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Memo is a message that is written shortly, clearly, and easy to be understood.

Memo can be said formal when it is used as a formal statement letter, such as a message
from a leader to employee. But it can be said informal when it is used as an informal
statement letter, such as a message that is sent among friends, relatives, or other persons.
Memo is used by someone to question, order, inform, warn, or request something that

1. Official Memo or Formal Memo
This memo is usually used by an agency or company to a subordinate or vice versa.
There are two parts of the form of the official memo:
 Head of memo
Matter and date
 Content
TO : The recipient of the MEMO
FROM : the person writing the MEMO (sender).
DATE : the date when memo was written
SUBJECT : a short specific topic discussed on the MEMO
CONTENT: The message or things that written on the MEMO
2. Unofficial Memo or Informal (personal) Memo:
An unofficial memo is a memo commonly used in everyday life. Whether addressed
to friends, relatives or family, this memo does not involve any institution or
There are two parts of the form of the informal memo:
Head of memo b. Content
 Receiver/acceptor  Sender (name)
TO : The recipient (private) *Friends, Family, Organization.
FROM : The Sender *Friends, Family, Organization and etc.
CONTENT : Message Delivered by The Sender (personally/privately).
Examples of Official and Unofficial Memo:

Official Memo:

To : All Employees
From : Ahmad Fajar, Head Manager
Date : February 15th, 2015
Subject : Our Company's Anniversary
Next Sunday, we are going to celebrate our company's anniversary. It will be held at 10:00
a.m. on February 20th, 2015. There will be bazaar and door prizes for the employees. I
hope you can attend this celebration on time.

Unofficial Memo:

To: Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag. The one with black suede color and two side pockets. I
need it for Bima’s Birthday party tonight

Thank you so much!

A schedule or a timetable, as a basic time-management tool, consists of a list
of times at which possible tasks, events, or actions are intended to take place, or of
a sequence of events in the chronological order in which such things are intended to
take place. The purpose of Schedule is to keep yourself in time, to manage your
plan well, to make it easier for us to do something properly.

There are many kinds of schedules but it will be focused on train schedules, flight
schedules, and class schedules.

Kinds of Schedule

1. Class Schedule

Class schedule is one of a timetable which is used by the students. Its function is to give
information about the sequence of subjects which will be learnt on certain day.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

07:15– Religion English Indonesian Social Sport Art



09:45– Biology Math Math Music English Math


11.00- History Physic Sociology Computer Society English

2. Flight Schedule

Flight schedule is timetable which is found at airport. Its function is to give information
about the sequence of flight or arrival schedule at airport. Flight schedule also has
information about type of airplane, destination, and time.

Plane Depart At Arrival At


Garuda Pekanbaru 12:55 pm Jakarta 2:45 pm

Sriwijaya Padang 7:50 am Palembang 8:55 am

Batik Malang 5:50 pm Jogjakarta 7:00 pm

3. Train Schedule

Train schedule is a timetable which is found at Train Station. Its function is to inform the
arrival and departure of train.

Train Class Depart At Arrival at


K.A Executive Tawang 06.12 Gambir 11.30

Nusaria l station Station

K.A Executive Tawang 16.30 Gambir 21:45

Nusaria ll station Station
4. Bus Schedule

Bus schedule is a timetable which is found at bus station or bus hall. To inform arrival and
departure of bus. It also has information about the destination and time.

Depart from At Arrival At

Bus NPM Padang 7:00 am Bukit Tinggi 08:10 am

Bus Family Bukit Tinggi 2:30 pm Payakumbuah 3:30 pm

Bus PMP Padang 4:00 pm Pasaman 9:00 pm

Bus Mandala Padang 08:15 am Pasaman Barat 12:00 pm

In a restaurant, a menu is a list of food and beverages offered to customers and
the prices. A menu may be à la carte – which presents a list of options from which customers
choose – or table d'hôte, in which case a pre-established sequence of courses is offered.
Menus may be printed on paper sheets provided to the diners, put on a large poster or
display board inside the establishment, displayed outside the restaurant, or put on a
digital screen. Since the late 1990s, some restaurants have put their menus online.


