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Vying for office

To dig deeper

To make up

Still a long way to go


Groudbreaking: revoltionnary

Running a tight sheep

Glass ceilling : this describes how women can only get so high up the career ladder

Sticky floor : this describe show women are les likely so start to clim

Career labyrynth : this implies that whilst much more complex for women the goal i still acheviable

1918 – Representative Act

Fugettes movement : The news bulletin was made to honour the centenary of the succes of the
suffragette movement and explains tactics that they used while pointing out some issues. Amela
Phanket is the seconde to have a statut in Manchester

Midterms figures : 24% of women were elected , a record 102 women in H.R and in the senate 25% (
women still underrepresented)

Policy consequences

Women more likely to discuss education, climate and minimun wage

Sponsor more bills tan their male counterparts

Better at pork barrel politics ( bring home the bacon ) (better lawmakers )

This succes could be explained by the the prejudice that holds all but the most talented women from

Is the glass ceilling beginning to crack ?

I-The situation of women is increasing in entrepreneurship

II-Causes of this increase ( help given by different state , or help of CEO OF

III-Women still underepresented

Breaking the glass ceilling or facing the glass cliff ?

I-impact of having as CEO or on the board and the impact

Have inscreased sales revues and certain dimensions of market performance

Female CEO have been shown to have direct association whith fiscal

An inscrease of women in public office can inspire more younger to consider

II-The limits to recent advances

III-The idea of the glass cliff

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