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Engineering Failure Analysis 98 (2019) 150–155

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Engineering Failure Analysis

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Study of a torsion spring fracture


Valles González María Pilar , García-Martínez María, Pastor Muro Ana
National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), Ctra. Torrejón-Ajalvir Km.4, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain


Keywords: One flange of a spring belonging to an actuator drive that worked under torsion has been frac-
Failure analysis tured. It is placed next to the electric motors whose mission is to move the drive manually
Microstructures through a hexagonal key. The whole equipment is an extensor-retraction actuator consisting in
Surface finish two electric motors that run a gear. This gear pulls a chain moving a telescopic beam. It was
confirmed that there was no signs of anomalous working previous to the fracture. Some rough-
ness requirements were mandatory in the first wire of the spring as well as both spring flanges,
thus two springs (used and new) were compared. Several tests were performed in order to de-
termine the cause of the fracture such as a chemical and mechanical characterization of the
material, a fractographic analysis of the fracture surface, and the determination of the spring
treatment state using metallographic and microscopic techniques. Additional observations were
carried out in the other flange in order to detect possible defects. It was verified that the material
corresponds to a 300 maraging steel type IV in a solubilization and ageing heat treatment state.
The fracture surface presented fractographic characteristics of a typical progressive fracture. It
was concluded that although the steel type and treatment state is correct, the roughness of
specific zones is not well finished and, may have generated a crack that have nucleated in a notch
of the first wire of the spring inner side surface. The crack may be produced by a pinned particle
or any other surface defect that afterwards may propagate by a fatigue mechanism.

1. Introduction

Maraging steels with high nickel content, like type 300, present a unique combination of high resistance, excellent fracture
toughness with sufficient ductility, being very useful for applications such as rocket and missile engine cases, springs, actuators,
landing gear components, etc. [1,2]. They achieve their best properties by applying a heat treatment with ageing precipitation after
their martensitic transformation. They are very dimensionally stable and do not require protective atmospheres during the heat
treatment [3]. Its precipitates are intermetallic compounds formed by the combination of Ni and Co plus alloying elements like Mo
and Ti. These steels offer an attractive alternative to high and medium C tool steels because they have neither corrosion problems due
to the high concentration of Ni and the absence of carbides, nor quenching cracks because of their low C content [4].
The fractured spring is a helical torsion spring, compound by a body with several wires and two flanges at the end of each
extreme. This spring works under bending moments and this dynamic load usually leads to fatigue failures. The main causes of
fatigue failures are material defects, surface imperfections, inadequate heat treatments, corrosion or decarburization. Under service
conditions, the position of maximum effort is the internal surface of a spring active wire, thus the wire surface is very sensitive to
material imperfections that provide stress concentration points that may initiate fatigue cracks. Besides, it is well known that in this
type of spring, the fracture appears in the transition zone between the body and the first wire of the spring [5].

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.P. Valles González).
Received 21 November 2018; Received in revised form 21 January 2019; Accepted 23 January 2019
Available online 24 January 2019
1350-6307/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.P. Valles González et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 98 (2019) 150–155

Table 1
Chemical composition (% weight).
Fe C Mn Si Ni Co Mo Ti Al P S

Base ˂0,02 0,03 0,01 18,7 8,8 4,8 0,72 0,11 < 0,01 < 0,005

Several studies have been carried out to verify the influence of the spring surface state in the material fatigue behaviour, con-
cluding that the finishing state has to be taken into consideration, because the tested fatigue polished samples presented a longer life
than the ones that were tested directly after the machining [6].
This work presents the followed procedure to determine the cause of the fracture of one of the spring flange under torsion loads.

2. Materials and methods. experimental section

The chemical analysis of the spring material, shown in Table 1, was carried out by an X-ray fluorescence equipment Panalytical,
model PW2404, and the fusion and combustion techniques LECO equipments. This material composition corresponds to a 300
maraging steel type IV.
A hardness test was carried out in one of the spring wires far from the fracture area, using a durometer Galileo Rockwell, resulting
in a hardness of 52,5 ± 0,5 HRC.
The metallographic samples were obtained mounting the zones of interest in conductive resin and after polishing, they were
etched with Vilella etching agent (1 g picric acid, 5 ml HCl in 100 ml of ethanol). Their microstructure was observed in an optical
microscope Leica MEF4M and, using the software for image analysis Leica QUANTIMET, the grain size was determined according to
the planimetric method following the ASTM E112 standard.
To observe the fracture surface, a stereo microscope Leica Wild M10 and a scanning electron microscope Jeol 840 equipped with
an X-ray dispersive energies microanalysis system were used.
The Ra roughness parameter was determined using a Taylor-Hobson equipment, model Form Talysurf serial 2.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Visual observation and macrofractographic study

The spring was fractured in one of the flanges (Fig. 1a). It was also observed that the last wire containing the fracture presented a
brown coloration. See Fig. 1b.
Four zones have been marked in the fractured surface of the flange (Fig. 2a). Zone 1 corresponds to the side inner surface of the
wire, zone 2 corresponds to the inner surface, zone 3 corresponds to the side external surface and zone 4 corresponds to the external
Considering the macrofractographic signs, zone 1 (Fig. 2b) may correspond to the initial fracture zone because some cracks
parallel to the fracture surface were observed next to it (Fig. 2d).
Fracture surfaces present several bright crushed zones on them. Considering its aspect, the surface fracture may correspond to a
fatigue fracture whose origin would be in the inner side surface of the first spring wire, next to the flange.
As it is shown in Fig. 3, the other flange of the spring was also inspected, detecting a rubbed zone in the elbow area, high surface
damage in the external side surface and two cracks. One of them has been originated in the defect placed in the inner side surface of
the first wire near to the fillet and it has propagated along the external side surface.

