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4. Describe an interesting old person

You should say:

- Who this person is?

- How you know this person
- What you do with this person

- Why he/she is interesting?

Ok! In my entire life, I have met with numerous senior people; however, the one who, In
my view is impressive, is my Mathematics teacher, Mr Wilson. I hold him in the highest
regards, not only because of his helping nature but also his intelligence. He is a
successful person as he received plenty of accolades in his tenure in college. He has
devoted all his life for orphan kids and made some of them educated by paying
their school fees.

How I met him is a very interesting story. After my high school, I was searching for a
good college to enrol myself. When I was waiting for a bus to go to college in order to
take admission, I had seat down beside an old age person and I didn't pay much
attention to him. Later when I saw him on my day of college as a Professor, I was
completely in shock.

I love and respect him for many different reasons. The most important reason
is because of his unconditional love and affection for all student. Another explanation is
that he is a good instructor who can explain positive ways and guide in depressed time
to any student.

Overall, I will always remember him for his generousness and intellectual.

8. Describe an intelligent person you know.

You should say:
-who this person is
-how you know this person
-what this person does
- and why you think this person is intelligent
OK! you can find many intelligent people in the world, and it is very difficult to choose
one among all of them. If I would like to choose one to describe, I would obviously pick
my close friend up. His name is Adam and leaves in Australia. He is tall and attractive.

Even though he is 35 now, he could easily pass for 20 because he maintained himself
as fit as fiddle by daily exercise.

He is a Software Architect working in a renowned IT organization, Google Inc. His main

duties and responsibility are developing a framework and model for mobile applications.
Saying about his leisure activities, he plays badminton, tennis, and football. He and I
often go hiking once in a month. We used to sing songs in his childhood. He also has
a predilection towards reading books, and he has eclectic collections on his bookshelf.

I can tell you he is a sharp cookie, I know him from college time. He used to solve any
recondite algorithms just in few minutes. What's more, he has won the plethora of
accolades in his entire life especially because of his smartness and determined
personality. Thus, I can confidently say that he is an intelligent person.

Overall, I am a long life fan of him and I will never forget his way of solving any
problems he encounters.

11. Describe a holiday you recently had. You should say:

where you went
how you got there
what you did there
and explain if you enjoyed it .
Intro: leave me a profound impression
Hit the road = start travelling: đi du lịch = take a trip to...
Busy as a bee/up to my ears in …/caught up in…./drown in…: bận rộn
Have itchy feet : ngứa chân.
Let my hair down : xõa
Background story:
Due to my hectic schedule, I haven’t been travelling as much as I would like to, yet the
most recent city that I visited totally blew me away.

Tả cảnh
My family and I travelled to ……, which is renowned as a gorgeous coastal city located
next to HCMC -> Luôn dùng mệnh đề quan hệ sau tên địa danh/tên riêng.
a paradise for seafood lovers with fresh, delicious, diverse and inexpensive dishes:
thiên đường cho những người yêu đồ biển, tươi, ngon, đa dạng và rẻ
is such a vibrant town where there is always something going on: thành phố năng động
luôn luôn có thứ gì đang diễn ra.
Stunning/ Breathtakingly beautiful/ Picturesque(a) : đẹp /Landscape/ Scenery/View(n):
cảnh -> Kết hợp 1 tính từ và 1 danh từ để tả cảnh đẹp
Popular tourist city -> offers a wide range of activities for visitors

While my family was there, we spent most of our time swimming in the crystal clear
water to admire eye-catching coral and the magnificient marine life : Đi bơi để nhìn
ngắm san hô đẹp và đời sống dưới biển đẹp.
Lie on the white sand beaches, relaxing and enjoying the views.
Went to some famous tourist attractions of this city including…
Didn’t miss the chance to try/taste mouthwatering seafood specialities. : Không lỡ cơ
hội để thưởng thức đồ biển địa phương ngon.
Capture photos of stunningly beautiful natural scenary: chụp cảnh đẹp
One of the most exhilarating activities I did was : Một trong những hoạt động vui nhất tôi
làm là
Vì sao thích chuyến đi này:
Escape from/Stay away from daily pressure/the hustle and bustle of city life : thoát khỏi
áp lực thường ngày/thoát khỏi xô bồ và ồn ào của cuộc sống thành thị
Connect to the nature/communing with nature : kết nối với thiên nhiên
Let my hair down and recharge my battery: xõa, thư giản và sạc pin
 A holiday of a life time

What I like the most

There are many reason why I am in love with this place. For the most part, as I am up to
my ears in work and deadlines, my life probably revolves around the workplace. I ‘ve got
to admit that I kind of get exhausted of the hustle and bustle. So travelling is a great way
to escape from daily life’s pressures/get away from it all and blow off some steams and
recharge the battery. Also, I am type of person who likes to learn new things, so a trip
definitely bring me tons of thing to exlore.

