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Vol. 69,Christian
No. 5
The Christian Courier
First Christian The Christian Courier
Church May 2019

Archways to Understanding: Faith Communities Leading with

May, 5, 2019
2-4 PM
Paula Williams
Dr. Williams is an internationally known speaker on gender equity and
LGBTQ advocacy. She is the Pastor of Preaching and Worship at Left Hand
Church in Longmont, Colorado.
As a transgender pastor and keynote speaker, Paula has been featured in
the New York Times, TEDWomen, TEDxMileHigh, the Denver Post, New
Scientist, Radio New Zealand, The Huffington Post, and Colorado Public
Radio. Paula's recent TED talk had over half a million views in its first 48
hours, and her TEDxMileHigh talk on gender equity has had over 1.7 million views on YouTube.
This event, hosted by PFLAG Skagit and PFLAG Whatcom, will be held at the Skagit Public Utility
District Building at 1415 Freeway Dr. Mount Vernon, WA 98274
This event is free and open to the public. Donations will be welcome.
The PFLAG mission is to support, educate and advocate for our families and friends who are gay,
lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender. About half our members and leaders are part of that community,
and the rest are devoted allies and friends. We are a national organization started by a mom in the
1970’s, and your local chapters have been serving in your communities for decades. We are non-
partisan and not affiliated with any religion; however, we have folks among us who have deep and
loving connections to faith traditions. We hope we can all match the courage shown by Rev. Paula.
We believe the time is right. Please share this invitation.
Contact information: Kathy Reim, 360 856 4676
Find Skagit PFLAG and PFLAG Whatcom on Facebook

• Rev. Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and
• Rev. Nancy Gowler, First Christian Church,
Puyallup, WA
• Rev. Ruben del Pilar, Community Worship
Center, Gardena, CA
• Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale and Rev. Mark Briley
July 20 - 24, 2019 • Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
Des Moines, Iowa For more info, visit
First Christian Church Joys and Concerns
(Disciples of Christ) Please submit written requests
to update this list.
Medical concerns:
495 East Bakerview Road
• Jimmie Talley’s mom
Bellingham, WA 98226 • Maureen Thompson, Melissa Henderson’s mom/Leslie Pinkston’s sister
360.734.6820 • Virginia Bock, Pastor Tamalyn’s mom • Darleen Page & Family • Ellen Fisher, Bob’s sister-in-law
Find us on Facebook • Marian Crim
Follow us on Twitter • Chloe Gibson
• Gary Schwebel, Diana Findlay’s son
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) • Pat Spiller, Kris Ann’s stepdad-in-law & Vivian Lewis, Kris Ann’s
A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. mother-in law & entire Lewis/Spiller family
As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all
to the Lord’s Table as God welcomed us. Life’s challenges:
All of Us
• Ardythe Hannah & granddaughter Stephanie
Ministers • Katie, Bob Fisher’s daughter
• Kris Ann Lewis’s family: brother Phil, sister-in-law Cary, nephew Matt
Rev. Gary Shoemaker, Pastor
niece Hannah, Brenchly family
Rev. Tamalyn Kralman, Associate Pastor Beyond Our Walls:
- Ed. & Community Outreach - • For the healing of our nation
Courier Editor • Refugees worldwide • Iglesia de Dios, as together we share God’s love
Amelia Nye, Accompanist • Raices Culturales/Community to Community families in their
gardening program in our field
TBD, Childcare Provider • Kristine Tissinger, missionary partner in Ghana
Rev. Sandy Messick, Regional Minister • Rev. Sandy Messick, Regional Minister and President
• Rev. Teresa Hord Owens, General Minister and President
Rev. Terri Horde Owens
General Minister and President
• Our General Church ministries
• Yakama Christian Mission
Sunday Schedule • Victims of hatred, injustice, violence, poverty, disease, and disaster
9:15a Sunday School worldwide
10:50a Gathering Time • All troops involved in world conflict
11a Worship • Peacemakers worldwide
12:15p Fellowship Time
1p Out-to-Lunch Bunch
(4th Sunday)
2p Someone Cares! Community Meal A Request from
(2nd Sunday) Joseph’s Closet
Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
I can use more men’s
9 a.m. - noon clothes, mainly medium
Our staff are in and out of the office throughout the sized men’s jeans. Also,
week. Please feel free to stop by during their office please make sure that
hours or make an appointment that fits your
schedule. items that come in pairs
always have their
Gregg Heyne, Moderator mates, such as two
Leslie Pinkston, Vice-Moderator shoes and two socks.
Betty Schmidling, Secretary Remember, no holes in shoes or clothes.
Cheryl Perry, Treasurer
Important Links:
Thank you,
Regional Website (including monthly Bridget Becker
newsletter): Joseph’s Closet Coordinator
General Church Website:

2 May 2019
Who’s on First? Birthdays & Anniversaries Outreach & Fellowship

Happy Birthday
Bill Ruther 5
Darleen Page 6
Bentley Becker 14
Melissa Henderson 14
Jayne Witman 16
Bob Gilda 18
Sunday, May 5 Max Perry 19
Pastor Gary Shoemaker 20 Happy Anniversary
Elder: Brenda Riseland
Brett Kralman-Shoemaker 20 Russ & Bekki Weston 25
Elder of the Month: Bob Fisher
Deacons: James Becker, Bentley Becker Betty Schmidling 26
Reader: Gregg Heyne Cameron Hulbert 26
Children's Moment: Megan Shoemaker
Children’s Church: Linda Heyne
Dear Church Family:
Flowers: Brenda Riseland
My back yard is so much nicer now, thanks to the wonderful
Fellowship Time: TBD, honoring January
crew that came on March 31st to rake, dig a flower bed, and
hang curtains. I love my church family.
Bea Gilfilen
Sunday, May 12
Elder: Jane Kletka
Deacons: Renee Hoemann, Zoe Ila Becker Be the Hands of God (nurture the world)
Reader: Bruce Radtke
Children's Moment: Tamalyn Kralman • Annual Bazaar • Family Promise Hosts
Children’s Church: Linda Botts • Alternative Christmas • Family Promise Day
Flowers: TBD Faire Center (Disciples
Fellowship Time:TBD • Blessing Bags House)
• CAST • Food Bank collections
Sunday, May 19 • Clean Water Projects • Joseph’s Closet
• Comfort Quilt Ministry • Justice Sunday
Elder: Linda Heyne
• Community Gardens • Socks on the Street
Deacons: Kris Ann Lewis, Celia Obrecht
• Community Meal
Reader: Megan Shoemaker
Children's Moment: Linda Heyne For more info on how to assist in any of these projects,
Children’s Church: Tamalyn Kralman please contact us at
Flowers: TBD
Fellowship Time: Book Group
Be a Part of A Small Group (nurture your soul)
Sunday, May 26 • Women's Spiritual Growth Groups - Please contact
the church office if you would like to be a part of a group.
Elder: Kathy Wheeler
• Out-to-Lunch Bunch, 1p, 4th Sundays - An informal
Deacons: Linda Botts, Melissa Henderson
gathering that visits locally owned restaurants.
Reader: Kris Ann Lewis
• Book Group, 7p, 4th Sundays - This group explores
Children's Moment: Megan Shoemaker
books to expand their minds and hearts.
Children’s Church: Tamalyn Kralman
• Esther Group, 11:30a, 3rd Mondays - A women's group
Flowers & Fellowship Time: Esther Group
that meets for lunch in local restaurants. (No host.)
• Bible Study, 11a, Tuesdays - Meeting in the church
Sign up in the fellowship hall to help in these
library, this group explores the lectionary scriptures.
important ministries:
• Pub Theology, 6p, 3rd Thursdays - Beer, conversation,
• Read scripture during Sunday morning worship and God! (Or any beverage of your choice.) Jeckyl & Hyde
Deli & Ale House 709 Orchard Pl #1.
• Bring flowers for Sunday worship
• Checking in Group, 5p, 4th Thursdays - A supportive
• Provide goodies for fellowship time following group of people who share life's journey together.
Sunday worship • Men's Breakfast, 7:30a, Saturdays at Denny's - 

Please contact the office for more info. All men are invited to join this weekly breakfast group for
fun and fellowship. (No host.)

May 2019 3
Coming in May

Wednesday, May 1 • 12:15p Fellowship Time

• Bulletin deadline • 5p Board Meeting
• No Bell Choir Rehearsal Monday, May 20
• 7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal • 11:30a Esther Group meets for lunch, location TBD
Friday, May 3 Tuesday, May 21
• 3p Spong Study Group; contact Pastor Gary for details • 11a Bible Study
Saturday, May 4 Wednesday, May 22
• 7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s • Bulletin deadline
• 6p Bell Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, May 5 • 7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal
• 9:15a Sunday School (older teens - adults) Thursday, May 23
• 10:50a Gathering Time • 5p Checking in Group, location TBD
• 11a Worship; Children’s Church follows Children’s Friday, May 24
Moment • 3p Spong Study Group; contact Pastor Gary for details
• 12:15p Fellowship Time Saturday, May 25
Tuesday, May 7 • 7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s
• Jane in office
• 11a Bible Study Sunday, May 26
Wednesday, May 8 • 9:15a Sunday School (older teens - adults)
• office sub needed • 10:50a Gathering Time
• Bulletin deadline • 11a Worship; Children’s Church/Children’s Moment
• 6p Bell Choir Rehearsal • 12:15p Fellowship Time
• 7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal • 1p Out-to-Lunch Bunch
Thursday, May 9 • 7p Book Group
• office sub needed • 5p First Christian welcomes our next Family Promise
Friday, May 10 families. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the
• Jane in office fellowship hall to be a dinner host, an evening host, or
• 3p Spong Study Group; contact Pastor Gary for details an overnight host. Remember: we will also need
Saturday, May 11 assistance with set up and clean up.
• 7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s Tuesday, May 28
• 11a Bible Study
Sunday, May 12 Wednesday, May 29
• 9:15a Sunday School (older teens - adults) • Bulletin deadline
• 10:50a Gathering Time • 6p Bell Choir Rehearsal
• 11a Worship; Children’s Church/Children’s Moment • 7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal
• 12:15p Fellowship Time
• 2p Community Meal & Joseph’s Closet Coming in June
Monday, May 13 Saturday, June 1
• 6:30p Stewardship Mtg, office • 7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s
Tuesday, May 14
• 11a Bible Study Sunday, June 2 - Summer Worship hours begin
Wednesday, May 15 • Sunday School on hiatus for the summer
• Bulletin deadline • 10:20a Gathering Time
• Courier deadline • 10:30a Worship; Children’s Church/Children’s Moment
• 6p Bell Choir Rehearsal • 11:45a Fellowship Time
• 7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, May 16
• 6p Pub Theology, Jeckyl & Hyde’s, 709 Orchard Pl.
Friday, May 17 This is a test! Please let the office know if you
• 3p Spong Study Group; contact Pastor Gary for details prefer a traditional monthly calendar or this list
Saturday, May 18 of upcoming events.
• 7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s

Sunday, May 19
• 9:15a Sunday School (older teens - adults)
• 10:50a Gathering Time
• 11a Worship; Children’s Church/Children’s Moment

4 May 2019

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