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Metacognition and Cognitive Monitoring

A New Area of Cognitive—Developmental Inquiry

JOHN H. FLAVELL Stanford University

Preschool and elementary school children were velopment of metacognition and of cognitive mon-
asked to study a set of items until they were sure itoring/regulation is currently emerging as an in-
they could recall them perfectly (Flavell, Fried- teresting and promising new area of investigation.
richs, & Hoyt, 1970). The older subjects studied What might there be for a child or adolescent to
for a while, said they were ready, and usually learn in this area? That is, what adultlike knowl-
were, that is, they showed perfect recall. The edge and behavior might constitute the develop-
younger children studied for a while, said they mental target here, toward which the child gradu-
were ready, and usually were not. In another ally progresses? The following model is my at-
study, elementary school children were asked to tempt to answer this question. For further details
help the experimenter evaluate the communicative about the model see my papers on the subject
adequacy of verbal instructions, indicating any (Flavell, Note 2, Note 3).
omissions and obscurities (Markman, 1977). Al-
though the instructions were riddled with blatant
omissions and obscurities, the younger subjects
A Model of Cognitive Monitoring
were surprisingly poor at detecting them. They I believe that the monitoring of a wide variety of
incorrectly thought they had understood and could cognitive enterprises occurs through the actions of
follow the instructions, much as their counterparts and interactions among four classes of phenomena:
in the study by Flavell et al. (1970) incorrectly (a) metacognitive knowledge, (b) metacognitive
thought they had memorized and could recall the experiences, (c) goals (or tasks), and (d) actions
items. (or strategies). Metacognitive knowledge is that
Results such as these have suggested that young segment of your (a child's, an adult's) stored
children are quite limited in their knowledge and world knowledge that has to do with people as
cognition about cognitive phenomena, or in their cognitive creatures and with their diverse cognitive
metacognition, and do relatively little monitoring tasks, goals, actions, and experiences. An example
of their own memory, comprehension, and other would be a child's acquired belief that unlike many
cognitive enterprises (see, e.g., Brown, 1978; Fla- of her friends, she is better at arithmetic than at
vell, 1978; Flavell & Wellman, 1977; Kreutzer, spelling. Metacognitive experiences are any con-
Leonard, & Flavell, 1975; Flavell, Note 1, Note 2, scious cognitive or affective experiences that ac-
Note 3; Markman, Note 4). Investigators have company and pertain to any intellectual enter-
recently concluded that metacognition plays an prise. An example would be the sudden feeling
important role in oral communication of informa- that you do not understand something another
tion, oral persuasion, oral comprehension, reading person just said. I assume that metacognitive
comprehension, writing, language acquisition, at- knowledge and metacognitive experiences differ
tention, memory, problem solving, social cognition, from other kinds only in their content and func-
and, various types of self-control and self-instruc- tion, not in their form or quality. Goals (or tasks)
tion; there are also clear indications that ideas
about metacognition are beginning to make con-
The preparation of this essay was supported by National
tact with similar ideas in the areas of social learn- Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant
ing theory, cognitive behavior modification, per- NDMH 10429.
Requests for reprints should be sent to John H. Flavell,
sonalty development, and education (Flavell, Note Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford,
1, Note 2, Note 3). Thus, the nature and de- California 94305.

906 • OCTOBER 1979 • AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST Vol. 34, No. 10,906-911

