Literature Review - Domain D Video

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Running head: A NEW VIEW 1

A New View

Claudia Alvarez

April 26, 2019

National University

Professor Hart


Education is constantly changing. These changes happen in order to help our students become

better prepared for the real world. The changes that happen in teaching allow the educators to

support their students using different techniques and tools. This paper will review some

techniques and ways to help teachers create student centered classrooms, allowing students to

become better students as well as prepare them to become better adults.


Teaching has been transformed by the amount of information that can be found and how

quickly this information can be found due to technological advances. These advances in

technology not only help teachers and students advance their knowledge but they also help

educators have a different view of teaching. For years the classrooms have been teacher centered,

these advances have changed the view of education to student centered classrooms.

The first thing that educators need to do in order to create a student centered classrooms

is, teachers need to release the power. Delzer (2015) comments that classrooms have not changed

in the last 70 years (.55). This means that teachers need to be confident with allowinf their

students be part of their individual learning. Students need to take part and ownership of their

learning. For many decades, teachers have been the main source of what students learn and how

they learn it. Educators need to acknowledge that is is okay if they don’t know the answer to a

question or if student’s knowledge is greater in a certain subject. This will permit the students to

struggle on their own. In a student centered classroom, teachers are there to support not impose.

The second tip that Delzer gives educators in order to create a student centered classroom

is to embrace purposeful technology. The key word to this is purposeful. Delzer states that the

technology that is implemented in the classroom needs to transform the classroom, the teaching

and the learning (2015, 3.15). This technology needs to help the students achieve learning that

other wise could not be learned using a paper and a pencil. It is important to note that using

technology inside the classroom is not a way for teachers just to keep students busy, technology

needs to help students reach their academic learning.

Don’t feed the fears is the third step into creating a student centered classroom. Our

students have technology in the tip of their fingertips. Allowing them to be able to access any

type of research within seconds. The problem is that schools have banned cell phone usage for

students during class. School have also banned certain websites that are crucial for information.

Delzer mentions, “Schools in the United States are still blocking YouTube. Did you know that

YouTube is the number one used search engine among students in grades five through twelve”

(2015, 6:09). This means that schools are blocking access to students learning. Delzer also

commented that 93% of employers use social media in some way to either hire or recruit

employees (2015, 7:57). By allowing students to become fluent users of technology, teachers are

not only helping them learn in a different way but the students are also preparing for their adult


The fourth practice is making global connections. The internet and access to information

allows educators to help students connect to the world. Students in todays technological society

can learn about different cultures and places within minutes without having to visit the place.

Delzer mentions how teachers can now create virtual field trips around the world allowing

students to see new things and learn about new cultures (2015, 8:50). This becomes extremely

important for students in order for them to create a positive world view. The Unites States has

people from all over the world creating a need for cultural acceptance and understanding.

The last practice that is discussed in Delzer’s video is reinventing the skills of today.

Over the years we have seen so many things change in the teaching world. There are practices

that have not changed such as the way we assess students. Practices like assessments need to be

reinvented in order to fit todays technological advances and teaching practices. Delzer mentions

how students need to be assessed in other areas such as creativity and digital literacy skills but

that teachers need to be assessed as well on how well they prepare their students for the future

(2015, 10:04). These new assessments will allow students to be well prepared for the new

advances and changes that are happening not only in education but in life in general.


Delzer, K. [Tedx Talks]. (2015, October 13). Remaining Classrooms: Teachers as Learners and

Students as Leaders [Video file]. Retrieved from

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