17. Describe a TV program or film that made you laugh

You should say:

- What it was?

- How often you watch it?

- What it was about?

- And explain why it could make you laugh?

This is a very interesting topic for me to talk about. I’m a huge fan of laughing (who’s
not?), and so I adore all kinds of stuff that can crack me up, including comedies. That’s
why I love Friends the sitcom series.
In fact, I think I’m one of the biggest fans of the series, ever. I’ve watched every single

episode from all the seasons and every once in a while I would just randomly pick one
episode to watch again on the days that I’m in a mood for some good laughs. I would fix
myself some coffee, sit myself down comfortably on the sofa and have a really good time
enjoying the movie. So I would like to talk about one of those many times that the comedy
made me laugh so hard I had a difficult time trying to catch my breath.
It was last weekend when I had some free time and nothing seemed to be going on, so I
just went ahead and did what I always do on such occasion: watch a random episode of
Friends. I remember it was an episode from season 5 when Ross found out about his
sister, Monica, and his best friend, Chandler. Monica and Chandler had been seeing each
other for a while but they tried to keep it a secret from everybody else in the group, afraid
that it would freak them out. However, they took turn to figure it out, and Ross happened
to be the last one who did. He walked in on Monica and Chandler making out with each
other in Monica’s apartment. The look on his face was so precious when he tried to put
things together and process the information that I couldn’t help but burst out laughing until
my stomach hurt. I always laugh so hard every time that scene comes up. It got even
better when Ross was tricked into believing that, the others’ attempts to keep the truth
from him was for his own benefit and so he quickly got on board.
There are so many things that have made Friends one of the most brilliant comedies of
all time. There is even a tourist town in Laos called Vang Vieng where one of the main
attractions is cafés and restaurants with comfy sofas playing Friends all day long. It has
definitely been one of my favorite places in the world.

18. Describe your favorite science subject.

You should say:
what subject it was
who taught you this subject
what you learned from it
and explain how this subject helped you in your life.
Dưới đây là câu trả lời gợi ý của mình, các bạn có thể tham khảo và so sánh với phần
làm của chính các bạn nhé!!

I started to learn science subjects including chemistry, biology and physics when I
moved up to sixth grade and I had to learn them for 7 years throughout secondary
school and high school. To be honest, I wasn’t particularly interested in any of those
subjects. To me they were more of tools rather than objects of interest, something you
study not because you want to but because it is supposed to be useful for you. Anyway,
I would just go ahead and talk about Physics.
Physics used to be my least favorite subject of all, as a matter of fact. But things
changed when, in grade seventh, Mrs. Huong was in charge of teaching us the subject.
Come to think about it, I think my opinion of the subjects changed overtime and
depended totally on the teachers. Mrs. Huong was the most unconventional teacher that
I have ever been fortunate enough to study with. She was in her late 50s but she
definitely didn’t act her age. She was fun and inspiring. She would come up with
activities in her physics classes to engage the students. I remember not falling asleep or
even feeling sleepy in her lessons like I usually did in other science classes.
Although I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Physics was my favorite subject, I definitely

think it’s a very useful one. It helps me understand the basic nature of how things work.
I can make sense of lots of things that happen around me using what I learned in this
subject. I still feel grateful for Mrs. Huong, the teacher who brought out the geek in me,
showed me the magical world of science and taught me to look at things with a sense of

20. You should say

- What it is?

- When you learn it?

- Why it took you so much time to learn

- And how you felt about it?

Actually, deciding which skill takes more time to learn is up to a learner; how much he
dedicated, hard-work, determined for learning a particular field. However, based on my
experience, I can say that learning a new language could be time-consuming. Here I am
referring a new language means the language you never exposed to in past.

There are certain reasons for this. The primary reason for learning a new language is
that new lexical resource needs to learn from the start which often takes a significant
time. Another factor is that the pronunciation takes enormous time as it could be totally
different from your mother tongue. For example, when I was learning French language
'R' sound was completely different which took almost 5 months for me to pronounce
correctly. Lastly, grammar rules are often different. In some languages, like Arabic,
Urdu, grammar rules are exactly opposite with English, which takes considerable time of

Thanks to the technology of e-learning that provide us to learn languages anywhere,

anytime. There also some apps which also helps in speaking by recording and match
with their pronunciation and gives you result of how much percentage you were correct
in speaking it. Additionally, many colleges, universities have language courses which
you can learn in a classroom. This is the most effective way of learning as you can
involve with other learners and can have opportunity communicate more.