Bright 1979 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
refer to the objectives of a cognitive enterprise. the world over and that the acquisition of these
Actions (or strategies) refer to the cognitions or beliefs would be interesting to study.
other behaviors employed to achieve them. Be- One subcategory of the task category concerns
low, I pay particular attention to the nature and the information available to you during a cogni-
functions of metacognitive knowledge and meta- tive enterprise. It could be abundant or meager,
cognitive experiences, with goals and actions dis- familiar or unfamiliar, redundant or densely
cussed in the course of describing these first two. packed, well or poorly organized, delivered in this
manner or at that pace, interesting or dull, trust-
METACOONITIVE KNOWLEDGE worthy or untrustworthy, and so on. The meta-
cognitive knowledge in this subcategory is an un-
Metacognitive knowledge consists primarily of derstanding of what such variations imply for how
knowledge or beliefs about what factors or vari- the cognitive enterprise should best be managed and
ables act and interact in what ways to affect the how successful you are likely to be in achieving
course and outcome of cognitive enterprises. its goal. To take a social-cognitive example, the
There are three major categories of these factors or child needs to learn that the quantity and quality
variables—person, task, and strategy. of available information can sometimes be insuf-
The person category encompasses everything ficient to warrant confident judgments about what
that you could come to believe about the nature another person is really like. Another subcategory
of yourself and other people as cognitive pro- includes metacognitive knowledge about task de-
cessors. It can be further subcategorized into be- mands or goals. The child will come to know that
liefs about intraindividual differences, interindivid- some cognitive enterprises are more demanding
ual differences, and universals of cognition. Ex- and difficult than others, even given the same
amples of the first and second subcategories would available information. For example, it is easier
be, respectively, your belief (a) that you can learn to recall the gist of a story than its exact wording.
most things better by listening than by reading, As for the strategy category, there is a great
and (b) that one of your friends is more socially deal of knowledge that could be acquired concern-
sensitive than another. The following are pos- ing what strategies are likely to be effective in
sible examples of beliefs about universal proper- achieving what subgoals and goals in what sorts of
ties of cognition that the children might gradually cognitive undertakings. The child may come to
acquire. They could learn that there are various believe, for example, that one good way to learn
degrees and kinds of understanding (attending, and retain many bodies of information is to pay
remembering, communicating, problem solving, particular attention to the main points and try to
etc.). You may not understand some person or repeat them to yourself in your own words. As is
thing you hear, see, or read about if you do not shown below, it is possible to acquire metacogni-
attend closely—and also, sometimes, even if you do tive strategies as well as cognitive ones.
attend closely. Moreover, you can fail to under- Finally, most metacognitive knowledge actually
stand something or someone in two different ways: concerns interactions or combinations among two
(a) by not achieving any coherent representation or three of these three types of variables. To
at all, or (b) by understanding incorrectly, that illustrate a combination involving all three, you
is, misunderstanding. The growing individual will might believe that you (unlike your brother)
also learn that it can sometimes be difficult to de- should use Strategy A (rather than Strategy B)
termine how well you know or remember a social in Task X (as contrasted with Task Y).
or nonsocial object of cognition, for example, Several things follow from the assumption, made
whether you know it well enough to reach some above, that metacognitive knowledge is not funda-
social or nonsocial goal involving that object. mentally different from other knowledge stored in
There is the further insight that how well you long-term memory. Thus, a segment of it may be
understand something now may not be an accurate activated as the result of a deliberate, conscious
predictor of how well you will understand it later. memory search, for example, for an effective strat-
For instance, you may forget later what you can egy. On the other hand, and no doubt more com-
easily bring to mind now, and you may remember monly, the segment may be activated unintention-
later what you cannot bring to mind now. I think ally and automatically by retrieval cues in the
such tacit beliefs may play important roles in the task situation. However activated, it may and
cognitive enterprises of older children and adults probably often does influence the course of the


