record and disclosed to the
facts in the performance of their official duties and to parties affected;
apply the law as they construe it to the facts so found. 6. The judges must act on its or his own
independent consideration of the law and facts
Requisites of Proper Exercise of Quasi- Judicial Power: of the controversy, and not simply accept the
1. Jurisdiction must be properly acquired by the views of a subordinate in arriving at a decision;
Administrative Body and
2. Due Process must be observed in the conduct 7. That it renders a decision is such a manner that
of the Proceedings. the parties to the proceeding can know the
various issues involved, and the reasons for the
decisions rendered.
VISAYA, Filouie C. | Administrative Law | 2G | Atty. Sandoval
Judicial Power – includes the duty of the courts of 4. When the claim involved is small.
justice to settle actual controversies involving rights 5. Where the question raised is purely legal.
which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to 6. Where judicial intervention is urgent.
determine whether or not there has been a grave 7. When irreparable damage will be suffered.
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of 8. Where the controverted acts violate due
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or process.
instrumentality of the Government. 9. When the issue of non-exhaustion of
administrative remedies has been rendered
How does the definition of Judicial Power under the moot.
present Constitution affected the political question 10. When there is no other plain, speedy and
doctrine? adequate remedy.
 The 1987 Constitution expands the concept of 11. When strong public interest is involved.
judicial review. Under the expanded definition, 12. In quo warranto proceedings.
the Court cannot agree that the issues involved
is a political question beyond the jurisdiction of Law on Public Officers
the court to review. When the grant of power
is qualified, conditional, or subject to Public Office – it refers to the right, authority or duty
limitations, the issue to whether the created and conferred by law by which for a given
prescribed qualifications or conditions have period either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure
been met or the limitations respected is of the creating power, an individual is invested with
justiciable – the problem being one of legality some sovereign power of the sovereign function of the
or validity, not its wisdom. When political government, to be exercised by that individual for the
questions are involved, the Constitution limits benefit of the public.
the delimitation as to whether or not there has
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to Elements:
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of the 1. It is created by law or authority of law.
official whose action is being questioned. 2. Possess a delegation of a portion of the
sovereign powers of the government, to be
Requisites for Proper Exercise of the power of Judicial exercised for the benefit of the public.
Review: 3. Powers conferred and duties imposed must be
1. The existence of an appropriate case; defined directly of impliedly by the legislature.
2. An interest personal and substantial by the 4. Duties must be performed independently and
party raising the constitution question; without the control of a superior power other
3. The plea that the function be exercise at the than the law.
earliest opportunity; and 5. Must have permanence or continuity.
4. The necessity that the constitutional question
be passed upon in order to decide the case. Characteristic of a Public Office:
1. Public Office is a public trust.
Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction – the courts cannot 2. It is not a heritable possession
and will not resolve a controversy involving a question 3. It is outside the commerce of man.
which is within the jurisdiction of an administrative 4. It is not a property.
Luego Doctrine – this is a political question involving
Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedy – consideration of wisdom which only the appointing
whenever there is an available administrative remedy authority may determine. For as long as the appointee
provided by law, no judicial records can be made until has the minimum requirements, the CSC and the SC are
all such remedies have been availed of and exhausted. powerless to render that a better one is more qualified.

Exceptions: (Sangguniang Bayan of Don Mariano

Marcos v. Martinez)
1. When the administrative body is in estoppel.
2. Where the challenged administrative act is
patently illegal.
3. Where there is unreasonable delay or official
inaction that will irretrievably prejudice the
VISAYA, Filouie C. | Administrative Law | 2G | Atty. Sandoval

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