1. Appetizer
Appetizer is a dish which is served in small Example:
portion. Appetizer is a dish to arise someone’s -Soup
2. Main Course Example:
Main dishes. -Rice or potatoes
- meat such as beef, fish, chicken
- sauces, vegetables, Etc.
3. Desert Example:
A dessert is a type of food that is eaten after - Fruits
lunch or dinner. It is usually a sweet food, like - tea or coffee
ice cream, cookies, and cakes. In some - Bread or cake
countries, cheeses such as Brie cheese and - Ice Cream, pasta cake, etc.
fruit are served as dessert. Some desserts are
decorated, like birthday cakes.

Example of menu:

Blackcha Café

Soups: Cup/Bowl Salads: Sandwiches (served with cole slaw)

Chicken noodle Rp 18.000/27.000 Mixed Greens Rp 13.500 Tuna Salad Rp 38.000
Clam Chowder Rp 18.000/27.000 Paste Salad Rp 25.000 Roast Beef Rp 42.500
French Onion Rp 27.000/41.000 Chef Salad Rp 38.000 Grilled Chicken Breast Rp 62.500

Burgers (served with French fries) Beverages Medium/Large Desserts

Hamburger Rp 49.500 Coffee or Tea Rp 4.000/9.000 Ice Cream Rp 13.500
Cheeseburger Rp 54.000 Soda Rp 7.000/10.000 (Chocolate, Vanilla, or
Turkey Burger Rp 51.500 Ice Tea Rp 9.000/13.500 Strawberry)

In general, Sign is symbols containing warning signs, mandatory signs, prohibition signs

and direction or information of a place intended as information to the crowd or an object

whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something



Traffic Signs are part of the road equipment containing emblems, letters, numbers,

sentences and / or combinations in between, which are used for traffic control in the form

of warning, prohibition, mandatory, and instruction/Information.

The purpose of traffic signs:

1. Reduce traffic accidents.

2. create safety for the users of the road.

3. To discipline the road users

4. To avoid accidents or casualties

5. Provide directions for riders

6. Providing warning about the danger of the place etc.


Geometric Safety Contrast Graphical

Shape Meaning Colour Colour Symbol Example of Use

Red White Black -No Smoking

Blue White White -Wear eye Protection

Yellow Black Black -Warning For
Direction &
Green White White -Fist Aid Room

1. Warning signs

The warning signs indicate a potentially dangerous traffic situation.

Signs: Warning Hazard Signs

2. Mandatory Signs

The mandatory signs indicate an obligation you have to fulfill.


Mandatory direction Signs

3. Prohibition Signs

Signs: Prohibition Signs

4. Information/Direction Signs

Introduction sign for direction at

intersection ahead.

Introduction sign for direction which

direct at some areas.


Definisi dari Comparison adalah perbandingan. Comparison digunakan dengan kata sifat
(Adjective) atau kata keterangan (Adverb).

Comparison dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu:

1. Positive Degree, As (setara/sama)

2. Comparative Degree, More (lebih...dari)

3. Superlative Degree, Most (ter.../paling)

Kata-kata bersuku kata tunggal diberi akhiran "–er" dan "–est".

Positive Comparative Superlative

New Newer Newest
Old Older Newest
Big Bigger Biggest
Soon Sooner Soonest
Later Later latest

Kata-kata dengan dua atau lebih suku kata didahului oleh "more" dan "most".

Positive Comparative Superlative

Interesting More interesting Most interesting
Convenient More convenient Most convenient
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Easily More easily Most easily
carefully More carefully Most carefully

Kata-kata dengan dua suku kata dan berakhir dengan "–y" atau "–ly", "-ow", "-le" dan
"–er" diberi akhiran "–er" dan "–est".

