Cvo5 Cuv2o5

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Date: 4/9/2019 Time: 5:06:21 PM

Name and formula

Reference code: 00-043-0080
Compound name: Copper Vanadium
PDF index name: Copper Vanadium
Empirical formula: CuO5V2
Chemical formula: CuV2O5
Crvstallouraphic parameters

Crystal system: Monoclinic

Space group:

a (A): 11.764
b (A): 3.6981
c (A): 3.974
Alpha (a): 90
Beta (a): 111.6
Gamma (a): 90
Volume of cell (10"5 prn".3): 362.99
Subfiles and Oualitv

SLIbfiles: Corrosion
Quality.: Indexed (I)
Creation Date: 1/1/1970
Modification Date: 11111970
Unit Cell: Reference reports:

Primar).. reference:
Peak list
No. h
1 0
2 -2
3 -2
4 2
5 1
6 1
7 0
8 4

1 Of
9 -3
10 -4
11 0
12 0

Stick Pattern

Intensity [Diii
Ref. Pattern: Copper \lanai:fun' OXi C12, 00-043-0060

. 1 I ... I
10 on
Positionr2Theta] (Copper (Cu;,

2 Of 2
File: CuV02 User:


a=11.74 .(20), b=3.693(1),

parameters generated by least sqLiares refinement.

1 1d
0 1 8.3457
0 1 5.623
0 2 4.1103
0 1 3.9515
1 0 3.5011
1 -1 3.3709
0 3 2.7316
0 0 2.7352
Date: 419/2019 Time: 5:06:21 PM
1 2 2.50€80
0 3 2.4526
0 4 2.0859
2 0 1.8498

30 40 50
CMI Carmel

c=8.972(10)„ b=111.25(20). Cell

VolkoV, V., Tibogaikin, A., Russ J. Inorg.. Chem.. (Eng/. Trans/.), 35, 1802, (199

[Al 2Theta[deg] I [%]

10.592 7.0
15.748 10.0
21.603 5.0
22.482 5.0
25.420 5.0
26.419 20.0
32.154 100.0
32.714 20.0
File:CLIVO2 User: CPA Carmel
35.71 10.0
36.610 10.0
43.344 8.0
49.218 10.0
(Eng/. Trans/.), 35, 1802, (1990)

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