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52913 DHS safety flip chart 6/1/05 4:27 PM Page 29

❏ For All Cuts, Scrapes, and Severed Body Parts

➔ Wash your hands then put on gloves;

➔ Identify the source of the bleeding and determine the severity of the

For all cuts and scrapes, document the event, actions taken, any calls
made and follow-up information in the child’s file with a duplicate copy
to the parent. Child care programs should notify their licensing or certi-
fying agency if treatment by a health care provider is needed or if emer-
gency medical services (911) are activated.

❏ Minor Wounds: small wounds which stop bleeding easily

➔ Have the victim lie down to avoid fainting;

➔ Gently wash the wound with soap and water, rinse with fresh water, if
necessary apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth or paper towel for
several minutes to stop bleeding;

➔ Apply a clean bandage;

➔ If bleeding continues or stitches may be needed, notify the parent to

take the child for medical attention.

❏ Serious wounds: large wounds or wounds which do not stop

bleeding easily

➔ DO NOT MOVE the victim if head, neck or spine injury is suspected,

except to move him from harm’s way. Move the victim as little as possi-
ble until a complete assessment of injuries has been made;

Cuts and Scrapes

52913 DHS safety flip chart 6/1/05 4:27 PM Page 30

➔ Elevate the injured area and apply direct continuous pressure immedi-
ately to the wound to stop bleeding. The victim may do this if he is able.
DO NOT apply tourniquets;

( Activate emergency medical services (911);

➔ If bleeding is profuse, use a towel or clothing to apply pressure (pres-

sure bandage) and do not loosen or remove even if they become blood-
soaked. If necessary, apply more layers with continued pressure to the
injured site;

➔ If you must transport, or move a bleeding victim yourself, get the help of
another adult to continue pressure on the wound, or firmly secure the
pressure bandage over the injured area with a belt, tie, strip of fabric,
flexible gauze bandage, ace bandage, etc.;

➔ If the victim is conscious and cooperative have him assist in applying

pressure to the wounded area while being transported;

❏ Severed Body Parts

( Activate emergency medical services (911);

➔ Apply direct continuous pressure immediately to the wound to stop

bleeding. The victim may do this if he is able. DO NOT apply tourniquets;

➔ If bleeding is profuse, use a towel or clothing to apply pressure (pres-

sure bandage) and do not loosen or remove even if they become blood-
soaked. If necessary, apply more layers with continued pressure to the
injured site;

➔ DO NOT waste time looking for a severed body part if it is not easily
located. If found, wrap it in a clean cloth, towel or paper towel moistened
with warm water. Do not attempt to wash the part, or place it on ice.
Transport the body part with the victim to the nearest emergency hospi-

➔ Do not give anything by mouth (food, drink, or medication);

➔ Follow “Infection Control Measures,” in this flipchart.

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