Learning any foreign language is always useful in job perspective and it looks good on
your resume. Furthermore, it also increases the change in selecting from numerous

21.Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:


- Where you see it.

- What it looks like
- How you felt about it
And why it is important

Well I’d love to talk about rice, the most important agricultural plant in my country.
Ever since I was in my early elementary years, the rice plant has appeared in almost
every subject, from literature to natural science to geography. And even in real life, the
rice plant can be spotted all across the countryside around Vietnam.
It never ceases to amaze me how such a simple plant could support a whole nation’s
economy. Up to this day, millions of Vietnamese families are still dependent on the
cultivation of rice to make ends meet. And the fact that Vietnam has become one of
the world’s leading rice exporters is more solid proof of the relevance of this plant in my
country. Besides this, rice has been an indispensable part of the main meal of most
families for centuries and children practice the habit of eating rice from a very young age,
and as for the older generation, they cannot go a day without rice in some form or the
Over thousands of years, the rice plant has played a really important role in Vietnamese
culture and many traditions and ceremonies originate from the farmers hopes for
an abundant crop, and many of these traditions are considered as
important established customs to foreign visitors.
I think that the rice plant has become one of the greatest symbols for the Vietnamese
spirit and deserves large appreciation from all generations.

23.Describe a family business

You should say:

-What this family business is
-How you know about it
-Who the customers of this family business are
And explain why you think it is successful.

Well, In my country, there are ample family-owned businesses, such as TATA,

RELIANCE, MAHINDRA just to name a few among big names. However, I'd like to talk
about a small-scale business, Online Flower Shop, it sales bouquet, flower, chocolate,
and much more beautiful design of a flower. The beauty of this business is that you can
send your choice of flowers and message for receivers.

This online shop considers huge target customers, from individual to corporate level.
They not only just sell a single piece of flower but also sell flowers to decorate marriage
hall, or for any celebration party. I have also used their online portal to send a bouquet
to my loved one on her birthday with a lovely message.

This business runs by my neighbour and almost all their family members involved in it.
One of them look after the orders coming online, Second handles the delivery process,
and another mostly involves in marketing their Brand name. They had started this
business with just a handful of workers, If I can recall, there was only 4, to carry out all
the manual work. If you see now they have more than 300 workers and they get around
10000 orders a day.

From this interpolation, I really appreciate their hard work to bring up their business at
the current level. I will never forget how much efforts they put while it was in an initial
stage. I can say that they succeeded in their business because of their determination.

24. Describe something given to you and you really need

You should say:

what it is
when someone gave it to you
why you really need it
and explain how you feel when someone gave the thing to you.

OK, 6 months ago, my old Dual Core laptop started to show problems with battery
backup and processing data, so I had decided to buy a new MacBook Pro which has 12
hours backup, 16 Gigabytes memory, 512 Gigabytes storage memory and the i7
processor fast enough to load multiple applications simultaneously. My old Lenovo
laptop really can't hold a candle to this MacBook. I was dying to buy this and I had also
started to save money for it.

Surprisingly, for my birthday my wife bought it for me. I was really in the state of
euphoria when I saw a packed box of a laptop on my study table. It was the icing on the
cake when I opened the box and saw the configuration of a laptop which was exactly
the same what I thought to buy. It wasn't only a surprise gift for me, but also lots of love
from my spouse. What's more, as this was my birthday, I throw a party and invited to all
my close friends and relatives. I show to them the MacBook, all congratulated me for
this laptop.

Overall, I can say that I will never forget about this surprise gift and I will always
remember how much my wife loves me. I will try to keep this laptop in a mint condition.

26. Describe a game or sport you enjoyed when you were young.
You should say:

1. What was the game?


When did you play it?

Who did you play with?
and explain how you felt about it?

Well, in my childhood I used to play many games, some of them were individual games,
such as video games, Chess and some were team games, including Cricket, Football
and Hide-and-Seek. Here I'd like to talk about my favourite video games. Among the
plethora of available games to play, my pleasure was in playing Mario game, in which
final aim was to reach princes and save her from an evil and kill him.

