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Portland State University Scholarship Essay

My education goals for the future are to go to Portland State for my bachelor’s
degree in Biology and minor in Health Sciences. After completing my bachelors degree
in 2023, I will attend 4 years of Medical School and 2-4 years of residency. My career
goals are to become an obstetrician and specialize in caring for pregnant women and
their babies. Obstetrics has caught my attention because I strongly believe that women
should feel comfortable going to a doctor especially during a memorable time in their life
like giving birth. My long term goals are to purchase a home, have a stable career and
start a family. In my culture, family is one of the most important elements in life.To be
able to attain my goals i’ll need to have excellent study habits and rely on academic
services when I need help.
Throughout high school, I have maintained a 3.70 GPA. During Freshman year, I
struggled adapting to a new school schedule, but communicating with my teachers and
counselors helped me understand assignments and expectations. I’ve taken a total of
four advanced placement and two dual-credit courses in biology, chemistry, human
geography, and studio art. These courses have challenged me and have given me an
insight of what to expect about college level work.They have helped me improve my
study habits and organize my work. I have attended many college tours, but I’ve always
known that PSU is my dream school it is diverse, urban and it makes me feel like I am
at home.
Receiving this scholarship will not only motivate me, but it will give me hope in
attaining my goals. I am passionate, determined, and creative. Being the 1st generation
student in my family to graduate will be a great accomplishment. I’m proud to be a
Latina daughter of two hard-working Immigrants. My father and mother have taught me
to work hard for what I desire because nothing will ever be easily handed to me. The
struggles that my parents had to go through to get to this country have inspired me and
driven me to never give up because not only am I living my dreams but my parents’ as
well. They risked their life and the chances of ever seeing their family again to come to
this country in hope of a better future for my siblings and I. Entering high school I knew
what I wanted and I enrolled in all the courses that could get me closer to achieving my
goals. Obtaining a chancellor’s diploma was one of them. I knew I could attain it, I was
confident and I was willing to push myself. I surrounded myself with individuals with the
same mindset as me. On my spare time, I created Art, I was infatuated with it, which is
what brought me to joining Ap Studio Art. My pieces have drawn me to participate in
auditions and contests. It has adjust me to step out of my comfort zone and to let
everyone see me through my art.
Community is the relationship of people surrounding you that you can rely on. My
current job has taught me tremendously about my community and how much of an
impact I make daily for my community. As an assistant teacher at Kozy Kids Enrichment
Center I learned that working with children is important. Not only am I an assistant
teacher, I am a role model, a caregiver and a lifeguard for children. I help them through
difficulties they face as a young child. Volunteering is also one way I serve to my
community by tutoring for Bienestar’s homework club, cleaning parks for Hillsboro Parks
and Recreation, distributing food or helping those in need. I’ve completed over 100
hours of volunteering. I take joy in helping others and being the support system for
younger children.

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