cognitive enterprise without itself entering con- weighty and risky; where high affective arousal or
sciousness. Alternatively, it may become or give other inhibitors of reflective thinking are absent
rise to a conscious experience (called a metacog- (cf. Langer, 1978). Such situations provide many
nitive experience in the present model of cognitive opportunities for thoughts and feelings about your
monitoring). Finally, and again like any other own thinking to arise and, in many cases, call for
body of knowledge children acquire, it can be the kind of quality control that metacognitive ex-
inaccurate, can fail to be activated when needed, periences can help supply.
can fail to have much or any influence when acti- Some metacognitive experiences are best de-
vated, and can fail to have a beneficial or adaptive scribed as items of metacognitive knowledge that
effect when influential. I believe that metacogni- have entered consciousness. As one example, while
tive knowledge can have a number of concrete and wrestling with some stubborn problem, you sud-
important effects on the cognitive enterprises of denly recall another problem very like it that you
children and adults. It can lead you to select, solved thus and so. Some metacognitive experi-
'evaluate, revise, and abandon cognitive tasks, ences clearly cannot be described that way, how-
goals, and strategies in light of their relationships ever. For instance, the feeling that you are still
with one another and with your own abilities and far from your goal is not in itself a segment of
interests with respect to that enterprise. Similarly, metacognitive knowledge, although what you make
it can lead to any of a wide variety of metacogni- of that feeling and what you do about it would
tive experiences concerning self, tasks, goals, and undoubtedly be informed and guided by your
strategies, and can also help you interpret the metacognitive knowledge. Thus, metacognitive
meaning and behavioral implications of these meta- knowledge and metacognitive experiences form
cognitive experiences. partially overlapping sets: Some experiences have
such knowledge as their content and some do not;
some knowledge may become conscious and com-
prise such experiences and some may never do so.
Metacognitive experiences can be brief or lengthy Metacognitive experiences can have very im-
in duration, simple or complex in content. To portant effects on cognitive goals or tasks, meta-
illustrate, you may experience a momentary sense cognitive, knowledge, and cognitive actions or
of puzzlement that you subsequently ignore, or strategies. First, they can lead you to establish
you may wonder for some time whether you really new goals and to revise or abandon old ones.
understand what another person is up to. These Experiences of puzzlement or failure can have any
experiences can also occur at any time before, of these effects, for example.
after, or during a cognitive enterprise. For in- Second, metacognitive experiences can affect
stance, you may feel that you are liable to fail your metacognitive knowledge base by adding to it,
in some upcoming enterprise, or that you did very deleting from it, or revising it. You can observe
well indeed in some previous one. Many meta- relationships among goals, means, metacognitive
cognitive experiences have to do with where you experiences, and task outcomes and—Piagetian
are in an enterprise and what sort of progress you fashion—assimilate these observations to your
are making or are likely to make: You believe/feel existing metacognitive knowledge and accommo-
that you have almost memorized those instructions, date the knowledge to the observations. Although
are not adequately communicating how you feel metacognitive knowledge can undoubtedly undergo
to your friend, are suddenly stymied in your at- at least some modification without metacognitive
tempt to understand something you are reading, experiences, I suspect that these experiences play a
have just begun to solve what you sense will be major role in its development during childhood
an easy problem, and so forth. and adolescence.
My present guess is that metacognitive experi- Finally, metacognitive experiences can activate
ences are especially likely to occur in situations strategies aimed at either of two types of goals—
that stimulate a lot of careful, highly conscious cognitive or metacognitive. As an example of the
thinking: in a job or school task that expressly former, you sense (metacognitive experience) that
demands that'kind of thinking; in novel roles or you do not yet know a certain chapter in your
situations, where every major step you take re- text well enough to pass tomorrow's exam, so you
quires planning beforehand and evaluation after- read it through once more (cognitive strategy,
wards; where decisions and actions are at once aimed at the straightforward cognitive goal of