I vividly remember that whenever I back home from school, I used to bring my
classmates along with me and we had been enjoying playing Mario game by taking
turns. That game had both options single player and two players. Each player had 3
lives, and 8 levels had to complete in order to reach the prince which was quite difficult
to finish. Despite this, I nailed the games 4-5 times. I remember that every time my
players' life reduced I used to hit my hand against the floor, just to show my anger. This
game teaches to become determine because I used to play this game I clear all the
levels with flying colours and I learned that there is nothing impossible if we keep on
trying harder and harder.

Overall, I can say that this game I will never forget in my life how it influenced me to
made me determined and diligent. Therefore, this game is my favourite game all the

28. Describe a piece of equipment of yours was broken (such as TV)

You should say:
What the equipment was
What the problem was
What you did after it was broken
And how you felt about it.

Ok, every now and then I have to go to a mechanic to repair some electronic item. Here
I'd like to talk about an Apple phone which was recently broken accidentally. It is grey in
colour, having 128 Gigabytes of storage memory of model iPhone 7. I have been using
this phone for 6 months until last week it was in a mint condition.

However, unfortunately, when I was taking bath, it fell down in a bath tube as I had just
talked to my friend a few minutes ago and kept it nearby only. I tried to search out in
bath tube, but it took me 2-3 minutes as water was totally soapy. It was the icing on the
cake when I picked it up, due to smooth and wet palm it fell down on the edge of
wall and door, which cause to broke the display. Then I finished the bath and
immediately made a beeline to the Apple Store.

I explain all that had happened with the phone to a technician, but when he said about
repair cost I felt like a highway robbery, you know, he asked for 500 USD to replace the

new display. Because of expensive charges, I came out from the Apple Store and
looked for any local mechanic on the internet. Finally, I found one and I headed toward
his shop. He agreed to repair the display by changing it but no warrant in almost half
price. I also agreed because I had no option for it.

Overall, I felt worried initially when I went to the Apple Store, but later on, I felt relaxed
and peaceful when it successfully repaired at a cheaper price and mobile was also
looked as new phone.

29 Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event

You should say:

-what it is
- how it is cooked/made
-why people eat it or why it is for the special event
-and explain how you feel about this kind of food.

There are numerous happy events in my life that I can recall and among them, I would
like to talk about the time when my family gathered to make X cake for the New Year

The New Year is a very special traditional holiday in my country. It was probably my
most favorite holiday when I was a small girl as my family had a lot of activities to
celebrate this occasion. Among them, making the X cake made me excited the most.
The X cake is made of glutinous rice, green beans and fat pork, wrapped in banana
leaves in the shape of a square. I often played with my older brother when my parents
prepared the ingredients for the cake. And then, my father lit a small fire to boil the cake
overnight. It was perhaps the only time of the year when I was allowed to stay up late.
While my family was sitting around the warm fire, my grandmother would tell the old
legendary story about the X cake to commemorate the filial affection of one prince to his
father and remind us of the long – lasting tradition of our country.
In recent years, my family has not had enough time for making the Xcake on our own.
However, to me, a ready-made cake that we buy from a local market can’t bring the
special feeling and replace the taste of a X cake from my childhood. I hope that my
family can continue our tradition in the coming years.

31. Describe a time you needed to use imagination

You should say:
what the situation was;
why you needed to use imagination;
what the difficulties were;
and explain how you felt about it.

 Đề này để giải achievement/success của một người BẠN của mình.

I would like to talk about the time I had to get out of my comfort zone to join an
Innovation Challenge Contest which made me think out of the box and work flat out to
become the runner-up.
This annual contest is open to all undergraduates and post-graduates around the world.
Each year this contest draws the attention of more than 30 000 people so it was really
competitive and challenging for me. Therefore, when I was awarded the runner-up
prize, I was deliriously happy and extraordinarily excited.
The goal of the Challenge was to recognize individuals and organizations that were
working on internet-based solutions to promote education and economic
empowerment in countries throughout the world. Therefore, it really required creativity
and imagination from each team joining the contest. I had to buckle down and
brainstorm ideas for the challenge until I came up with the best one to be accepted for
4 consequent rounds.

At the end of the day, my team and I had really gone extra miles to become the
runners-up and it was really an unforgettable experience to me. After all, I can take
pride in myself for all the thing I achieved with my imagination and creativity.

34. Describe an important decision that you made with help of other people
You should say:
- when it happened

-who helped you to make the decision

-what the decision was
- and how you felt about it
Ok, all people, make some sort of decision every now and then, either minor decision or
major decision. Here, I'd like to talk about the most important decision in life that I took
with the help of my wife. It is about buying a new residence. Actually, I have
been procrastinating this due to some financial reason since last 5 years.