Positive Comparative Superlative

Tiny Tinier Tiniest
Speedy Speedier Speediest
Early earlier ealiest
Friendly Friendlier friendliest
Shallow Shallower shallowest
narrow narrower narrowest
Bentuk dan Contoh Kalimatnya

1. Positive Degree
Positive Degree yaitu bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk membandingkan
antara 2 hal yang sifatnya setara. Apabila hal yang dibandingkan itu tidak setara,
maka dalam possitive degree dinyatakan dalam kalimat negatve.

Pola kalimat:

S + to be + as + kata sifat + as + object

Contoh kalimat:

 Mother works as hard as father => Ibu bekerja sekeras ayah

 You are as tall as your father => Kamu setinggi ayahmu
 Geovani is not as kind as his sister. => Geovani tidak sebaik kakaknya
 Bromo is not as high as Semeru. => Bromo tidak setinggi Semeru
2. Comparative Degree
Comparative Degree adalah suatu bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk
membandingkan 2 hal yang tidak setara

Pola Kalimatnya:

S + to be + Kata Sifat + -er + than + object

S + to be + more + kata sifat + than + object

Contoh kalimat:

 He is more clever than I (am) => Dia lebih pintar daripada saya
 Lea is kind than her sibling. => Lia lebih baik daripada saudara kandungnya
 Cheetah runs more quickly than Leopard => Cetah berlari lebih kencang daripada macan

3. Superlative degree
Superlative Degree adalah perbandingan tertinggi yang sudah tidak ada
perbandingannya lagi.

Pola Kalimatnya:

S+ to be + the superlative (Adj/Adv-est) atau S + to be + the most (Adj/Adv-est)

Contoh kalimat:

 Nena is the most diligent in her class => Nena adalah yang paling rajin di kelasnya
 Paul spoke the most loudly yesterday => Paul berbicara paling keras kemarin
 What is the highest mount in Indonesia? => Gunung apa yang tertinggi di Indonesia
Peraturan Degrees of Comparison

Penggunaan comparative dan superlative tergantung dari jumlah suku kata adjective-nya
(kata sifatnya). e.g: Tall (1 suku kata), Famous (2 suku kata), Beautiful (3 suku kata)

 1 suku kata: tinggal nambahi -est/-er di belakangnya.

Contoh: I am slimer than you. My father is oldest in my family.
 2 suku kata. Ada yang menggunakan more ada yang menggunakan -er untuk
comparative. Untuk superlative ada yang menggunakan -est ada yang menggunakan
Contoh: Tukul more famous than Gogon
 3 atau lebih suku kata. harus memakai Most dan More.
Contoh: She is the most beautiful girl in my life.

 beberapa kata sifat dalam comparative dan superlative akan mengalami pen-double-
an huruf terakhir. seperti: big > bigger dan biggest; sad > sadder dan saddest.
 Kalau kata sifat diakhiri dengan huruf “y”, maka diganti dengan “i”. Seperti:
Happy > Happiest dan Happier

Asking and Giving Directions merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan arah
dan menunjukan arah.

Asking for directions (menanyakan arah)

Ini adalah beberapa kosa kata yang sangat berguna dalam meminta/ bertanya tentang
arah/ petunjuk dalam Bahasa Ingris.

Asking directions in English

 How do I get to …? Bagaimana saya dapat ke…?

 What’s the best way to …? Kemana jalan yang tepat menuju…?
 What’s the quickest way of getting to your office? Dimana jalan tercepat untuk sampai ke
kantor mu?
 Where is …? Dimana…?
 Where are you exactly. Dimana anda berada?
 Can you tell me the best way of getting to your office? Bisakah kamu memberitahuku jalan
terbaik/tercepat untuk sampai ke kantormu?

Giving Direction

 Go straight on (until you come to …).

 Turn back./Go back.
 Turn left/right (into …-street)
 Go along ….
 Cross …
 Signpost
 Opposite
 Near
 Between
 Next to …
 at the end (of)
 on/at the corner (of)
 across from traffic lights
 behind
 in front of, in back of, in the middle of
 Take the first/second road on the left/right
 It’s on the left/right.. / (to) (on) the right/left of
 ...... (is) located/situated
 (just) around the corner

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