Zaky Al-Fatony Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University

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Zaky Al-Fatony Semarang, 18 June 2008

Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Gadjah Mada University

Confirmation and Invitation

Dear Sir/ Madam

International Conference on Food Science & Technology, “The Challenge of Universal
Food Quality & Safety Regime” committee, Soegijapranata Catholic University
Semarang, would like to send our sincere gratitude for your participation by sending us
an abstract “pplication of computational chemistry method to study the antioxidant
activity of vitamin e: reactions of α–tocopherol with the hydroperoxy radical”.

After compiling, we finally decide that you can participate in this conference as POSTER
presenter. Furthermore, we invite your complete soft copy manuscript (file.doc/.rtf) by
mail/email before July 17th, 2008. The manuscript must be in English, 15 pages
maximum with double spacing (including pictures & tables), Times New Roman 12 pt,
A4, and 2.5 cm margin (top-bottom-left-right). Generally, the manuscript should contain
Tittle & Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions
and References.

We also attach registration & payment form in this letter to be filled and returned to the
committee by fax/email/mail. In the meantime, that’s all our information. Thank you for
your attention. We are looking forward hearing from you

Sincerely yours,

Probo Y. Nugrahedi
Chair of committee
International Conference on Food Science and Technology

1. Registration form

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