Every month at least once my wife used to ask me that when you are going to buy a
house, we can't stay forever in a rental house. And few months before she showed her
saving as of now from her monthly home expenses and told me that it would be enough
to make down payment for buying a house. Furthermore, she had also selected a
beautiful house in a newly constructed building. What's more, hmmm, She
convinces me in many different ways, she compared our current rented house and
potential new house. She also underlined on benefits of having own house.
Finally, I am persuaded with her and decided to take initiative to buy a house and
I ended up buying a 3-bedroom apartment of 1200 sq.ft., 2 bathrooms and ample
amenities. Her help was really appreciable.

After a couple of months when we shifted to own new house, I felt that this must have
decided long before, and I could have saved significant fund from a rental house.

34.Describe a time you received money as a gift

You should say:

- Who gave it to you?

- What the occasion was?

- How you felt?

- And explain what you did with the money?

Ok, giving a gift on some occasions, such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, is

considered as one of the most important traditions in my country. I received special gifts
many times, but here I'd like to talk about when I was always gifted in the form of
money. It was my grandpa who constantly used to give me money as a gift.

I can vividly recall from my 6th birthday until 15th birthday, my grandpa used to give me
money. Even though his intention of giving money was buying a gift as per my choice, I
never spend spent it, rather I saved in order to buy something big for my grandpa.
However, after saving money for a few years, he passed away and whatever I had
thought all my plan ruined.

If I can understand him, I used to give me money as a gift because he could have
thought that his chosen gift I will not like. Perhaps, his intention was to allow me for
buying what I love. Or may because he might have thought that I need money for
personal experiences. However, it wasn't the case, you know, all money that I saved I
finally donated to welfare charity.

Overall, I can say that I will never forget my grandpa's gift how valuable was it for me. I
will always remember his memories that he spent with me.


Describe a historical era you are interested in

You should say:

 When this era was.

 How you learnt about it.
 What it was famous for.
 Why you are interested in this era.

Band 8 Sample:
If I could go in a time machine, I would choose to go back to the glorious time of Hong
Bang period in about 2000 BC, the very first days of my country.
At that time, this place wasn’t called Vietnam, it was under the rule of Hung Kings and
was named Van Lang instead. What I find fascinating about this era is the legends and
myths which I learned from History and Literature class back in school. Van Lang was a
small country yet it was frequently invaded by the mysterious people. Whenever this
period of time is mentioned, people will immediately relate to hundreds of wars, some
even last for decades. We, the descendants, had no idea how they could win in those
wars due to the sparse population and simple weapons, so we made up stories and fables
to honor the bravery of our ancestors. Some specific examples are the legend of a three-
year-old boy who went to war to save the country, or the myth of the Magic Crossbow
which could deliver thousands of arrows and the story of the princess innocently trusting
her lover and betraying her father, and the list goes on.
Although some of the stories are imaginary, it left a mark on me and nurtured my love for
my home country since I was a little girl. Moreover, many of modern Vietnamese cultural
practices also date back to this era, like cooking sticky rice cakes and displaying five-
fruit trays on Tet holiday. This era can be considered as the cradle of our culture. I am
always curious about the origin of our customs, and I believe that going back to this time
could provide me with first-hand experience as well as a thorough understanding of my
country’s tradition.
39. Describe a time when you were cheated or lied or someone did not tell you
the complete truth.
You should say:

1. What was the occasion?

2. Who was the person?
3. What did he or she do?

and explain why do you think he or she did it?

Well, I have been betrayed quite a few time and It was a time when I was doing
my graduate study around in 2013. I can vividly recall the moment because that really
hurts me deeply when my girlfriend cheated on me. I had fallen in love with one of the
classmates, known as Amelie. We were in a relationship for almost a year. I had trusted
her than anyone else, unfortunately, it was the annual year function in our college, when
I saw her with one of our seniors.

I had seen them both together many times before; however, whenever I asked about it,
she used to tell me that they are just friends and nothing more than that. Besides that,
she covered some other truth about herself, for example, her past life. Actually, later I
come to know that he was her first boyfriend and due to some reason they had a
breakup. By the time when we were in a relationship, they again made up and
continued as usual.

Why she did it? I really have no idea about it. Perhaps she got back her love again and
they might really be made for each other. Maybe she had been more affectioned with
him, well many possibilities.