Fig. 1. Side and top view of the fractured spring. Fig. 1a) fracture flange. Fig. 1b) last wire brown coloration. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

M.P. Valles González et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 98 (2019) 150–155

Fig. 2. a) Flange fracture surface. b) Zone 1. Origin zone. c) Fracture surface of the last spring wire. d) Cracks parallel to the fracture.

Fig. 3. a) Damage in the flange without fracture in the elbow area. b) Presence of cracks c) Origin of a crack in a surface defect. d) Another crack.

M.P. Valles González et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 98 (2019) 150–155

Fig. 4. a) Longitudinal and cross section of the spring wire, containing the fracture and the decarburized area. b) Crack localized in the marked zone
area in 4a) that begins in a surface defect of the inner part. c) Decarburized area.

3.2. Microstructural characterization

Metallographic samples were prepared from a longitudinal and a cross section of a spring wire near the fracture. In Fig. 4, the
longitudinal section showed a crack nucleated in a surface defect in the inner part of the wire. In addition, a possible decarburization
in the external part of the wire has been observed.
Fig. 5 shows the microstructure of the spring material obtained from the longitudinal section of a wire placed far from the
fracture. It is martensitic in a dendritic substructure, as expected from a spring steel heat treated with a solubilization and ageing
After observing a possible decarburization area (Fig. 4a), a Vickers hardness (HV 0,1Kg) scan was performed from the external to
the inner part in the spring wire near the fracture. The test was carried out using a microdurometer Future FM-7 and the results are
presented in Fig. 6. According to this graph, a decrease in hardness from the wire surface to 0,5 mm of thickness approximately
occurs, confirming the material decarburization in that area.

3.3. Microfractographic study

Both fracture surfaces presented a lot of crushing, therefore the less damaged surface containing the flange was observed. The
fracture surface was divided in four zones for inspection. See Fig. 7a. Zone 1 presents the fracture origin morphology, so it was
examined along lines denoted as A and B.
No clear signs of the origin of the fracture were determined, although fatigue striations were presented at the beginning of the
crack propagation area. As the fracture progresses these microfractographical signs are mixed with voids that correspond to partial
fractures by overload (Fig. 7d).
These microfractographical signs are typical of a progressive fracture in this type of steels. Some ductile fatigue striations are
present in the crack propagation area with voids in the final zone where the fracture has produced by static overload.

3.4. Roughness determination

A roughness value of 64 μin, equivalent to 16,256 μm, is required, except for some areas, such as the first wire and both flanges,
where the value is restricted to 16 μin, equivalent to 0,40,640 μm. Considering these values, a microscopic observation in these and a
roughness measure in a new spring were carried out.
In the microscopic observation, several surfaces defects were observed like voids, scratches from the grinding, SiC embedded

Fig. 5. a) Martensitic microstructure in a dendritic substructure in a zone far from the fracture. b) Martensitic laths in the austenitic grains.

M.P. Valles González et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 98 (2019) 150–155






HV 0,1 Kg




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Distance from external surface (mm)

Fig. 6. a) Vickers hardness scan graph.

Fig. 7. a) Fracture surface containing the flange. It is divided in 4 zones and the line inspections are marked. b) Possible origin of the fracture. c)
Fatigue striations. d) Transition zone between striations and voids.

particles and Cu and Zn enriched particles that may correspond to a brass tool. All these defects lead to think that the surface
preparation was not correct. In Fig. 8, one area of the flange and the surface appearance is shown.
Considering the Ra permitted values mentioned above, the roughness is adequate in the external surfaces of wire 1 and 2 next to
the flanges, but it is higher than the required in both surfaces of the flanges.
The Ra roughness measures determined by the standard UNE-ISO 4827 are shown in Table 2.

4. Conclusions

The spring has been manufactured with a 300 maraging steel type IV and presents a martensitic microstructure in a dendritic
substructure with a hardness value of 52 HRC. These values correspond to a solubilization and ageing heat treatment.
A dark/brown discoloration has been observed in the first wire of the spring with a decarburization area of 0,5 mm of thickness.
Probably, it has been produced by friction after the fracture because no previous functional problem was confirmed.

M.P. Valles González et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 98 (2019) 150–155

Fig. 8. a) Inner surface of one of the flanges. A line where the roughness measures are carried out is marked. b) Surface appearance where some
scratches and rests of the employed material are shown.

Table 2
Roughness measures.
Area Ra(μm)

Inner flange 1 0,5436

External flange 1 13,113
Wire 1 next to flange 1 0,0933
Wire 2 next to flange 1 0,1921
Inner flange 2 0,5707
External flange 2 10,193
Wire 1 next to flange 2 0,1692
Wire 2 next to flange 2 0,0984

In the unbroken flange zone some cracks were detected, observing that one of them was originated in a defect of the inner surface
of the first wire next to the fillet, and it has propagated along its external side surface.
The roughness inspection of the inner and external surfaces of a new spring revealed that the special requirements regarding the
surface finishing has not been satisfied. Roughness values exceeded the limits on the inner surface as well as on the external surface of
both flanges.
Macrofractographic and microfractographic signs revealed that the fracture was originated in a critical zone of the spring, next to
the fillet, between the first wire and the flange. The origin was localized in the inner side surface of the first wire of the spring and the
fracture was completed by static overload.
Despite the type of steel and heat treatment fulfilled the material requirements, the roughness finishing of the critical areas was
not correct. This fact may lead to origin a crack in a notch of the lateral inner surface of the first spring wire, produced by the presence
of a particle or other surface defect that, afterward, it may be propagated by a fatigue mechanism.


Authors want to thank all Metallic Materials Area staff and especially, to the Microanalytical and Microstructural Characterization
This research did not received any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.


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