simply improving your knowledge). As an ex- learned to see if it fits together into a coherent
ample of the latter, you wonder (metacognitive whole, if it seems plausible and consistent with
experience) if you understand the chapter well your prior knowledge and expectations, and if it
enough to pass tomorrow's' exam, so you try to provides an avenue to the goal. This survey turns
find out by asking yourself questions about it and up difficulties on one or more of these points, with
noting how well you are able to answer them the consequent activation by metacognitive knowl-
(metacognitive strategy, aimed at the metacogni- edge and experiences of the same or different cog-
tive goal of assessing your knowledge, and thereby, nitive and/or metacognitive strategies, and so
of generating another metacognitive experience). the interplay continues until the enterprise comes
Cognitive strategies are invoked to make cognitive to an end.
progress, metacognitive strategies to monitor it.
However, it is possible in some cases for the same
Developmental and Educational
strategy to be invoked for either purpose and also,
regardless of why it was invoked, for it to achieve
both goals. For instance, you could have asked This model suggests the existence of a number of
yourself questions about the chapter with the possible developments that researchers might find
deliberate aim of improving your knowledge rather it worthwhile to investigate (Flavell, Note 3).
than monitoring it, and even if your aim had been In the case of universals (person category of meta-
to monitor rather than to improve it, an improve- cognitive knowledge), for instance, children might
ment in your knowledge as well as an assessment at first distinguish only between understanding and
of its quality would likely result. I am arguing, not understanding things; they might know only
then, that your store of metacognitive knowledge that inputs sometimes lead them to feel puzzled,
is apt to contain knowledge of metacognitive confused, unable to act, uncertain about what is
strategies as well as of cognitive ones. Skimming intended or meant, and that they sometimes lead
a set of directions to get a rough idea of how hard to the absence of these feelings, to a clear repre-
they are going to be to follow or remember is a sentation of something, to a definite sense Of what
metacognitive strategy. Another is to paraphrase they should do next. The distinction, within the
aloud what someone has just told you to see if latter state, between accurate or real understand-
she will agree that that is, in fact, just what she ing and inaccurate or illusory understanding may
meant. A third is to add a column of figures a only be acquired after this initial, more basic dif-
second time to ensure that your total is accurate. ferentiation has been made. The acquisition of
Recall that according to this model, the moni- the second distinction may then pave the way for
toring of cognitive enterprises proceeds through still more sophisticated metacognitive knowledge in
the actions of and interactions among metacogni- this area; possible examples include the recogni-
tive knowledge, metacognitive experiences, goals/ tion that accuracy of understanding can sometimes
tasks, and actions/strategies. A hypothetical but be hard to attain and to assess, and knowledge
true-to-life example of this dynamic interplay at of some of the person variables that can decrease
work might be a useful way of concluding this accuracy, such as personal biases, intense affect,
summary of the model. Let us begin at the point and mental or physical illness. Additional devel-
where some self-imposed or externally imposed opmental hypotheses can be derived from other
task and goal are established, Your existing meta- parts of the model. Here as elsewhere (see Gel-
cognitive knowledge concerning this class of goals man, 1979, this issue), it will naturally be very
leads to the conscious metacognitive experience important to try to discover the early competencies
that this goal will be difficult to achieve. That that serve as building blocks for subsequent ac-
metacognitive experience, combined with additional quisitions rather than merely cataloging the young
metacognitive knowledge, causes you to select and child's metacognitive lacks and inadequacies. We
use the cognitive strategy of asking questions of also need to try to explain development in this
knowledgeable other people. Their answers to area as well as to describe it, but there is little to
your questions trigger additional metacognitive ex- say about explanatory factors at present (Flavell,
periences about how the endeavor is faring. These Notel).
experiences, again informed and guided by perti- For those with educational interests who would
nent metacognitive knowledge, instigate the meta- rather assist development than describe and ex-
cognitive strategies of surveying all that you have plain it, I think there is a very great deal that is