Overall, I would really never forget such tricked which left me disappointed in the end.

35. Describe something that you borrowed from your friend.

You should say:

1. What was it?

2. When did you borrow?
3. Whom you borrowed it from?

and explain why you borrowed it?

Ok, we every now and then share things with each other, it is said that "Sharing is
caring". Here, I'd like to talk about the time when I borrowed a book from my close
friend, Adam. During my final exam for Masters in Computer Science, I used to study in
the Town Library which is just a mile away from my place. It was Friday when I had
been studying all the long in order to prepare for Monday's paper. While leaving the
library, I had forgotten the Data Structure book which was the next paper on Monday.

It felt so nervous by that time, as the library would have remained closed until Monday
and I had nothing to study. Then I realised that one of my friend who was also my senior
and had given the same exam last year. So I thought to explain my condition to him and

lend the book from him. To my surprise, he had kept the book from last year. After
explaining my situation, he not only gave me the book but also many valuable tips and
tricks to tackle the exam.

I returned the book immediately after completion of the exam. What's more, after
a few months when results had declared, I discovered that I was the topper in that
course. At that time, I couldn't wait to give this news to my friend. I visited him back with
a surprise gift to show my gratitude.

Overall, I can say that I will never forget that day when I was in a terrible condition and
my close friend lent me a book.

45. Describe a party that you joined

You should say:
-What kind of party it was
-Where the party was held
-When you went there
-and explain how you felt about the party

I’m going to talk about the service we received in a restaurant where a friend of mine
celebrated his birthday last Saturday evening.

My friend had decided to book a table in a local Italian restaurant for the party. It was
a small, family-run place, but this made it feel all the more welcoming and inviting.
The atmosphere was great and the service was excellent.

As I mentioned, I went to the restaurant because a friend had invited me to celebrate

his birthday there. There were about ten of us there - mostly people I’ve known since
university - and it was really nice to catch up with them and chat about what we
had all been up to since we last got together.

The service was good because the restaurant staff and owners really made us feel at
home. From the moment we walked in, the waiters were polite, approachable and
attentive; nothing was too much to ask. They brought out a cake with candles and
sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to my friend, although we hadn’t asked them to do this, and the
restaurant owners kept checking whether we were happy with everything, which was
thoughtful of them. All in all, the delicious food, good company and friendly service
made it an unforgettable evening.

54 + 47. Describe a time you enjoyed your free time


You should say:

When it was
Where you were
What you did
And how you felt about it

Well, I practice a bunch of activities that I do in my spare time. However, I'd like to talk
about my most favourite hobby which is a reading. I have a predilection for reading
fiction stories, especially the Harry Potter series. Whenever you read some fiction-
based stories, it takes you to the totally different world with lots of thrilling events.

Even though reading doesn't require anyone to accompany you, every now and then I
include my wife, when I read a horror story. This is not because of I scare, actually, it's
my wife who prefers to read along with me. If I am reading any such book, I hardly give
an hour from my leisure time.

However, every time I read alone and the fiction seems interesting, I continue to read
until I completely finish it; no matter how long that novel is. This is because I can't wait
for the climax. In case I don't complete it, I always keep on thinking on the same topic
which could seriously impact on productive hours at the office.

This activity enables me to forget all my problems. It also helps me to alleviate stress
and anxiety, which results in keeping me always happy.

FURTHER – Có một số thầy cô FC nhưng Trà ko để trong bộ đề, các bạn xem qua.

Describe a wild animal

You should say:
What it looks like
Where you can see it
What it likes to eat or do
And explain why you like it
I would like to tell you about an opportunity that I had to see a white tiger, which is one
of the star attractions in Singapore Zoo, during my last summer vacation.
I was recommended to see this white tiger first due to its rarity and uncommon beauty.
Its habitat in the zoo is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle. I was truly overawed
and felt excited at first sight by its gorgeous appearance. This giant cat has blue eyes, a
pink nose, and creamy white fur covered with brown stripes. In the wild, this animal's
diet consists of monkeys, birds and other animals as it is a carnivore. It also prefers
killing young, weak or old animals because they cannot run as fast and are often
abandoned by their herd. In the zoo, it is fed on animal flesh, even including imported
kangaroo meat.

At the beginning I felt a little bit apprehensive because tigers are well - known as a
dangerous species as well as the king of animals. However after encountering this white
tiger, I changed my mind since it was very cute and friendly to humans. As tigers in
general and white tigers in particular are endangered species, I believe that people
should make a great effort to preserve them from extinction.

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