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Matthew Castaneda

History 134 Bibliography

Alexiou, Margaret. The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. 1974. Google Scholar (accessed 17 Feb. 2019)

The book describes the lament process the greeks would conduct during burial. The beliefs of
what would happen for not honoring the dead are discussed. Honoring the dead was a very
important aspect of ancient Greek life.

Graves, Frank P. The Burial Customs of The Ancient Greeks. 1891. Google Scholar (accessed 17 Feb. 2019)

The text in this book describes in depth about the burial customs of the ancient Greeks. The book
describes the preparation of the bodies, the duties and whose responsible for the burial. It
describes the coffins and tombs along with body burning procedures. It even mentions the feast
after the burial has finished.

Hame, Kerri J. Female Control of Funeral Rites In Greek Tragedy. 2008. The University
of Chicago Press.
(accessed 17 Feb. 2019)

This journal explains the primary objectives for the male and female relatives of the deceased.
The journal goes on to explain that the females were to perform the lament. It explains how the
males were to dig the graves and build the tombs. The women were meant to bath the body and
prepare it for the rituals.

Lindenlauf, Astrid. Thrown Away Like Rubbish - Disposal of the Dead in Ancient
Greece. 2001. Google Scholar. (accessed 17 Feb. 2019)

The text in this document describes what happens to bodies that do not have a proper burial
ritual. It explains why one might be thrown away or fed to animals instead of being honored.
Different methods and their implications are explained.

Stilwell, Gary A. Afterlife. 2005. Google Scholar. (accessed 17

Feb. 2019)
This book writes about the beliefs of ancient Greek philosopher Plato. The book also goes over
the pre-platonic Greek beliefs. Everything from proper behavior during this life to how your next
reincarnation will live is described.

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