worth assisting in this area. It is certainly true what it says to do. I am thinking of the persua-
that some basic preliminary questions need an- sive appeals the young receive from all quarters to
swers. For example, how much good does cogni- smoke, drink, take drugs, commit aggressive or
tive monitoring Actually do us in various types of criminal acts, have casual sex without contracep-
cognitive enterprises? Also, might it not even do tives, have or not have the casual babies that often
more harm than good, especially if used in excess result, quit school, and become unthinking fol-
or nonselectively? Think of the feckless obses- lowers of this year's flaky cults, sects, and move-
sive, paralyzed by incessant critical evaluation of ments. (Feel free to revise this list in accordance
his own judgments and decisions. with your own values and prejudices.) Perhaps
Such questions suggest legitimate caveats about it is stretching the meanings of metacognition and
educational interventions in this area. Lack of cognitive monitoring too far to include the critical
hard evidence notwithstanding, however, I am ab- appraisal of message source, quality of appeal,
solutely convinced that there is, overall, far too and probable consequences needed to cope with
little rather than enough or too much cognitive these inputs sensibly, but I do not think so. It is
monitoring in this world. This is true for adults at least conceivable that the ideas currently brew-
as well as for children, but it is especially true ing in this area could someday be parlayed into
for children. For example, I find it hard to be- a method of teaching children (and adults) to
lieve that children who do more cognitive monitor- make wise and thoughtful life decisions as well as
ing would not learn better both in and out of to comprehend and learn better in formal educa-
school than children who do less. I also think tional settings.
that increasing the quantity and quality of chil-
dren's metacognitive knowledge and monitoring REFERENCE NOTES
skills through systematic training may be feasible
1. Flavell, J. H. Metacognition. In E. Langer (Chair),
as well as desirable (Flavell, Note 2). To illus- Current perspectives on awareness and cognitive pro-
trate what may be feasible here, Brown, Campione, cesses. Symposium presented at the meeting of the
and Barclay (Note 5) trained educable retarded American Psychological Association, Toronto, August
children (mental age = 8 years) in self-testing 1978.
2. Flavell, J. H. Cognitive monitoring. Paper presented
strategies for assessing and checking their readiness at the Conference on Children's Oral Communication
to recall errorlessly by rote a list of unrelated Skills, University of Wisconsin, October 1978.
words—the same type of cognitive monitoring task 3. Flavell, J. H. Monitoring social-cognitive enterprises:
that was described in the first sentence of this Something else that may develop in the area of social
cognition. Paper prepared for the Social Science Re-
article. One year later, the subjects spontane- search Council Committee on Social and Affective De-
ously used these metacognitive strategies when velopment During Childhood, January 1979.
confronted with the same task and, even more im- 4. Markman, E. M. Comprehension monitoring. Paper
pressively, appeared to apply modifications of these presented at the Conference on Children's Oral Com-
munication Skills, University of Wisconsin, October 1978.
strategies effectively to the quite different memory 5. Brown, A. L., Campione, J. C., & Barclay, C. R. Train-
task of recalling the gist of prose passages. Brown, ing self-checking routines for estimating test readiness:
Campione, and others (e.g., Baker, Note 6) at the Generalization from list learning to prose recall. Un-
published manuscript, University of Illinois, 1978.
University of Illinois Center for Research in Read-
6. Baker, L. Do I understand or do I not understand:
ing are currently doing research ultimately aimed That is the question. Unpublished manuscript, Univer-
at finding out how children may be effectively sity of Illinois, 1978.
taught to monitor their comprehension, especially 7. Forrest, D, L., & Barron, R. W. Metacognitive aspects
while reading. Psychologists in other laboratories of the development of reading skills. Paper presented
at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child
have also begun to do research on similar problems Development, New Orleans, March 1977.
(e.g., Meichenbaum & Asarnow, 1979; Forrest
&Barron,Note7). REFERENCES
I can also at least imagine trying to teach chil-
dren and adolescents to monitor their cognition in Brown, A. L. Knowing when, where, and how to re-
member: A problem of metacognition. In R. Glaser
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monitoring problem is not to determine how well Flavell, J. H. Metacognitive development. In J. M.
Scandura & C. J. Brainerd (Eds.), Structural/process
you understand what a message means but to de- theories of complex human behavior. Alphen a. d.
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Paul J. Cryan


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